Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: DelBoy on September 06, 2012, 07:00:21 pm

Title: The Deborah Dudley Memorial Fund
Post by: DelBoy on September 06, 2012, 07:00:21 pm
Ladies and Gentlemen

At the current time, Club Arnage is holding approximately £1000 of charity money.  This has built up over the past three years but for a variety of reasons, has never been distributed to the relevant charities.

The charities that CA supports are The Assocoation of International Cancer Research and Motorsport Safety Fund.  

It has been decided that the money held will be donated equally to these charities as a memorial to Deb.

Not intending to give a eulogy at this time, but Deb has been a prolific contributer to Club Arnage - the statistics show that she is one of the highest 'posters', and is still the highest Topic starter by a long way, and she was active in other ways as well.  Her enthusiasm for, and knowledge of, sports car racing was extensive, and she endeared herself to many poeple, as attested by the comments on other threads.

Ian has requested that Deb's funeral remain a private affair, and is very keen on the suggested 'on-line memorial' at 10.00 BST on Monday.  As a consequence, I have opened the doors to accept donations from anyone that may wish to contribute to the Fund in lieu of attendance at the funeral, or, for that matter, for any other reason.  Contributions can be made by bank transfer or by Paypal:

Bank Transfer:  Account Name:Club Arnage, Bank: Natwest Bank Ltd, Sort Code: 60-03-27, Account Number:78121477, IBAN: GB31 NWBK 6003 2778 1214 77, BIC: NWBK GB 2L

Paypal:  Please go to and donate to  Please note that you need a Paypal account to do this.  Also, please ensure your payment via Paypal is marked as a Charitable Donation - this will ensure that your donation will not attract Paypal fees!

If you wish to make a contribution but are unable to do so via either of the above means, send me a PM and I will provide an address to which cash/cheques can be posted.

Ian is in agreement both with the selection of the charities and with the suggested actions, and I feel sure that he will make his own comments here if he has the time.

Please do not clog up this thread with 'I've made a donation' comments - please just quietly go and do it.  Similarly, there is another thread for comments of sympathy.

I will leave the fund open for a period to enable all those that wish to contribute to do so.

Many thanks for your attention


Title: Re: The Deborah Dudley Memorial Fund
Post by: Mr Termite on September 07, 2012, 12:03:12 pm
Fantastic, Del, thankyou very much. I am so proud of the response here and elsewhere, and this makes it tangible in a useful way.


Title: Re: The Deborah Dudley Memorial Fund
Post by: DelBoy on September 12, 2012, 01:13:59 pm
Now that Deb has had a good send-off, this is just a reminder that the electronic salver is being passed around to accept donations for charity in Deb's name - see above for details.

On behalf of Deb and Ian, many thanks for the generous donations made to-date.


Title: Re: The Deborah Dudley Memorial Fund
Post by: Mr Termite on September 12, 2012, 06:40:58 pm
I'm sure it's not an original thought, but Deb always used to say that if the dead could see the outpouring of grief at their funeral etc they would often be amazed. I think she would be truly gobsmacked to have such a Memorial Fund in her name, and I thank Del for his diligence and members for their generosity - lovely to see Deb's name associated with donations to such worthwhile charities.