Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: Stu on April 24, 2003, 04:36:24 pm

Title: Electric
Post by: Stu on April 24, 2003, 04:36:24 pm
As I have no room for the genny, has anyone ever managed to use the electric from one of those big generators that power the lights on the campsites. I'm on Houx Annexe this year and was thinking of taking a drum of cable so I can light up my pitch. Its either that or tap in to the overhead that runs round the site to power the road/street  lights. Thats if I can get up there.

Cheers Stu

Title: Re:Electric
Post by: freddie on April 25, 2003, 03:18:13 pm
Alright Stu,

Don't know much 'bout the electrics side i'm afraid, though i'm sure if you can get up the pole, once you get your cable connected you'll find a way down pretty quick!! Could be an interesting start to the HA pyro display though.... :o
You're the first clubarnager i've noticed that also has HA ticket, was it via those luvly people at the aco or tour ops? I had to get mine via one of the tour guys, a shame to line someone else's pockets but didn't seem to have much choice. It'd better be worth it!

See ya,


Title: Re:Electric
Post by: Stu on April 25, 2003, 04:35:23 pm
The connecting to the overhead lamps would'nt be a problem, ( you just need some thick Marigolds), its the getting up there. I ordered my tickets last year as soon as I arrived on the Tuesday. I have paid via my credit card and have the paid invoice here. The camping ticket was 35 euros. I originally order 2 admission and 2 camping  and so did my mate but they only gave us 1 ticket and 1 camping each. the other person that is going has ordered his through a tour package with Continental Car Tours. If they send me a ticket for somewhere else  >:( i'll be mass murdering when I get there. Had no tickets last year but went straight to the Rotunde which has extra tickets that have been returned for sale. We got on the Technopark. They will sell any spare tickets you have as my mate sold his car parking ticket there and you collect the money of them later.

Cheers Stu

Title: Re:Electric
Post by: Matt Harper on April 25, 2003, 07:51:20 pm
Have I missed something here, or is Stu actually contemplating hooking up his camping lights to the French National Grid?
I suppose the fact that it is somewhat - er, no, totally illegal is by the by.
I can visualise the flaming puppet of death, as it plummets earthward.
You are clearly as mad as a raddish, Stu.

Title: Re:Electric
Post by: Dave H on April 26, 2003, 12:17:34 am
Agreed - Stu, you may come to resemble your exploding head logo up there dude!

Call me crazy, but I think the locals in blue may start to take pot shots at you if they see you dangling off their power lines like they were monkey bars.  If caught on video however, you could become famous!  Dead, but famous...  Oh yeah, better make sure those Marigolds are nice and dry.

Title: Re:Electric
Post by: Stu on April 26, 2003, 01:14:43 am
Agreed - Stu, you may come to resemble your exploding head logo up there dude!

Call me crazy, but I think the locals in blue may start to take pot shots at you if they see you dangling off their power lines like they were monkey bars.  If caught on video however, you could become famous!  Dead, but famous...  Oh yeah, better make sure those Marigolds are nice and dry.
Crazy: (if thats what you want to be called)
I thought about doing it at night. The only problem is my white cable would look a bit more suspicious than black. Please note that I have had 415V through my napper before when I got my head between 2 phases. It hurt like f**k and I had a stinking headache for hours. At least if I injure myself I'll have something to write for the ' It Happened To Me' section thereby doubling the amount of subjects in it.


Title: Re:Electric
Post by: Dave H on April 26, 2003, 03:50:20 am
Hey Stu:

Take a f**k*ng great big power strip and extension cable and you could hire out electricity - get a long enough extension and you could run it to other campsites!  Of course, you'd have to make sure you're not making a profit!  Sorry, couldn't resist that.

If you do this and survive, we may need to ask Smokie to change his handle after the race so you can change your CA profile!

Good luck dude - I'll look for the sparks or major power outage!


Title: Re:Electric
Post by: BigH on April 28, 2003, 10:38:45 am
We tapped into the overhead one year. One of our lot is a sparks, so he had all the kit. I'm know next to f**k all about electrics so I don't know exactly what he connected to what, I was just thankful that he hadn't previously worked for the South African police force.

Title: Re:Electric
Post by: starbar on May 05, 2003, 09:12:26 pm
I remember that near the toilet blocks there are electric hook ups, (Not many) but people were using them, I am afraid it is first cum first served and you have to park near the toilets, the best ones seemed to be by the island where the shower block was.

If I were staying on HA this year I would have used hook up BUT this year I have managed to get into the Houx so am definatley taking hook up to go with the warm showers and cold beers.

Hope it helps