Title: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 20, 2003, 10:14:26 am If it is ever desired to retire the venerable Commer (or restrict it to supporting historic race meetings) the modern equivalents may be at hand......... ;D
http://www.beaterz.com/one_liners/0201/020111_japvan.htm http://www.beaterz.com/one_liners/0300/030011_eyazawa.htm http://www.beaterz.com/one_liners/0200/020004_toaster_van.htm Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on November 20, 2003, 11:04:31 am The people who made those must need their heads examining ::)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 20, 2003, 11:22:40 am I know - what a dreadful waste of money and effort to drive around in a thing worthy of Pokemon.....
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on November 20, 2003, 11:27:35 am Makes you wonder if there is something rather strange about the Japanese ::)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on November 20, 2003, 02:26:06 pm Beaterz.com is one of the funniest automotive sites on the internet.
Some of the appraisals of the hilarious rice-burners and other souped-up clunkers that the authors have discovered in and around Chicago IL are works of literary art. "Yellow stripes = Power, Stickers = Power" fantastic stuff and a great way to piss away a dull workday morning. Be sure to check-out the hate mail, it's classic. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on November 20, 2003, 03:01:56 pm That is f***ing hilarious ;D ;D ;D
People with that much lack of taste should have been shot at birth Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on November 20, 2003, 04:04:43 pm Some French and Belgian people can be insane too...
http://www.chez.com/jacky/images/vans/trafic-3/view.html http://www.chez.com/jacky/images/vans/trafic-1/view.html and not only with vans... http://www.chez.com/jacky/images/cars/granada-1/view.html http://www.chez.com/jacky/images/cars/kadett-1/view.html http://www.chez.com/jacky/images/cars/manta-1/view.html what is this one ?? Is it supposed to be a Commer ?? :P http://www.chez.com/jacky/images/cars/minibus-1/view.html Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on November 20, 2003, 05:23:55 pm Sure I have seen that last one Gilles or was I halucinating?! :D ;D ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on November 20, 2003, 05:25:42 pm Sure I have seen that last one Gilles or was I halucinating?! :D ;D ;) In the 70's on the road from London to Katmandu ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on November 20, 2003, 05:28:50 pm LOL!
My wife just said "Oh, I like that Astra" (Kadett), I nearly fell off my chair... Divorce? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on November 20, 2003, 05:30:47 pm LOL! My wife just said "Oh, I like that Astra" (Kadett), I nearly fell off my chair... Divorce? Ok for divorce if you keep the car !!! :P Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on November 20, 2003, 05:43:49 pm Oh dear, that's too much for me. I think I have to run for the toilet... :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 20, 2003, 05:46:12 pm A shame it's not a four door. Customised four doors always look so much tackier than the two door equivalent.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 20, 2003, 05:48:53 pm If it is ever desired to retire the venerable Commer (or restrict it to supporting historic race meetings) the modern equivalents may be at hand......... ;D In best Iain Paisley voice, Never, Never, Never!! The Commer is immortal, didn't you know? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: wishy on November 20, 2003, 08:49:50 pm The Commer might be immortal ...........but you must go on one of Dreamracers track days to qualfy the Commer for immortality,as I have done with the"Shed".
Wishy Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on November 20, 2003, 10:15:42 pm That sounds like a challenge to me ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on November 20, 2003, 10:48:45 pm Next track day , me and goldfish will bring on the Mini....
May just about beat the commer.... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 21, 2003, 09:56:29 am Andy,
Reference your statement - The Commer is immortal, didn't you know? - of course it is - as an example of British automotive engineering at its finest peak, it will live forever more - I was simply suggesting that maybe it now deserved the same sort of veneration and treatment that is accorded to the historic race cars - pampered and polished - or will you continue with the great tradition of only fixing it only when it breaks and using its performance to the maximum at every opportunity? ;) Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 21, 2003, 11:34:58 am The Commer is venerated wherever it goes. Except by me. It is currently languishing for the winter in the corner of a field under a tree. I might top up it's anti freeze mix if it is lucky.
It has no performance as such (40bhp) and weighs well over two tons laden for Le Mans. It is made of really think steel, you should try drilling through it! Last year going up a mild hill, it was so slow, I was able to put it in first gear, light a fag, smoke it, fiddle around changing the cassette tape in the wireless, before changing into second gear. It never breaks down so there is absolutely no need for any maintenance. Ever. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on November 21, 2003, 11:57:06 am It has no performance as such (40bhp) and weighs well over two tons laden for Le Mans. Turbo charger? ::) ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on November 21, 2003, 12:41:21 pm It has no performance as such (40bhp) and weighs well over two tons laden for Le Mans. Turbo charger? ::) ;) :D We've already discussed an arse kicking V8 conversion - winter project? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on November 21, 2003, 12:49:12 pm I remeber it well Steve. Hilarious stuff. I just thought a turbo might be a little more simple. ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on November 21, 2003, 12:54:33 pm I think turbocharging the poor little asthmatic Commer engine may be a bit terminal ;) I remember seeing a Fiat 127 with a similar modification that chucked it's con rods through the sump not long after :'( However, a jet engine - there's an EXCELLANT idea. (I wouldn't want to be following behind though)! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on November 21, 2003, 01:13:39 pm However, a jet engine - there's an EXCELLANT idea. (I wouldn't want to be following behind though)! Hmm..........suspension problems????? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 21, 2003, 03:34:53 pm Some things are best just left as they are. >:(
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on November 21, 2003, 03:48:50 pm Some things are best just left as they are. >:( Party pooper ;D ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on November 21, 2003, 03:51:46 pm Some things are best just left as they are. >:( Aw come on Andy, contemplating modifying the legendary Commer has given us many hours of innocent fun. ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on November 21, 2003, 03:57:33 pm Here is a good example ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on November 21, 2003, 03:58:29 pm and another ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on November 21, 2003, 04:04:03 pm I'm really struggling to see the Commer ever looking like one of those. Certainly give the Gendarmerie something to think about ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on November 21, 2003, 04:08:26 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on November 21, 2003, 04:34:56 pm :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on November 21, 2003, 04:45:55 pm Wow, it even looks like the sky is burning. What a machine !!! Still no jet engined Commer, Andy ? :D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Chef on November 22, 2003, 01:12:35 am i bet its a real sod trying to keep your martini in its glass in that thing.
steady james ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 24, 2003, 02:20:11 pm You have to be jokin' it!
No way, Jose! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 25, 2003, 12:59:12 pm Come on guys - forget a dry power jet - if you really want to fit a jet then at least make it a decent one with reheat.......
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 25, 2003, 01:25:07 pm Come on guys - forget a dry power jet - if you really want to fit a jet then at least make it a decent one with reheat....... Too expensive to drive to LM Mark. Think of the fuel bill.However, there was recently a milk float for sale on ebay that had a fully running Jet Provost engine bolted where the pintas should be. Went for a mere two grand. Now that WAS good value! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 25, 2003, 01:46:04 pm Yup, but it is only paraffin, it is much more impressive, and you do get there much quicker......if i was able to upload a piccy (which I can't at the moment, because the system keeps telling me the upload folder is full) you could see those lovely shock diamonds........ The Jet Provost was the milk float of the aviation world - constant thrust, variable noise.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 02, 2003, 09:48:32 am [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on December 02, 2003, 10:39:00 am Now wouldn't THAT look cool on Maison Blanche...
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 02, 2003, 11:09:34 am [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on December 02, 2003, 11:15:53 am Wow, brilliant tool for frying the sausages. ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 02, 2003, 11:22:06 am you could cook for the whole of Le mans with that thing :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: saveloy on December 02, 2003, 04:20:19 pm Mark.nice shot of the 71 and it's famed'diamonds' have you got a night shot of it.never gonna see it's type again, what a pity
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 02, 2003, 05:58:52 pm Now wouldn't THAT look cool on Maison Blanche... It would win the drag racing every time. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 02, 2003, 06:17:51 pm Heres a link to a good short video of a SR71 flyover, with good engine diamonds
http://www.wvi.com/~lelandh/srflyor.mpg It's 1.9 MB and took 3 minutes on ADSL to download. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 02, 2003, 07:50:25 pm SUPERB!!! Cheers Steve!! ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 02, 2003, 08:14:31 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 02, 2003, 08:15:22 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: wishy on December 02, 2003, 09:51:39 pm Well,as there is so much speculation about the famed Commer.I think Mr.Zarse should look at this link:
www.americanmotorhomes.co.uk Wishy Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 03, 2003, 12:20:03 am Andy,
Come on - this subject has aroused so much speculation, ranging from the vaguely practicable (if unwise) to the extraordinary (and definitely unwise). So just when will we see Team Commer entered in a new LMP2500 category, trailing a reheat plume down the Mulsanne, leaving the privateer Audis in its wake........one can but dream sometimes Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 09:38:55 am Andy, Come on - this subject has aroused so much speculation, ranging from the vaguely practicable (if unwise) to the extraordinary (and definitely unwise). So just when will we see Team Commer entered in a new LMP2500 category, trailing a reheat plume down the Mulsanne, leaving the privateer Audis in its wake........one can but dream sometimes Mark I think we may need to give some more thought to the Commer's corning abilities though. The blast down the Mulsanne may not stop at the corner :-\ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on December 03, 2003, 09:53:19 am I think we may need to give some more thought to the Commer's corning abilities though. The blast down the Mulsanne may not stop at the corner :-\ On the up side, with the proposed improvements the Commer will reach Tours easily within less than 5 minutes. ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 03, 2003, 10:48:22 am [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 11:09:09 am We may have problems with traction. Still the humps and bumps on the Mulsanne would be smoothed out.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 03, 2003, 11:33:31 am Quote I think we may need to give some more thought to the Commer's corning abilities though. The blast down the Mulsanne may not stop at the corner We could ask Mercedes to help - they've probably developed a way of controlling direction whilst airborne by now............. Alternatively, a stout bit of Armco on the outside track edge of all corners should help it to stay on the track...... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 03, 2003, 11:40:22 am Stop! Halt!
I don't want to be a party pooper, but things do seem to have side tracked to the surreal a shade too far. If God had wanted Commers to go quicker, he'd have shown the GPO how to tune them. Anyway, there is no known way to make a Commer go any faster than it actually feels it wants to. It's the only vehicle I have ever driven that genuinely gets "tired" on a long journey. If you stop and give it twenty minutes to get it's breath back, it roars off again, best foot forward. But half an hour later, it's once again knackered, wheezing and red in the face, even tho the temperature is constant. How can this be? It's other human characteristic is that it, and it alone, decides whether to start or not. Sometimes you can scrape the ice off the window and start it up first touch. Other days, it will not even fire once even with liberal doses of Bradex Easy Start, which I would have thought was an impossiblility. A good yelling at and threats of violence, a la Basil Fawlty, normally shows it who's boss. Any thoughts? My own theory is that it is haunted. I have reason to believe a previous owner committed suicide in it, which is why it was so cheap. There is also a nasty stain on the drivers seat cushion. You sometimes hear footsteps and terrible moaning noises in the night. And I was once woken by a cold hand stroking my face, even tho I was the only person in there! There are also the voices in the cooker that tell me to Kill! Kill! Kill! Spooky! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on December 03, 2003, 11:40:24 am I wonder if this particular 'tractor Trailer' unit might be any faster ;) No doubts about a lack of ground force, that's what I call a proper race car. ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 03, 2003, 11:45:06 am Andy, did the stain on the seat appear after a night at the strip show at the funfair (those were the days!!) ;)
As far as the moaning noises you hear, that was probably just your snoring (we heard it from Houx Annexe last year) ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 11:47:33 am Anyway, there is no known way to make a Commer go any faster than it actually feels it wants to. A vertical drop from the top of Beachy Head may help. ;D ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 03, 2003, 11:49:31 am How about this for a replacement engine......The Commer T3 2 stroke diesel engine..........follow the link, and click on 'links', strange indeed :-\ http://www.commer.org/
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 03, 2003, 11:59:18 am Gibber,
The T3 was superb bit of engineering theory, it was just let down by poor fuel control and monitoring systems. A flat 2 stroke supercharged diesel engine, each opposed pair of pistons shared a common combustion chamber. I think it was called reciprocating or something. With modern electronic control systems, it would be a winner today. And what a lovely smooth mellow noise they make. Did you see the moving gif of one on the Dutch Commer site above? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 12:04:13 pm I love the rockers from the piston rods to the crankshaft below.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 03, 2003, 12:05:36 pm Did you see the moving gif of one on the Dutch Commer site above? Sure did Andy, it's a work of art :D Shame it isn't available :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 12:07:29 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 03, 2003, 12:09:28 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 03, 2003, 12:10:31 pm Gib, you must have seen these in the RN? Never really played with the engines in the RN. Communications specialist Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 03, 2003, 12:13:26 pm Andy
How did you manage to copy that. When I tried, it came out as a static picture :-[ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 12:13:44 pm Never really played with the engines in the RN. Communications specialist Then you must have heard the banshee wailing noise they make ;)Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 03, 2003, 12:17:08 pm Then you must have heard the banshee wailing noise they make ;) If I had a quid for every strange noise I'd heard on a warship I'd be a very rich man....................'What do you mean, It's supposed to sound like that!' Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 12:20:14 pm If I had a quid for every strange noise I'd heard on a warship I'd be a very rich man....................'What do you mean, It's supposed to sound like that!' When I worked on supertankers and someone was concerned about something we used to say "that's f**k all on a big ship" - a good philosophy.Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 03, 2003, 12:22:27 pm Spent most of my service in tiddly things so you noticed when something went wrong................'Oh God, what's fallen over now?'
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 03, 2003, 12:30:56 pm Quote How about this for a replacement engine......The Commer T3 2 stroke diesel engine..........follow the link, and click on 'links', strange indeed Andy, Oh my lord, I am so sorry.......I didn't realise there was actually an owners club....... and you think a reheated jet-engined Commer is surreal ??? I too have an equally human mechanical device, which defies engineering logic - instead of my usual trusty steed of an MGA, I will embark on the quest to Le Mans one year in my 1957 Berkeley which is powered by the mighty 328cc Excelsior 2-stroke engine, endowed with a magnificent 20bhp. That way, the Commer may be in good company and stand a chance of beating something on the drag strip............ ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 03, 2003, 12:53:19 pm A Berkeley you say? Is it like one of those Reliant things where the Villiers 250cc drove a chain to the front wheel? Sounds so crap it's got to be good!
There is no Commer Owners Club in the UK, only in Holland for some reason. They must be strange folk. Commers are catered for by the Classic Camper Club. It's all-action, madcap craziness in the CCC! Click here to read what they get up to: http://classiccamperclub.tripod.com/memberstales.htm I especially like the bit about camping next to the tramp's soup kitchen. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 03, 2003, 01:10:48 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 01:13:58 pm There is no Commer Owners Club in the UK, only in Holland for some reason. They must be strange folk. Commers are catered for by the Classic Camper Club. Andy, take a look at thishttp://www.sa.hillman.org.au/BobPrattCamper.htm The guy bought one in South Australia ! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 01:16:27 pm The Berkeley is one of those quirks of manufacturing and marketing I recall a guy I knew in the later 80's with one of these. The original engine expired so he transplated a Honda 750 four engine in. It went somewhat better after that. :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 03, 2003, 01:21:24 pm Did you not see it when you were out there? Funnily enough, I saw one in superb nick in New Zealand last year.
Bob is a man after my own heart. I quote from his webpage, he says he prefers: "....a full-height body and a rear entry, making for a very comfortable lay out..." Who could want more? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 01:26:34 pm Bob is a man after my own heart. I quote from his webpage, he says he prefers: "....a full-height body and a rear entry, making for a very comfortable lay out..." Star player ;DI've just done some more surfing and .... yes... there's a Yahoo group for the Commer camper - have you joined yet ?? http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/campervan/ All known life is here :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 01:31:23 pm Wayhey, they have Commers in Japan (or some other Oriental place??)
http://www.geocities.co.jp/MotorCity-Circuit/1867/ourcars/commer/commer02.html What would I do without Google ? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 03, 2003, 01:38:12 pm Yes, I joined but it's as dull as ditch water.
Commers in Japan? There is a rumour that Toyota took one over years ago and took it to pieces, worked out how they could make it cheaper and better. There were not many forward control vans prior to that. It became the HiAce, the rest is history. It is not as wide as a Commer due to domestic road tax reasons in Japan. Britain leads, gets copied, then overtaken. It is the old story. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 03, 2003, 02:28:03 pm Quote The Berkeley is one of those quirks of manufacturing and marketing I recall a guy I knew in the later 80's with one of these. The original engine expired so he transplated a Honda 750 four engine in. It went somewhat better after that. Steve, Indeed, engine transplants were/are popular and I have been looking at the same sort of thing to up the power output - the main problem with the bike engines is the lack of a reverse gear and the relatively tall height of a four-stroke not fitting under the bonnet. The original gearbox is an Albion made 3 or 4 speed with reverse. A fellow Berkeley owner is just about to take his hillclimbing and/or sprinting after transplanting a Rotax 2-stroke - with slightly over 100bhp on tap it should be entertaining! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 02:46:09 pm From what I remember he fabricated a chain drive from the output shaft of the bike engine to the transmission of the Berkeley ?? In the kit car world, people are now fitting Hayabusa and Fireblade engines to 'Seven' type kit cars. These engines are canted slightly so as to reduce the height. There are a number of specialist manufacturers making simple reverse gear mechanisms to fit after the bike transmission. These are either epicylic assemblies enabling reverse, or else a simple electric motor that engages to provide rewards movement. You pays your money etc...... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 03, 2003, 03:04:03 pm Indeed you do - and at £600-odd for a Quaife reverse assembly, I think I would be heading into jury-rigged electric motor territory! The Hayabusa/Fireblade bike engines are popular, but the dear old Berkeley really doesn't need anything quite that powerful - working out the maths, something more modest with around 70bhp would give a top speed of around 120mph and 50-60lb/ft torque a 0-60 time of about 6 seconds - that said, the bloody thing is frightening enough at an indicated 60 !
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 03, 2003, 03:05:26 pm Commers are catered for by the Classic Camper Club. It's all-action, madcap craziness in the CCC! Click here to read what they get up to: http://classiccamperclub.tripod.com/memberstales.htm I especially like the bit about camping next to the tramp's soup kitchen. Oh lord! Malcolm and the wheel..................counds like a determined chap ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2003, 03:18:52 pm The dear old Berkeley really doesn't need anything quite that powerful Come to think of it, the one I know of that was converted, as far as I remember, was a 3 wheeler (2 at the front) - am I going senile ?? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 03, 2003, 03:37:32 pm Quote Come to think of it, the one I know of that was converted, as far as I remember, was a 3 wheeler (2 at the front) - am I going senile ?? Steve, You may well be going senile. but not in this respect. Berkeley produced more 3 than 4 wheelers, because they could be driven with road tax and a licence for a motorbike. The 4 wheelers are exactly the same except the shape of the back end and the obvious addition of the fourth wheel... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 04, 2003, 04:13:41 pm Rick M,
You missed out last time but it's here again - and in Peterborough http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2446723767&category=14256 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 04, 2003, 04:14:51 pm Alternatively, if you want a slightly larger Commer
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2445704068&category=18307 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 04, 2003, 04:16:18 pm Or something a bit smaller
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3569715547&category=16481 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 04, 2003, 04:29:35 pm CA ought to buy the second one and present it to Andy for all ther entertainment that the Commer gives us...............respect AZ ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 04, 2003, 04:36:46 pm I especially like the fact that it was an ex Mr Whippy Van. That could be easily changed to Miss Whippy ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 04, 2003, 04:40:12 pm Very kind Gibber, but what do I want a bloody ice cream van for? Anyway the original Commer (the evil one) would get very angry.
BTW I looked at it yesterday through the kitchen window and was sure I could see somebody sitting in the back, looked like an old man. :o Dashed outside but there was no one in there! I am now convinced it's haunted. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 04, 2003, 04:44:24 pm It sounds as though it needs an exorcism. Maybe you should name the Commer Christine. :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 04, 2003, 04:45:27 pm It sounds as though it needs an exorcism. Maybe you should name the Commer Christine. :o After Hamilton? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 04, 2003, 04:48:16 pm It sounds as though it needs an exorcism. Maybe you should name the Commer Christine. :o After Hamilton? Hmm, yes. You're definately onto something there. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 04, 2003, 04:52:18 pm Very kind Gibber, but what do I want a bloody ice cream van for? I was refering to the toy Andy ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 04, 2003, 04:53:35 pm I especially like the fact that it was an ex Mr Whippy Van. That could be easily changed to Miss Whippy ;D Then he could park it in the funfair and make a fortune as the rest of the "entertainment" has gone! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 04, 2003, 04:54:15 pm But it's a real ice cream van. Do you mean the 3rd item? Who would possibly want a battered old Commer van?
Errr... Oh! :-[ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 04, 2003, 04:54:49 pm It sounds as though it needs an exorcism. Maybe you should name the Commer Christine. :o After Hamilton? I know I'm getting old but don't you think she has a certain flirtatiousness about her :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 04, 2003, 04:56:34 pm Nop i dont. She's a hideous old money grabbing witch. ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 04, 2003, 04:57:11 pm But it's a real ice cream van. Do you mean the 3rd item? Who would possibly want a battered old Commer van? Errr... Oh! :-[ Ah yes Andy, quite right, the third one. Lunchtime research getting to me ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 04, 2003, 04:59:33 pm Nop i dont. She's a hideous old money grabbing witch. ;D Fair enough..........I am getting old :-[ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 04, 2003, 05:12:07 pm It sounds as though it needs an exorcism. Maybe you should name the Commer Christine. :o Nah. Christine is a silly name for a van. How about Chameleon....as in 'Commer commer commer commer commer-chameleon' Oh lord now I've totelly lost it ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 04, 2003, 05:17:00 pm Nop i dont. She's a hideous old money grabbing witch. ;D Careful Andy, or she'll have you in court ala Mohammed Al Fayed Stylie :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on December 04, 2003, 05:24:53 pm Miss Christine Whippy as a name for a Commer van ? Now you're getting silly... or is it me ? ;D
BTW, we are on page 8 now. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 04, 2003, 05:30:02 pm we are on page 8 now. ... and counting ;DChristine Whippy sounds like the name of an american trash metal band ? (or it should be) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 04, 2003, 10:44:51 pm Rick M, You missed out last time but it's here again - and in Peterborough http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2446723767&category=14256 Well blow me! Thanks Steve. It's like it's meant to be, wonder what transpired for the original deal to fall through? Surely people don't bid on ebay then back out do they? That's just not cricket! Run it past Mrs. Meister and I rather think I would be living in it permanently if this gorgeous piece of Commerness were to make the short trip up the A15 to Bourne. Mind you, now the Bond Bug is sold and due for collection tomorrow, there is space in my mate's yard!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on December 04, 2003, 11:26:10 pm Jeeezus!
You can tell the season's over and the nights are drawing in. EIGHT pages on the subject of Zarse's f**k*ng van! You're all mad as badgers. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 12:09:53 am Jeeezus! You can tell the season's over and the nights are drawing in. EIGHT pages on the subject of Zarse's f**cking van! You're all mad as badgers. ;D So that's what the striping in my hair is!! And I thought it was just the onset of greyness! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on December 05, 2003, 12:56:21 am I could always make it Read Only...
but I'm quite enjoying it so I won't Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 05, 2003, 10:25:54 am Jeeezus! You can tell the season's over and the nights are drawing in. EIGHT pages on the subject of Zarse's f**cking van! You're all mad as badgers. It's one of those strange English things Matt. The Commer is to be admired because it IS..............nothing more. And Mr Z is to be admired for publicly owning up to having it ;D Of such things were the British Empire built. Yup, mad badgers as well :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 11:18:47 am [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 11:32:27 am no mention so far has been made of those wonders of aesthetic style and engineering quality such a the Bedford CF Ah, now that is one sweet little baby that I would like to own. Earlier styling a must and even gone as far as to get the Haynes manual from ebay!! Oh dear, feel I've given away too much again. What little shred of credibility I had left has now gone forever! But what a Lemons-mobile that would be!! Would have to be a van, fitted out with furry interior and funky seats and kick-ass stereo and........... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 05, 2003, 11:36:44 am [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 05, 2003, 11:41:16 am [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 05, 2003, 11:53:32 am I could always make it Read Only... but I'm quite enjoying it so I won't Smokie, I'm sure there's far more entertainment to come :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 11:56:01 am Oh dear, just found this for sale on my favourite CF website:
FOR SALE Thursday 4th Dec 2003 at 19:58 1971 cf custom van 5.2ltr chevy auto box, one of a kind reshaped and custom paint work. sofa bed gull wing side door, cd plus amp sound system. this van is a well known van on the custom car shows. current mot and tax. sounds and looks very tasty ! must go space needed £1350.00. ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 05, 2003, 11:57:37 am Go on Rick, give yourself an early Christmas present.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 12:05:49 pm Just waiting for the chap to send me photos!! Top of a very steep and slippery slope down I think! :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 05, 2003, 12:07:10 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 05, 2003, 12:07:40 pm Ooops we're on page 9 now !!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 05, 2003, 12:13:32 pm Oh dear, just found this for sale on my favourite CF website: FOR SALE Thursday 4th Dec 2003 at 19:58 1971 cf custom van 5.2ltr chevy auto box, one of a kind reshaped and custom paint work. sofa bed gull wing side door, cd plus amp sound system. this van is a well known van on the custom car shows. current mot and tax. sounds and looks very tasty ! must go space needed £1350.00. ;D Ah now, if it was an early Transit van with similar interior I might be tempted :-X Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 12:19:32 pm Ooops we're on page 9 now !! OK well let's work hard to make it 10+ so Matt will be even more impressed!! ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on December 05, 2003, 12:20:47 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 12:26:20 pm If the the boyz from da hood went, then this may be there van ;D Marvellous! Nice one Nordic! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on December 05, 2003, 12:33:47 pm That's a great one, it's so low you can easily enter it with a wheelchair, just roll in. ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 05, 2003, 12:48:15 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 01:08:14 pm How about something with a couple more wheels? Now that IS a Lemons-mobile, even room for an indoor barbie!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 01:36:24 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 01:43:04 pm Has to be said that the CA was indeed a gorgeous creation and would be high on my list if it wasn't for my strange childhood fixation with wanting to be a van driver and a yearning for the CF that was borne out of an endless stream of Trannies that were my steed in my delivery days!!
And that is a particularly fine example. To quote our beloved Loaded mag - "Good Work Fella" to both the owner and you for supplying the photo!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 01:49:11 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 02:07:52 pm Crikey - where have all these beauties been all my life?
Unfortunately all the van trannies I drove were of the MkII/facelift variety but I drove a few of these with dormobile bodies and chairlifts! Oh those were the days, just bumming around from one pay packet to the next. ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 05, 2003, 02:09:08 pm Rick, several CFs for sale on the Classic Camper Club website, not too expensive. Hit the link then click where it says CLICK HERE under the Tin Snail.
http://classiccamperclub.tripod.com/Forsalesandwants.htm My own best memory of the CF is of a local builder who owned one near where I grew up. The man was as thick as pig sh*t and twice as smelly. ;D Anyway, one day he tried to run over a pheasant in the road to feed his to 'orrible vandal kids. The pheasant moved to the other side of the road, so the fool swerved to hit it, lost control and smashed into a stone built bridge. What a mess, van written off and his teeth smashed in. :D It improved his looks no end. The pheasant got away, shortly after his wife ran off with the man from the Pru. :'( Commer drivers are the gentlemen of the roads and would not plumb such depths of behaviour. I suggest you join the international Commer set and not the Bedford louts. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on December 05, 2003, 02:23:22 pm The first one is even a prototype, a real LMP so to say. I wasn't aware that Ford built any LMPs in 1972 but hey, you never stop learning. This one even has hot & cold running water, shower, toilet, fridge and a cooker. Seems to be the ideal vehicle for a 24 hour non stop run.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 02:31:39 pm Cripes, there is plenty of divorce-fodder there that's for sure!!
Hmmm........ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 02:32:12 pm Wahaaayyyy - made it to page 10!!! You still reading Matt?? ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 05, 2003, 02:48:11 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 03:08:10 pm Great!!! (Where are all these beauties kept and how come we never see any on the road?).
But have you noticed what lurks in the background behind Tweety????? ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 05, 2003, 03:14:00 pm But have you noticed what lurks in the background behind Tweety????? ;D Oh crikey Rick, how could I have missed it............Superb ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 03:48:43 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on December 05, 2003, 03:55:18 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 05, 2003, 03:58:08 pm With all the focus we have had on Commer alternatives, with Andy stoutly and proudly defending the Commer heritage, if not their human characteristics, one should not forget the ultimate conection between Commer and Le Mans :o..........the Ecurie Ecosse transporter.......... Hellfire Mark that is fabulous. I'm sure I had a Dinky toy of one of those when I was a kid. Be worth a fortune now if I still had it, which i don't :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 05, 2003, 03:59:50 pm words fail me And the rest of the world I should imagine :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 04:12:13 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 05, 2003, 04:21:02 pm I DO NOT BELIEVE IT :o :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 04:24:53 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 05, 2003, 04:30:58 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 05:10:10 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 05, 2003, 05:14:27 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on December 05, 2003, 05:14:39 pm Wahaaayyyy - made it to page 10!!! You still reading Matt?? ;) It's been an education - and all we get over here are $250,000 Prevost RV's - all marble worktops, double a/c's and auxillary power units. The Ecosse transporter was hilarious. I'm impressed by your collective lunacy and bizarre vehicle finding ability, you frickin' nutters. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 05:21:03 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 05, 2003, 05:23:38 pm Great!!! (Where are all these beauties kept and how come we never see any on the road?). But have you noticed what lurks in the background behind Tweety????? ;D Yes, this is a very interesting early Model. Mine is a PB1500, this one is a PA1500, you can tell because it does not have the trademark lozenge shaped grille, it is rather more sqare in aspect. And the handbrake worked on the back wheels not the front. Also the wiper switch and fan switch are an inch to the right on the dash. Thank God I'm not an anorak. ;) It is also looks as if it's about to f**k Tweety up the arse. :o :o I would expect no less from any all male, red bloodied Commer. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 05, 2003, 05:32:26 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on December 05, 2003, 06:58:48 pm I'm reminded of the Putley Creach Land Yacht, as featured in The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 05, 2003, 07:15:14 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 05, 2003, 07:15:50 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 07:32:45 pm Quote This unit comes with a 3 burner hob, oven, fridge, h.w. heater, blown-air furnace, air conditioning, awning, flush toilet, shower, hot water, fresh water tank, waste tank, water pump, drivers door, passenger door, rear entry door, a ride as nice as a motor car and great visibility through large windows, and the rear door. Other standard features included a folding entry step, front wheel drive for better road handling during high winds, and better traction in snow. Powersteering, power brakes, made driving ease even better. So, pretty thin on all those luxury accessories in that wild,wild west then........... ;) ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 07:52:01 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 07:52:59 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 07:56:45 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on December 05, 2003, 08:52:55 pm Steve Brown - Good work fella!
MGMark - Why are you looking at a website called 'old woodies'? I'm very worried about that. It's not right. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 05, 2003, 10:15:17 pm Matt - I wasn't looking for it deliberately - honest - I just typed "car camper conversion" into google to see what else I could find and there they were under the images tab - they really were just too good to miss, particularly the Model T with the mobile home on the back - all you need with that is a trailer to put the pool in and you too can be the envy of all on MB, as you sup your gin sling on the patio as the sun goes down !!!!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 05, 2003, 10:24:37 pm I particularly like the windscreen arrangement on the Model T - most impressive!!
Yes I'm still here and not down the pub! It's gone 9pm and I'm still graftin' away with the occasional dip into this lark when a mail comes in telling me there's another comment on the "badger post"! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 06, 2003, 09:33:19 am Good to find another Freak Bros fan Steve!! I'll have to dig out my collection (and bong) for a trip down memory lane...! ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: powermite on December 06, 2003, 12:14:18 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on December 06, 2003, 05:57:06 pm PM - If thats what you call a beauty , hate to think what you favourite flosy lady is like.
The 1915 Gypsy van looks like it was a pre runner to the Pope Mobile Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 07, 2003, 07:45:38 pm Quote Ive come onto this topic late in the day,but may I offer this beauty seen while on hols in OZ last year PM, Late in the day or not, that one is sheer class in this day and age - what is it? A fish and chip van? A caravan? A coach? A mobile Library? Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 09, 2003, 07:01:16 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 09, 2003, 10:31:44 pm I can see the marketing lines now.......Comma, helps you jack faster!! ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 10, 2003, 09:56:17 am Comma, helps you jack faster!! ;D A tad rude if I might say so Mark ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 11, 2003, 12:49:47 pm [attachment deleted by admin - age > 25 days] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on December 12, 2003, 09:23:13 am Quote From the web - Pictured here on a chilly Autumnal campsite in beautiful mid Wales, it's a 1988 Bedford Rascal parcel van transformed into a three berth (there's a hammock in the elevating roof) motor caravan by Danbury Conversions. It would be hopeless for pan-continental touring, obviously, but it's absolutely perfect for exploring the British Isles at a leisurely pace by the back roads. Strap a couple of bikes to the back, fill the water tank and make sure the gas canister is on board. Couldn't resist this one. Here is a real contender for a modern Commer replacement - and its British. And it has three berths (for what??!!). If it was laden with 3 people, a couple of bikes etc, I imagine that the good old Commer would just blow it into the weeds.......... Ok for the modern aspect but it doesn't have the glamorous aspect of the Commer use... ... it might be not so easy to be be proud of driving it better than a Commer... ... and really more difficult to include on the ACO poster :P !!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 13, 2003, 11:30:37 am ... and really more difficult to include on the ACO poster :P !!! I don't know Gilles. It could easily resemble a UK Audi that has parked up because it ran out of fuel. No surprise really that they haven't invited Biela back to drive again next year!!?? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on December 13, 2003, 02:22:55 pm Bedford Rascal v's COMMER
top fuel dragg strip action both running on Shell Ultra Max On N138 in June = Road Block :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on December 15, 2003, 06:27:32 pm Bedford Rascal v's COMMER Bedford Rascal a UK van ????? In continental europe it's called GME Rascal but in fact... ... it's a japanese van !!!! :P Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 15, 2003, 06:30:36 pm DO NOT under any circumstances take this thread to Page 13.
The Curse of the Commer will strike anyone foolish enough to incur its' wrath. You have all been warned. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 15, 2003, 09:22:36 pm Bedford Rascal v's COMMER Bedford Rascal a UK van ????? In continental europe it's called GME Rascal but in fact... ... it's a japanese van !!!! :P Yeah! When I used to run a courier company down in Notting Hill, we used to have a Suzuki Supercarry which was I believe the same thing. What a corking little van it was ... NOT!! It was a reserve van and everyone dreaded the day their car or van needed a service!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 16, 2003, 09:46:59 am Quote DO NOT under any circumstances take this thread to Page 13. The Curse of the Commer will strike anyone foolish enough to incur its' wrath. You have all been warned. Andy, with due apologies, but this is just too good to stifle - the thread moved long ago to having the largest number of posts, and most of them are on topic! The Commer should not be unduly upset, as the emphasis has moved subtly to taking the p*ss out of other makes with the sole purpose of making it look better. Following from my last post, for those who are feeling as though their life is not complete, the opportunity for that Christmas present to yoursefl is here! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2447452382&category=9858 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2447452382&category=9858) As I type, 10 bidders have taken it to £1020 and it hasn't even met its reserve yet. It even has an HPI check, although who would want to nick it is beyond me. Looking at the pictures, there must be a Tardis-like parallel dimension inside, or it's just made for very small people....... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 10:10:11 am DO NOT under any circumstances take this thread to Page 13. The Curse of the Commer will strike anyone foolish enough to incur its' wrath. You have all been warned. Sorry Andy, feeling like b**ls of steel this morning. Don't know if this will go to the next page or not, but my bones are telling me that the Commer is making strange noises right now ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 10:13:19 am Quote Sorry Andy, feeling like b**ls of steel this morning. Don't know if this will go to the next page or not, but my bones are telling me that the Commer is making strange noises right now ;) Quote I cannot, in all conscience let someone else run this risk..............here goes nothing (oh Lord I hear the Commer revving up) :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 10:15:09 am DO NOT under any circumstances take this thread to Page 13. The Curse of the Commer will strike anyone foolish enough to incur its' wrath. You have all been warned. Well now, that wasn't too painful. I'm sure the Commer is resting peacefully..............Argh no its its iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 16, 2003, 10:17:34 am Well done that man - I hope you are still alive and well.........what's that I hear coming down the corridor now....... oh no..........it's after me now.......
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 10:26:35 am Mark
Let's keep distracting it, and maybe it will become too asthmatic to continue the chase.........................Oh sh*t Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 16, 2003, 10:30:39 am Impossible........the thing just rests to catch its wind and then keeps on coming......aaaahhhhh.......I'll just nip sideways into this meeting room and see if it loses the scent.......
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 10:32:17 am Bl**dy he** Mark, that thing moves fast. All quiet here at the moment...................
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 16, 2003, 10:36:17 am Phew....that was close.....I think I managed to lose it in the twisty turning corridors of pure power here. Off to do a bit of work now, I'll report back later.......
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 16, 2003, 11:30:04 am So would page 13 be a bad time for me to join in this discussion?
(http://www.dreamracers.net/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/ghostface.gif) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 11:42:12 am Depends if you hear the growling, moaning noises of a Commer on the hunt :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 16, 2003, 12:11:39 pm Wait... is that a misfire I hear in the distance? Was that a door creaking in my house or the suspension of one of the worlds finest campervans? :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 12:16:59 pm run man RUN LIKE HELL :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 16, 2003, 12:17:14 pm So would page 13 be a bad time for me to join in this discussion? (http://www.dreamracers.net/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/ghostface.gif) I'm waiting for page 14.......and it should be here pretty soon!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 12:21:38 pm I'm waiting for page 14.......and it should be here pretty soon!! ;D Be it on youw own head mark, you insisted on joining page 13. Watch your back Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 16, 2003, 12:29:36 pm That would be the back that now has tyre marks along it..??!!
I think it found me!!!!...... Or could it just be where I fell over in the middle of the road on the way back from the pub last night?? ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 16, 2003, 12:30:53 pm I have to say it's pretty scary too about the speed it seems to be able to travel between us when AZ says it can't get above 55mph normally!! ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 12:57:56 pm Must be page 13 warp speed. Let's get on to 14 QUICK
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 16, 2003, 01:10:22 pm Well, I made it through the meeting and - at great risk to personal safety - made a sortie outside to track down the angry wagon. Proof here that its top speed is well in escess of 55mph, but that the beast's weak point is that its handling department cannot cope with a swift, well-timed sidestep................
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 16, 2003, 01:37:53 pm I survived, and my tale is one of quick thinking and guile. I hid the WD40 and walked away, as with old electrics, I was more likely to make the getaway than an old van ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 16, 2003, 02:00:36 pm Sound thinking - but beware, it's probably off raiding Halfords and limbering up on a diet of jack oil ready for the next phase.................. this news article has chilling overtones of this morning's testing of our defences..........
A group of the Commers ransacked the cemetery in the remote village of Makrino Zagoriou, damaging the gravestones of deceased locals and drinking oil from the lamps adorning their tombs. "This is the second time in two months that the Commers have come to our village," said local councillor Stiris Spyradakis. "This time nothing was left undisturbed." Now the villagers fear that the Commers, emboldened by their recent adventures, could turn their attention to the living. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 02:49:13 pm This of course raises the festive question of..........................
Was it the Ghost of Commer Past, Commer Present, or Commer Future! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 16, 2003, 02:51:36 pm and whether it is transitive or intransitive...........
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 16, 2003, 02:57:11 pm Ooh that's getting a tad tangential for me ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 16, 2003, 06:15:54 pm At exactly 10.13.19 am this morning, at precisely the time of Gibber opening the thirteenth page, a terrible rumbling was heard to be coming from the general direction of the Commer. Now it could have been the big ends, but it sounded more paranormal than that.
Then at about 11.30 today, my wife phoned to say she's smashed in the front of her car in Tunbridge Wells. Nothing serious, she's okay, but I am not making this up! You are playing with forces of which mortal man has no comprehension. You do so at your own peril, you young fools! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 16, 2003, 06:45:23 pm Hey Gibberish.....he called you young!! ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 16, 2003, 06:47:08 pm Seriously though, sorry to hear about the wife's crash Andy. Glad she's OK!!
Her well being does of course eliminate The Commer as tangling with that would have been serious!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on December 16, 2003, 07:02:10 pm At exactly 10.13.19 am this morning, at precisely the time of Gibber opening the thirteenth page, a terrible rumbling was heard to be coming from the general direction of the Commer. Now it could have been the big ends, but it sounded more paranormal than that. Then at about 11.30 today, my wife phoned to say she's smashed in the front of her car in Tunbridge Wells. Nothing serious, she's okay, but I am not making this up! You are playing with forces of which mortal man has no comprehension. You do so at your own peril, you young fools! Maybe it's time I locked the thread, we wouldn't be wanting the Curse of Club Arnage to cause Andy any more trouble would we... ...guidance please... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 16, 2003, 07:40:55 pm Hey, looks like you all have been busy today, sorry I couldn't participate (went to work) ;D
Looks like the ghostly Commer even got as far as New Zealand today ! [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 16, 2003, 11:59:19 pm Quote Maybe it's time I locked the thread, we wouldn't be wanting the Curse of Club Arnage to cause Andy any more trouble would we... ...guidance please... Smokie - I think we should be OK now, as the mystic page number has been passed and Andy has not reported any further rumblings. It's really rather a nice topic, with a main central theme familiar to us all - namely that classic British vehicle engineering is a thing of wonder with innate human character- the subject sort of wanders off periodically into related territories on a random basis that makes sense. However, as he is the keeper of the beast, I think that any arbitration on locking it should lie with Andy. Andy - glad to hear that the missus is OK Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 17, 2003, 10:15:18 am Hey Gibberish.....he called you young!! ;D Just goes to show how disoriented the poor boy must be. Something to do with living in close proximity to a Commer ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 17, 2003, 10:19:19 am Andy. Please accept abject apologies for forcing the issue onto page 13. If I thought for one minute that this had contributed to your wife's accident I would be most upset. Glad she's OK though.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 17, 2003, 11:24:01 am Best we get to page 15 asap then to put some distance between us and p*ge *3 (I'm not going to say it again in case it is cursed. As with "The Scottish Play", I suggest it should now be referred to as "That Page" ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 17, 2003, 11:38:37 am As with "The Scottish Play", I suggest it should now be referred to as "That Page" ;) 'Afore Burnham Wood do come to Dunsinane', if I remember my Shakespear correctly. How about 'That OTHER Page' :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 17, 2003, 12:09:06 pm Quote 'Afore Burnham Wood do come to Dunsinane', if I remember my Shakespear correctly. Gibberish - close - "Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane, I cannot taint with fear." Macbeth, 5. 3 So presumably we're OK until the woods start marching - How many beers does it take for that to happen? Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 17, 2003, 12:14:36 pm Oh No!!! Not the trees.............!!!!!
Although I must say that on the day we won the world cup, a tree came to my aid, as did a set of traffic lights. They were the only stable things I could grab hold of to hold myself up when trying to walk home! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 17, 2003, 12:31:19 pm Gibberish - close - "Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane, I cannot taint with fear." Macbeth, 5. 3 Mark Oh no, my English teacher would be mortified ::) Did you look that up Mark, or did you know it straight off? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 17, 2003, 12:54:05 pm Quote Did you look that up Mark, or did you know it straight off? My english teacher wouldn't have been mortified, just astounded if I had remembered a Shakespeare quote accurately, so honest injun on this one - from the dim and hazy memory of it from school days it didn't look quite right, so I admit to looking it up! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 17, 2003, 01:00:49 pm How very honest, the Commer would be proud of you as long as we don't mention The Other Page :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 17, 2003, 01:15:25 pm Quote a tree came to my aid, as did a set of traffic lights. Now you could of course go for both in one................. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on December 17, 2003, 01:21:25 pm Maybe you could turn the tree into something as well ::)
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 17, 2003, 02:26:08 pm I was just wondering whether we should start something like the Commer Awards. AZ gets the frist prize for being the owner, but I can't help wondering what other categories we might be able to think up. Most original use of a Commer? Most silly suggestion for what to do with a Commer? Scariest Commer Moment (see 'The Other Page') :o
;D ;D ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 17, 2003, 06:05:21 pm I was just wondering whether we should start something like the Commer Awards. AZ gets the frist prize for being the owner, but I can't help wondering what other categories we might be able to think up. Most original use of a Commer? Most silly suggestion for what to do with a Commer? Scariest Commer Moment (see 'The Other Page') :o Highest speed achieved by a Commer ....... vertically from the top of Beachy Head ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 10:23:55 am Quote Highest speed achieved by a Commer ....... vertically from the top of Beachy Head Now that was uncalled for and just so unkind - that's the sort of thing you do to an Austin Allegro......... Go for a few tasteful modifications like this to assess the speed at which lift is obtained when launched down a runway...... [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 10:30:01 am Austin Allegro indeed sir :o How dare you use such foul language on this site, and especially in the illustrious company of the Commer. Wash your mouth out with soap. ;D ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 10:37:34 am Quote Highest speed achieved by a Commer ....... vertically from the top of Beachy Head Go for a few tasteful modifications like this to assess the speed at which lift is obtained when launched down a runway......It sounds like we're heading back full circle to a jet engined Commer ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 10:41:55 am Quote Austin Allegro indeed sir How dare you use such foul language on this site, and especially in the illustrious company of the Commer. Wash your mouth out with soap. My dear chap, it was merely to illustrate the sheer quality and noble breed of the Commer set against such trash as the Allegro, when someone suggests chucking one off Beachy Head to check the accuracy of the 32 feet per second per second rule. If the Taylor Aerocar could do it in 1954 (see picture below) then I am sure that strapping a couple of wings and a tail on the Commer would work to add a new dimension to the trip to Le Mans....... [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 18, 2003, 10:44:49 am Quote a tree came to my aid, as did a set of traffic lights. Now you could of course go for both in one................. Help!! If I'd come across that I would have had no chance of fnding my way back to my mates house. In fact, I'd probably still be wandering around Surrey now!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 18, 2003, 10:47:07 am Quote Austin Allegro indeed sir How dare you use such foul language on this site, and especially in the illustrious company of the Commer. Wash your mouth out with soap. My dear chap, it was merely to illustrate the sheer quality and noble breed of the Commer set against such trash as the Allegro, when someone suggests chucking one off Beachy Head to check the accuracy of the 32 feet per second per second rule. If the Taylor Aerocar could do it in 1954 (see picture below) then I am sure that strapping a couple of wings and a tail on the Commer would work to add a new dimension to the trip to Le Mans....... And a great way to avoid the rip off ferry companies!! ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 10:48:58 am Quote It sounds like we're heading back full circle to a jet engined Commer Steve, now there's an idea.......mind you, the original inventor of the aerocar is now actually developing a modern version using the Lotus Elise fitted with a twin turbo V8..........further details at www.aerocar.com (http://www.aerocar.com) [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 10:49:58 am And a great way to avoid the rip off ferry companies!! ;) Arhh, you need a Amphicar [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 10:52:26 am I'm not sure if this is a car, a motorhome, a boat or .... a rocket ??
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 10:54:22 am Oh no, here we go again................jet engine and wings...........Well it would save Andy the cost of the cross channel ferry. Wizard idea. Well done chaps :D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 10:55:49 am Quote I'm not sure if this is a car, a motorhome, a boat or .... a rocket ?? Surely it's for tunnelling (providing yet another means of transport to Le Mans) modelled on the Mole from Thunderbirds? ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 10:59:02 am That's the james Bond one isnt it?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 11:02:56 am This is more up my street (or canal!)
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 11:05:07 am ????????????????? the last two posts appear to have reversed themselves, or are we in a time warp again?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 11:05:24 am Important Announcement I've found the Ultimate Le Mans vehicle. Sod the ferries, here it is ...... [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 11:06:15 am ????????????????? the last two posts appear to have reversed themselves, or are we in a time warp again? Must have been the curse of the Commer! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 11:06:24 am I'll take two :D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 11:08:00 am Quote I've found the Ultimate Le Mans vehicle. Sod the ferries, here it is ...... Oh yyyyeeeesssss! - that is fantastic - now just need to add those wings and jet engine................... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 11:12:16 am Oh yyyyeeeesssss! - that is fantastic - now just need to add those wings and jet engine................... ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 11:12:41 am Where is Zarse. We need a renewed sense of direction here ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 11:13:09 am Quote Arhh, you need a Amphicar Make it more than one and then Club Arnage truly can beat the rip-off ferry companies............... [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 11:19:01 am This is definately more my cup of tea !! http://www.watercar.com/ [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 11:25:12 am Quote This is definately more my cup of tea !! Certainly would have sorted out everyone's aquaplaning problems shortly after the start at Le Mans a couple of years ago ! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 18, 2003, 11:29:53 am Where is Zarse. We need a renewed sense of direction here ;) Zarse is here. Sorry gents but I've been working, I do do some work on occasions. But don't look to me for a sense of direction. I lost the point of this thread ago!! ;D ;D And I suspect all the other contributors did too. ??? Mark, can you not call in some sort of air stike to destroy it? I would suggest a flight of Tornado GRs fitted with the new TIALD guided C-RAM munitions (C-RAM = Commer Removing Airborn Missile). I know how you flyboys like your acronyms! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 11:40:57 am [I lost the point of this thread ago!! ;D ;D Hmm..........sounds like the end of thread to me. :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 11:42:35 am Quote Mark, can you not call in some sort of air stike to destroy it? Andy, whatever the original point of the thread, it has become a rather delightful free-flowing illustration of loosely-connected insane ideas, seemingly backed up by real things that some idiot has actually built...... In terms of AI strikes using the new C-RAM, unfortunately, the Tornado is not a suitable launch platfrom and Eurofighter 2000 is well, not yet here in 2003, so we have renamed it Typhoon in the hope that people won't notice the delay. Moreover, the latest Defence White Paper has decided that we need lots of smart munitions, so that need less people to operate them (shades of Blue Streak and Sandys in the '50s). Recent tests of C-RAM have indicated that the CEP is insufficently accurate, Vmax will not touch the Commer in a tail-chase and the IR signature is totally unreadable. All in all then a GMFU, so we'll fall back on the BBMF to launch the Lanc with a Grand Slam instead - chocks away....... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 11:49:04 am F***ing ace Mark...still laughing
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 11:49:43 am Could it be air launched from an Aero Car ?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 11:55:29 am No no no, the ideal launch vehicle has to be the..........Commer itself ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 12:00:51 pm Quote Could it be air launched from an Aero Car ? HHmmmm tricky one that - with a kerb weight of an Aero Car at, say, 1500lbs and the weight of a single Grand Slam at 22,000lbs filled with RDX, it might struggle to move an inch even revving the nuts off a twin-turbo V8. Size could also be an bit of a show-stopper (piccy below)................. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on December 18, 2003, 12:04:35 pm Please stop it, pleeease.
I'll do anything, just stop it... H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 12:07:25 pm Anything H ? Ok
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 12:09:44 pm Quote Please stop it, pleeease. I'll do anything, just stop it... Big H - I'm sorry - it's just too much fun when compared with the mind-numbing prospect of work today...... Quote No no no, the ideal launch vehicle has to be the..........Commer itself Aaahhh - but then you get into the problems of equipment compatibility with British aerospace engineering.................. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 18, 2003, 12:11:28 pm Sorry, I wasn't trying to destroy the thread in reality. Indeed, such things are indestructable. A bit like the Commer itself.
Last year we were driving down the N138, through what is known as the Falaise Pocket. Looking in the rear mirror, I am sure I could see ghostly Typhoons (original WW2 ones) chasing us, firing misslies and cannons at the Commer. This spiritual "L'Encirque" had no effect of course and we were able to escape the killing fields. Blue Streak, wasn't that Steve on his 40th birthday? I didn't know he was pals with the Duncan-Sandys. Actually, I was just attempting to send the thread off on a new tangent! It seems to have worked. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 18, 2003, 12:17:22 pm Very clever Mr. Z. Now I'm off to get p***ed at our company Christmas lunch. see you chaps the other side of a hangover.
NB only a few to go before deity status is achieved ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 12:21:51 pm Andy - I'm sure that the ghostly Typhoons must have just been trying to clear the Panzers out of the way of the Commer - after all, us chaps simply wouldn't fire blue on blue - we just don't do that sort of thing - it just isn't cricket. Ops will try and make sure that they give you a wider berth next time, minimise the AAA, eliminate clutter with ECM, provide ASW support over the Channel, use CAS with mobile FAC support and you'll be home and dry in MB before you know it in time for tea and medals. ;D ::)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 12:34:43 pm Andy - I'm sure that the ghostly Typhoons must have just been trying to clear the Panzers out of the way of the Commer - after all, us chaps simply wouldn't fire blue on blue - we just don't do that sort of thing - it just isn't cricket. Friendly fire eh!! ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 12:36:39 pm Anyone able to translate this ??
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 18, 2003, 12:38:19 pm Do you know, I think you might be right. Wondered why we never took a DH.
Medals and Grimburgen more like! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 18, 2003, 12:44:15 pm Quote Do you know, I think you might be right. Wondered why we never took a DH. Protection from the skies, my dear chap, is a wonderful thing.......mind you even a DH on the Commer probably wouldn't even scratch it. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 18, 2003, 01:33:08 pm Just a quick thought... This thread made it past 13 pages - will it make it to triple figures?!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on December 18, 2003, 01:56:39 pm Just a quick thought... This thread made it past 13 pages - will it make it to triple figures?! At this rate probably by the end of the weekend!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on December 18, 2003, 04:42:05 pm Was it a Commer or a Bedford in the Italian Job ? ???
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 04:52:12 pm Was it a Commer or a Bedford in the Italian Job ? ??? A mini ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on December 18, 2003, 05:15:38 pm :( I'm not completely stupid >:(
The supporters' van... was it a Commer or not? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on December 18, 2003, 05:19:18 pm I think that was a Bedford, wasn't it ?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on December 18, 2003, 05:53:31 pm Who cares.
MINI's were the centre peice , the rest just there for making up the numbers. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 06:42:52 pm I think that was a Bedford, wasn't it ? Gilles, I believe it was a Bedford CA Dormobile like this : [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 06:44:34 pm Andy, look at this beauty
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 18, 2003, 10:17:27 pm It was a Thames. Thames was the commercial vehicle arm of Ford. They stopped making them when the Transit first appeared in '67.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 18, 2003, 10:28:32 pm Smokie: I am now formally asking for you to lock this thread. I can't take any more of this.
This afternoon I was filling up with Petrol at the Murco garage in Hayes, Middlesex. As you know, the roads are covered in salt and sh*t and having an important business meeting tomorrow, I thought the Subaru could do with a spruce up. So I invested in the car wash. Cut a long story short, the brushes wrapped themselves around the small rear roof spolier (it's the estate version) and started lifting the car up and down. Something had to give and eventually, the spolier came away with an almighty crack. It had pulled the bolts through the bodywork. Fortunately it is booked in to have the rear end fixed after the telegraph pole incident, so I'll somehow have to work in the cost of a new spoiler too. BTW if anyone doesn't beleive me, if you pay the postage, I'll gladly send the pieces anywhere in the world. I firmly believe the Commer is in someway behind all this grief. So let's lock the thread and see how it goes. Can't be any worse. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 18, 2003, 10:44:05 pm Bloody hell Andy, seems like you need to hibernate for the winter.
Here's hoping your run of shitty luck is about to change. I know this may not be much help, but your last post was your 666th !!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 19, 2003, 12:59:51 am I know this may not be much help, but your last post was your 666th !!! Sorry Andy, had to laugh out loud at Steve's observation!!! And having been away for a couple of days, I simply cannot believe that this thread has made it to page 19!!!!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 19, 2003, 09:22:38 am BTW if anyone doesn't beleive me, if you pay the postage, I'll gladly send the pieces anywhere in the world. Can I come and collect? I'll take all the pieces (i.e. the car ;D ) Thanks DR Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 19, 2003, 09:51:30 am Quote I can't take any more of this. Before any precipitious action, in deference to the good Mr Zarse's current run of ill fortune, is taken on this epic subject (which could make to page 20 yet....)........... Quote Was it a Commer or a Bedford in the Italian Job ? The supporters van may not have been a Commer, and the other support vehicle was a good old Landie, but what was the make of the coach? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 19, 2003, 10:32:51 am The supporters van may not have been a Commer, and the other support vehicle was a good old Landie, but what was the make of the coach? Bedford Val Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 19, 2003, 10:34:28 am I really don't have time for all this today, but I couldn't concentrate knowing I was stuck on post 666.
BTW the engine number of the Commer contains three sixes; I'll have a look in the Book of Revelations tonight and see if I can find any oblique references to Commers. I'm sure I've got a nicked Gideon's bible somewhere. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 19, 2003, 10:45:47 am Andy, I understand your desire to see this thread terminated, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. How the bl**dy hell do you just happen to know the Commers engine number 'like that'. I am pretty sure that the so called 'curse' will continue to cause havoc no matter what happens to this thread. that is, unless you've been out in the field whispering to the beast about these innane ramblings. Oh God, theres a thought............Commer Whispering :o :o :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 19, 2003, 11:13:12 am Easy mate. It's on the MOT document, which I keep in a file in my office! Looking again it's actually the chassis no. 0366069. I'll scan and post when I get a mo.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 19, 2003, 11:19:57 am I'll scan and post when I get a mo. I'm breathless (like the Commer) with anticipation ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on December 19, 2003, 01:38:18 pm This post is getting wierd and freaky. Return of the Commer , The whistling woods of Commerville, The Commers of eastwick. The Commer witch project. All new films to be brought to you soon, thanks to thosse bust men from Club Arnage...... ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 19, 2003, 01:49:43 pm 'The Commernator'. A Club Arnarge production starring Arnie Zarse.
Oh look 501 ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 19, 2003, 05:34:54 pm thanks to thosse bust men from Club Arnage...... ??? Thats me all right ;D. I assume you meant busy ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 19, 2003, 07:04:30 pm Quote Oh look 501 Well done that man ! Here's a selection of forthcoming film releases on the 007 theme: :) :) From Commer with Love Commers are Forever The Man with the Golden Commer The Commer who Loved Me Never Say Commer Again A View to a Commer Commer Never Dies The Commer is Not Enough Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 19, 2003, 07:11:46 pm Gold Commer
Dr. Zarse You only Live in a Commer ThunderCommer On Her Majesty's Commer Service CommerRaker For Your Commer Only CommerPussy Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 19, 2003, 07:12:55 pm Bugger, Page 20.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 19, 2003, 07:24:35 pm Christmas 2003 films for Commer lovers in the listings:
All Commers Go To Heaven Great Commers Forces of Commer The Commer and the Fury Star wars Episode I: The Phantom Commer Fierce Commers Iron Commer Night of the Commers Commer and the Bandit Commer the Magnificent and that perennial favourite....The Sound of Commer Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 19, 2003, 07:36:20 pm and that perennial favourite....The Sound of Commer Oh brilliant, The Sound of Commer's on. I haven't seen that for ages (well at least 12 months anyway)! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 19, 2003, 07:50:14 pm Yup - as is:
White Commer My Fair Commer Anna and the Commer But sadly not Those Magnificent Men in their Commers :( :( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 20, 2003, 01:44:34 am Is The SnowCommer on ??
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 20, 2003, 09:11:11 am Crouching Tiger, Hidden Commer
Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Commer Lord of the Rings - The Two Commers Lord of the Rings - Return of the Commer Mission Incommerble (I & II) Commer over the River Kwai and lastly that grat comedy: Comm & Commer Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 20, 2003, 10:33:16 am And now moving onto my record collection, don't forget that classic album by Pink Floyd, "Dark Side of the Commer"!
;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 20, 2003, 10:36:11 am and those great Who albums
Who's Commer Commerophenia My Commeration Commy Odds and Commers Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 20, 2003, 10:53:53 am And I almost forgot that other classic Floyd album:
Ummacommer (sometimes also known as Commergumma), which contains the classic track "Set the (Commer) controls for the heart of the Sun" Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 20, 2003, 05:23:37 pm Quote And I almost forgot that other classic Floyd album And then of course there is that great track "Interstellar Commer" and the other albums: Commer at the Gates of Dawn A Saucerful of Commers (which also combined on the double LP issue make "A Nice Commer") The Commer Digging elsewhere amongst the vinyl, one can also find those classics such as: In Search of Commer Masters of the Commer Space Commer Commer on the Edge of Time Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 20, 2003, 05:31:43 pm And I almost forgot that other classic Floyd album: Ummacommer (sometimes also known as Commergumma), which contains the classic track "Set the (Commer) controls for the heart of the Sun" Also on that album there's "Several species of small furry animals, gathered together in a cave, grooving with a Commer" Don't forget the classic track on The Wall, Commerfortably Numb. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 20, 2003, 05:36:50 pm Quote Don't forget the classic track on The Wall, Commerfortably Numb. Or, perhaps the piece de resistance, "The Commer Must Go On" ;D ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on December 20, 2003, 07:37:23 pm It may go on , put hopefully not to page 21
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on December 20, 2003, 07:49:44 pm It may go on , put hopefully not to page 21 ;) I'm sure it will!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: pretzel on December 20, 2003, 09:04:51 pm Just to add my contribution to the song title collection:
Commer Chameleon by Culture Club. Is that page 21 yet? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 20, 2003, 10:21:17 pm Yes..... page 21 ::)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on December 21, 2003, 01:57:19 am How about commedriphinia by the Who .
Near me some one has a commer ambulane/campervan for sale. Never bothered with it myself, but because of the curse of the zarse i drive past thinking, is it a commer? The very thought.... I blame it on Zarse and the commer. I must say in my defence i have just recently finished a 2 month nightshift in norfolk(not weekends) in which i saw 2 commers!!!!! I would never haver have noticed them apart from this forum. Would anyone else have noticed a Commer????? I say we burn them.. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on December 22, 2003, 05:25:24 pm and what about "Commer Jones' Diary" or "The Commerian Job" ? ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 22, 2003, 06:13:26 pm I must say in my defence i have just recently finished a 2 month nightshift in norfolk(not weekends) in which i saw 2 commers!!!!! I would never haver have noticed them apart from this forum. Would anyone else have noticed a Commer????? I say we burn them.. I thought there was an EU Working Time Directive against such long hours. A two month shift seems unreasonable to my mind. I expect Norfolk has the highest Commer ownership per head of population of any county of the UK. But don't burn them, that's heresy. You'll be burned at the stake in Norfolk. Or "Fetch the comfy Commer!" BTW Someone gave me an old Corgi model Commer Camper yesterday as a late birthday pressy. I was well made up! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on December 23, 2003, 01:34:15 am and what about "The Commerian Job" ? ;D Gilles for you have sinned in a time or religious importance. The Italian job can never be blasfiemed with the stange powers of COMMER's dark magic. Mini's have enough problems with rust , let alone the 3rd dimension Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 23, 2003, 10:58:37 am and what about "The Commerian Job" ? ;D Gilles for you have sinned in a time or religious importance. The Italian job can never be blasfiemed with the stange powers of COMMER's dark magic. Mini's have enough problems with rust , let alone the 3rd dimension What on earth were on last night Robbo? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 23, 2003, 07:03:55 pm Quote What on earth were on last night Robbo? Not sure, but it sounds very parallel Matrix-ish to me - ,,,,,,,,,Revolution,,,,,,Reloaded...... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on December 24, 2003, 02:02:29 am I have no idea ,lack of sleep , too much caffine , the thought of working all over christmas !!
But i have managed to get 500 posts up , and to celebrate i am going to post something really nice. Oh and i made it on the commer Thread. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 24, 2003, 09:58:36 am Oh and i made it on the commer Thread. Me too. Does that make us the founding members of the 'YaBB god on Commer thread' club? ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 24, 2003, 04:20:54 pm Quote Me too. Does that make us the founding members of the 'YaBB god on Commer thread' club? It probably does, so well done chaps - but s**te, I've got a long way to go to reach that celestial status and I don;t think it will happen on this thread, but who knows........... ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 24, 2003, 05:34:18 pm Just keep plugging away Mark. All good things come to those who post regularly ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 24, 2003, 08:38:54 pm Quote Me too. Does that make us the founding members of the 'YaBB god on Commer thread' club? It probably does, so well done chaps - but s**te, I've got a long way to go to reach that celestial status and I don;t think it will happen on this thread, but who knows........... ;D Keep at it Mark, you know you want to ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on December 26, 2003, 10:32:00 pm I expect Norfolk has the highest Commer ownership per head of population of any county of the UK. But don't burn them, that's heresy. You'll be burned at the stake in Norfolk. Or "Fetch the comfy Commer!" I must say one of the commers was by the side of the road with hazard lights on, the other was in a nearby campsite. Its not i dont like them its the fact because of you i now know what a coomer is. Your driving along see the gently steaming vehicle by the side of the road and you think "oh look its a commer" Is there a cure? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: powermite on December 26, 2003, 10:59:52 pm This sketch is getting very silly!!
PM Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 27, 2003, 11:32:08 am Your driving along see the gently steaming vehicle by the side of the road and you think "oh look its a commer" Is there a cure? Afraid not Rhino. You're just stuck with it now. Look upon this disease as some sort of benign symbiotic relationship. It helps. ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 27, 2003, 05:39:29 pm Quote Mini's have enough problems with rust , let alone the 3rd dimension Yup, but to bring us back slightly towards the topic, seemingly you can do alll sorts with a Mini, although I imagine that this one would not quite be up to the mark of the Monte Carlo and Italian Job cars in the handling department......... [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 27, 2003, 11:48:06 pm OK, that is wrong on so many levels.....
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 28, 2003, 11:17:23 am That's the first picture posted on this thread that has left me utterly speachless. Who could possibly be such an idiot? :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 30, 2003, 09:14:03 pm Quote That's the first picture posted on this thread that has left me utterly speachless. Who could possibly be such an idiot? I know - probably the same person that thought a roof tent for an AMC Gremlin would be a good idea..... [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 31, 2003, 10:09:17 am ????????????????? :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
This just goes to prove what a wonderful vehicle the Commer really is ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on December 31, 2003, 02:54:40 pm Having to pay all the repair bills of his gremlin (called AMC Pacer in France), the driver can't pay his rent so he needed an accomodation solution ! ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 31, 2003, 03:10:53 pm ????????????????? :o :o :o :o :o :o :o This just goes to prove what a wonderful vehicle the Commer really is ;D Pissed already Gibberish? :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 31, 2003, 03:30:45 pm Not at all AZ. Just giving praise where praise (relatively) is due. ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 31, 2003, 06:43:10 pm My final thoughts of 2003 on the topic, before heading off into the murk of New Year's Eve partying, is that a modern replacement needs to be something that is practically indestructible, even when faced with hordes of Panzers and Tiger tanks (real or imagined) near Falaise, and stands our from the crowd - like the Commer. Ideally, it should have some military ancestors/connection to enable the future fitting of armaments with relative ease - like the Commer. Well, here it seems to be - so, watch the f**k out - here comes the fully loaded Humvee.... ;D ;D ;D ;D
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on December 31, 2003, 06:45:02 pm .......and at the touch of a switch that camper turns into........
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on January 02, 2004, 12:49:55 am I think friday night fireworks will be interesting this year....
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: dryhen on January 03, 2004, 04:22:44 pm Is there a Commer'n'denominator to this thread?
Happy New Year one and all........ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on January 03, 2004, 06:45:31 pm Is there a Commer'n'denominator to this thread? Groan!!!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 04, 2004, 04:12:01 pm Quote Is there a Commer'n'denominator to this thread? You meant to say that the thread content may have become slightly obscure in places????? Anything related to a potential replacement for AZ's British, classic, indestructible Commer, which quadruples up as a load carrier, a luxury motorhome, a race vehicle and potent war-fighting machine. Flexibility is the key to Air Power.......... ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 08, 2004, 07:05:47 pm So the uploader is full is it?
No wonder, look at all the crap in here. I reckon some of this wouldn't be missed. I feel partly responsible. :-[ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on January 08, 2004, 07:23:27 pm Partly?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 08, 2004, 09:53:44 pm Come on Andy, there is some classic motoring (and other) related stuff here.
It should be published. It would be better than those crap 'trivia' books everyone gets from their auntie at Christmas. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 09, 2004, 10:10:35 am I feel partly responsible. And there I was thinking that this thread might have quietly died when what happens? The immortal Commer kicks its pet owner into making another post. I really don't know anymore, it's all too confusing. Nah....bo***cks........roll on, long live the Commer ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on January 09, 2004, 10:49:07 pm I have been enjoying this marvellous thread for weeks, I just realised all the old pictures had timed out. The ultimate Commer/ Le Mans link that was discussed on page 10, the Ecurie Ecosse transporter (were there more than one of those) was at Le Mans last year too I think. I am trying to attach a picture I took in the ferry queue at Le Havre on the monday night, with two nice cars on board. I think they were both Jags, but couldn't get close enough to look while trying not to be too nosy.
Doesn't look as if the attachment is possible but I am very new at this sort of stuff. Maybe if I just post the url... http://www.mgcars.org.uk/midgetspriteclub/birmingham/images/lemans2003/lemans2003153big.jpg Bill Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on January 10, 2004, 12:05:16 am here you are Perdu...
H [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on January 10, 2004, 12:33:35 am Wow....
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on January 10, 2004, 01:20:51 am here you are Perdu... H Thanks bigH, I always wanted that Dinky Toy when I was a kid. Now I have seen it... I still want it, but now the real one please. :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 13, 2004, 01:31:35 pm Quote The ultimate Commer/ Le Mans link that was discussed on page 10, the Ecurie Ecosse transporter Indeed that is probably the ultimate link, but the other notable type of transport in that area was the Mercedes Silver Arrows transporter - a 195hp 6-cylinder truck, capable of over 170kph (106mph in real money) - what price a duel down the Mulsanne between that and the Commer........ [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 19, 2004, 01:32:16 pm Instead of a replacement, how about an upgrade:
"1950s-early 1960s Commer TS3A Type OE 502, Supercharged 2 stroke engine (3,520cc) 3 cylinder opposed piston Diesel for sale. Also 3 gear boxes, additional 4 superchargers and electric starter motors (incl CAV,C45). Any reasonable offer considered. Buyer to collect Colin Missen, , Leicester, LE18 1FP, England, 01162 884619, Email: gillian.chapman@royalsurrey.nhs.uk " Advert on Restored-Classic .com A Supercharged Commer :o :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 19, 2004, 01:36:06 pm Quote Restored-Classic .com Damn - the work internet gateway won't let me through.....have to wait until I can get back on the home PC. sounds interesting though! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 19, 2004, 09:09:08 pm Quote Restored-Classic .com Damn - the work internet gateway won't let me through.....have to wait until I can get back on the home PC. sounds interesting though! I'm glad to see you are perpetuating the "Modern Commer Replacement" thread ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on January 20, 2004, 12:14:19 am 23 pages in 2 months and just under 5 months until the pilgrimage.
How far will it go before we go to Le Mans?? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 20, 2004, 09:46:36 am How far will it go before we go to Le Mans?? All the way, Mark, all the way :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 20, 2004, 10:09:21 am With unusual racing transporters having featured with the Ecurie Ecosse Commer and the Mercedes, here's another conversion in the good old British way, that tranpsorted a 1930s Alfa Romeo Tipo 8C in the 40s and 50s
http://www.oldclassiccar.co.uk/classic_car_article11.htm [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 20, 2004, 10:37:05 am Now then - someone has actually made a 1/32 scale working slot car (scaletrix to most of us) of the Mercedes transporter. When will we have a Commer version? Who can produce such an article? Then the Brethren's Scaletrix challenge on Karting Nord could take on a new dimension.......
http://home.clara.net/goodwood/MercedesTransporter/Transporter.htm When will the [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 20, 2004, 02:09:29 pm Oh look at that. 24 pages.........what an auspicious number :D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on January 20, 2004, 02:19:31 pm I expect to see 24 new messages in the next 24 hours!! :D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 20, 2004, 02:56:01 pm Quote Oh look at that. 24 pages.........what an auspicious number Indeed, so it is....what's the next auspicious number - the number of cars on the grid? Quote I expect to see 24 new messages in the next 24 hours!! HHmmmm - work is beckoning at the moment, but we shall whether the last posts on the Dodge or the slot car model spark replies..... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 20, 2004, 03:44:50 pm slot car model With a bit of work, you could probably modify this. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 20, 2004, 04:02:09 pm I bet that's worth a few bob in its original box
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 20, 2004, 04:05:22 pm Quote I bet that's worth a few bob in its original box Even more with its milk crates/bottles(?) too! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on January 20, 2004, 04:09:26 pm Airfix 1/32 scale kits are quite good for slot modifying - there must have been a Commer one made at some point - I'll go check ebay.
As for the venue, I have to say that I have the ultimate Scalextric track designed (but not built yet - got all the track but needs to be outdoors and no good weather yet). Just under 13 metres (tad over 40 feet) x 5.5 metres (18 feet). Will dig out the design..... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on January 20, 2004, 04:10:55 pm Okeydoke - here goes .. on yer marks!!!!!
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on January 20, 2004, 04:13:38 pm And what a versatile little chap this Commer is as captured in thsi cracking Corgi set on ebay right now....
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3580761856&category=16481 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3580761856&category=16481) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 20, 2004, 04:15:22 pm Okeydoke - here goes .. on yer marks!!!!! Excellent, I take it 40ft x 18ft is pretty much to scale. You'll need a school hall or similar. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on January 20, 2004, 04:22:01 pm You'll need a school hall or similar. Or a Felix-sized pitch on MB!!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on January 20, 2004, 04:24:05 pm Excellent, I take it 40ft x 18ft is pretty much to scale. 'Fraid not, scale would be about 500+ feet!!!! It's is fairly representative in terms of shape though. Once again, those long winter evenings have been just flying by! My wife wonders what I do in my "cupboard" all those evenings! ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on January 20, 2004, 04:29:37 pm Airfix 1/32 scale kits are quite good for slot modifying - there must have been a Commer one made at some point - I'll go check ebay. Nope, not a sausage. Not even Google can come up with anything. Time for you scratchbuilders to own up!! Your forum needs YOU! ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 20, 2004, 04:58:39 pm Quote Time for you scratchbuilders to own up!! Your forum needs YOU! Other than in 1:1 scale, my scratchbuilding/rebuilding/ converting in scale tends towards racing topics..... http://www.scaleautosport.com/models/mw962/ 8) 8) .....but I suppose I might be able to motivate myself towards something different :) :) :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: dryhen on January 20, 2004, 06:17:34 pm Posted by: The Rickmeister Posted on: Today at 04:10:55pm
Okeydoke - here goes .. on yer marks!!!!! Wot - no Porsche Curves ??? ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on January 20, 2004, 06:34:15 pm WOW Rick, I got a case of "I wanna build" ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on January 20, 2004, 07:04:19 pm Wot - no Porsche Curves ??? ??? There was a Porsche Curves version in the early stages, but seeing as most of my "stock" is pre-1972 (917 frenzy!!!), opted for the Maison Blanche section instead. ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on January 20, 2004, 07:05:18 pm And another page further on!!
What is the record thread size? Surely this must be it! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 20, 2004, 07:21:38 pm Yes, see the stats here :
http://www.clubarnage.com/yabbse/index.php?board=;action=stats (http://www.clubarnage.com/yabbse/index.php?board=;action=stats) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on January 20, 2004, 07:28:48 pm Yes, see the stats here : http://www.clubarnage.com/yabbse/index.php?board=;action=stats (http://www.clubarnage.com/yabbse/index.php?board=;action=stats) Wow!! By a country mile reply wise and not far off on total views too!!! And passing the 700 milestone in this legendary thread - I feel honoured to have been a part of it!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on January 20, 2004, 07:51:50 pm It almost has all records, and sure it will surpass the others in time (around a week at current rate)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 20, 2004, 08:49:21 pm Mr. McWhirter and Guiness have been in contact and would like to include this thread in next year's book. :D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on January 20, 2004, 09:19:16 pm Airfix 1/32 scale kits are quite good for slot modifying - there must have been a Commer one made at some point - I'll go check ebay. As for the venue, I have to say that I have the ultimate Scalextric track designed (but not built yet - got all the track but needs to be outdoors and no good weather yet). Just under 13 metres (tad over 40 feet) x 5.5 metres (18 feet). Will dig out the design..... Well I used to know the AIRFIX catalogue by heart but they never did do a Commer, Though Dinky did. I wonder if Triang/minic did one that may be raceable, if so. I used to scratchbuild aircraft , ships and carts and wagons from plasticard, might have to look into it, could be fun. Take a while I'm still getting ready to put a BMW 5 speeder into Lara, the Midge, in time for the French blast. 8) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 20, 2004, 10:33:33 pm Quote I expect to see 24 new messages in the next 24 hours!! With this post, that makes 22 in the space of about 8 hours. I suspect the target may be achieved..... ;D This thread has been top of the replies for a while now, and it will not be long before it hits the top of the views as well. ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 21, 2004, 10:33:56 am 23 in just over 19 hours.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on January 21, 2004, 10:47:58 am Okeydoke - here goes .. on yer marks!!!!! That's a new year's resolution !!! I'm gonna build this into my garden. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 21, 2004, 10:54:33 am Wa hey........is there no end to what this thread can achieve ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on January 21, 2004, 11:03:56 am Wa hey........is there no end to what this thread can achieve ;D Long Live The Commer!!!!! :D :D :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 21, 2004, 04:57:27 pm It may not be a Commer, but it was an interesting(???) project.
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on January 21, 2004, 05:32:57 pm Love the stabilisers!!!!!
;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on January 21, 2004, 05:37:42 pm Try getting that onto your Scalextric!! ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 21, 2004, 06:12:02 pm Love the stabilisers!!!!! ;D Apparently, it has a V12 Jag engine driving a hydraulic pump. The axles feature hydraulic motors driving the wheels. If I had that kind of money lying around..................... . Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 21, 2004, 06:13:10 pm .
.......................I'd build one of these :-* . [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 21, 2004, 08:48:15 pm Quote I'd build one of these Inspired of course by the classic version............ [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 21, 2004, 08:54:57 pm Thanks Mark, the header flames aren't quite the same on the classic version though ::)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: andynick on January 22, 2004, 01:49:17 am ;D hi ya Bill have found you at last could not remember how to get on to this link page, are the wonder of stella
its the only way to function yes plse i want teeshirt also!! :) :) :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 22, 2004, 11:04:54 am Quote Thanks Mark, the header flames aren't quite the same on the classic version though Wot? you mean more like this? [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 22, 2004, 11:20:16 am If anyone got the Commer to do that, they would deserve a medal ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 22, 2004, 11:34:35 am Quote Thanks Mark, the header flames aren't quite the same on the classic version though Wot? you mean more like this? Yes Mark, like my avatar :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 22, 2004, 11:38:02 am Hhmmmm - would need some pretty major surgery to the MGA to do that - do you think I could get away with a "max'd" solution of a stereo with V8 engine noises and injecting fuel into the exhaust ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on January 23, 2004, 01:53:33 am If anyone got the Commer to do that, they would deserve a medal ;) The local Leigh Park kids are very good with flames coming out of cars :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 23, 2004, 10:32:24 am The local Leigh Park kids are very good with flames coming out of cars :o Wasn't quite what I had in mind Robbo ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: dryhen on January 25, 2004, 09:50:17 am Just keeping this topic on the first page, as it was in danger of slipping down ! :)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 25, 2004, 09:49:36 pm Quote Just keeping this topic on the first page, as it was in danger of slipping down Well done that man! good to see someone that recognises quality posts about a quality subject! Now just to add a slightly different flavour to the topic - going boldly whence we have not yet been - here is an alternative replacement using the a blend of technology and the human frame - good for those high angle camera shots and for excursions to the mulsanne in the dead of night.............. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on January 25, 2004, 10:45:16 pm Just make sure you avaoid the Helicopters and more importantly the Fireworks!! ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 26, 2004, 12:25:37 am Just make sure you avaoid the Helicopters and more importantly the Fireworks!! ;) Also pretty usefull for anyone wanting an impromptu haircut . Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on January 26, 2004, 09:21:21 am Also pretty usefull for anyone wanting an impromptu haircut . Bit like a basin cut around the crash helmet huh?? ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on January 26, 2004, 02:00:05 pm No where to pack the tent or beers, but could be fun.
BTW crosswinds could be hard to handle. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 26, 2004, 02:24:58 pm BTW crosswinds could be hard to handle. Probably so, but what about drag.......that heel looks like a very eficient parachute ::) The original Commer must be more aerodynamic than that ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 26, 2004, 04:43:29 pm Quote The original Commer must be more aerodynamic than that Do like the heel - one of the better outrageous customs! Taking the themes of aerodynamics (not very) and a supposedly environmentally-friendly modern replacement (albeit one that does not appeal to petrolheads)............. BTW this thread is now not only top of the number of posts (very adjacent to 400 posts.....) but is the most viewed.... [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 26, 2004, 05:09:26 pm and a supposedly environmentally-friendly modern replacement (albeit one that does not appeal to petrolheads)............. The new environmentally friendly age is here.........At lunchtime I saw a Fuel Cell powered london bus. Damned thing had steam coming out of it. (I know that's what it's supposed to do). Reminded me of the days of steam driven vehicles......................Now then, a steam driven Commer. How about that ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 26, 2004, 05:37:21 pm Quote Reminded me of the days of steam driven vehicles Now there's the classic sort............. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 26, 2004, 05:39:22 pm Now there's the classic sort............. Beautiful :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 26, 2004, 05:39:31 pm Quote Reminded me of the days of steam driven vehicles and the "green" modern alternative - I do hope this is not the shape of things to come in Arnage village on the Thursday/Fri, outside MB on the Friday, or along by Houx post-race.............. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 26, 2004, 05:45:38 pm And of course, merging the themes of drag races down the Mulsanne, new tramways, steam, motor racing and the history of Le Mans (and this is about the 400th post now....) there is of course the Bentley and the train.................
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on January 26, 2004, 07:37:42 pm Nostalgia ain't what it used to be...
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on January 26, 2004, 07:49:20 pm Anyone ever tried train racing?
The road between Hastings and Folkestone (can't remember what the road # is) had a railway line that crossed the road twice, beyond Rye, out on Romney Marsh. I used to amuse myself, if stopped at the first crossing, in booting my car through the twisties and trying to beat the train, which was traveling pretty much as the crow flies, to the next crossing. It was highly weather and traffic dependent, but I did it a couple of times. Slightly less hair raising is the A1 Autoroute, which runs parallel to the Eurostar railway line, where it crosses the Somme. I tried to keep up with a TGV on the way home from the 2000 race. I was reading (not necessarily doing) 160mph and the train just pissed- away, ahead of us. Those things rock. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on January 27, 2004, 02:51:44 am I did the A1/Eurostar race too Matt. On the way down to Disneyland Paris February 2003. Didn't look as though it was going that much faster than me when it passed me as I was doing 90mph so thought I'd boot it and see. Couldn't get anywhere near though. :(
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 29, 2004, 11:27:08 am Changing tack slightly, and going with the theme of another thread on modifying minis, the Commer could of course be turned into a magnificent beast that a) doesn't know whether it is coming or going, or b) just scare the cr*p out of following vehicles.................
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on January 29, 2004, 03:42:43 pm The Perfect LM campsite moblie home/toliet/boat.
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on February 02, 2004, 11:38:14 am The Perfect LM campsite moblie home/toliet/boat. Nice strurdy door - could hold in the smell when the beer baby is delivered in the morning (couldnt see this topic slip to page 2) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 02, 2004, 03:07:52 pm Quote The Perfect LM campsite moblie home/toliet/boat In Ford terms, that's the Ghia model - here's the basic, no frills model.................... [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bobblehat on February 02, 2004, 05:45:26 pm Commer replacment........
; Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on February 02, 2004, 05:50:29 pm ; Is that a "I'm speechless" in bold letters ? ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bobblehat on February 02, 2004, 05:54:56 pm Ugger didn't work! Supposed to of been
Commer replacement........ ; and Iv been working on that joke for weeks :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on February 02, 2004, 11:43:36 pm ;D ;D ;D ;D
Great gag! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on February 03, 2004, 12:46:31 am ...but don't rush to give up the day job...
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 03, 2004, 10:20:03 am Ugger didn't work! Supposed to of been Commer replacement........ ; and Iv been working on that joke for weeks :'( Very good BH :D Reminds me of something colonic :-X Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 03, 2004, 11:44:37 am Quote In Ford terms, that's the Ghia model - here's the basic, no frills model.................... Sorry, thought I had found the basic model - actually, it is the XL - here's the basic model.....................or is it a Kia, Daewoo or Hyundai........... [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 03, 2004, 11:53:17 am How about this little beauty on ebay:
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 03, 2004, 12:01:43 pm I was given a similarly battered model Commer PB1500 crew bus for my birthday. All I need now is to get hold of a model snotty tramp to lie in the back... :-\
I was talking to a mate who is a very skilled welder last night and he broached the subject of doing a Stretch Commer. Genuinely his idea not mine. And he suggested installing a revolving round double bed in the back. Christ knows why. I think he had been smoking something though. Does anyone know of the existence of such a vehicle or would it be entirely unique? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 03, 2004, 12:09:20 pm Utterly, completely, and undeniably unique. :D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 03, 2004, 12:14:15 pm Indeed - let it be so................
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on February 03, 2004, 12:23:16 pm Well.
How about something a little differnet fast, Sexy and practical when required. MG X Power at its best [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on February 03, 2004, 12:24:26 pm I was given a similarly battered model Commer PB1500 crew bus for my birthday. All I need now is to get hold of a model snotty tramp to lie in the back... :-\ I was talking to a mate who is a very skilled welder last night and he broached the subject of doing a Stretch Commer. Genuinely his idea not mine. And he suggested installing a revolving round double bed in the back. Christ knows why. I think he had been smoking something though. Does anyone know of the existence of such a vehicle or would it be entirely unique? I actually own a round double bed but in my house not my car ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 03, 2004, 12:33:55 pm Quote How about something a little differnet Robbo, Nice - very nice indeed ;D ;D. If the MG SV makes it there in 2005 as reported, this could be the answer for the team - tow a trailer to carry all those useful bits for trackside repairs, without outside assistance, thereby remaining in the race. Not sure how it would handle down the Mulsanne without a wing tho..... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 03, 2004, 03:30:46 pm Now this delightful oddity is available on e-bay. One way of "stretching" the Commer, whilst maintaining the ability to blast the original vehicle, unencumbered, down the Mulsanne.......
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2457064003&category=43123 [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 03, 2004, 04:38:31 pm A few pages back, I was speechless with what some other idiot had done, but how would anyone have the nerve to drive THAT down the road? Most people would die of embarassment.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on February 03, 2004, 09:13:45 pm Quote How about something a little differnet Robbo, Nice - very nice indeed ;D ;D. If the MG SV makes it there in 2005 as reported, this could be the answer for the team - tow a trailer to carry all those useful bits for trackside repairs, without outside assistance, thereby remaining in the race. Not sure how it would handle down the Mulsanne without a wing tho..... Audi UK could always adopt it. Imagine the fuel canisters Biela could carry!!! ;D :-X ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on February 03, 2004, 10:19:14 pm kind of looks like the caravan is eating/humping the mini, very strange
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 03, 2004, 11:08:12 pm kind of looks like the caravan is eating/humping the mini, very strange I know of some web sites where that sort of thing goes on! Andy Z, you don't need a model tramp in the back of a model Commer - just a model pig. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on February 04, 2004, 12:49:31 am I mean, I just had to have a look on ebay - couldn't resist.
Turns out it for sale through Barn Hill Minis and in the left hand corner of the photo is the very Disco and trailer that took away my project 1380 Mini when I sold it on ebay recently - brought a tear to my eye! :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 04, 2004, 09:48:18 am Quote the very Disco and trailer that took away my project 1380 Mini when I sold it on ebay recently Maybe it is a cunning plot to convert the van into a unique sprint/hillclimb special using your old mini - this piece of Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: pretzel on February 04, 2004, 02:26:22 pm A few pages back, I was speechless with what some other idiot had done, but how would anyone have the nerve to drive THAT down the road? Most people would die of embarassment. I'm sure they would! Imagine having a Mini grafted on to the front end of your lovely caravan ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on February 04, 2004, 02:40:24 pm Quote I actually own a round double bed but in my house not my car ;) Quote You sexy little bugger, Gilles. Very Austin Powers. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 04, 2004, 05:02:07 pm I'm sure they would! Imagine having a Mini grafted on to the front end of your lovely caravan ;) Queue Robbo OBE.............for a mini rant ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on February 04, 2004, 06:11:27 pm I am in far too good a mood today.
The trailer gets its stickers tomorrow and then its nearly finished Bring on Le Mans Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Chef on February 04, 2004, 08:15:35 pm how about this for a honey of a le man set up.
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on February 04, 2004, 08:33:15 pm And i thought our trailer wasnt that big.
Well built though. Whats in the back of the trailer. A brocken down Corvette :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Chef on February 05, 2004, 11:43:01 am club arnarge t-shirts and mugs possibly
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 06, 2004, 12:40:29 pm Now then, in terms of the thread title, I know this one doesn't quite fit into the "modern" category, but as a potential replacement, it really looks the business for the vintage/classic world. Sleek, streamlined, with the observation lounge at the back to sit and wave to the
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: dryhen on February 09, 2004, 04:56:36 pm Quote from: mgmark Only trouble is I have no idea whatsoever as to what it actually is - anyone got any ideas? [quote No idea, but this will get it back onto the front page ! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on February 09, 2004, 10:03:19 pm Only trouble is I have no idea whatsoever as to what it actually is - anyone got any ideas? Ooh that is frickin' marvellous! Now that is what I call a Le Mans chariot! Looks a tad like it might be of French persuasion. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 09, 2004, 11:42:08 pm I say its from the US of States. On account of the white walled tyres.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on February 10, 2004, 05:12:28 am I say its from the US of States. On account of the white walled tyres. Aye, there pure class, them whitewalls and moon discs. I'm thinking of putting a set on me 'vette. The vehicle itself resembles a 4 wheeled suppository Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 10, 2004, 06:35:23 pm Quote I say its from the US of States. On account of the white walled tyres Could well be, but not necessarily a US of A product - could be European made for the American market, like things such as the Austin Atlantic, Nash Meteropolitan etc. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on February 16, 2004, 04:40:13 pm Just to put it on top again. ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 16, 2004, 04:44:42 pm Funnily enough, I was just about to post on this thread! :o
With spring on the way, every red blooded gentleman's mind turns to... Commers! >:( I'll be digging the old girl of her winter slumbers out over next couple weeks and I'll find out whether she does indeed need replacing. ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 16, 2004, 04:55:21 pm I'll be digging the old girl of her winter slumbers out over next couple weeks and I'll find out whether she does indeed need replacing. ??? Interesting coincidence! I opened up the garage door yesterday to see if the big black beasty was still there and would actually start. I've had a trickle charger on the battery all winter, the engine cranked over fine and gave a decent oil pressure. So, a couple of squirts on the juice and varoooooom ;D After clearing the remnants of the winter fire wood from the front of the garage door, the old girl saw the day light for the first time in 4 months and off we roared up the road. I'm pleased so say the acceleration and handling (?) still scares the sh*t out of me ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 16, 2004, 04:58:34 pm Funnily enough, I was just about to post on this thread! :o With spring on the way, every red blooded gentleman's mind turns to... Commers! >:( I'll be digging the old girl of her winter slumbers out over next couple weeks and I'll find out whether she does indeed need replacing. ??? Love to come down and cheer you on old chap :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 16, 2004, 05:45:21 pm Love to come down and cheer you on old chap :) Jest not. :) You be cheering me on one minute, then without knowing it, you'll find yourself lying in the mud on your back under a Commer, scraping rust and crap off the underside. Before you know it, you'll have just finished rebuilding the brakes and it'll be gone midnight. :( :( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 17, 2004, 09:52:30 am Jest not. :) You be cheering me on one minute, then without knowing it, you'll find yourself lying in the mud on your back under a Commer, scraping rust and crap off the underside. Before you know it, you'll have just finished rebuilding the brakes and it'll be gone midnight. :( :( Quote Hmm..........sounds like a challenge ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on February 17, 2004, 10:17:13 am What I know about rebulding cars you can write on the head of a pin, but I'll certainly come along as the official ale passer. :)
I feel a get together coming on!!! It could become an annual event. "The Unveiling Of The Commer" :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 17, 2004, 10:20:08 am What I know about rebulding cars you can write on the head of a pin, but I'll certainly come along as the official ale passer. :) I feel a get together coming on!!! It could become an annual event. "The Unveiling Of The Commer" :D I'll bring the fancy pink ribbon and the big pair of scissors! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 17, 2004, 10:29:34 am Quote I'll be digging the old girl of her winter slumbers out over next couple weeks and I'll find out whether she does indeed need replacing Andy, I'm sure she'll be fine - perhaps if you have a look at this wonder on e-bay as a possible replacement it will motivate you to undertake any necssary re-commissioning repairs.............. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2460677544&category=14256 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 17, 2004, 12:50:32 pm I feel a get together coming on!!! It could become an annual event. "The Unveiling Of The Commer" :D Wonderful idea Mark :D :D :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 17, 2004, 01:17:58 pm Andy, I'm sure she'll be fine - perhaps if you have a look at this wonder on e-bay as a possible replacement it will motivate you to undertake any necssary re-commissioning repairs.............. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2460677544&category=14256 I'd have thought with a fibreglass camper on a fibreglass car body, following "fire damage" we'd be bidding on a pile of dust and twisted metal :-\ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 17, 2004, 02:34:01 pm Quote I'd have thought with a fibreglass camper on a fibreglass car body, following "fire damage" we'd be bidding on a pile of dust and twisted metal Too right, although I would have thought that the volume of dust/melted plastic would be rather greater than the pile of twisted metal....... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 17, 2004, 03:25:59 pm Quote Andy, I'm sure she'll be fine - perhaps if you have a look at this wonder on e-bay as a possible replacement it will motivate you to undertake any necssary re-commissioning repairs.............. And if that one doesn't motivate you, then perhaps the thought of this will............ failing all else, lease set the date, time and venuew, and I am sure there will be plenty of us to assist armed gas axes, engineers screwdrivers and sundry other useful restoration tools ;D ;D [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 17, 2004, 04:03:06 pm I feel a get together coming on!!! It could become an annual event. "The Unveiling Of The Commer" :D Wonderful idea Mark :D :D :D Okay then. The Commer will be unveiled in April and I will be installing the new awning too. I think we should have a little LM "warm up" at a mutually convenient campsite. Any suggestions? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: rcutler on February 17, 2004, 04:15:58 pm It is before April but this friday is the start of the ALC batchelor meet. We are staying in the back garden of a pub in oxfordshire and the pub accepts us as residents. There are normally 30 of us that drink, eat and sleep at the pub ;D
Sunday driving is always a bit on the dangerous side though. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on February 17, 2004, 09:08:34 pm I feel a get together coming on!!! It could become an annual event. "The Unveiling Of The Commer" :D Wonderful idea Mark :D :D :D Okay then. The Commer will be unveiled in April and I will be installing the new awning too. I think we should have a little LM "warm up" at a mutually convenient campsite. Any suggestions? The SPS trailer could have its first bath in British Spring time..... what about near to Bognor Regis on the SUNNY south coast Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 18, 2004, 10:44:18 am what about near to Bognor Regis on the SUNNY south coast Sounds convenient Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on February 18, 2004, 12:52:03 pm As long as you don't mean Butlins!!!! ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: PC McGarry No.452 on February 18, 2004, 01:08:44 pm How about Camberwick Green???
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 18, 2004, 03:33:03 pm Bognor sounds good to me. Better find a campsite. Anyone need a lift?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on February 18, 2004, 03:48:32 pm Do you need us to call by Chez Zarse in case you need a hand getting the Commer going??
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 18, 2004, 04:00:25 pm How dare you doubt the Commer. >:( >:(
Actually, you better had! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on February 18, 2004, 04:59:04 pm Errrm......Don't think I was the one who started the doubting!! :(
I'll be digging the old girl of her winter slumbers out over next couple weeks and I'll find out whether she does indeed need replacing. ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: wishy on February 18, 2004, 07:12:17 pm If you want a run out..How about 18/19 April at Gurston Down,near Salisbury to watch "The Burgundy Beast's" first outing this season at this hillclimbbe.
It is also my birthday,so we will begoing down on the Saturday evening so as to have a small party in the camping fieldand spectate on the Sunday Wishy Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 18, 2004, 07:49:19 pm Sorry not here, away watching test match cricket in West Indes (to make up for not going to the Rugby in Oz).
But don't let the fact there will be no Commer put anyone else off. 8) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 22, 2004, 11:40:34 am But don't let the fact there will be no Commer put anyone else off. 8) But Andy, that's the whole point.........the Commers comming out ceremony ;D ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on February 22, 2004, 02:09:38 pm Quote Sorry not here, away watching test match cricket in West Indes (to make up for not going to the Rugby in Oz). Hmmm. Not only is that Andy Zarse a silver tongued b*stard with a quick wit, he seems to have a very lovely and understanding missus. But I have his address, and now I know when he'll be away. To be honest, I need a change. Mrs Smokie was just too much woman for me, and Smokie has been away far too often. She sucked me in and spat me out like a used wad of faceworkers' chewing tobacco. I've lost thirty pounds and have the complexion of a ream of Conqueror, that Smokie must have the constitution of Warren Beatty. H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on February 23, 2004, 08:56:27 am Quote Smokie must have the constitution of Warren Beatty. H Not sure whether that's a compliment, I'll take it as one anyway :) As for Mrs smokie spitting anything....well...nuff said!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 26, 2004, 05:28:36 pm Come on Zarse, get youre arse in gear. When is the ceremony going to take place??
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on February 26, 2004, 05:33:18 pm Come on Zarse, get youre arse in gear. When is the ceremony going to take place?? Anyone Fancy BTCC April 11th 2004 - THRUXTON ?? Or is that too far ? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on February 26, 2004, 05:38:06 pm Oh yes, I will be there for sure - easy place to meet - the bar under the grandstand at Club Chicane?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 26, 2004, 05:42:08 pm Hmmm.........Easter weekend. Could be an excuse for a couple of days camping! Now who can I get to go?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on February 26, 2004, 05:44:31 pm Oh yes, I will be there for sure - easy place to meet - the bar under the grandstand at Club Chicane? I will be going in with the MG lot ( about 60 of us i think ) . But will come find you all. we are in car park A , why i dont know, but already ticketed up. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 26, 2004, 06:01:01 pm Gibber not sure when ALL WILL BE REVEALED. After I get back from watch England thrash the Windies I guess. Which means I won't be able to go to Thruxton as I will be in Antigua with some pals (sorry to rub it in).
But hey, you can't have everything. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on February 27, 2004, 02:10:59 am Come on Zarse, get youre arse in gear. When is the ceremony going to take place?? Anyone Fancy BTCC April 11th 2004 - THRUXTON ?? Or is that too far ? Easter weekend may cause aproblem with the family but as Thruxton is only 15/20 minutes from me it's certainly not too far!!!!! :) :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 05, 2004, 04:47:42 pm Getting back on thread, certain of you guys, particularly JPC and Steve, expressed a long held desire to own a practical classic to take down to LM. However, it was winter, LM was too far into the new year and generally a bad time to be thinking of such things.
Well lads, spring is on it's way, the daffs are out and it's time to start thinking COMMER COMMERHere's one for starters http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2463048329&category=14256 Get bidding, it's a bargain. The rust is easily fixed as long as it's sound underneath. Come on guys. Don't make me be the only one.... :-[ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 05, 2004, 05:05:18 pm I wouldn't be able to take the shame and humiliation ;D ;D ;D ;) Andy, are you sure it's not yours thats for sale :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on March 05, 2004, 08:16:45 pm Could you imagine two Commers on the same camp site. We'd get back fromt he Shampoo bar on Saturday night to find loads of little Commers running around the site!! ;D
Seriously though Andy, what I know about doing up cars you could write on the head of a pin. I would be interested in something like this if I knew someone who knew something about Commers who would be willing to do the work required for a modest fee!!!!!! ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: pretzel on March 05, 2004, 11:40:41 pm Very tempting I must admit, but the Zarse Commer is a one off and I wouldn't want to spoil the uniqueness of it. Will make do with the Sube for now....
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 06, 2004, 10:18:44 am I would be interested in something like this if I knew someone who knew something about Commers who would be willing to do the work required for a modest fee!!!!!! ;) I know just the man, I'll watch for your bids ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 06, 2004, 11:44:35 am JP they're easy. Not much to go wrong, though I'm very surprised that no one noticed that this particular example quite clearly has totally the wrong dashboard installed. It's the dash from the later Dodge Spacevan, so it's not very original and for that reason alone, I would'nt touch this van with a bargepole.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on March 06, 2004, 02:39:27 pm JP they're easy. Not much to go wrong, though I'm very surprised that no one noticed that this particular example quite clearly has totally the wrong dashboard installed. It's the dash from the later Dodge Spacevan, so it's not very original and for that reason alone, I would'nt touch this van with a bargepole. OK, thanks for the advice Andy When you see one in more original condition that you are ready to do up for me let me know so I can start bidding!! ;D ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on March 09, 2004, 06:23:16 pm ;D
Ok here is the latest replacement idea - I think you may need a bit of a whip round. (http://images.traderonline.com/img/3/dealer/781546/65350170_1.jpg) (http://images.traderonline.com/img/3/dealer/781546/65350170_3.jpg) Price - $1.5m, all we need is the exchange rate to keep getting better Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on March 09, 2004, 06:30:11 pm I'd never get my arse in that little gold plated oyster bidet. Or anyone elses arse for that matter.
H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on March 09, 2004, 06:38:21 pm Can't believe this fecking thread is STILL going!!!!
(Not that the beloved Zarse-mobeel doesn't deserve such notoriety!) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on March 10, 2004, 11:03:35 am (Not that the beloved Zarse-mobeel doesn't deserve such notoriety!) Precisely dear boy. ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: opposite locker on March 10, 2004, 03:05:29 pm Where do you live, jpchenet? To get to Thruxton, I'd need a lift from Southampton, but I don't know if I could get there anyway.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on March 10, 2004, 04:03:36 pm Where do you live, jpchenet? To get to Thruxton, I'd need a lift from Southampton, but I don't know if I could get there anyway. Wrong direction I'm afraid OL, I'd be travelling down from Basingstoke (if indeed at all) That does bring us nicely back on thread again though!! Mr Zarse, have you got any ideas of dates for the unveiling of the Commer?? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 10, 2004, 04:56:30 pm ;D Ok here is the latest replacement idea - I think you may need a bit of a whip round. Price - $1.5m, all we need is the exchange rate to keep getting better This vehicle is a simple parody of the Commer. It's the same, only a bit bigger. It doesn't appear to have the white leather straining straps above the golden bidet, which is a mistake if you ask me. The Commer will be defrocked, so to speak, when I return from the Windies. But there is a lot of work to do first. The fumigation people are booked and they're also going to attack the chemical toilet, the emptying of which appears to have been overlooked for many years. Then as soon as the dead roaches, rats and mice are cleaned out of the oven, it'll be all ready to provide a bit of catering to you lot. Why don't we arrange a go karting day? I think there's a pretty good track at Sandown Surrey, which could be convenient for quite a few of us. How about some time in early May? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on March 10, 2004, 05:13:17 pm Go Karting sounds like a good idea Andy, although I think we should have a handycap system so that the lighter ones amongst us don't have too much of an advantage!
Does anyone know of any camp sites nearby so that the cumpulsory drinking session afterwards can take place without anyone having to worry about driving? Sandown also do evening race meetings. Not sure if they'll start as early as May. Could make a whole day/night of it. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on March 11, 2004, 02:08:06 pm I used to live only a couple of miles from Sandown, and I can tell you that there are NO campsites for miles.
Gonna have look at map and see what might be possible! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on March 12, 2004, 11:13:07 am Quote Can't believe this fecking thread is STILL going!!!! (Not that the beloved Zarse-mobeel doesn't deserve such notoriety!) As the originator of it, neither can I, but if you think about it, the thread is rather like the Commer itself - good, solid engineering built to last a lifetime and beyond, even if it does get a bit ropey around the edges at times........ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on March 12, 2004, 12:05:26 pm Gonna have look at map and see what might be possible! Ok, have checked maps, and spoken to my brother who still lives in the area. No campsites for miles, except a couple of scout camps. Brother will make further enquiries, and I'll keep you posted!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on March 12, 2004, 12:22:46 pm I suppose we could always investigate a local pub with large beer garden that might let us take it over?? Or I am sure there must be some B&B's nearby??
Of course, there must be some Go Kart tracks elsewhere that do have camping nearby! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on March 12, 2004, 12:28:50 pm I suppose we could always investigate a local pub with large beer garden that might let us take it over?? Or I am sure there must be some B&B's nearby?? Of course, there must be some Go Kart tracks elsewhere that do have camping nearby! Hang on a minute. I'm gonna investigate some of the local pubs about rooms. Can't think of any beer gardens to take over. One must remember that this is 'Esher' which is dead posh, OK mate ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on March 12, 2004, 12:43:11 pm I suppose we could always investigate a local pub with large beer garden that might let us take it over?? Or I am sure there must be some B&B's nearby?? Of course, there must be some Go Kart tracks elsewhere that do have camping nearby! Can't be that posh if it has a Go Kart track!! ;) Hang on a minute. I'm gonna investigate some of the local pubs about rooms. Can't think of any beer gardens to take over. One must remember that this is 'Esher' which is dead posh, OK mate ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on March 12, 2004, 12:48:13 pm Right, heres a couple of results that I'm not too keen on ::)
Rosemead guesthouse Twin room (en suite) £65 Small single room £45 Swan Inn (2 mins from above) Youngs pub frequented by Jimmy White (snooker) Double Room £89, Single room £69 Both of these are 10 mins drive from Sandown. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 12, 2004, 04:15:15 pm I presume you get to spend the night with Jimmy White for that sort of money.
You think this is far fetched, I saw Jordan and Peter Andre out and about on the town in Haywards Heath last night. They didn't ask us to spend the night with them though. Can't imagine why. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on March 12, 2004, 04:39:41 pm I presume you get to spend the night with Jimmy White for that sort of money. You think this is far fetched, I saw Jordan and Peter Andre out and about on the town in Haywards Heath last night. They didn't ask us to spend the night with them though. Can't imagine why. Probably because you didn't have a camera and weren't from the press so you couldn't offer them any publicity!!!!! ::) Now if you did have a camera.................... ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on March 12, 2004, 04:47:26 pm You think this is far fetched, I saw Jordan and Peter Andre out and about on the town in Haywards Heath last night. They didn't ask us to spend the night with them though. Can't imagine why. I have a cousin that owns a bar in Haywards Heath, not sure of the name of it ???. What is it like for a beer in the evening, haven't been there for about 10 years.. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on March 12, 2004, 05:02:43 pm How about this as a replacement for the commer ;D
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 12, 2004, 05:12:32 pm How about this as a place to park the Enterprise
(http://www.base58.com/pics/skip.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 12, 2004, 05:14:27 pm This is David Coulthards "Commer Replacement" - flash bar steward
(http://www.davidcoulthard.com/dc2000-motorhome.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 12, 2004, 05:18:56 pm Here's a simple conversion if you're handy with a saw and hammer and nails
(http://www.conchbbs.com/3922/images/motorhome.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 12, 2004, 05:20:16 pm This one would be usefull on the Rouen bypass and traffic jams.
(http://www.pacificpowerbatteries.com/GRAPHICS/gallery/exp%20motorhome.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 12, 2004, 05:22:56 pm Not adviseable to take the corners too quickly though! (http://www.town.bonnyville.ab.ca/municipal/images/02-motorhome.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on March 12, 2004, 06:20:03 pm methinks that sandown might be a bit tricky, but my bro' might still come up with something. We've still got loads of time ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 12, 2004, 08:04:14 pm I presume you get to spend the night with Jimmy White for that sort of money. You think this is far fetched, I saw Jordan and Peter Andre out and about on the town in Haywards Heath last night. They didn't ask us to spend the night with them though. Can't imagine why. Probably because you didn't have a camera and weren't from the press so you couldn't offer them any publicity!!!!! ::) Now if you did have a camera.................... ;) I can't believe it, HHeath used to be the most miserably dull town in England. When I worked there, the hight of sophistication was a pint and a prawn sandwich at the Sussex Arms. Now it has a strip to rival Vegas, wall to wall totty all aged 30-something and the Sussex Arms has closed down. Plus ca change indeed! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on March 12, 2004, 10:54:34 pm I presume you get to spend the night with Jimmy White for that sort of money. You think this is far fetched, I saw Jordan and Peter Andre out and about on the town in Haywards Heath last night. They didn't ask us to spend the night with them though. Can't imagine why. Probably because you didn't have a camera and weren't from the press so you couldn't offer them any publicity!!!!! ::) Now if you did have a camera.................... ;) I can't believe it, HHeath used to be the most miserably dull town in England. When I worked there, the hight of sophistication was a pint and a prawn sandwich at the Sussex Arms. Now it has a strip to rival Vegas, wall to wall totty all aged 30-something and the Sussex Arms has closed down. Plus ca change indeed! If there's space for Jordan, I am sure there's space for the Commer (maybe two) ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on March 15, 2004, 09:12:05 pm Quote How about this as a replacement for the commer Steve - some really good efforts there, particularly the Star Wars shuttle bus. Whether DC's palace is a bit out of our league is perhaps debatable Now how about this wonder - the McQuay Norris from 1934 - did they ever build more than one ??? [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: rcutler on March 22, 2004, 11:48:35 am noticed this in the T3 Magazine the other day. T3 is the initials of Tomorrows Technology Today!!
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 22, 2004, 08:27:13 pm This is why the Zarse mobile has been kept under wraps all winter - he's been redecorating it!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on March 23, 2004, 12:56:50 pm Quote he's been redecorating it! Not to mention those handy aerospace gadgets sprouting from it............. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: rcutler on March 23, 2004, 02:28:03 pm Quote he's been redecorating it! Not to mention those handy aerospace gadgets sprouting from it............. That is so we can watch the football on Sunday night!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 23, 2004, 02:31:46 pm It's wonderful! I wonder where they got the idea though of putting Blackpool Tower on the side?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 23, 2004, 05:35:08 pm Here's one for mgmark, proud owner of a Berkeley.
Perhaps Mark could enlighten us to what a Berkeley Foursome is? I've had a Lloyds Threesome (with a couple of girls from Lloyds Bank in Luton), but this sounds much more interesting. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2468740443&category=2192 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on March 23, 2004, 05:54:01 pm That's definately better than a FIAT Uno.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on March 24, 2004, 02:27:34 pm Not strictly a commer replacement, but it would be better for posing around the paddock thab those poncey little bradshaw electric carts.
Or you could say sod it, and drive the whole way on it. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Felix on March 24, 2004, 05:24:56 pm I've just found this thread.
Here's my modern Commer replacement. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on March 25, 2004, 02:56:42 pm Quote Perhaps Mark could enlighten us to what a Berkeley Foursome is? Andy, Prepare to be enlightened. Produced from 1956 to 1960, The Berkeley was unique at the time of its launch in that it employed not only a transverse engine and front wheel drive, but a complete fibreglass monocoque hull reinforced locally by lightweight aluminium sections. Good (for the time) performance came from low weight, all-round independent suspension, a low centre of gravity, and hydraulic drum brakes on all 4 wheels, combined with a mighty 18hp from an Anzani 322cc, 2-stroke twin. The Anzani was dropped at an early stage (reliability problems) and was replaced by a 20hp Excelsior 328cc twin engine. Public demand, particularly from America, resulted in a search for a more powerful engine. leading to a 492cc triple version of the 328 twin. With over 30 Bhp available to propel only about 600 pounds weight, performance was somewhat improved and the car could top 75mph. The original Excelsior-engined 4 wheelers were joined by a 3-wheeler variant to attract those with motorcycle licences. Later 4-wheel models were fitted with a 40bhp Royal Enfield 650cc 4-stroke twin to increase performance to top 90mph - a frightening prospect! this led to the god awful styling of the front as displayed by the Foursome on e-bay, to accommodate the taller engine (valvegear). All of these variants were designed as two seaters, although there was a small space behind the seats where it was possible to squeeze a very small person. So, in an attempt to expand the appeal of the Berkeley further, a four-seat version, was introduced by lengthening and widening the basic shell and called the Foursome. Although powered by the 492cc engine that was proving very popular, the Foursome failed to attract the buyers and less than 20 were built. This one on e-bay (also currently in the club newsletter) looks like it is a Foursome, which had been fitted with the later bonnet/nose section to accommodate the engine fitted which is a Reliant 850 and, presumably the running gear, including a driven back axle. It has also been fitted with a dreadful concotion of a hardtop, which looks like a combination of the front of a Berkeley Hardtop and the rear of a Ford Anglia. A picture of a standard light blue Foursome, with my red one behind it is below More info for those interested at http://home.clara.net/peterfrost/berkeley.html (http://home.clara.net/peterfrost/berkeley.html) http://www.pearsies.btinternet.co.uk/BerkModels.htm (http://www.pearsies.btinternet.co.uk/BerkModels.htm) Mark [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 30, 2004, 11:52:15 am I love the paint job (http://www.elcardonal.net/camping/camper%20atras%20izquierdo.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 30, 2004, 11:58:58 am This is more my style though ::)
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Chef on March 30, 2004, 01:51:22 pm im concerned about its possible M.O.T failiure. does the throne have a seat belt?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on March 31, 2004, 09:17:28 am This is more my style though ::) Looks like one of the bogs ffrom Beasejour ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on March 31, 2004, 02:57:05 pm This is more my style though ::) Looks like one of the bogs ffrom Beasejour ::) It's not that bad!!!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 01, 2004, 10:47:22 am An interesting alternative power source maybe ?
(http://www.powerchutes.com/graphics/pickup2.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 01, 2004, 11:55:09 am Quote An interesting alternative power source maybe ? Or just strap a big paraglider wing on for an unparalleled view of the circuit during the race, an unbeatable way of avoiding the post-race jams getting out of the camp sites, and, finally, an outstanding way of avoiding paying rip-off prices to cross the channel ;D ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Felix on April 05, 2004, 11:00:29 pm An interesting alternative power source maybe ? That would come in handy to chop the spuds up. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Felix on April 12, 2004, 10:25:23 am That would come in handy to chop the spuds up. This is what I use. (not really a modern commer replacment though........but a brilliant potato harvester - maybe needs a bit of paint??) (http://www.pommernmuseum.de/Collections/AlteGeraete/KARTOFFELSORTIERMASCHINEI.JPG) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 20, 2004, 12:50:20 pm Here's one not-so-modern Commer, been put out to pasture in the Antiguan sunshine. Worse ways of ending your days I guess. I remember when this old sod was still on the road, not that many years ago.
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: rcutler on April 20, 2004, 01:06:09 pm I guess that you are back then!
How long until the above commer arrives in the UK for you next project? Are you going to Pre-Quals? (There is quite a group of us now) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on April 20, 2004, 02:35:52 pm Welcome back Andy. Hope you enjoyed seeing the only defeat that we had ;D
Do you normally spend your holidays searching out old Commers, or is it that they find you? ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 20, 2004, 03:15:46 pm Do you normally spend your holidays searching out old Commers, or is it that they find you? ::) True, I must say it's very sad spending your holiday looking for old Commers ;D Welcome home Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 20, 2004, 03:16:57 pm Here's one not-so-modern Commer, been put out to pasture in the Antiguan sunshine. Worse ways of ending your days I guess. I remember when this old sod was still on the road, not that many years ago. Who's that 40 year old bloke in the photo ? ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 20, 2004, 04:14:46 pm I guess that you are back then! How long until the above commer arrives in the UK for you next project? Are you going to Pre-Quals? (There is quite a group of us now) No mate sorry, can't do it. One of LM crew is getting married on the Saturday and whilst I was hoping to be able to do the dover-calais route early on Sunday morning, in all honesty, it's just not practical. Have a good time though y'awl. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 20, 2004, 04:17:03 pm Welcome back Andy. Hope you enjoyed seeing the only defeat that we had ;D Do you normally spend your holidays searching out old Commers, or is it that they find you? ::) It wasn't a defeat, the match ended as a draw! :-[ There is a bit of an old lorry grave yard, containing a few Commers. It's on the way to the cricket ground and it seemed churlish not to stop and take a photo. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 20, 2004, 04:19:56 pm Do you normally spend your holidays searching out old Commers, or is it that they find you? ::) True, I must say it's very sad spending your holiday looking for old Commers ;D Welcome home Cheers Steve, but have you gone mad?? Sad?? No, there is no healthier pursuit for a clean living young man like me than to root out old Commers. You never know what you might find. These things are sheer gold. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 20, 2004, 04:26:42 pm Sad?? No, there is no healthier pursuit for a clean living young man like me than to root out old Commers. You never know what you might find. These things are sheer gold. Hmmm, I suppose the same can be said about me drooling over all the old 50's Chevys and Caddys in Mexico (next stop Cuba). Oh, and the 70's muscle cars in Australia. (http://www.danheller.com/images/LatinAmerica/Cuba/Cars/cars-u-big.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on April 20, 2004, 07:08:58 pm Here's one not-so-modern Commer, been put out to pasture in the Antiguan sunshine. Worse ways of ending your days I guess. I remember when this old sod was still on the road, not that many years ago. Which old sod?????? The Commer or the bloke in front of it??? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on April 21, 2004, 06:29:54 pm Which old sod?????? The Commer or the bloke in front of it??? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Of course it's the old bloke in front, Mark. cant you see the wrinkle lines ;D ;D ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on April 21, 2004, 07:46:38 pm Which old sod?????? The Commer or the bloke in front of it??? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Of course it's the old bloke in front, Mark. cant you see the wrinkle lines ;D ;D ;D ;D Is that what they are........and he claims they are "smile lines" ;D ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on April 22, 2004, 10:31:23 am Smile lines my arse...........oh no, sorry zarse.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on April 22, 2004, 07:26:22 pm Just out of interest - and in all seriousness, who is the funny looking old slap-head with the bizarre sunglasses in the picture?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on April 23, 2004, 02:12:55 am when will this thread DIE.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on April 23, 2004, 05:15:00 am This thread is destined to go on for EVER :-*
Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on April 23, 2004, 08:51:34 am when will this thread DIE. Old Commers Never Die.............They just go to pasture in Antigua!! ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on April 23, 2004, 09:54:23 am Just out of interest - and in all seriousness, who is the funny looking old slap-head with the bizarre sunglasses in the picture? Fair shout Matt, the picture is a bit bad, but I'm pretty sure that that is actually the Zarse man. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 23, 2004, 06:52:39 pm Just out of interest - and in all seriousness, who is the funny looking old slap-head with the bizarre sunglasses in the picture? Fair shout Matt, the picture is a bit bad, but I'm pretty sure that that is actually the Zarse man. True, tis I although in the pic someone seems to have drawn a set of comedy eyebrows on my face. I'm fairly sure I don't normally look like that. The sunglasses are special ones I bought mail order. They're the new Xray specs that allow you to see through women's (and men's!) clothes, old Commer engine cowlings etc. Looking forward to seeing Amanda Stretton and Milka in June. And you Matt!!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on April 23, 2004, 07:41:00 pm Just out of interest - and in all seriousness, who is the funny looking old slap-head with the bizarre sunglasses in the picture? Fair shout Matt, the picture is a bit bad, but I'm pretty sure that that is actually the Zarse man. True, tis I although in the pic someone seems to have drawn a set of comedy eyebrows on my face. I'm fairly sure I don't normally look like that. The sunglasses are special ones I bought mail order. They're the new Xray specs that allow you to see through women's (and men's!) clothes, old Commer engine cowlings etc. Looking forward to seeing Amanda Stretton and Milka in June. And you Matt!!! That's not you! You're having a laugh, surely. It's your Dad, isn't it? Look at those spindley legs - like knotted string. Come on, Andy - who is the old fart? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 25, 2004, 09:11:37 pm My legs were modelled on Spike Milligans I'll have you know, thin and wirey with knobbley knees. They have baffled the world's finest medical brains.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 25, 2004, 09:16:44 pm The Commer lives.
Rather than waste my day hob nobbing with Herbert and Smith at PQ, I spent the day digging (and I mean digging!) the Commer out of it's winter grief pit. The good news is she runs ok, but there's a terrible fuel leak and I found a Robin nesting in the sink. I don't want to move the Commer til the her brood have fledged and flown the nest. So the unveiling ceremony will have to go on hold for the time being. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: dryhen on April 30, 2004, 01:21:52 am Get a grip, fellas, this had nearly slipped to page three !
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on April 30, 2004, 06:13:06 am Thanks dryhen good job someone is paying attention.
Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 30, 2004, 10:35:28 am Quote Thanks dryhen good job someone is paying attention Absolutely - and its about time for a picture (one that has not appeared before) on the original theme - how about a camper version of the Austin Maestro? British Leyland's finest :o .....and I actually saw one these unworthy contenders being driven on the road day the before yesterday.......... :o and someone has taken the time, trouble and money to respray this one.... :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 30, 2004, 10:36:18 am Quote its about time for a picture might help if I attached the bloody picture........ [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 30, 2004, 11:05:48 am Now here's something - this sort of thing could well provide a serious rival to the "official" concert(s) - with all this talk of leaky fuel tanks, could it be that the Commer is really being secretly prepared.........
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 30, 2004, 01:30:54 pm Secret preparation? Only in so far as I'm going to have a go at welding up the leaking fuel tank tomorrow. And the leaking water pipes. And the leaking brake cylinders. Oh and the tyre man is coming with a shiny new 185 R 15C. The make of tyre is called a FATE, they're made in Slovenia. At only £24.99 delivered, balanced and fitted I'm fairly sure it'll turn out to be a Fate worse than a fate worse than death. :P
PS When I used to live in Soton years ago, used to go to the Dorch for gigs. Prefer the Brook in Portswood these days. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 30, 2004, 05:48:30 pm I'm going to have a go at welding up the leaking fuel tank tomorrow. Oh sh*t!!! (http://jodorowski.free.fr/paysage/explosion.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 30, 2004, 06:39:16 pm Don't worry Steve. I should have said I'm going to braze the hole up, not weld it, so there shouldn't be a huge explosion.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on April 30, 2004, 09:20:50 pm Hey Andy, I have the instructions for brazing fuel tanks.
Light the torch...........RUN ::) Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on April 30, 2004, 10:50:45 pm The owner of that Maestro is an MG racing fan and from Glossop , Derbyshire
he calls is Maisie !! He also is the Maestro / Montego owners club secreary, but i have a feeling you know this ! Mark , have you been searching X Power forums ??? Or MG- Rover . Org ? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: dryhen on April 30, 2004, 11:08:08 pm Don't worry Steve. I should have said I'm going to braze the hole up, not weld it, so there shouldn't be a huge explosion. Petrol tank explosions are like lightning - if you hear the thunder, you've not been hit. We will all keep our ears open for a muffled rumble tomorrow - hope to see a post from you on Sunday !!!!Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Maisie on May 01, 2004, 01:14:50 am Hi,
Yes, that is indeed my camper van (named Muddle after the numberplate). It's actually not as impractical as you think - the diesel engine is very economical and reliable, there's space in there for 2, and yet you can go at normal road speeds and park anywhere and the converters (Tandy on the Isle of Wight) did a very good job of cramming a surprising amount of storage space into a small area. I couldn't say how it compares to a Commer, never having had the chance to examine a Commer closely, but I would hardly say it was "unworthy"! I've customised mine much more than the standard version, to my tastes and to please me. I'd like others to like it, but I'm not too bothered if they don't. At least I know that wherever I go in the world, nobody will park anything similar next to me :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on May 01, 2004, 01:44:23 pm Respect to Maisie!
The best AA van I ever had was my old Maestro, loads of back end storage space and would pull like a train. It pulled an artic' off a roundabout once, though the clutch smelt "odd" for a day or two!!! ;D :-[ ;D Bill Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 01, 2004, 02:40:22 pm Quote He also is the Maestro / Montego owners club secreary, but i have a feeling you know this ! Mark , have you been searching X Power forums Or MG- Rover . Org Robbo, indeed I did and no offence intended Maisie - respect is due to anybody who actually rebuilds and keeps cars in good order, whatever they are - after all, with me, I have the delights of an MGA, but there is also a 45-year-old bundle of rivetted fibreglass and aluminium powered by a 20hp 328cc bike engine called a Berkeley..........all the best, Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on May 01, 2004, 04:49:00 pm Don't worry Steve. I should have said I'm going to braze the hole up, not weld it, so there shouldn't be a huge explosion. Petrol tank explosions are like lightning - if you hear the thunder, you've not been hit. We will all keep our ears open for a muffled rumble tomorrow - hope to see a post from you on Sunday !!!!I live just down the road from Zarse, not heard anything yet. I have kept all the windows closed and the kids indoors just in case. Did hear some sirens about 1/2 hour ago but a check from the upstairs window revealed no smoke on the southen skyline. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 03, 2004, 06:52:16 pm I shalln't be trying that one again. I was blown across the lawn and I'm currently in the McEndoe ward of East Grinstaed Hospital, which has a world famous burns unit. Personally, I think the surgeon has done a bloody good job, least ways considering with what little bit of my face there was left to work with.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on May 04, 2004, 09:40:32 am Andrew, you are a silly man. Now get out of that bed, and get on with the Commer............... ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 04, 2004, 10:11:29 am I shalln't be trying that one again. I was blown across the lawn and I'm currently in the McEndoe ward of East Grinstaed Hospital, which has a world famous burns unit. Personally, I think the surgeon has done a bloody good job, least ways considering with what little bit of my face there was left to work with. Did the explosion burn your hair off ;D (http://www.morbid.demon.co.uk/deluxe-bald-wig.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on May 09, 2004, 10:02:09 pm Hi Andy, Have your wounds healed yet? How is the Commer coming along? Inquiring minds need to know.
Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Felixs Cat on May 09, 2004, 11:54:47 pm It may not be a Commer but it'll do me.
meeeoowww (http://www.burningbeach.com/images/2002Desktops/CatCar.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 10, 2004, 11:26:22 am Felix, I have something similar planned...
Hi Phil, good to hear. The C is coming along ok, just about to fit new shox all round as all the oil has come out of the old ones and it makes the back brakes lock up when you stand on em. Target date is Monday 31th May, she's entered in a local Classic Car Show and it would be nice to have her all done by then. See you soon AZ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 10, 2004, 12:27:33 pm Where's the show Andy?? Could be a good time to get a few together for the unveiling??
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 10, 2004, 01:01:12 pm Good idea JP. It's Bank Holiday weekend and Staplefield Funday is a really nice traditional village fete. It is dominated by the Classic Car show, but there's loads of other things for wives, kiddies to do too, stalls, garden crap, fun fair, donkey rides etc. So if anyone is required to bring along the family, then it's not likely to be a total disaster. You'll just need to arrange for the wife to drive you home later, they have an excellent Beer Tent.
The organisers are still looking for "interesting" vehicles to go into the show, so if anyone wants to enter let me know and I can make the arrangements. Its not a serious show, more of a chance to show off your vehicle. Staplefield is dead easy to get to, being just off the A23, the main London to Brighton road, go past Gatwick and stay on the M/A23 until you see the turn off half way down Handcross hill. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 10, 2004, 01:30:59 pm Couldn't bring the missus.....not if there donkeys to ride! ;D
Would they hire them out to us for a week in June? ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: rcutler on May 10, 2004, 01:32:29 pm Couldn't bring the missus.....not if there donkeys to ride! ;D Would they hire them out to us for a week in June? ;D Is that the missus or the donkeys you are on about Mark ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 10, 2004, 03:14:49 pm Is that the missus or the donkeys you are on about Mark ;D ;D That's brave of you Rick........she knows you only live down the road!! ;) If you see a dark blue Galaxy parked at the end of your road one evening be afraid, be very afraid!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on May 11, 2004, 07:00:04 pm OK chaps........serious for a moment. Anyone who wants to attent this magnificent festival and partake of the ale, but does not have a chauffer............we could arrange a taxi share from Three Bridges station (yes the fabled place of the kebab eating Zarse).
Anyone interested let me know, and I will get organising. Andy........Which day of the weekend is the show? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 11, 2004, 07:14:11 pm OK chaps........serious for a moment. Anyone who wants to attent this magnificent festival and partake of the ale, but does not have a chauffer............we could arrange a taxi share from Three Bridges station (yes the fabled place of the kebab eating Zarse). I think it's on the sunday but I'll get back to you on that one.Anyone interested let me know, and I will get organising. Andy........Which day of the weekend is the show? Three Bridges kebabs are pretty good but I dined al fresco at the Matter of Taste in the High St last night. Regret to say, a distinct lack of vomit on the pavement, but then again it was only a monday. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on May 11, 2004, 07:29:45 pm My God Andy...........No vomit on Crawley High Street. What is the world coming to.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on May 12, 2004, 04:18:18 pm Andy,
Please forgive me for doubting the magical Commer! but I have just picked up Junes 'Practical Classics' and there is a 65 Commer Caravette being broken, bloke is in Rotherham. Didn't know if it may be of interest to you ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 13, 2004, 01:48:33 pm Andy, Please forgive me for doubting the magical Commer! but I have just picked up Junes 'Practical Classics' and there is a 65 Commer Caravette being broken, bloke is in Rotherham. Didn't know if it may be of interest to you ??? Thanks ABS. Don't suppose they mention if they've still got the rear leaf spring, which I could do with replacing. The ones on it now are bent the wrong way. Looks like we over did it on the sherry Sheila! :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on May 13, 2004, 02:26:13 pm Thanks ABS. Don't suppose they mention if they've still got the rear leaf spring, which I could do with replacing. The ones on it now are bent the wrong way. Looks like we over did it on the sherry Sheila! :D Andy, There is a whole list of things there, I have got an image of the advert but can't get it under 250kb so can't post it up, send me a pm and I'll mail you a copy, or alternatively I can pm you the guys phone numbers. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on May 13, 2004, 09:21:37 pm This may not be a replacement, but I'm sure it would make a good accessory ::)
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 21, 2004, 03:21:51 pm OK chaps........serious for a moment. Anyone who wants to attent this magnificent festival and partake of the ale, but does not have a chauffer............we could arrange a taxi share from Three Bridges station (yes the fabled place of the kebab eating Zarse). Anyone interested let me know, and I will get organising. Andy........Which day of the weekend is the show? Right. Checked it out and it's on Monday 31st May, which is the bank holiday. BTW does anyone know about the longevity properties of a Weetabix box when used on an engine as a gasket for a thermostat housing ? As it will be in contact with hot water, I rather think it will turn to something that looks like, well, wet Weetabix. Would I have been better off cutting up the Corn Flakes box? Or Golden Grahams? Tough luck, I used the Weetabix box anyway, I'm just curious to know how long it will last. PS Gibb, good news. Last week I stood in sick on the train back to Three Bridges late on friday night coming back from town! Even better, when I was being given a lift back next day to pick up my car, a seagull flying above us crapped, and about a pint and a half of green and white excrement splashed onto the windscreen right in front of me. Cue massive amounts of heaving and wretching. Hwwwuuurrrrppppp! As you know, I'm a bit squeamish. It really had my eyes running a treat and I had to spit that really thick slother you get out of the passenger window. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 21, 2004, 11:34:32 pm Quote BTW does anyone know about the longevity properties of a Weetabix box when used on an engine as a gasket for a thermostat housing ? Andy - I suspect not long is the answer, but if you want to continue on the Blue Peter theme, try cutting up a cork floor tile... :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 21, 2004, 11:40:38 pm I know nothng about engines so have no idea what sort of size you are talking about, but how about cutting up a neoprene stubby holder??
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on May 22, 2004, 04:53:39 pm PS Gibb, good news. Last week I stood in sick on the train back to Three Bridges late on friday night coming back from town! Even better, when I was being given a lift back next day to pick up my car, a seagull flying above us crapped, and about a pint and a half of green and white excrement splashed onto the windscreen right in front of me. Cue massive amounts of heaving and wretching. Hwwwuuurrrrppppp! As you know, I'm a bit squeamish. It really had my eyes running a treat and I had to spit that really thick slother you get out of the passenger window. Oh :-X Zarse. Why does it always happen to you? Looks like photies of the comming out event on Monday 31st. Any other attendees out there? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 22, 2004, 06:29:37 pm Hoping to make it, probably with the family in tow!!
Well.........someone has to drive home!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 24, 2004, 10:41:33 am BASTARD BASTARD BASTARD
f**k THE f**k*ng f**k*r THE f**k*ng f**k*r'S f**k*ng f**ked >:( :( >:( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Stu on May 24, 2004, 10:54:00 am BASTARD BASTARD BASTARD f**ck THE f**ckING f**ckER THE f**ckING f**ckER'S f**ckING f**ckED >:( :( >:( Don't hold back Andy. Speak you mind. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on May 24, 2004, 10:57:56 am Sounds like someone had a productive weekend with the Commer !!!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on May 24, 2004, 11:41:41 am Hmmmm....was that a "family friendly" post? ::)
Can we presume that this year's Zarseposter is the only time we'll see the Commer??? :( :( :( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 24, 2004, 12:52:07 pm Sincere apologies Smokie, you're quite right. It will never happen again.
In mitigation, I can only say I'm a somewhat frustrated amateur mechanic at the moment. Particularly when a small but vital spring jumps out of it's housing and flies into the long grass of the field next door. Grrrr! Serves me right for "working from home" this morning! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: powermite on May 24, 2004, 05:23:14 pm I think somebody needs a hug
PM Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 24, 2004, 05:59:09 pm Thanks mate, as long as you keep your WS well away from me. ;)
And I spy with my little eye something begininng with C needs which needs a bloody good kick in the trunnions. >:( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 24, 2004, 06:54:56 pm Hows your gasket? I hope you put some Hylomar on it ???
(http://www.smeertechniek.nl/Image1.gif) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on May 24, 2004, 07:44:07 pm For a non-techy that might rather look like a picture out of the Hayes Manual of Sex or how it is called. ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 24, 2004, 08:04:14 pm Have you managed to find said spring Andy?? A powerful magnet on a piece of string might help??
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 24, 2004, 08:16:35 pm Have you managed to find said spring Andy?? A powerful magnet on a piece of string might help?? Alternatively, you could use the spring out of a ball point pen ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 25, 2004, 09:40:33 am Quote BASTARD BASTARD BASTARD f**ck THE f**ckING f**ckER THE f**ckING f**ckER'S f**ckING f**ckED Andy - deepest sympathies - that really is a very impressive string of swear words, albeit lacking a little variety - must have been a major toys out of pram scene at the time, so you might need to talk nicely to it for a bit. Remember the old mechanics sayings If it ain't broke don't fix it. You only need two tools - if it should move and doesn't use WD-40; if it does move and shouldn't use gaffer tape. And remember some of the earlier themes in this thread (which incidentally has now passed 600 posts.....) including the curse of the Commer - may your Commer last forever..... ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 25, 2004, 10:23:19 am If it ain't broke don't fix it. You only need two tools - if it should move and doesn't use WD-40; if it does move and shouldn't use gaffer tape. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 25, 2004, 10:30:45 am Quote So the best toolkit in the world would comprise WD-40 and gaffer tape. Love it! - I'll get packed then! The alternative for the less subtly minded is, of course, a hammer and gaffer tape.... ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on May 25, 2004, 10:51:46 am The hammer always used to work for me. Very useful for taking out the aggression when you lose the odd spring or two.
Woops, sorry Andy Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 25, 2004, 11:03:07 am Maybe Haynes should change the spanner rating on the jobs in their books to hammer rating ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Barry on May 25, 2004, 11:50:28 am Quote So the best toolkit in the world would comprise WD-40 and gaffer tape. Love it! - I'll get packed then! The alternative for the less subtly minded is, of course, a hammer and gaffer tape.... ;D ;D Don't forget an aggresive pair of pliers :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 25, 2004, 11:53:24 am Don't forget an aggresive pair of pliers :) I can hear mine growling in the toolbox now!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 25, 2004, 11:57:31 am Quote BASTARD BASTARD BASTARD f**ck THE f**ckING f**ckER THE f**ckING f**ckER'S f**ckING f**ckED Andy - deepest sympathies - that really is a very impressive string of swear words, albeit lacking a little variety - must have been a major toys out of pram scene at the time, so you might need to talk nicely to it for a bit. Remember the old mechanics sayings If it ain't broke don't fix it. You only need two tools - if it should move and doesn't use WD-40; if it does move and shouldn't use gaffer tape. And remember some of the earlier themes in this thread (which incidentally has now passed 600 posts.....) including the curse of the Commer - may your Commer last forever..... ;D Thanks for the support and ideas guys. Mark, being in the military, I'm surprised you've never heard that expression before. I first heard it as a very young man when I was on fire picket at Sennybridge camp in Wales. The sergeant got us to test all the hoses, including the one coiled up on the gatehouse wall. It must have been there since national service days and had spent twenty odd years being blancoed and sitting in the sunlight, such as you ever get in Wales. We unrolled it and connected it to the hydrant. Once the water was turned on it virtually disintegrated and sprung about a thousand high pressure leaks, soaking said sergeant from head to toe with hilarious consequences. Purple with fury and looking like a big wet wounded peacock, he yelled at us to turn that effin' thing off. He ended his order with the phrase above. The bastard got his own back by making us sleep on the guard house beds and we got eaten alive by bed bugs. What a dump that place was. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on May 25, 2004, 12:53:24 pm Nice to see you back to normal Andy. Need any help down there?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 25, 2004, 02:31:23 pm Quote Mark, being in the military, I'm surprised you've never heard that expression before Andy - probably something to do with the sheltered existence of a crab rather than a pongo, much more refined and educated you see my dear chap, and swearing is so frowned upon in these PC days. Marvellous tale from Sennybridge though - certainly made the rest of the office wonder what I was cackling at. You're right that the place was a rather a god-forsaken dump and I don't think it has changed much since then. The Light Blue "mots juste" in tricky situations tend to be more brief and pithy, like the time a Jet Provost was getting airborne from Cranwell, one of our primary flying training stations. Now, the Jet Provost was not endowed with a surfeit of power and thus had rightly earned its title as an aerial vacuum cleaner - variable noise, constant suck. Off the end of the main runway was a nice line of poplar trees that had grown taller over the years, and one of the old and bold pilots had not factored this into his take-off calculations on a hot, windless day, which led - unsurprisingly - to a lack of adequate height to clear the trees. In the midst of working like a one-armed paper hanger in the cockpit and just before the aircraft ploughed through the trees, the last call from him to Air Traffic on the radio was a cheery "Timmmbbbeeerrr!" ;D ;D In case anyone was wondering, he did survive as an older, bolder and wiser pilot. Glad your SOH has returned - keep up the fine work and remember the other fine mechanics saying If you can't fix it then bodge it..... ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 25, 2004, 03:17:52 pm If you can't fix it then bodge it..... ;D Wise words Mark, it works for me every time ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 25, 2004, 03:41:14 pm Quote Mark, being in the military, I'm surprised you've never heard that expression before The Light Blue "mots juste" in tricky situations tend to be more brief and pithy, Glad your SOH has returned - keep up the fine work and remember the other fine mechanics saying If you can't fix it then bodge it..... ;D As a seventeen year old cadet, I was once shouted out on parade by a big loud sod, no doubt for some petty transgression, such as accidentally saluting with my left arm. His cap peak was nearly perpendicula to his nose, so as to obscure his eyes. Actually, he had only one good eye, the other being glass. You could tell which the glass one was as it was the only one with a flicker of humanity in it. "Zarse! Still! Stand still!" He bore down on me and continued, "Hif hintelligence was haltitude, then hewd be a bleedin' 'ole in the ground!".... I think he may have had a point. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 25, 2004, 05:18:12 pm Quote His cap peak was nearly perpendicula to his nose, so as to obscure his eyes Ah - falling foul of the marvellous form of the RSM or the RAF equivalentof the Station Warrant Officer! How on earth they manage to operate with a view restricted to a 3" deep crescent centred on their toe caps I will never know. I suppose what they lack in vision they make up for with volume. Thing is they don't just restrict their comments to the great young unwashed of cadets and junior ranks and what wonderful characters they are, unbowed even by higher authority. I will never forget a particularly fearsome SWO who was heard bawling across the parade square at some errant officer strolling nonchalantly across the surrounding grass - the words went "YOU - THERE - are making this Station look UNTIDY - Get OFF the grass NOW unless YOU want to COMB it back up NOW". The said errant officer was none other than the Station Commander himself, a Group Captain, who unsurprisingly strode over to the SWO with the words - "I am the Station Commander and THIS IS MY STATION", to which the SWO simply replied "Indeed Sir, but Queen's Regulations require me to assist with the instructional development of inexperienced officers - it is Her Majesty's station - not yours. I trust this will be the first and only lesson that I will need to give you "......... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 25, 2004, 06:12:09 pm I'm not sure if this could replace the Commer as it needs wheels first !
. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: pretzel on May 25, 2004, 10:29:35 pm Dunno about that - but it sure looks like it has one of those spring thingy's incorporated into the offside ornate balustrade. Quick work with a hacksaw and job done - even if it's not quite the same as the original I'm sure it could be made to fit.
Did you find the spring Andy? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on May 27, 2004, 08:41:25 pm Quote f**ck THE f**ckING f**ckER THE f**ckING f**ckER'S f**ckING f**ckED That just about about describes me right now Andy. There is a medical term: Shot to Pieces. It used to be "THE f**ckING f**ckER'S f**ckING f**ckED", but in these bright new days of PC the GMC encourage "Shot to Pieces". This is so as not to offend a newly discovered rainforest tribe known as The Little F*ckers and their very peculiar fertility rituals. It's not known if The Little F*ckers log on to CA or not. H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on May 28, 2004, 12:56:36 am Duhhhh....I give up..... :(
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 28, 2004, 12:18:07 pm Just to keep it clean Smokie, yes JP I got the little spring back. It flew out of the valve housing in the old fashioned lever arm dampers on the back axle which I have now renovated and which leak oil worse than ever. Morris Marina and MG owners will recall theses bits of mechanical genius with horror.
Tuesday is MOT day but things aren't looking too good on that score. So it will require a minor miracle for the Commer to be there this year. Or ever again. :( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 28, 2004, 12:22:58 pm Just to keep it clean Smokie, yes JP I got the little spring back. It flew out of the valve housing in the old fashioned lever arm dampers on the back axle which I have now renovated and which leak oil worse than ever. Morris Marina and MG owners will recall theses bits of mechanical genius with horror. Tuesday is MOT day but things aren't looking too good on that score. So it will require a minor miracle for the Commer to be there this year. Or ever again. :( I'll cancel my trip down the show on Monday then shall I :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 28, 2004, 12:29:05 pm The Commer should still be at the show and I understand they will have an F1 car there too. Surely you weren't going to drive all that way just to see my heap of rust were you??? ???
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 28, 2004, 12:50:06 pm Quote Tuesday is MOT day but things aren't looking too good on that score. So it will require a minor miracle for the Commer to be there this year. Or ever again. Oh no :o - mind you salvation could be at hand with either of these two (particularly the second one) :) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2479766062&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2479766062&rd=1) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2480404350&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2480404350&rd=1) Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 28, 2004, 01:10:47 pm The Commer should still be at the show and I understand they will have an F1 car there too. Surely you weren't going to drive all that way just to see my heap of rust were you??? ??? There's a method in my madness. Friends are off to Gatwick for a 4pm flight and the missus has volounteered to take them. So I thought I might come down by train in the morning, share a few in the beer tent etc, worship the Commer and then get the missus to swing by and pick me up after she's done the Gatwick drop. Watch this space!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 28, 2004, 01:49:06 pm Gatwick is only ten minutes further down the M23/A23, so your plan is sound. Let me know and I can arrange for my chauffeuse to have you picked up from Gatwick station (South terminal). Is Gibb still intending to come along? Any other takers? Nordic? Chrisgr31?
It's not an entirely terrible day out. We can get a good old lash going. They sell Harveys Sussex in the beer tent straight from the barrel and Timothy Taylors Landlord Bitter at the Jolly Tanners. The weather will no doubt be crap, but there you are, it's a bank holiday. Have you still got my mobile number? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on May 28, 2004, 02:00:40 pm As long as the wife does not find out that there is any connection to Le Mans, cars or beer tents & I push to donkey rides and 'family attractions' then I should be able to pop along for a will to see the legand that is the commer.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 28, 2004, 02:05:10 pm I'll PM you my mobile then we can hook up on monday. Be good to meet you.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 28, 2004, 04:05:08 pm Yes I have Andy. I'll give you a call Sunday evening or Monday morning. What time do the festivities start??
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on May 28, 2004, 06:05:51 pm Just ran a vehicle check on the Commer:
Manufacturer Commer Model Body type motor home/caravan Colour White Fuel type Petrol Date manufactured 01 January 0001 Number of previous owners 8 Last owner change 19 August 2001 No wonder it's starting to give up the ghost, at that age... It's a bit off-white too now!!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 29, 2004, 07:50:57 am Just ran a vehicle check on the Commer: Hey Smokie, you working for the pigs or something??Manufacturer Commer Model Body type motor home/caravan Colour White Fuel type Petrol Date manufactured 01 January 0001Number of previous owners 8 Last owner change 19 August 2001 No wonder it's starting to give up the ghost, at that age... It's a bit off-white too now!!! 8 owners? I looked into this a bit further and it was supplied new by Martins of Topsham, Exeter to a bloke called Jesus of Nazareth, this would explain the terrible old rusty nails I found in the back. It was also once owned by a Japanese bloke who lived in Croydon and he had to sell it to pay for his air fare as he was being deported. He sold it to a hippy in Lincoln, from whom I bought it. Must send in the log book and get them to change the colour to bogie green. And WTF am I doing up at 06.30 on a saturday morning? A good question and one to which I have no proper answer. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 29, 2004, 08:27:01 am I've only just got home!!! Excellent night in the casino!!!!
As the saying goes.....I'm always in the sh*t, it's just the depth that varies!!! ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on May 29, 2004, 09:11:11 am Nah you can get this info from the RAC website :) Just register, then go to Vehicle Data Check
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on May 29, 2004, 04:59:20 pm Gatwick is only ten minutes further down the M23/A23, so your plan is sound. Let me know and I can arrange for my chauffeuse to have you picked up from Gatwick station (South terminal). Is Gibb still intending to come along? Any other takers? Nordic? Chrisgr31? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on May 29, 2004, 05:02:44 pm OK I'll remember to type some thing next time !!!!!!! Yes Andy, still intending to attend, and photograph this extravaganza. Any way of enabling embibement and travell would be most welcome. Give me a ring with further details. gibb Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:23:39 pm OK, after the small interruption to service, I can now report on the Commer Coming Out Party
It was a lovely English summer day on Monday. In the heart of rural Sussex the beloved Commer made its first official appearance of the year. It was accompanied by many other vehicles of note, which had all turned out to wish it well for LM this year. First pictire just after arrival at the show ground: Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:24:50 pm After some delay (a few beers) the roof erection squad got to work
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:25:42 pm Giving rise to a fully erect Commer :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:27:01 pm At first I suspected that Robbo had sent along a supporter, but it was someone else:
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:28:02 pm Something for Mr. Harper to get interested in
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:28:37 pm And again perhaps
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:31:18 pm And now for Steve Brown's homage to the Commer. An original 1965 Cobra. This one was race tuned engine delivering 500 horses, and the blasted ground shook when it fired up. Awesome
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:31:53 pm And the engine from the same
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:34:48 pm A selection of other exotica made the pilgramage as well
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: rcutler on June 02, 2004, 03:35:09 pm Nice pics Gibb. Shame I couldn't make it.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:36:42 pm Even some old Lm veteran types made it. Actually the one in the middle has been driven round the Bugatti circuit.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:37:36 pm Nice pics Gibb. Shame I couldn't make it. It was a very fine day Rick Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:39:05 pm And penultimately..........Zarse actually claims to have fitted modern carburation to the hallowed vehicle
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:41:45 pm And finally, the proud father displaying the state of the art air conditioning devices (wood blocks)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Stu on June 02, 2004, 03:42:50 pm Even some old Lm veteran types made it. Actually the one in the middle has been driven round the Bugatti circuit. Is that Smokies caravan in the background? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:45:43 pm STOP PRESS.................STOP PRESS
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( Zarse has informed me that the Commer has failed its MOT on a large number of items. As I write, legions of highly trained chimpanzees are swarming all over it in an effort to put things right. We can only hope and pray for a just outcome. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on June 02, 2004, 03:52:09 pm Is that a Rosette I see adorning her windscreen????? It doesn't seem to be there in the first shot!!
Can we assume she won a prize??? :D :D :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 03:58:39 pm Is that Smokies caravan in the background? LOL, very good Stu. actually there was some old bird doing Gypsy fortune telling. I ask you ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 04:00:23 pm Is that a Rosette I see adorning her windscreen????? It doesn't seem to be there in the first shot!! Can we assume she won a prize??? :D :D :D Very observant of you Mark. The rosettes were distributed later in the day, and this one was for the exhibitor with the biggest nerve displaying what they had :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 02, 2004, 04:34:01 pm And now for Steve Brown's homage to the Commer. An original 1965 Cobra. This one was race tuned engine delivering 500 horses, and the blasted ground shook when it fired up. Awesome I've a strong feeling this is a fake. It looks far too 'new'. There's a company call Hawk Cars in Frant near Tunbridge Wells that have been producing '289' style cobras in fibreglass for a number of years now. For the last couple of years, they've been involved in a joint venture with a US company called Kirkham to produce a '489' style cobra. The aluminium body shells are made in a former Mig factory in East Germany. The engine looks like a true '60's 427 cubic inch Ford side oiler, but they are still available if you've deep pockets. The car in the photo's is styled as a 427SC (ie. a competition model) of which only a handfull of original were made and most are in the US. Plus, the soft top looks very much like a Hawk item. Sorry for my scepticism, I'm not easily impressed now ;) Thanks for the excellent photos anyway. For more details, see here http://www.hawkcars.co.uk/hawk427/index.html (http://www.hawkcars.co.uk/hawk427/index.html) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 02, 2004, 04:36:36 pm And penultimately..........Zarse actually claims to have fitted modern carburation to the hallowed vehicle Well it's got a sticker anyhow ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 02, 2004, 04:37:07 pm I bow to your superior nowlege in these Matters Steve, but the guy had left a notice on the screed proclaiming its authenticity. i didn't actually get to speak to him but Zarse did. maybe he has a better take on it than I do.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 02, 2004, 04:38:02 pm STOP PRESS.................STOP PRESS :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( Zarse has informed me that the Commer has failed its MOT on a large number of items. As I write, legions of highly trained chimpanzees are swarming all over it in an effort to put things right. We can only hope and pray for a just outcome. CATASTROSCOPE - all hands to the spanners, I'm on my prayer mat now. :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on June 02, 2004, 05:15:23 pm Quote I've a strong feeling this is a fake. It looks far too 'new'. There's a company call Hawk Cars in Frant near Tunbridge Wells that have been producing '289' style cobras in fibreglass for a number of years now. For the last couple of years, they've been involved in a joint venture with a US company called Kirkham to produce a '489' style cobra. The aluminium body shells are made in a former Mig factory in East Germany. The engine looks like a true '60's 427 cubic inch Ford side oiler, but they are still available if you've deep pockets. The car in the photo's is styled as a 427SC (ie. a competition model) of which only a handfull of original were made and most are in the US. Plus, the soft top looks very much like a Hawk item. Quote The Cobra had a full history rundown on the windscreen telling how it was salvaged from a burnt out wreck & giving a chassic number, I to was doubtful at first but left feeling it may have been real and why buy a LHD fake?. Sorry to hear the commer failed the MOT, good luck on the rebuild and hope it makes it, if not enjoy LM anyway. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Felix on June 02, 2004, 05:20:38 pm This is bad news, you could have had my old chip van for a knock down price. Other than the engine (that expired last year - remember) the other parts were useable.
(well, the carpet smelled of chip fat!) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 02, 2004, 06:44:52 pm It was good to see you Gibb and great piccies too. As a day out, it had plenty to recommend it and was a right proper lash up too; we eventually left the pub a little after closing time. Fortunately a girlfriend was pursuaded to drive the commer home after the fete.
Your pics makes the old bird look better than she is in real life. As Nordic said, she's not as pristine as he thought she'd be! Cheeky swine! But good to meet Nordicand brother and his wife and two lovely kids who were properly attired, I was pleased to note, in Le Mans teeshirts. Yes MOT failed and not looking too hopeful, but perserverance is my middle name. Actually, it's not, it's John, but you know what I mean. Steve, I'm no expert, but I'm sure it was not a cobra replica, though I understand your cynicism. It was certainly an alloy body version. Every item seemed original and had the proper pattina of age. As Nordic says, there was a pretty comprehensive list of spec and previous owners and dates of sale and purchase. The current owner inported from the States last year. It was originally sold by a dealer in Niagra Falls in 1965. No wonder the carpet was still wet. It had only done 4500 miles from new. I am at variance with Nordic's reading of the accompanying notes. I thought it was the factory that burnt down, not the car. Still I was a bit pissed, so will defer judgement. Anyway, it was a real beauty. PS Gibb, it has got a Webber carb, purchased last year from Speedy Spares in Shoreham to replace the totally knackered Solex unit. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 02, 2004, 06:53:39 pm Andy, what the hell are you doing here ?? :o
Get back out under that Commer >:( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 03, 2004, 10:13:12 am Andy, I always believed you about the carb, but I wasn't sure about the rest of the sceptics on this forum ;)
I'm sure we are all praying for the Commers speedy recovery. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 03, 2004, 10:15:08 am Morning Steve. I've offered to go down and help him but he seems to think he'll be OK. Here's hoping
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 03, 2004, 10:28:38 am Morning Gib, does Andy know of a testing station with a more 'liberal' interpretation of the regs?
(for 'liberal' read 'sensible, practical and experienced') Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 03, 2004, 10:33:29 am I'm not sure that would help Steve. On Monday we were examining some very dodgy looking rust, and the following day AZ reported that the failures were many. Sounds like anywhere would fail it. I've already taken him to task over having an MOT due so close to LM, and he promised to get another one done after the race this year (thereby ensuring next years attendance) but the whole thing looks dodgy now.
Still a chap of his perseverence will win through. Actually, I suspect he's got some slave or other fixing it as we speak. ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on June 03, 2004, 10:34:39 am I'm not sure that would help Steve. On Monday we were examining some very dodgy looking rust, and the following day AZ reported that the failures were many. Sounds like anywhere would fail it. I've already taken him to task over having an MOT due so close to LM, and he promised to get another one done after the race this year (thereby ensuring next years attendance) but the whole thing looks dodgy now. Still a chap of his perseverence will win through. Actually, I suspect he's got some slave or other fixing it as we speak. ::) Does he really need an MOT to drive down to le Mans ?? ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 03, 2004, 10:38:07 am The vehicle is illegal on British roads without one, and his insurance would be invalid
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Brad Zarse on June 03, 2004, 11:45:58 am OOOOOOOOH - thats a bit scary - but its OK, I've just ruined it ;D(http://C:\Documents and Settings\Brad\My Documents\Message.jpg)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Brad Zarse on June 03, 2004, 11:46:33 am It didnt work :-(
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 03, 2004, 11:49:45 am Thanks very interesting that you mentioned that.
When Andy Zarse passed 666 posts, he had all kinds of unpleasant mishaps, the least of which was a bad car accident. We call it "The Curse of the Commer". Be afraid :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 03, 2004, 12:57:06 pm Oh s**t, it had to be me that did it :o What sort of c**p is going to happen to me now? Think I'd best be off to the pub, and sit in a quiet corner contemplating rusty Commers.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 03, 2004, 03:32:01 pm Morning Gib, does Andy know of a testing station with a more 'liberal' interpretation of the regs? (for 'liberal' read 'sensible, practical and experienced') Yes. This had crossed my mind and it's being attended to. I have sorted out the rusty front panel/sill by covering it in a new coating of underseal. Just need to attend to the leaky rear shox, worn front suspension eye bolts, excessive steering play, badly adjusted brakes, leaky diff oil seal and broken rear numberplate light and we'll be on our way! Piece of piss!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 03, 2004, 03:55:33 pm Bl**dy hell Andy, thats quite a list for such a short time. Sure you're OK?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on June 03, 2004, 03:56:21 pm Andy, have you considered an alternative therapy for the Commers ailments?
I was browsing a workshop manual the other day by Jack 'Swarfega' Chopra that recommended a more non invasive approach. Park the Commer facing East at dawn and start with a little light chanting. You will need to be dressed in saffron robes, and a large piece of quartz inserted as far up your a*se as you can bear without weeping, will help no end. It'll be handy to have close by a paraffin lamp, some rubber gloves and about half a litre of Karma. Dust (I'm paraphrasing from the manual here) the transmission and steering rack with fairy crystals blessed by the great Mystic Wizard Merlin (you should find him at most Kwik-Fit outlets). A holistic approach should help with the holes in the sills. Mix about 5 grams of Exchange and Mart granules with about 2000L of distilled water, extract about 5g of this solution, and repeat. Stir this into a huge amount of Isopon with a Chakra stick and inject directly into the sill. Hum a little song, preferably by George Harrison. Install a few druids in the Commers Inner Space and leave them to summon up the God of Glastonbury. Re-submit to your local MOT station, but don't speak. Hold your hands together in a praying pose and just nod and smile serenely to all his questions. Finally, remove the crystal from your backside before it does some real damage. It worked with me. H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 03, 2004, 04:00:37 pm I have sorted out the rusty front panel/sill by covering it in a new coating of underseal. Just need to attend to the leaky rear shox, worn front suspension eye bolts, excessive steering play, badly adjusted brakes, leaky diff oil seal and broken rear numberplate light and we'll be on our way! Piece of piss!! A couple of hours work then ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 03, 2004, 05:09:02 pm Andy, have you considered an alternative therapy for the Commers ailments? I was browsing a workshop manual the other day by Jack 'Swarfega' Chopra that recommended a more non invasive approach. Park the Commer facing East at dawn and start with a little light chanting. You will need to be dressed in saffron robes, and a large piece of quartz inserted as far up your a*se as you can bear without weeping, will help no end. It'll be handy to have close by a paraffin lamp, some rubber gloves and about half a litre of Karma. Dust (I'm paraphrasing from the manual here) the transmission and steering rack with fairy crystals blessed by the great Mystic Wizard Merlin (you should find him at most Kwik-Fit outlets). A holistic approach should help with the holes in the sills. Mix about 5 grams of Exchange and Mart granules with about 2000L of distilled water, extract about 5g of this solution, and repeat. Stir this into a huge amount of Isopon with a Chakra stick and inject directly into the sill. Hum a little song, preferably by George Harrison. Install a few druids in the Commers Inner Space and leave them to summon up the God of Glastonbury. Re-submit to your local MOT station, but don't speak. Hold your hands together in a praying pose and just nod and smile serenely to all his questions. Finally, remove the crystal from your backside before it does some real damage. It worked with me. H I'm prepared to try anything once, although I'm mighty sceptical. I haven't got any quartz crystals and Halfords have run out, so will a piece of jagged glass do the trick? They did have Gunson's Mechanic's Wode and a natty little pine scented air freshener cum Dream Catcher thingy which I'm giving a try out to. I'd also hoped the Commer's ability to self project itself into a shimmering chimera of a new Iveco Turbo Daily would have helped fool the MOT tester but he just muttered a mystic phrase and blew some sandalwood incense into the cab and the image was lost. Unfortunately the Inner Space is full, inhabited by tools, tow rope, spare inner tube, evil spirits, incubus, succubus etc. I especially enjoy the succubus which comes out when parked near a strong layline. In summary then, holistic is good as you pass the WHOLE MOT test. Glad the Jagwah made it through but, if your suggestion works, I'll eat my dhoti! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on June 03, 2004, 05:29:07 pm It's sounds like an uphill struggle alright Andy. Short of bribery and Zen Buddhism it's looking grim. Have you explained to the tester that you don't intend doing more than 25mph, at least not without a drink? What's Plan B?
The jag got through in the end, the certificate is still not 24 hours old, all I have to do now is find that insurance certificate so I can tax it. I'm well behind schedule this year, I haven't even cooked the Chilli yet, let alone find my most revolting y-fronts for packing. I'm sure the race has come around in 51 and not 52 weeks this time, it's shot my program to pieces. H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 03, 2004, 05:48:05 pm I'm sure the race has come around in 51 and not 52 weeks this time, it's shot my program to pieces. H H, you may be right. It's been over the Fathers Day weekend for the last few years so it is early. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on June 04, 2004, 12:40:48 am Or maybe Fathers day is late? :)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: dryhen on June 04, 2004, 01:09:45 pm Quote H, you may be right. It's been over the Fathers Day weekend for the last few years so it is early.Quote At last ! Breakfast in bed, papers, warm slippers, the latest Who CD - all provided willingly by my adoring son ..... who for the past xxx years has used the excuse of me being in France for a total lack of Fathers day presents ..... :'( :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: rcutler on June 04, 2004, 01:15:11 pm And you don't let him come.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on June 04, 2004, 01:17:31 pm Quote At last ! Breakfast in bed, papers, warm slippers, the latest Who CD - all provided willingly by my adoring son ..... who for the past xxx years has used the excuse of me being in France for a total lack of Fathers day presents ..... :'( :'( Yep, will make a change my eldest is four years old and I haven't been around for any fathers day yet even when we lived in Saudi I still got to LM!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: dryhen on June 04, 2004, 01:18:29 pm He's got exams in the next two years - or that's my excuse. Besides, we took him when he was 9 weeks old - to take him now would be a serious drain on the beer supply - what are 15 yr olds coming to !?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on June 04, 2004, 04:07:52 pm Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: dryhen on June 04, 2004, 06:17:08 pm I asked for that, I s'pose ....... Smart ass :) :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 04, 2004, 08:42:22 pm Just been working flat out to get ahead of the game at work before leaving next week, so have missed the recent exchanges until now. My MGA passed its MOT earlier in the week, so that's all done and dusted :). I know what you mean about a week missing from the preparation programme - it all seems to have arrived a bit quickly this year! Andy - best of luck with the Commer - good tip for leaking shock absorbers is not to have any oil in them, then they don't leak - doesn;t work so well with a leaking diff seal though..... ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 06, 2004, 03:46:10 pm It's sounds like an uphill struggle alright Andy. Short of bribery and Zen Buddhism it's looking grim. Have you explained to the tester that you don't intend doing more than 25mph, at least not without a drink? What's Plan B? The jag got through in the end, the certificate is still not 24 hours old, all I have to do now is find that insurance certificate so I can tax it. H You are a clever fakir! And thanks to the encouragement receieved from you all guys here I'm pleased to say that due to finding an especiallyn lenient (lax?) MOT station, I am now in possession of a new and valid MOT certificate. So The Commer will be on it's way down on Thursday morning; I expect to arrive some time on Saturday. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on June 06, 2004, 04:29:27 pm Quote So The Commer will be on it's way down on Thursday morning wahaaay! There is a Gott in Himmell! Lark on the thorn, snail on the wing, and all that. See you for a warm beer! H PS Put four commandos in full camoflage gear in the back, and you should have no problems at passport control... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on June 06, 2004, 04:42:56 pm Congratulations Andy, I look forward to seeing the legend that is the commer in MB :D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Stu on June 06, 2004, 07:19:50 pm Look forward to seeing it. Great News. Audi will be shitting themselves now.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 06, 2004, 10:15:35 pm Quote So The Commer will be on it's way down on Thursday morning; I expect to arrive some time on Saturday. Hurrah - what wonderful news at the end of a weekend of domestice penance, paying in advance for buggering off and enjoying myself ! That's the bulldog spirit - outstandingly well done old chap! Marvellous testament to individual perseverance etc. ;D ;D ;D Quote Audi will be sh**tting themselves now I imagine that the Audi camp is already quaking with fear and readying itself for a tactical withdrawal.... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 06, 2004, 10:48:16 pm Excellent news Andy, I'm standing by to walk in front with the red flag ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 07, 2004, 12:08:07 am Quote Excellent news Andy, I'm standing by to walk in front with the red flag Steve - surely not - even a Cobra with american iron under the bonnet is no match for the sheer power of the Commer at full chat.......... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 07, 2004, 08:55:49 am Splendid news Andy. See you tonight.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on June 07, 2004, 09:09:58 am Well done Andy!!!
I have my Commer "promotional" material for this years race printed and laminated and will be proudly stuck to the window of the Sud! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 09, 2004, 12:39:12 am Disaster!! Has anyone got a rotor arm for a Commer? :( Old one burnt out today.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on June 09, 2004, 01:09:51 am I bet there's still one in the one down by the Three Bridges!!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 09, 2004, 09:12:19 am Disaster!! Has anyone got a rotor arm for a Commer? :( Old one burnt out today. Bl**dy h**l Andy, is there no end to this years troubles? Can't say I've got one, but is there anything else one might assist with? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on June 09, 2004, 09:28:22 am Disaster!! Has anyone got a rotor arm for a Commer? :( Old one burnt out today. Bl**dy h**l Andy, is there no end to this years troubles? Can't say I've got one, but is there anything else one might assist with? Like pushing ? No, that wasn't fair but I couldn't resist. Sh*t !!! Andy, I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck and I hope you will get it together again in time. My fingers are crossed. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 09, 2004, 11:24:52 am Dizzy cap also full of hairline cracks and it's sparking out all over the place. New gear is on order from Lucas and they've promised it'll be here by 3.00 this afternoon. If it isn't I'll have to risk it with the old knackered ones.
One way or the other, I will get there! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on June 09, 2004, 11:31:11 am Dizzy cap also full of hairline cracks and it's sparking out all over the place. New gear is on order from Lucas and they've promised it'll be here by 3.00 this afternoon. If it isn't I'll have to risk it with the old knackered ones. One way or the other, I will get there! Must add to the list TAKE A TOW ROPE to help Andy get home again! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on June 09, 2004, 11:31:13 am One way or the other, I will get there! That's the spirit !!! All the best of luck. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 09, 2004, 06:04:10 pm One way or the other, I will get there! Of course you will dear by. But I always carry a tow rope just in case. Best of British. Stiff upper thingy and all that. Eh what? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: pretzel on June 09, 2004, 06:07:49 pm Hope you get the Commer sorted. Just to help things along a copy of the Commer poster now proudly displayed in the side window of the Sube for the journey over. Legal insurance policy doesn't say if it covers court action taken by the ACO but what the hell.......
Hope the old beast makes it OK. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on June 09, 2004, 11:58:22 pm If the new cap and rotor arm doon't arrive, Andy's I'll bring a bottle of Tippex or we can cadge some nail varnish (nonmetallic type) off Mrs RS2babe and rebuild it to "good enough status" and get you home again. No worries!
Bill (note new Temporary address, Houx Annexe, near some Cobras, midwest France) ;) ;) ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 14, 2004, 10:19:05 pm Now then - as we all return from Le Mans via various routes to our various abodes, the world awaits silent and hungry for news - did the Commer make it there and back??????
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on June 15, 2004, 12:16:48 am Now then - as we all return from Le Mans via various routes to our various abodes, the world awaits silent and hungry for news - did the Commer make it there and back?????? I saw the said Commer leabving Maison Blanche at about 0900 hours this morning, spluttering, and then it got trailered on the Autoroute to Alencon later, but it was going fine. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Barry on June 15, 2004, 02:28:28 pm On Saturday finally got to see group C cars, AND the Commer in the metal. Both a glorious site, thought nothing could better that and then we had a great race to. ;D 8) ;D 8)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 15, 2004, 03:38:10 pm Quote I saw the said Commer leabving Maison Blanche at about 0900 hours this morning, spluttering, and then it got trailered on the Autoroute to Alencon later, but it was going fine. The suspense and excitement is killing. I expect a full write up of this tale of gritty determination from the man on his return..... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 16, 2004, 12:13:36 am Yes, it was there. I personally inspected it for roadworthyness on Thursday evening in MB .......
......and hammered past it at 90 on Monday morning ;D (hope all is well Andy) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 16, 2004, 12:33:34 pm Quote (hope all is well Andy) Steve - I note from the "I'm back" thread that the man himself has returned........... Quote Got back yesterday and checked straight into The Priory! They've just taken the straps off my wrists and I've stopped shaking just enough to type this. Full report later. Seems to be in deep shock - either that or been drinking too much Red Bull as sustenance on the way back.......... ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 16, 2004, 01:23:06 pm Thanks for the encouragement guys and to those who dropped by our site and showed an interest in the old girl. There were days in the run up that I though she just about wasn't going to make it.
On a strictly Commer theme, here are a few statistics for you to digest: Average speed on run from LM to Ouistreham was 29mph including traffic jams, refuels, piss stops etc. >:( :-[ Average fuel consumption for whole trip was 15.42mpg :( Milage travelled door to door and back again was 401 miles. Speedo turned to 53,666 just as we went past the turning to a village called Commeau! I absolutely kid you all not and I have witnesses to this! Now just how spooky was that?? :o Top speed reached was 72.5 mph on the Commer speedo but Porsche 996 behind say it was only 66mph on his clock. Judge for yourselves which is more accurate! :D Interior accomm pretty good, it's nice to have a proper cooker, sink, shower and a foam bed. :D Reliability: Rather poor. >:( Radio and interior light packed up on way home. >:( Failed to start for return journey due to flat battery and had to be jump started. (Could be because radio and interior light had been on virtually for four days continuously. >:( >:( >:( Failure to make it up the ramp to get on the ferry without much stalling and clutch slipping (Could be cos she's only 40bhp and was freighted up to the bollocks with the whole camsite gear of nine people and carrying four fat people, sixteen crates of wine, five crates of cidre and twenty crates of beer). :( Rear wheel nearly fell off just outside Fontwell racecourse on way home. (Could be due to some twat not tightening the nuts up properly when the tyres were being switched just before the off. >:( >:( No water or oil consumed but this hardly makes up for the above catalogue of abject unreliablilty and failure. :-[ In summary, what a heap of sh it! >:( But she's a beauty, she's mine and I wouldn't have it any other way. :-* :-* :-* Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on June 16, 2004, 01:30:57 pm Well nice to hear the old girl made the trip Andy. Came looking several times but to no avail. Might have something to do with not being able to see thru the beer/whisky/brandy goggles that I was permanently wearing making up for not being a press room monkey for the first time in 7 years - and boy did I make up for it!!
Had LOADS of comments (all +ve) about the posters proudly displayed in the Pug - the Commer truly is a thing of legend!! Oh and apologies to anyone who I offended at the Shampoo Bar - can't remember an awful lot about it to be honest!!! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Simes on June 16, 2004, 01:55:06 pm Whbat an adventure.....I came for a look too but could not find, saw a Bedford CF and a Transit MkI campers in Karting.....
any pics of this magnificent 'lady'? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 16, 2004, 02:22:40 pm Average fuel consumption for whole trip was 15.42mpg :( Bloody hell. I feel a whole lot better now (having put 240 euros of petrol in the fire breathing monster) :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 16, 2004, 02:42:53 pm Andy,
Thank you, the world can now breath easy at the safe return of you and the old girl. :) Marvellous tale of non-stop adventure from a living legend :o Makes Shackleton's Antarctic exploits look positively non-descript ;D Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 16, 2004, 03:34:58 pm But she's a beauty, she's mine and I wouldn't have it any other way. :-* :-* :-* Well said Andy. Glad she made it. Did you get the new dizzy cap etc before leaving? Oh, and don't forget to get another MOT next month, to ensure next years arrival :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Chef on June 16, 2004, 04:28:30 pm Average fuel consumption for whole trip was 15.42mpg :( Bloody hell. I feel a whole lot better now (having put 240 euros of petrol in the fire breathing monster) :'( i see the oil price went up again this morning. Can see why. Ouch! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 16, 2004, 06:22:24 pm On Saturday this year, I purchased a wholy inadequate substitute for my own Commer. The only thing I can say is that it's the same colour. It has none of the charm grace and sophistication of the Commer. It does not provide foam matresses to sleep on, or a proper sink and kitchen facilities, but I am going to love it anyway..........In my own sad inadequate way...................
Oh well here's a picture ---- Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 16, 2004, 07:21:14 pm Gib, are you going to go "Vroom vrooooom" on the carpet? ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on June 17, 2004, 07:47:48 am Some people clearly do not have the same patience as Andy with their cars...
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2481794738 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 17, 2004, 09:43:25 am Was that the commer I saw bording the 09:00 Caen Portsmouth Ferry?
Looks to me like it will want to go back next year. ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 17, 2004, 10:02:20 am Quote Some people clearly do not have the same patience as Andy with their cars... Smokie, Clearly not, although one can perhaps understand why, when the link leads you to a sh**ged out Skoda Favorit. However, I notice that the item title contains the key words of "Disintegrating", "Rustheap" and "Catfood". This does, of course, lead naturally to the obvious supplementary question of what on earth you were looking for when you found this item? Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on June 17, 2004, 10:37:34 am I cheated, I found the link somewhere else... :)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 17, 2004, 03:11:13 pm Quote I cheated, I found the link somewhere else Aaaww....there was me thinking you might have been looking for some really off the wall stuff..... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 17, 2004, 04:30:08 pm Gib, are you going to go "Vroom vrooooom" on the carpet? ;) already done it Steve ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 21, 2004, 01:37:18 pm Now that the Commer has made it to and from Le Mans in 2004, and Mr Zarse committed to plans to re-MOT is in plenty of thime for 2005, will there be a need for a replacement or will it soldier on for another year? To ensure its continued well-being, then setting its sheer quality against the following contemporary candidates should be enough motivation to ensure that the legend of the Commer lives on and leads next year's Audis down the Mulsanne......
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2482644295&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2482644295&rd=1) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2482528144&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2482528144&rd=1) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=2482444926&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=2482444926&rd=1) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 21, 2004, 02:52:35 pm Leyland ambulance looks interesting - stood for 15 years though :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 21, 2004, 04:54:25 pm Now that the Commer has made it to and from Le Mans in 2004, and Mr Zarse committed to plans to re-MOT is in plenty of thime for 2005, will there be a need for a replacement or will it soldier on for another year? To ensure its continued well-being, then setting its sheer quality against the following contemporary candidates should be enough motivation to ensure that the legend of the Commer lives on and leads next year's Audis down the Mulsanne...... Mark, Trust your A did the biz for you at LM. The Commer will be there next year, so no need for a replacement just yet. My best estimate based on the half life degradation of it's nuclear powerplant is that it should be in need of replacement in about the year 2305, so she should see us all out. This, I would imagine, is about the same as a well pampered MGA, unless it has the twin cam engine, in which case will last till about next week. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 21, 2004, 05:34:16 pm Our convoy 'trundled' past Mark and his MGA on the M20 on the way down to LM.
Hope we weren't too noisy Mark ;) I also had the pleasure of passing the Commer on the LM / Alencon toll road (some speed differential though :o ) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 23, 2004, 01:11:23 am Quote Mark, Trust your A did the biz for you at LM. The Commer will be there next year, so no need for a replacement just yet. My best estimate based on the half life degradation of it's nuclear powerplant is that it should be in need of replacement in about the year 2305, so she should see us all out. This, I would imagine, is about the same as a well pampered MGA, unless it has the twin cam engine, in which case will last till about next week. Andy - thanks - well-pampered but well used - still got all the dirt and dust on it. Indeed the A did the biz very nicely, tooling along at 70 plus, 2 up with luggage ;D , no overheating, but suffering a couple of times with fuel vaporisation because the underbonnet temperatures rocket on hot days, with no forward motion, particularly when stopped at the umpteenth set of traffic lights in Rouen >:( The scuttle vents work beautifully above about 30 mph, but do nothing when stopped or in slow traffic. No solution to that really, as I don't want to cut louvres in the bonnet - just have to live with dancing on the pedals to keep the revs up at about 1500-2000 while braking and changing down. Mines a pushrod 1622, so like the Commer, I expect Lord Nuffield's best will continue to serve faithfully for a long time to come yet! Twin cams make a lovely noise but are soooo finicky on timing and fuel - mines just nicely blueprinted and flowed with a tubular manifold, so a few more horses are there above the standard - now a really nice step up would be the Derrington crossflow head and webers, but that's a grands worth of kit for which I can't stretch the finances - yet! Let me know when you need new fuel rods - I 'm sure the Navy will have some to spare somewhere! Quote Our convoy 'trundled' past Mark and his MGA on the M20 on the way down to LM. Hope we weren't too noisy Mark Steve - and a grand sight and sound it was too, with those delightful V8s drowning out not only the sound of Mr Nuffield's best four pot, but also - thankfully, if momentarily - the sounds of garage/trance/house whatever the heck it was booming out of the ICE system installed in son's Ford escort following us to Le Mans....... Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 27, 2004, 11:40:52 am Came across this little beauty the other day...
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on June 27, 2004, 11:41:33 am And from the rear...................
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Simes on June 28, 2004, 07:57:33 pm Just thought I'd bring this topic back up ...
one for next year (http://uploader.co.uk/images/commerreplacement.jpg) BTW spotted a Commer Camper at the breakers "Bridges" on the M/A23 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on June 28, 2004, 08:28:17 pm I also spotted a Commer camper just off the M25 heading south on the M3 (not heading south too quickly as it was on the hard shoulder!!!)
Hadn't seen one in years until the Zarse mobile at LM and have now seen a couple in the last few weeks. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 28, 2004, 11:23:17 pm Quote Hadn't seen one in years until the Zarse mobile at LM and have now seen a couple in the last few weeks. Probably something to do with resurrection from hibernation with the onset of warmer weather. Now this one may not exactly qualify as a modern replacement, but it would be a slightly less old replacement - a source of spares for Team Commer Veloqx UK, or a potential competitor in the form of Team Commer Champion USA........ http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=18308&item=2483143788&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=18308&item=2483143788&rd=1) ............I hadn't realised they were still rolling them off the production line as late as 1974....... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on June 28, 2004, 11:34:30 pm ...or how about this one?
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2482265545 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 28, 2004, 11:41:30 pm Smokie - excellent :o described as an "ex-Tokyo pimp wagon" it makes you wonder what on earth is going on in Derby these days... although the prospect of performance down the Mulsanne palls a bit when you read "2.0 litre engine". Like the side exit exhaust - rather reminiscent of a 962 (if you stretch the imagination to breaking point). Not sure about the rear deck, as it looks like the sort of thing you should be jumping off into water, like the back of the yachts moored uop in Monaco harbour....now I know the red wine is affecting the brain this evening.....
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 28, 2004, 11:45:55 pm The front looks like a snow plow, or a cow catcher :-X
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 28, 2004, 11:50:52 pm Far be it from me to distract from Smokie's outstanding find in Derby (the cow catcher at the front is probably for diving into the harbour when you've parke diot the wrong one round...) but I have happened across this - now either there is one German in Soltau who is being a tad unrealistic about the value, or Zarse is onto something - we should be told..........
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=9897&item=2483198768&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=9897&item=2483198768&rd=1) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 29, 2004, 12:03:46 am Quote The front looks like a snow plow, or a cow catcher Sussed it now - the front and back extensions are really tables for the convenient enjoyment of picnics in roadside laybys and the sound systen is to drown out the sound of the artics roaring by...... Alternatively, you could play a tape of a rumbling Chevy 5.7 V8 to drown out the sound of a nissan 2.0 litre engine.......... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 29, 2004, 12:32:28 am Bloody hell Mark, nothing on the TV tonight? ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 29, 2004, 01:53:31 pm ............I hadn't realised they were still rolling them off the production line as late as 1974....... Mark You underestimate the longevity of the Commer. It finally ceased production as late as 1982. By then it was known as the Dodge Spacevan, with a horrid facelift that did away with the happy smiley face and replaced it with a nasty black plastic shroud. They also added a steering lock to stop it being nicked! As if! It was still crap too. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 29, 2004, 02:04:28 pm Far be it from me to distract from Smokie's outstanding find in Derby (the cow catcher at the front is probably for diving into the harbour when you've parke diot the wrong one round...) but I have happened across this - now either there is one German in Soltau who is being a tad unrealistic about the value, or Zarse is onto something - we should be told.......... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=9897&item=2483198768&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=9897&item=2483198768&rd=1) In Germany huh? Probably once owned by either a disgruntled squaddie or an equally disgruntled holiday maker who gave up the struggled and dumped it in the barn. Thus for the current "owner" to be asking £6,500 for it, to my mind, does seem a touch on the high side. These things are very valuable of course and the Germans notoriously have an appreciation of fine engineering, so anything is possible I suppose. Hope it makes it's reserve price. If so, I feel a little motoring trip to Germany coming on, with a one way air ticket home. You might say I'd sold my soul to Santa. Sorry, Satan. I dare say HGB will be round to view it at the weekend. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 29, 2004, 02:18:55 pm Quote Bloody hell Mark, nothing on the TV tonight? No - just distraction therapy from trying to find a campsite for the family holiday this year.... ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 29, 2004, 02:21:31 pm A family camping holiday Mark? Have you considered visiting Germany? It's lovely around Hanover at this time of year and I know where there's a nice campervan out there and it's going cheap...
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 29, 2004, 02:32:16 pm Andy,
Quote You underestimate the longevity of the Commer Ceertainly did - looks they got their money's worth and more out of the design and tooling costs then! Quote Probably once owned by either a disgruntled squaddie or an equally disgruntled holiday maker who gave up the struggled and dumped it in the barn with it being in Soltau, a squaddie of some years ago is quite possible - it looks like the sort of thing that might even have been a good old NAAFI wagon at some point... ;D Quote If so, I feel a little motoring trip to Germany coming on, with a one way air ticket home. I applaud your usual spirit of adventure based on a description of "the wagon works" and pictures which show the right hand side held up a jack, presumably to disguise some sort of actual or imminent suspension collapse.....Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 29, 2004, 02:35:02 pm Quote A family camping holiday Mark? Have you considered visiting Germany? It's lovely around Hanover at this time of year and I know where there's a nice campervan out there and it's going cheap... Now there's a thought - ideal - drive out there and surprise the family with an all-inclusive self-catering package in the midst of a Hansel & Gretel type of dark German pine forest - they can go bear hunting.....whilst I fix it up and drive it back home - I can hear the cheers now on landing at Dover..... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on June 30, 2004, 09:36:21 am Andy, following on from our conversation at Goodwood FOS, this is what i learnt to drive in when i we're a lad!(http://)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on June 30, 2004, 10:09:47 am I bought my first Commer this week-end !
Ok it's just a Corgi milk delivery model, But I don't loose the hope of having one real one another day ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on June 30, 2004, 10:59:47 am I dare say HGB will be round to view it at the weekend. Just seen this... the owner claims that this Commer is working. It was build in 1960, first registered in 1969 and ran until 1998 clocking 55.000 kilometers. Seeing the pictures I believe 10.000,- Euros is a bit far from normal. The sentimental value must be 9.999,-. The rest is worth probably 1,- Euro. Unfortunately, Soltau is not around the corner. Otherwise I would visit this chap for a good laugh. ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: TonyT on June 30, 2004, 02:19:52 pm Nothing to do with topic of the thread but just feel I need to a comment in this monumental thread.
I need to get out more..............How long till next year......... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 30, 2004, 03:03:24 pm I bought my first Commer this week-end ! Ok it's just a Corgi milk delivery model, But I don't loose the hope of having one real one another day ;) Gilles, Let me be the first to welcome you to a very exclusive club. Very exclusive indeed. You will suffer envy and verbal abuse from those less priviledged folk who are not fellow Commer owners. But the pride in owning one of the worst designed, badly compromised but long lived and quirky vehicles ever made will be well worth while. Congratulations! You are clearly a man of good taste and a bon viveur. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 30, 2004, 03:04:54 pm Andy, following on from our conversation at Goodwood FOS, this is what i learnt to drive in when i we're a lad!(http://) It's an early fifties split screen model. Peter, that ages you so badly it's not true! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on June 30, 2004, 03:40:35 pm Andy, following on from our conversation at Goodwood FOS, this is what i learnt to drive in when i we're a lad!(http://) It's an early fifties split screen model. Peter, that ages you so badly it's not true! Mr Zarse, not that old, al least the headlamps have moved to the wings!!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 30, 2004, 07:00:29 pm If you can successfully put a Rover V8 in a Minor, I'm sure a Commers a viable proposition...........
.............to rake up an earlier couple of pages of this thread (about page 10?) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 01, 2004, 12:13:14 pm Nothing to do with topic of the thread but just feel I need to a comment in this monumental thread. I need to get out more..............How long till next year......... Ah - like the Commer, this thread carries on..... I imagine that it will have topped 100 pages by next year........ ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 01, 2004, 12:21:19 pm If you can successfully put a Rover V8 in a Minor, I'm sure a Commers a viable proposition........... .............to rake up an earlier couple of pages of this thread (about page 10?) Steve, To go back to that point in the thread, you should also remember the talk of installing jet power in the Commer......instal that, chain it down at Tetre Rouge, wind it up, release it and then watch it fly..... can't resist the photo which is one of those now missing from the earlier posts ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 01, 2004, 07:09:29 pm True, if they can do it to this.................
(http://www.ihra.com/photos/2002/shreveport/shockley.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on July 01, 2004, 07:18:07 pm I bet Stu and Bri are sitting on the tailgate, sharing a bottle of BBQ fluid... :)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 01, 2004, 09:58:42 pm If you can successfully put a Rover V8 in a Minor, I'm sure a Commers a viable proposition........... .............to rake up an earlier couple of pages of this thread (about page 10?) Steve, To go back to that point in the thread, you should also remember the talk of installing jet power in the Commer......instal that, chain it down at Tetre Rouge, wind it up, release it and then watch it fly..... can't resist the photo which is one of those now missing from the earlier posts ;D ;D What sort of fuel is the blackbird using? Big tank still not empty after 6 years!(http://) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 02, 2004, 10:04:33 am Good starting point for a turboprop engine here
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=26437&item=2483250796&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=26437&item=2483250796&rd=1) (http://i22.ebayimg.com/01/i/02/0d/74/cd_1.JPG) or for pure jet thrust http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2483467517&category=26437 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2483467517&category=26437) (http://www.i10surplus.com/images/jet5.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 02, 2004, 10:12:29 am This is more like it. I feel a project coming on ;)
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2483231098&category=26437 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2483231098&category=26437) (http://i17.ebayimg.com/02/i/02/0b/23/e2_1_b.JPG) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 02, 2004, 10:17:40 am This is more like it. I feel a project coming on ;) http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2483231098&category=26437 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2483231098&category=26437) (http://i17.ebayimg.com/02/i/02/0b/23/e2_1_b.JPG) PROJECT? It looks complete to me! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 02, 2004, 12:57:13 pm Quote This is more like it. I feel a project coming on Steve, If the project ever gets off the ground ;), then leave those ones behind - you really need reheat for those lovely shock diamonds and crackling roar. One of the pair out of one of these would do very nicely........... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 02, 2004, 01:18:02 pm Cheers Mark, unfortunately there are no Avons or Speys available on e-bay at the moment ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 02, 2004, 01:28:09 pm Quote Cheers Mark, unfortunately there are no Avons or Speys available on e-bay at the moment I know - shame really that they are in such short supply for worthy projects........ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 02, 2004, 03:06:58 pm Quote Cheers Mark, unfortunately there are no Avons or Speys available on e-bay at the moment I know - shame really that they are in such short supply for worthy projects........ Thunder City in South Africa is always a good source for anything that runs. http://www.thundercity.com/ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 05, 2004, 10:20:07 am Quote Thunder City in South Africa is always a good source for anything that runs Marvellous to see - they've got the only airworthy Lightnings flying there, because it's about the only place in the world that allows reheated jets to fly legally owned by privateers. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 05, 2004, 05:37:47 pm There was a documentary on Discovery Wings channel recently about the South African Lightnings - shame there's none left in the UK.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 05, 2004, 07:12:42 pm There was a documentary on Discovery Wings channel recently about the South African Lightnings - shame there's none left in the UK. Depends on what you are looking for, plenty of lightnings left in the UK and still running. Bruntingthorpe still do their thunder days where the birds still run along the runway at max takeoff power, though restricted from rotating. And classic jets like sabre, canberra, hunter, provost, etc can be seen at kemble, bournemouth, duxford. If you are getting withdrawal symptoms fancy a car meet at an air show? http://www.lightnings.org.uk/ http://www.kemble.com/images/Kemble_events_2004.doc Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on July 05, 2004, 10:15:33 pm I was at the Vulcan taxi run and classic car show the other day at Wellesbourne. Their Vulcan XM655 had a power run in which she rotated to lift the front u/c of the deck as the reheat was cut off...
Suppose they could always say they had to do that to induce drag so she couldn't fly off, it was awesome for those of us that loved the old "tin triangle" Sad that she will never be allowed to fly again, though. There were some great old cars there too and the highlight was being allowed to park under the Vulcan at the end of the show for the Photo-opportunity of the year. (Kept the rain off too, wet weekend in June, yeuch!) Bill :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 07, 2004, 02:12:08 pm Quote Depends on what you are looking for Nothing comes close to the sight and sound of a full reheat take-off by a Lightning F6 - engines spool up, brakes off, full reheat, rushes down the runway, up off the deck, wheels up, pilot holds it horizontal whilst building speed, crosses the airfield boundary, rotates to the vertical. About 90 seconds from releasing the brakes, the airfield lies about 60,000 feet below (that's 11.36 in miles) .......awesome indeed. ;D ;D ;D Oh - and that was nearly 40 years ago in 1965, long before the recent crop of F-14s, 15s, 16s and 18s which the dear old Lightning would outperform in a vertical climb. Mind you - sod all fuel left after that to tool around before needing to return to terra firma. For those who have ever seen or experienced it when the Lightning was in service, the memories remain ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 07, 2004, 05:54:24 pm MGMark, hmmmmh, did you ever see 56 sqdn performing aerobatics with a nine ship F3 formation. Awesome sound as they used reheat quite a bit to keep the formation within the crowd view. If memeory is correct they didn't last long probably to much fuel used, but impressive non the less.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 07, 2004, 06:02:06 pm Quote Depends on what you are looking for Nothing comes close to the sight and sound of a full reheat take-off by a Lightning F6 - No, your right Mark. But you never forget seeing a Vulcan on rotation and then marvelling at the low speed handling and weird pitch attitude during a display. The most eery noise I've ever heard. Once saw her display at HMS Daedelus and the pebbles on the beach literally shook! So I was pleased to hear that the Vulcan people at Bruntingthorp have been awarded a big slug of lottery money to get the old bird XM back to the sky. I for one can't wait to see her display and anyone with even the faintest interest in noisy, fast, smelly machines should do to. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 07, 2004, 06:05:22 pm MGMark, hmmmmh, did you ever see 56 sqdn performing aerobatics with a nine ship F3 formation. Awesome sound as they used reheat quite a bit to keep the formation within the crowd view. If memeory is correct they didn't last long probably to much fuel used, but impressive non the less. Googled this pic (http://www.tim-beach.com/light2.gif) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 07, 2004, 06:18:11 pm MGMark, hmmmmh, did you ever see 56 sqdn performing aerobatics with a nine ship F3 formation. Awesome sound as they used reheat quite a bit to keep the formation within the crowd view. If memeory is correct they didn't last long probably to much fuel used, but impressive non the less. As well as encounters with the Lightning during various work-related existences over the years, I do remember that one in particular, as a lad being taken to an air show at Gaydon in the late '60s. Awesome just doesn't adequately describe that 9-ship formation, and the Red Arrows (with Folland Gnats) at the time made hardly an impression by comparison ;D In the final twilight of its service, I also saw the farewell 9-ship flypast tour of the Lightning around the Lincolnshire airfields. It was sometime in 1988 or 1989 when I was at Cranwell - can't remember which, but that was an equally evocative and impressive moment as the Binbrook boys gave us a good, if brief, display with a slow flypast (well, about 350 knots or so), followed by an excellent return at just subsonic speed, throttled right back as they crossed the station boundary, whistled across the airfield and then stood on the tails and opened up........the ground shook and grown men cried...... :( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 07, 2004, 06:27:24 pm Quote But you never forget seeing a Vulcan on rotation and then marvelling at the low speed handling and weird pitch attitude during a display. Andy - indeed not - another awesome beastie. Low wing loading and bags of unreheated power and amazing things were possible. it will be lovely to see XM back in the air one day soon and I do hope the guys at Bruntingthorpe manage it. As well as displays, the sight of multiple Vulcans scrambling from Waddington was again something to behold! Steve - nice Lightning piccy! ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 07, 2004, 06:29:02 pm can remember once on exercise with the Phantom mud pluggers, we were providing FAC support in Germany, a phantom overcooked his approach speed into the target, needed to be sub sonic for the munition, huge condense cloud formed from the intakes back about a mile out, throttles chopped, Spey turbine blades bouncing out of the engine. It was a good prang.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 07, 2004, 06:54:23 pm can remember once on exercise with the Phantom mud pluggers, we were providing FAC support in Germany, a phantom overcooked his approach speed into the target, needed to be sub sonic for the munition, huge condense cloud formed from the intakes back about a mile out, throttles chopped, Spey turbine blades bouncing out of the engine. It was a good prang. Marvellous - a not entirely surprising event given the laws of physics. Now you're onto real hairy-chested territory with the F-4. A similar FAC exercise for new controllers with aircraft dropping live 1000lbers on the range saw the number 2 in the formation being instructed to bomb on his leader's smoke. Only problem was that the novice controller hadn't noticed a farmer burning stuff in his field about 10 miles short of the target and the equally novice number 2 didn't realise exactly where he was.... nobody hurt, but an extremely angry farmer took some placating Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 07, 2004, 07:20:53 pm Interesting event, was the nav out to lunch or just admiring the scenery? Can't beat the ole fashioned A1 eyeball, compass and stopwatch. It’s too easy nowadays, ever since the Jaguar navwass was introduced.
Had any experience with the pavetac bucc's? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 07, 2004, 08:09:26 pm Interesting event, was the nav out to lunch or just admiring the scenery? Can't beat the ole fashioned A1 eyeball, compass and stopwatch. It’s too easy nowadays, ever since the Jaguar navwass was introduced. Had any experience with the pavetac bucc's? Slight confusion with extolling the real man nature of the F-4 running into describing the event. No nav involved - forgot to mention that the event was with a formation of single seaters - Jaguars, with the early Navwass..... ::)Pavetac ? designated for the first 48 live ones dropped on Garvie Island in 1982. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 07, 2004, 08:13:34 pm Can't beat the ole fashioned A1 eyeball, compass and stopwatch. It’s too easy nowadays, ever since the Jaguar navwass was introduced. Indeed - one of the jag JPs found himself rushing over the Frankfurt international overhead at about 500 feet doing 450 knots by relying on the navwass - begged the question of what the f**k he was doing with his head in the cockpit for so long not to have noticed such a minor thing as a major city passing under him...... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 07, 2004, 08:34:29 pm thats half the trouble when chasing the dials, much prefer tail draggers, wind, hair, castrol oil, dope, proper stick and a AA map for nav!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 07, 2004, 08:48:32 pm thats half the trouble when chasing the dials, much prefer tail draggers, wind, hair, castrol oil, dope, proper stick and a AA map for nav! I know - you get a nice smell, the world goes by at a sensible speed but it can still bite. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 07, 2004, 08:51:13 pm amen to that. Particularly if it is an aircraft you have worked on.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 07, 2004, 09:13:21 pm amen to that. Particularly if it is an aircraft you have worked on. Oh yes - particualrly if you're flying it - brings whole new meanings to the words self-accountability and responsibility when it doesn't work, but a great deal of satisfaction when it does ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 11, 2004, 08:36:11 pm Steve,
Not strictly a modern Commer replacement for Andy, but one for you perhaps?? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=18301&item=2484150873&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=18301&item=2484150873&rd=1) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: powermite on July 11, 2004, 09:21:20 pm with a tub of filler and some elbow grease..
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2483956951&category=14256&ssPageName=ADME:B:EF:UK:1 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on July 12, 2004, 02:39:19 pm The four Olympus's on XM655 were awesome again on that engine run day. I'd like a "meet" at an airshow maybe this year I'll have to see how my shifts run though.
I'm trying again to attach a picture of the Vulc' with her nosewheels off the ground, fingers crossed! I have never yet managed to attach a picture, let's see, shall us?(http://) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on July 12, 2004, 02:46:07 pm Nope, failed again, I'll get me coat!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on July 12, 2004, 02:49:29 pm Hoorah. Worked! Just one for Steve now, not a Commer replacement though sorry! :)
Bill Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 12, 2004, 04:13:48 pm with a tub of filler and some elbow grease.. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2483956951&category=14256&ssPageName=ADME:B:EF:UK:1 Hmmm... You'd better take an idiot pill before bidding on that. :P Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 12, 2004, 04:52:09 pm Just to get slightly back on track guys, does anyone know where I can obtain some modern Commer replacement wheelnuts and studs? i.e. ones that don't keep coming undone as you whizz down the road at speeds approaching 50 mph? Call me Mr Fussy, but I have no great desire to die in a Jarno Trulli-esque three wheeled, out of control, low-speed-but-no-seat-belt interface with an oak tree. It happened again yesterday, as one of the studs had completely wound it's way out and the others were on their way. It was only the death rattle from the hubcap that made me pull over...
I told you the machine was evil. Yes, I know it's got a happy smiling face, but underneath lurks the hand of doom. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on July 12, 2004, 06:11:46 pm Isn't there an owners club for the Hillman or Singers? I'd think they could source some new studs for the mighty Commer, studs were basically universal round the Rootes Group back then weren't they. It sounds a bit daft but can't the nearest Peugeot Dealer get them from Rootes/Chrysler back catalogue items?
I know I can still get studs from my Midget if I need them, but the Midget uses a real rubbish type of fine threaded junk as studs. If they should be of interest let me know. Bill Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on July 12, 2004, 07:46:16 pm http://www.rootes.com/Catalogpages/p910_suspension.html
I just found this USA link, might be helpful. Sshows studs and lug nuts (as our cousins so cheerfully calls 'em) HTH Bill :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on July 12, 2004, 08:19:32 pm Just to get slightly back on track guys, does anyone know where I can obtain some modern Commer replacement wheelnuts and studs? Mr Zarse if the american connection proves fruitless, there are a couple of workshops near me that produce car parts to spec. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 13, 2004, 09:29:44 am Just to get slightly back on track guys, does anyone know where I can obtain some modern Commer replacement wheelnuts and studs? Andy - tried here? Macs Factors (Andrew McAdam) "For ALL your Post War Commer, Hillman, Humber, Singer & Sunbeam Spares. Large quantities of New and Used Parts including Body Panels, Brake & Clutch Parts, Suspension Joints, Engine Parts, Gearbox Parts, Lubrication Charts, Workshop Manuals, Handbooks and Original Parts Lists." Tarn Hows Wormegay King's Lynn Norfolk PE33 0SG Phone: 01553 841252 Fax: 01553 842105 email: macsfactors@cwcom.net or here? http://www.swanley.freeserve.co.uk/vehicles.htm (http://www.swanley.freeserve.co.uk/vehicles.htm) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 13, 2004, 11:52:59 am Thanks for the help guys. Just found some at Speedy Spares in Hove.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on July 13, 2004, 02:57:42 pm Phew, Andy! The Commer lives to scare another day! Great news, at least we tried huh?
Bill :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on July 13, 2004, 05:29:08 pm Aaahhh, Lightnings.
My old man used to take me when I was a young boy to the airshow at RAF Acklington every year. As an eight year old in shorts I'll never forget being surrounded by pipe smoking men in flannels and tweeds who smelt slightly musty and maybe of mildew in the drizzle. When my old man told me a Lightning was on its way and something shot up my inside leg, I thought my time had come. I was still searching for my eyebrows somewhere round the nape of my neck when the noise arrived. And from then on I was hooked. A few years later at school a Vulcan just missed our Maths lesson on a Wednesday afternoon and went on to create a sizable crater just beyond the hockey pitches, one of the aircrew almost leaving his tackle on a keep left bollard by the tradesmens entrance. Rumour had it that it was fully tooled up, in a nuclear manner, and it wasn't long before the whole place was cordoned off by men with guns and their trousers tucked into their boots. I reckon they'd have got there a hell of a lot sooner if they hadn't had so many eyelets to thread with laces. Such was the impression it left that I was down the careers office the next day to find out more about this daredevil flying business. If you're ever in the area take a turn off the main road and head down to Wainfleet Sands (TF 504535) and watch the Tornados and F-15s doing their training. It's absolutely soul stirring. You may even see a Tornado go down, they seemed to do it pretty regularly when I was there. I still have in the garage a couple of empty Smoke and Flash 'missiles' that they use to knock the sh*t out of the wrecks beached there. Glad to hear you got your nuts sorted Andy, I wish I'd been equally blessed. H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on July 13, 2004, 05:36:10 pm Ah, H, got a sad story for ya re. Lightnings....
If you ever have cause to trundle up the A1 anywhere near Newark, please keep your eyes fixed firmly on the road ahead and under no circumstances should you look to the east when slightly north of Newark (who could live in a place which is an anagram of "w**k*r"???). It is a sad sight and sadly getting worse. I prefer to trip across to Bruntingthorpe and get all moist under the wings of Buccaneers ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on July 13, 2004, 05:51:52 pm Hi Rick,
It's a while since I've 'been up that way', as it were, and you've got me puzzled now. I seem to remember an old Lightning on static display in someones garden round those parts. Or are you referring to some old girlfriend of yours who is now reduced to standing in wintry verges on rural roads hoping for the odd generous trucker? H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on July 13, 2004, 07:48:32 pm Sadly H, no such ex-girlfriend type tales to tell and after I'd posted, did a bit of a saddo trawl of t'internet knowing there would be a piccie of it somewhere and sadly here it is below together with some relevant text:
On the subject of crying shames, the Lightning above is a sorry sight. XN728, one of the few remaining F.2As, and just look at it - abandoned and vandalised. Placed in A1 Commercial Sales Yard to attract customers back in 1983, since the yard's collapse the Lightning has been left to rot. Presumably the receiver thinks it is an asset which is why it hasn't simply been bulldozed away. XN728 was used for BDR for a while and carries a few patches to prove it, and for transport to the yard the wings and tail were simply cut off. Reassembly was carried out using large sheets of metal to hold everything together once more, and they have rusted badly and warped under the stress. The landing gear was considered too weak to support the airframe (which is complete with engines) and accordingly the belly was supported with a framework of girders. Unfortunately at some point someone nicked the radome, and the change in the center of gravity tipped XN728 on her tail; the belly tank wasn't up to this and the girders have cut right through and are now firmly embedded in the belly. The rear fuselage is badly holed and as you can see the entire aircraft is liberally spattered with graffiti. It's a sad end for a proud fighter. And..... XN728; C/N 95105 ff T.M.S. Ferguson 26-10-61 Samlesbury. To 92 Squadron as ‘B’, 1-4-63. Under-carriage collapsed, 3-4-68; during repair converted to F 2A, returned to 92 Squadron as ‘F’, 24-6-69. Became 8546M. Owned by A1 Commercial Vehicles, Balderton,Newark. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on July 13, 2004, 08:42:15 pm Yikes Rick!!!
I've just remembered that I didn't trouble you with any readies at LM! Anyway, I've just put it right via the link, keep up the good work mate. The Lightning is indeed a sad sight, although I have to say I have mixed emotions on this one. The schoolboy in me (shut it!!) still holds it in awe, and it has to be said it's a fantastic piece of Dan Dare kit. I lost count of the different Airfix versions I put together, and my bedroom was witness to many Spitfire/Lightning/Canberra/Hawker Hunter dogfights. Of course, the ME109E always bought it, horribly. But the lightning was in action during a peculiar time, with the skies full of prowling bombers packed full of ordnance just waiting for the red phone to ring with Strangelove on the other end. It was a time of paranoia alright, and I thank Steves satsuma sized abcess that it was never used in action (the Lightning that is, not his abcess), if it had then I'm sure Armageddon wouldn't have been far behind. H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on July 13, 2004, 09:00:53 pm Ooh you top chap you for aforementioned donation - splendid! (and don't worry the rest of you, I'll be on yer backs soon enuff as there are only 5 TTs left!).
Ah, Airfix dogfights! It is a sad statement of our sad little lives that these days old Airfix kits mean little more than a tidy little profit on ebay. Just think of the hundreds of pounds we all painted badly and/or smashed to smithers upstairs a la H. Me109s always bought it in my room too funnily enuff, that and the old Red Baron!!! (Bless 'im!!) ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on July 13, 2004, 09:48:27 pm Oh Bl**dy hell. I made a pretty good, class winning model of 728 in 92 sqn markings, many years ago so that picture is heartbreaking. :( :( :(
Less heartbreaking is the possibility of selling my old stock of kits on eBay, must hustle off over to see how rich I could be. Might finance a visit to the Classic Le Mans next year. ;) Bill Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 14, 2004, 12:58:29 am Changing the subject slightly and setting aside for one minute the infinitely more interesting subjects of BAC Lightnings and citrus fruit sized anal fissures, someone sent me an "out of office" email today. I quote it below verbatim:
INFO ONLY JULIE FROM LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERS CALLED, WILL CALL AGAIN I'll certainly be speaking to Julie tomorrow morning and I'll let you know what she wanted. It's probably to do with the wheel nuts. Or pile ointment. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 14, 2004, 04:29:33 pm A number of posts to respond to:
Particularly glad to hear that the requisite parts for the Commer have been found and that Andy will not have to resort to welding wheels and hubs together Glad to hear that the Lightning and Vulcan evoke good memories and emotions. I pass the pictured Lightning on the A1 regularly and it is in an even sadder state now than pictured - even fewer bits left on it and more hanging off and not a lot of paint left on it. Although commonly thought that the Lightning did not have to fire a shot in anger during its 28-year operational life (thus preserving us from the Strangelove scenario) the Lightning is, however, credited with one operational mission resulting the downing of an aircraft - one of our Harriers. This was after the Harrier pilot had ejected due to a major system malfunction, but the airframe decided kept right on flying straight and level instead of obligingly heading for terra firma....the decision was taken to shoot it down whilst it remained over known territory and a Lightning was duly vectored onto it and shot it down. Airfix kit destruction - my preferred method was having made the kits was to hang them from the trees at the bottom of our garden in dogfight mode and then retire to a distance and shoot the c**p out of thenm with my dad's air rifle.....if only we had known that keeping the kits in unopened pristine condition would have brought us a few bob 30 years on instead of enjoying them at the time....... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 14, 2004, 04:49:47 pm Quote But the lightning was in action during a peculiar time, with the skies full of prowling bombers packed full of ordnance just waiting for the red phone to ring with Strangelove on the other end Just to show that the boys in light blue in the Lightning were active in keeping the UK skies clear of the bogeymen............. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: SteveB on July 14, 2004, 06:30:40 pm XS936; an F.6 seen here with the Castle Motors logo on the fin. She's to be found at the Castle Motors garage near Liskeard in Cornwall and is very much out in the rain but looks none the worse for it. I dare say she's been sealed against water and as she has no engines in her the stress on the airframe is much less anyway, which always helps. Positioned in a flying pose, the adjacent A38 road even has a 'Low flying aircraft' sign just before you reach the turnoff for the garage :-)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 30, 2004, 11:29:42 am Gib, here's the Commer diesel we discussed !
(http://www.steamengine.com.au/events/reports/heyfield-vic-2003/engines/pics/commer-diesel-driven-by-ronnie.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on July 30, 2004, 11:38:23 am Bloody hell Steve. That's a work of pure genius. Whoever invented that should have gone further.
Thanks for the picture, a real revelation. :D Oh, and nice to see this thread back on page 1 ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 30, 2004, 11:40:29 am And here's how it works...
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on July 30, 2004, 11:42:50 am Absolutely fabulous invention. We really must try to find one for your beast Andy.
Hang on, didn't I see an advert for one in Holland (or somwhere) last year? Do you remember that Andy??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 30, 2004, 11:47:27 am No, I think it was for a four cyl inline diesel, which I think is actually a Perkins engine.
The TS engine above is a bit big for my old heapacrap. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 30, 2004, 11:49:23 am Here's the TS engine with the covers on
(http://www.oldengine.org/members/diesel/Technical/TS31.jpg) see here http://www.oldengine.org/members/diesel/Technical/TS3.htm (http://www.oldengine.org/members/diesel/Technical/TS3.htm) and here http://www.oldengine.org/members/diesel/Technical/TS32.htm (http://www.oldengine.org/members/diesel/Technical/TS32.htm) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on July 30, 2004, 11:52:27 am Jesus, and I thought this thread got lost, phew !!! ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 30, 2004, 11:54:56 am Jesus, and I thought this thread got lost, phew !!! ;D Saved :o There's life in the old girl yet. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on July 30, 2004, 12:36:47 pm There's life in the old girl yet. Just like the Commer it'self ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on July 30, 2004, 12:38:28 pm The TS engine above is a bit big for my old heapacrap. Andy! How could you refer to your venerable old machine as a 'heapacrap'. I'm dismayed to hear such tones from her owner. Shame on you. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 30, 2004, 12:55:47 pm Commer re-engine project - engines available on *-bay
As Andy 2 Cobras said, 'anything is do-able' http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=10414&item=2485447067&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=10414&item=2485447067&rd=1) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=31348&item=2485865045&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=31348&item=2485865045&rd=1) Get bidding ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 30, 2004, 01:38:08 pm Had a look the other day and the engine bay isn't wide enough to fit in a V engine without some major bodywork surgery. >:( So it looks like a petrol/derv 4 cyl lump would be best.
Anyone have a personal faves? IMO a 2 litre Transit engine would seem ideal, pref with a 5 speed box. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 30, 2004, 01:59:19 pm Get hold of a very late Sierra or Granada with the Zetec 1.8 or 2.0 engine and Type 9 5-speed gearbox.
They rust spectaculary but the engines / gearboxs are relatively bomb proof, are rear wheel drive and loved by the kit car world. This would be an easy swap, needing some simple engine mount fabrication and maybe modification to the propshaft. The rear axle could be replaced for an MGB, Capri or similar live axle if necessary. We have the technology (and facilities) - a simple winter project. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 30, 2004, 02:04:51 pm Look at this for fucksake.
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=9844&item=2485546086&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=9844&item=2485546086&rd=1) 5 door Sierra with 2 litre DOHC fuel injected engine, still with an MOT. Currently at £36 :o - it's in Portsmouth Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on July 30, 2004, 02:19:25 pm Commer re-engine project Hang on a minute. I seem to remember a thread on this topic last year. New engine for the Commer........it went on for ages, and got nowhere. Not serious this time are you Andy???? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 30, 2004, 02:28:22 pm The V8 Rover was, maybe, idealogical. But an inline rear drive 4 cylinder like the Ford DOHC is a definate possibility.
They're cheap, plentifull, easy to work on and source parts and pretty robust. Ford are still building the 2.3 DOHC in limited numbers for the Galaxy in the engine plant at Dagenham. (http://www.ford-sierra-club.hit.bg/dohc.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on July 30, 2004, 02:31:14 pm Andy was talking about a V8 last year, but I think there was a serious impediment regarding the weight taken by the front end.
Maybe a trany engine might be more practical. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 30, 2004, 02:36:10 pm Andy was talking about a V8 last year, but I think there was a serious impediment regarding the weight taken by the front end. Maybe a trany engine might be more practical. Rover V8 - aluminium - light weight Transit engine (Ford Pinto) - cast iron - bloody heavy new Ford DOHC / Zetec - aluminium - as Rover That argument is cojones. .... as a footnote to this, I recall a kit car web site somewhere (either Westfield or Dax Rush I think) with a list of engine weights comparing the Rover to the Pinto as being similar (if not lighter in the case of a 3.5 Rover). Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on July 30, 2004, 02:42:23 pm Hmmmm
Down to Zarse now. Is he serious or not????? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 30, 2004, 02:58:56 pm aluminium Rover V8 - 320 lbs
iron Ford Pinto (earlier Transits) - 420 lbs thats 50 kg difference - a lot of beer the aluminium Ford or Vauxhall DOHCs are as light as the Rover. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on July 31, 2004, 06:27:41 pm Sold for £102...not bad!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on July 31, 2004, 06:49:32 pm This thread should be re-titled
The Belgrano Coz it aint sinking. Who wants a Sierra ? My lot arrange the destruction of hundreds of cars a year. If there are specific parts you want let me know. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on August 02, 2004, 10:18:43 am Here's hoping they need to dispose of a few minis in the near future then eh Robbo!!! ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on August 02, 2004, 01:41:05 pm Here's hoping they need to dispose of a few minis in the near future then eh Robbo!!! ;) If Only. Some pickie buys old minis at £100 a go, they are becoming expensive bangers!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on August 06, 2004, 12:24:02 am Quote This thread should be re-titled The Belgrano Coz it aint sinking. But Robbo, we did........... Mark (back from hols) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on August 06, 2004, 09:38:23 am Here's the (ex) warship
(http://rain.prohosting.com/stoue/belgrano.jpg) (http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/images/020326_belgrano300.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on August 06, 2004, 12:31:06 pm Here's hoping they need to dispose of a few minis in the near future then eh Robbo!!! ;) If Only. Some pickie buys old minis at £100 a go, they are becoming expensive bangers!! Your colleagues wouldn't have any vans to dispose of would they?? Next year looks like an advance party with all the kit on the Saturday/Sunday before the race and then we'll charge down in sports cars on the Tuesday/Wednesday. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on August 06, 2004, 02:17:43 pm Quote Your colleagues wouldn't have any vans to dispose of would they?? Next year looks like an advance party with all the kit on the Saturday/Sunday before the race and then we'll charge down in sports cars on the Tuesday/Wednesday. Quote Vans - What type ?, Have you tried the trailer option ? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on August 06, 2004, 06:43:58 pm At least a long wheel based high top trannie.
Took two large trailers this year and struggled!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 07, 2004, 10:45:26 am Hey JP! You want a nice big high top tranny? It's only an opinion, but I reckon you'd be better of speaking to Big H in connection with such matters. He sourced the gay Brazilian dwarf Raoul without too much bother, so getting a transvestite would be a piece of piss.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on August 07, 2004, 08:15:14 pm Took two large trailers this year and struggled!! Took an old Chevy pickup this year and left it on the back of a car transporter :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on August 09, 2004, 10:20:02 pm Dragging us back to the thread (sorry) but couldn't resist this one........ "hand painted to a period livery specification" as well.......
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2486236844&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2486236844&rd=1) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on August 09, 2004, 10:54:51 pm Mark.
Have you tried looking for an old Army Lorry. Purchase as either a classic or a 7.5 tonner, and you are sorted. It will look the part, cost very little and be a serious race contender for the Commer :D Look in Land Rover World for the surplus suppliers. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on August 10, 2004, 10:12:03 am Quote Have you tried looking for an old Army Lorry. Robbo, Rather than a lorry, an old Scimitar would do nicely - top speed on the road of 55mph, ability to negotiate any gravel trap with ease and a 30mm Rarden cannon for self-defence on the track. Would blow the rest of the opposition into the weeds so to speak, leaving only the immortal Commer to battle with down Mulsanne......mind you stints between pit stops for refuelling would be pretty short......... Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 10, 2004, 05:30:20 pm Dragging us back to the thread (sorry) but couldn't resist this one........ "hand painted to a period livery specification" as well....... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2486236844&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=2486236844&rd=1) Lovely, it's got an MGB engine too! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Barry on August 10, 2004, 06:13:12 pm Quote Have you tried looking for an old Army Lorry. Robbo, Rather than a lorry, an old Scimitar would do nicely - top speed on the road of 55mph, Surprisingly quick are the Scorpians and Scimitars, I was pottering along about 40mph on the Windsor/ Ascot road, when I was overtaken by a Scorpian driven by a member of the Blues and Royals. I think I was lighting a ciggie at the time, scared the sh*t out of me, as I wasn't concentrating on what was following :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on August 18, 2004, 08:02:20 pm Try this then
(http://www.ufomind.com/area51/org/basecamp/pix/vehicle.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on August 19, 2004, 08:52:04 am The one in the middle ?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Simes on September 05, 2004, 12:34:34 am At Goodwood today,
(http://phyr.theredsky.com/albums/upload/comma2.jpg) or (http://phyr.theredsky.com/albums/upload/comma1.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on September 06, 2004, 07:07:50 pm Wow! what a fantastic Austin Paralanian camper! Think they might need a Commer there next year. Actually, saw three Commer "at work" at Goodwood this year, including a burger van run by a bloke called Felix and also the wonderful Ecurie Ecosse Commer transporter that took the 57 winning Jag D Type to and from La Sarthe.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on September 06, 2004, 08:04:00 pm Blimey Andy, I hadn't realised that this was a Commer based piece of kit! I'm not sure about the bag-o-shite that some 'erberts parked next to it though.
Sadly, I didn't make Goodwood this year, so the stockings and mascara (I hadn't realised you could put it there!!) will have to wait for another day. I heard that no tickets were available on the gate on Sunday, so it must have been a sell out, top stuff. (Been a bit blue-*rsed recently, and it hasn't just been the cold snap. Hurricanes out west have kept me occupied, but I daren't complain, those poor sods out there have had to sit through it, it's been a tough month and there's more to come. My thoughts are with them. - San Salvador had 140mph winds and a 15ft surge for 30 hours, and I was meant to be there at the time...) H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on September 09, 2004, 03:56:02 pm bit of topic slippage here :-\
(http://www.afunworld.com/content/20040909/pictures/18/rn005.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on September 10, 2004, 09:02:34 am bit of topic slippage here :-\ (http://www.afunworld.com/content/20040909/pictures/18/rn005.jpg) This thread is famous for it Steve. ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on September 13, 2004, 12:03:25 pm As alternative LM transport goes, I think this Finish bus company probably takes some beating.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on September 13, 2004, 12:22:29 pm As alternative LM transport goes, I think this Finish bus company probably takes some beating. ;D ;D ;D ;D Do you think someone should tell them? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: SteveZarse on September 13, 2004, 01:08:14 pm ;D ;D
I think perhaps they already know... (http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/images/fbus1.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on September 13, 2004, 01:13:39 pm Oh lord!!! It just gets worse ::)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on September 13, 2004, 03:48:20 pm I don't know if you'd get it on my driveway though Andy!! ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on September 24, 2004, 09:57:30 am The price of spares these days is getting ridiculous! Just won these on ebay.
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2489738564&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOAB:UK:6 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on September 24, 2004, 10:38:38 am Well done Andy. 14 squids doesn't sound bad at all. Getting ready for next years pilgramage already?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on September 25, 2004, 10:13:29 pm Those Finnish camper-buses! I could just visualise them parked in the genteel environs of Camping Houx, I don't think their campers would join us in the Annexe with water sports, do you?
Andy, 26908? Thought you were not just a number. Glad the Commer is guaranteed a bounce free summer next year. Bill :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: SteveZarse on September 27, 2004, 10:11:12 am Glad the Commer is guaranteed a bounce free summer next year. Errrr. No comment. Andy? :-\ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on October 05, 2004, 12:14:04 pm Andy, do you need any spares??
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=2492366323&rd=1 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: ian murat on October 05, 2004, 12:20:15 pm Andy, do you need any spares?? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=2492366323&rd=1 Colour White - Only if you're Ray Charles Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on October 05, 2004, 02:11:46 pm I shall be keeping an eye on this. Thanks JP.
At £60, I'm surprised it didn't tickle your fancy. ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on October 05, 2004, 03:41:25 pm Eye shall be keeping an Eye on this one too. Mrs Bill keeps staring at my mate's VW campervan with a "dead jealous eye" A V6 Rover unit might just squeeze in there... or not!
8) Bill Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on October 05, 2004, 03:51:24 pm I shall be keeping an eye on this. Thanks JP. At £60, I'm surprised it didn't tickle your fancy. ??? Currently on the prowl for a large van or possibly a bus/coach!! :-\ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on October 05, 2004, 04:13:51 pm Do you think this is the other side of the same coach...
H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on October 06, 2004, 01:32:38 pm Do you think this is the other side of the same coach... No, but might it be the same side of the other coach as seen in the last post on page 57!?H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on October 06, 2004, 02:28:27 pm 'kinnell Andy,
I think I'm losing it. I'm going to have to start checking out the vitamin, mineral and heavy metal supplements at my local chemist. H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on October 07, 2004, 09:35:17 am Come on H, keep it together man! If YOU can't keep up with this thread what chance is there for the rest of us ???
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on October 07, 2004, 07:59:41 pm H, this may be helpfull ???
(http://www.seilnacht.com/Lexikon/N2Kreis.gif) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on October 07, 2004, 09:12:06 pm Steve,
I think I've cracked it. It's karma, man, the wheel. If you're unfortunate enough to have a body shaped like the grey herr'n in your marvellous diagram, then I think the instructions on how to effect a transformation into a nice little houseplant, an ornamental fig it looks to me, are what is outlined. I have to admit, I'm not too happy about the direction the Nitrationen is taking, it looks pretty damn aggressive, but I suppose that's the problem with Stick-Stoff-Oxide. I have a friend who once tried to polish his scrotum with Stick-Stoff-Oxide, and to be honest, it wasn't a total success, but in the end it didn't really matter, - gone are the days when you could get your Luftstickstoff down a dark alleyway for a fiver, and still have change from your pocket money to catch a bus home and have a fish supper on the way. I was never lucky enough to catch Umwandlung von Fauulnisbakterien live in the 70's. I've heard they were awesome, and took about 23 encores at the Rose Bowl, Rick Wakeman pulled a hernia heaving a Steinway into the crowd and I believe they named a couple of the 'Royal Boxes' after the bits that were squeezed from his rectum. Last I heard the drum solo was still going on. Do you think if the page was tilted his head would roll off his shoulders? H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on October 08, 2004, 12:38:59 pm I never was much good at chemistry classes and many were the evenings I had to stay behind to clean out teacher's fume cabinet.
But I'm concerned as to where the H4 goes after the nitrifikation durch has occurred and the NO3 has been organically created. I could be wrong, but isn't H4 more commonly known as "Big H". And maybe it's the reason why we have to endure this Pfunishment. It's better than piano wire though. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on October 08, 2004, 06:24:08 pm I would imagine if the Ammoniumionen had been passed through a triple catalyst cracking tower, the piano wouldn't have been much of a problem.
Therefore, having referred to my O Level Chemistry notes, the StickStoff Oxide must be a harmless by product of Chicken Tikka Masala, and thus completely biodegradeable. However, the National Radiological Protection Board may have some concerns when this normally neutral compound is mixed with Kerma Naan and results in a great deal of fallout. H, when I was younger the local radio station played an all night marathon from Umwandlung von Fauulnisbakterien. I was particularly impressed by the little chap at the back who played the Sousaphone. He seemed to have no problems at all getting his lips around the mouthpiece. I think he was called Raoul or something........... strange, he looked rather familiar. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on October 11, 2004, 02:33:42 pm This should suit everyone. Not sure how it would fit on the ferry.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on October 11, 2004, 03:23:47 pm H, this may be helpfull ??? (http://www.seilnacht.com/Lexikon/N2Kreis.gif) I understand this... it just states that having a good sh*it can be a great relief because you get rid off real nasty stuff like Nitrogen. Don't they use that to make gun powder. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on October 11, 2004, 03:43:56 pm Not exactly a Commer or even a modern replacment but bought this one last Friday and It should be ready for next june !!!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on October 11, 2004, 03:45:24 pm other view of a similar model...
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on October 11, 2004, 06:39:41 pm Very cool Gilles, any chance of starting an "ice round" on the camp sites with it?
BTW what the hell is it?? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on October 12, 2004, 11:37:56 am It gonna be difficult to keep something frozen inside...
... it's a Simca Aronde, so something typically French, maybe something nearly as popular from this side of the Channel than a Minor or an A35 could be overseas... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on October 18, 2004, 08:55:10 pm I wouldn't want you camp chaps to miss this - bring your cheque book for your modern Commer replacement.
(http://www.caravanshows.com/outdoorleisure/images/logo.gif) http://www.caravanshows.com/outdoorleisure/home.php (http://www.caravanshows.com/outdoorleisure/home.php) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on October 18, 2004, 08:57:34 pm .........and especially for BigH
(http://www.caravanshows.com/images/uploaded//tentpitching2004logo.gif) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on October 21, 2004, 11:04:29 am Not quite a Commer replacement, but could be useful at the camp site...
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on October 21, 2004, 05:24:36 pm Not quite a Commer replacement, but could be useful at the camp site... Errrm.......what could?????? ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on October 21, 2004, 06:13:02 pm Not quite a Commer replacement, but could be useful at the camp site... Errrm.......what could?????? ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on October 22, 2004, 09:00:28 am probably the most useful one !!!!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on October 22, 2004, 06:58:30 pm For those looking ata van next x year.
Local market trader selling a G reg LWB 2.0 petrol Transit, medium roof. Red, with twin rear hub . Any interested parties PM me with offers and shall put on my official hat and ask him. He had suggested £500, but i thought he was pissed. No piccy as you all know what a transit looks like Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: powermite on October 22, 2004, 07:38:18 pm Ive now joined the naff van club.Dont worry I wont be bringing it to LM2005...well unless its full of toys.
PM Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: pretzel on October 23, 2004, 12:28:47 pm Ive now joined the naff van club.Dont worry I wont be bringing it to LM2005...well unless its full of toys. PM Looks like the ideal project for Mrs Doubtfire....... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on October 25, 2004, 05:07:10 pm Ive now joined the naff van club.Dont worry I wont be bringing it to LM2005...well unless its full of toys. PM Hi all, Finally made it back to the forum after a while away whilst changing jobs/location - now at an airfield somewhere near you in Norfolk. Glad to see the thread still active - after unintentionally being non-PC concerning Maestro camper conversions, I hesitate but couldn't resist this one...... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=31361&item=2495862598&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=31361&item=2495862598&rd=1) All the best for now Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on October 25, 2004, 05:11:26 pm How about this one, looks like it could blat down from Calais to LM!!! ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on October 25, 2004, 05:12:53 pm Or for another view
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on October 25, 2004, 05:15:46 pm Or for the van owners amongst us..
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on October 25, 2004, 05:16:38 pm Welcome back Mark. That would be a real cutie if it wasn't so :-X :-X
Abs.....Where do you find this mindless stupidity????? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on October 25, 2004, 05:17:30 pm I meant the Lada, not you Abs ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Abs on October 25, 2004, 05:22:33 pm Gibb it is all on the Top Gear website under carbage
http://www.topgear.com/content/fun_stuff/carbage/0/ For a minute there I thought you had paid me a compliment until the next post.... :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on October 25, 2004, 05:26:07 pm For a minute there I thought you had paid me a compliment until the next post.... :D LOL ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on October 25, 2004, 06:02:52 pm Quote Welcome back Mark. That would be a real cutie if it wasn't so Abs.....Where do you find this mindless stupidity Many thanks - I have missed the banter. But how can you call the Lada stupidity? That would be being too kind - totally and utterly misguided and moronic - now we're talking! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on October 25, 2004, 06:18:48 pm Welcome back Mark.
Hmmmm, Norfolk - Marham then? or maybe Coltishall. Changed that MG engine for a V8 yet? ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on November 04, 2004, 07:03:08 pm You couldn't really camp in it, but looks a bit of fun, and it's got a proper engine
VEE EIGHT ;D (http://www.cobraclub.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=997) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on November 04, 2004, 07:21:23 pm Bloody Hell Steve, how fast do reckon that goes?
The rider looks rather pleased with himself, and a little bit San Francisco if you ask me. The bicycle clips are a give-away... H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on November 04, 2004, 08:01:53 pm The bicycle clips are a give-away... H ;D I hadn't noticed that. Apparently, if you're a bit handy with the clutch, the 'wheel' stays still and you shoot round like a hamster in his little plastic wheel. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on November 05, 2004, 05:12:29 am Hi Steve, Thanks for the mental picture of the Hamster trick ;D I was just thinking it might be a bit of a hand full in a cross wind.
Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bobblehat on November 05, 2004, 09:26:53 am Worringly, the contraption is called Panda................ ??? Im sure BigH could come up with a better name
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on November 05, 2004, 05:58:35 pm Worringly, the contraption is called Panda................ ??? Im sure BigH could come up with a better name Panda ?? Is it a Fiat Engine !!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 19, 2004, 07:36:51 pm Welcome back Mark. Hmmmm, Norfolk - Marham then? or maybe Coltishall. Changed that MG engine for a V8 yet? ;) Steve, Thanks - the former rather than the the latter, so the wonderful sound of RB 199s in reheat and the smooth sound of Avons from the Canberras. As to re-engining, 'fraid not - looking to find an early MGB 3-synchro gearbox with overdrive though, as that is pretty much a straight swop for the original and gives a much better/higher cruising speed without sounding as though one is in the middle of a kettle drum.... ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 22, 2004, 12:32:12 pm Good to see you back Mark, you've been missed.
Andy PS I know that kettle drum noise intimately! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Simes on December 03, 2004, 03:46:35 pm http://www.busforsale.com/music_box/index.htm (http://www.busforsale.com/music_box/index.htm)
Just bumping this great thread back up! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 03, 2004, 04:35:49 pm http://www.busforsale.com/music_box/index.htm (http://www.busforsale.com/music_box/index.htm) A bit flash for my liking ;)This is more my cup of tea, and a bargain at 100 English Pounds as I recall. (http://internetfm.com/acid/who01.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on December 03, 2004, 04:58:56 pm http://www.busforsale.com/music_box/index.htm (http://www.busforsale.com/music_box/index.htm) Just bumping this great thread back up! Jesus Christ, that'll be it !!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on December 06, 2004, 09:47:45 pm Commer, what commer!!!!!!!!!! This thread's gone and lost itself again. ::)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 06, 2004, 10:25:07 pm Commer, what commer!!!!!!!!!! This thread's gone and lost itself again. ::) At least we're currently sticking to 4 (ish) wheels and variations on campers and motorhomes. But if it's a tangent you want ;D (http://www.car-videos.com/whatis/tangent.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Simes on December 07, 2004, 08:13:17 pm Apparently this is Coulthard's Motor home - wonder if it will be in Maison Blanche!!
(http://www.itv-f1.com/ImageLibrary/31667_2.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Chris24 on December 10, 2004, 12:08:19 am Christ, has any other thread ever made it to 60 plus pages on Club Arnage before ?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Chris24 on December 10, 2004, 12:10:34 am I guess David likes his to keep to himself, the bugger has hardly any windows !
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on December 10, 2004, 05:45:28 pm Here's a challenge for the old girl to match...
http://www.creamytreats.com/ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 10, 2004, 07:49:17 pm Here's a challenge for the old girl to match... http://www.creamytreats.com/ Smokes, I read about this in the Sunday Times back in the autumn. As I looked out of my kitchen window at the low sun, whilst the breeze blew the last of the leaves off my walnut trees, my mind wandered far away. Away to another land far off, a place where there were mountains and scrublands and sunshine. There it was, a green blur streaking through the desert, clouds of dust tailing up and following it as it raced it's way inexorably towards immortality. Suddenly a cold shivver jarred through my body, a sharp twitch of the head and reality imposed itself upon my reverie. The dream was gone. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on December 21, 2004, 11:54:06 am ten days without postings will help to better appreciate this Commer replacement...
http://www.seriouswheels.com/1980-1989/1986-Ford-WOW-Bus-FA-1280x960.htm Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 06, 2005, 06:28:11 pm I found this poor old thread floundering on page 3.............and this classic bit of backyard bodging.
I bet it's got a V8 in it. ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on January 06, 2005, 11:47:01 pm I found this poor old thread floundering on page 3.............and this classic bit of backyard bodging. I bet it's got a V8 in it. ;) Steve, not a subtle way of warning us what we will find on the 1115 speedferries is it? V8? Maybe with a decent candy paint job. Gotta risk upsetting some people... I prefer your Cobra mate! Bill :D (Oh yes, BobU I will be phoning U this weekend) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on January 07, 2005, 12:31:35 pm (Oh yes, BobU I will be phoning U this weekend) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 10, 2005, 11:00:33 am Here's the Commer's new engine.
http://www.tecstarinc.com/wheel2wheelpower/604CID.html (http://www.tecstarinc.com/wheel2wheelpower/604CID.html) We're just trying to sort out the gearbox and axle now :'( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 21, 2005, 11:48:11 am Mr Brown and myself have designs on acquiring this beaty.
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4520389895&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT Anyone want to by a Hillman Hunter rolling shell minus engine...? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 21, 2005, 01:59:13 pm Still watching! Should be good for about 90-95 bhp!
Do you have a price in mind? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on January 22, 2005, 12:45:10 am If you get the new engine in the commer then you could tow it behind like the big camper vans do.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on January 22, 2005, 03:49:50 pm Nice to see this thread still rolling on. How is the old girl Andy?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 22, 2005, 11:44:05 pm Quote Thanks Mark. The Holbay engine and twin 40 Webbers should liven things up a bit! Tell me more about swept wing principles, do you think they have a proper application in the light commercial vehicle sector? Andy, With the danger of mixing topics, I've moved this from the Track Day thread to its spiritual home. I recall a certain picture last year of the grand old girl, framed by the Dunlop Bridge, with the driver furiously gesturing towards the No 1 Audi to get out of the way..... Now, if variable sweep wings had been fitted, you would have been past the Audi before John Hindhaugh could have said "wayay - will ye look at that lads...." as you crossed the start line. The application of swept wing principles would assist you to overcome the onset of chassis buffet approaching Mach 1.0, but the greater benefit would derive from the lift given by a variable sweep wing in the lower speed corners. Now, a Tornado weighs about 30 tons and lifts off with wings swept forward at around 200mph - so, by installing the wing section upside down to create downforce, at 200 mph you would have 30 tons of downforce - more than 15 times the weight of the old girl. An awesome prospect that would probably allow you to take the Esses at 200mph well ahead of the No 1 Audi. Now, assuming an entry to Tetre Rouge at at that speed, then sweeping the wing back doewn the Mulsanne would maintain the downforce but decrease drag and, thus, increase speed. Now, will the Holbay Hunter engine get you to 200 mph in the first place, or are we in need of some further assistance? Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on January 23, 2005, 12:08:06 am Cue:- Steve: V8 & appropriate picture ;D
Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 23, 2005, 04:24:25 pm Cue:- Steve: V8 & appropriate picture ;D Canada Phil V12 alright for you Phil ? (http://www.ctie.monash.edu.au/hargrave/images/MERLINE_ENGINE_500.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 23, 2005, 05:50:39 pm Quote V12 alright for you Phil ? Steve - indeed, but instead of the Merlin, go for its V-12 big brother, the V-12 Griffon, at 36.7 litres instead of 27 litres, two-stage supercharger and 2,000+ horsepower......that should do the trick. ;D Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 23, 2005, 06:00:15 pm Of course, there was "The Beast" in the 70s, which was powered by a Merlin........
http://www.theminifarm.com/john_dodd.htm (http://www.theminifarm.com/john_dodd.htm) so it is probably only right and proper that the Merlin be supplanted by the Griiffon in the proposed light commercial application...... Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 23, 2005, 08:37:17 pm GGGRRR!!! Out bid! I chucked my hand in at £300. I've got Sebring to think about....
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 23, 2005, 09:09:18 pm Quote Thanks Mark. The Holbay engine and twin 40 Webbers should liven things up a bit! Tell me more about swept wing principles, do you think they have a proper application in the light commercial vehicle sector? Andy, With the danger of mixing topics, I've moved this from the Track Day thread to its spiritual home. I recall a certain picture last year of the grand old girl, framed by the Dunlop Bridge, with the driver furiously gesturing towards the No 1 Audi to get out of the way..... Now, if variable sweep wings had been fitted, you would have been past the Audi before John Hindhaugh could have said "wayay - will ye look at that lads...." as you crossed the start line. The application of swept wing principles would assist you to overcome the onset of chassis buffet approaching Mach 1.0, but the greater benefit would derive from the lift given by a variable sweep wing in the lower speed corners. Now, a Tornado weighs about 30 tons and lifts off with wings swept forward at around 200mph - so, by installing the wing section upside down to create downforce, at 200 mph you would have 30 tons of downforce - more than 15 times the weight of the old girl. An awesome prospect that would probably allow you to take the Esses at 200mph well ahead of the No 1 Audi. Now, assuming an entry to Tetre Rouge at at that speed, then sweeping the wing back doewn the Mulsanne would maintain the downforce but decrease drag and, thus, increase speed. Now, will the Holbay Hunter engine get you to 200 mph in the first place, or are we in need of some further assistance? Mark I think 30 tons is a bit above the SWL of the rear springs, which are going to need a bit of attention if this plan is going to get off the ground, so to speak. Surely if I lower (raise?) the flaps 10 degrees just before the chicane, I'm gonna burst the tyres? In keeping with the light commercial theme, wouldn't I be better off getting the engine out of this model of Hunter? Funny, I thought the Vanguard had Tyne engines not Speys... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on January 24, 2005, 01:33:20 am Cue:- Steve: V8 & appropriate picture ;D Canada Phil V12 alright for you Phil ? A friend of mine stuffed one of those into a boat and spent all his time trying to stop it taking off. Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on January 24, 2005, 01:42:00 pm Mr Brown and myself have designs on acquiring this beaty. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4520389895&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT Anyone want to by a Hillman Hunter rolling shell minus engine...? Andy, Have you ever thought about a Rover K Series lump ? THey are really good engines and popular to modify in many ways, not just Max Power Brigade ? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on January 24, 2005, 04:07:33 pm Plenty of room in this
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 24, 2005, 05:16:13 pm Andy, Have you ever thought about a Rover K Series lump ? THey are really good engines and popular to modify in many ways, not just Max Power Brigade ? Robbo, I carried out a dimensional survey and re-engine feasibility study the other weekend when we had a pre-Sebring drink and the engine bay is pretty cosy. Basically, anything with an overhead cam is out as it would be too tall (well, that's not strickly true - it would fit but would tickle the drivers armpit and you would loose the bed facility). Also, any type of V engine, from 4 to 16 is out as the bizarre inboard Commer front wheels mean the chassis comes inboard of these and, hence, narrows the 'engine room' (which is between the two front seats by the way). So the options are a OHV engine of rather agricultural design - the Commer engine isn't even a crossflow head. Anyone got a decaying Hillman / Chrysler Hunter / Minx / Rapier with a high compression 1725cc engine? There is also possible scope for an inline 6 such as a Triumph 2.0 / 2.5 as there is room forward. Another, radical solution we kicked about with was to leave the Commer engine in as ballast and fit a transaxle flat engine / gearbox / finaldrive setup in the back such as a Beetle or a Porsche Boxster / older 911. ;D Watch this space. 8) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 24, 2005, 05:22:03 pm Anyone got a decaying Hillman / Chrysler Hunter / Minx / Rapier with a high compression 1725cc engine? Like this - (http://www.btinternet.com/~robinson01/rootes1725/alpine/engine_l.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on January 24, 2005, 08:53:22 pm Try a 1988 VxAstra engine 1.8 L = OHV engine and old ish.....
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 24, 2005, 09:33:20 pm Another caveat - it needs to be a fore and aft rear wheel drive engine. Any transverse front wheel drive engine is generally a sod to convert to rear drive and find a suitable gearbox to mate to.
Granted it can be done (such as with the Ford Zetec engine and an older Type 9 gearbox) but it is a real ball breaker. The 1.8 Astra is front wheel drive and, sadly, OHC (I had a '83 SRi Cavalier fitted with one). Look at any major car manufacturer of small / medium cars in the last 10 -15 years. What do you find, generally front drive, transverse engine and OHC. Some of the older Renault engines may work but it would be like taking coals to Newcastle - a Renault engined Commer driving to Le Mans! A short list is - 1. Rootes / Hillman 1725 engine (same as currently in the Commer) but from a passenger car with higher compression, more cam, more carb. 2. Ford Crossflow 1600 / 1700 / Mexico / Kent engine - low height engine with plenty of tuning opportunities. 3. Triumph 1500/4 or 2000/6, 2500/6. 4. Austin Rover 'B' series 1800 (as in Maxi / Marina and MGB) As can be seen, all of these engines ceased production at least 15 years ago (except Ford - found as a FWD engine in the last 1300 Escort and Fiesta). The search continues............... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on January 24, 2005, 09:59:33 pm You're all on crack. This thread is totally insane.
Have you considered a Humber Snipe engine......? Come on Steve, conjour up an image of Rootes '57 Chevy lookalike, for the young 'uns to reference. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on January 24, 2005, 10:10:02 pm You're all on crack. This thread is totally insane. Mhh, I only thought this on the first page or so... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 24, 2005, 10:54:40 pm Humber Super Snipe (a fine motor car ;) )
(http://www.humberonia.freeserve.co.uk/1960%20Super%20Snipe.JPG) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 24, 2005, 10:58:38 pm Mind you, the Vauxhall Cresta PA has more of the '55 Chevy look
(http://members.ispwest.com/ronsmith/cars/088_20.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 24, 2005, 11:01:36 pm You're all on crack. This thread is totally insane. LOL But it has long legs ;D Admit it Matt, you're intrigued :o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on January 24, 2005, 11:03:22 pm Steve, not such a bad idea, the Astra/Cav/Carlton use the same basic unit but the Carlton mostly uses the Getrag box a little like the BMWs do. A very compact gearbox that would have fitted the tunnel even in my old midget (this plan was killed off by problems with the BMC flywheel ) Takes lots of power without complaining too. the GM unit comes in a wide variety of c.c.-nesses too. Even a diesel if for any motor than the Commer, which we know isn't a likely option.... is it???
Unlike the Beemer box the GM Getrag has a mechanical speedo drive too. Bill :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 24, 2005, 11:06:25 pm Even a diesel if for any motor than the Commer, which we know isn't a likely option.... is it??? Mr Zarse has black listed the 'D' word on the pain of death (I did suggest a Transit diesel ::) ) I still like the Porsche Boxster transaxle idea though!!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on January 25, 2005, 10:01:19 am How about this??
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=29760&item=4521145051&rd=1 or this?? http://search.ebay.co.uk/triumph_Classic-Cars_W0QQcatrefZC12QQsacategoryZ29751QQsoloctogZ3QQsosortpropertyZ1 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 25, 2005, 02:55:02 pm Steve, re your poster: "You Get a Touch of Genius in everything made by Rootes" ??? Who the feck are they kidding?? Madness and genius are seperated by a fine line.
The Commer has the front subframe off the Snipe, and it's about two foot too narrow, thusly the wheels are too far inboard giving it it's comical handling traits. If that's genius I'll eat my hat. Thanks for all the suggestions guys, but I'll probably be sticking with a 1725 Rootes engine. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 25, 2005, 04:33:52 pm Mind you, the Vauxhall Cresta PA has more of the '55 Chevy look (http://members.ispwest.com/ronsmith/cars/088_20.jpg) The Sunbeam Rapier fastback of 1967 resembled the 1966 Plymouth Barracuda (part of Chrysler USA) - coincidence? The Plymouth however had a one piece wrap around rear glass (the Rapier had a three piece) and was also available as a convertible. Both these Plymouth features would have suited the Rapier very well. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 25, 2005, 04:35:47 pm Here's the Rapier
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 25, 2005, 04:42:12 pm Erm, try again!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on January 25, 2005, 05:46:49 pm When I moved 'down south' as a youngster, the only really viable way to travel back North to see my mates was to hitch hike. You don't see many of these intrepid souls these days, but it left me with a few memorable experiences. Like been picked up by a textbook hairy arsed Glaswegian lorry driver. In his cab, without any load attached (I'm sure there's technical terms for these bits) he reckoned he was driving a sports car. Somewhere near Leeds, in a snowstorm, he slowed down and looked across at me:
HAGLD: "Dee ya like a driiink, geordie lad?" H: "Please don't hurt me..." The b*stard then pulled into a pub where, worryingly, although it wasn't called 'Cheers', everyone knew his name. He emptied my pockets (and his) and went on to down about 8 or 9 pints, each with a chaser, in less than an hour. Straight back in the cab, he drove like a maniac, scaring the sh*te out of every other road user, and booting me out (it's about midnight now) in the middle of absolutely bleedin' nowhere when I tried to calm him down. It was February, if I remember rightly. I sort of miss those days. Anyway, what reminded me of hitching, was all this talk of Snipes and Hillmans. I was picked up once, heading south, in a barge of a car, I can't remember what it was, but I'm pretty sure it had Rootes roots, as it were. The driver made a point of telling me, repeatedly, between slugs of Vodka, that it had a Rolls Royce engine, and was an exclusive piece of kit. It soon became apparent that he'd nicked it and was on the run, he was driving like a man with Fiery Jack in his pants (and drinking like a man whose passenger had other things in his pants to worry about). I think this was the first time I'd been in a car whose fuel gauge moved visibly downward, seemingly drawn by a magnet to the 'Empty' script, and it may have been the same for him, as it wasn't long before he started making demands with menaces, there was clearly not enough fuel on board to get us back to his manor in Olde London Towne, and he didn't have anything to buy some with. I didn't much mind the demands, but the menaces were a bit grim, I think all I could muster was about 50p. In those days, you could still spend fifty pence at a pump, although it wasn't going to get that motor much further, so I was surprised to see him fill it up. Paying for the fuel was an option he decided he didn't fancy, so it was back into the car, and a very smartish exit onto the A1. I jumped out and legged it through a hedge when we got to a roundabout near the north circular. I could see things weren't going to improve. H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 25, 2005, 06:40:04 pm Ah yes, if it had a RR engine, I think it would have been a Vanden Plas Princess R (below). The RR engine was also fitted to several types of tracked military vehicles, so it was pretty unburstable.
My dad had a mate in Birmingham who owned one in the early seventies. His car used to belong to the Cheif Constable of Staffordshire Police and for about the first twelve months of ownership he continued to be saluted by officers wherever he went. He reckonned it was a liscence to drink and drive. I wonder.......?? ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: The Planman on January 25, 2005, 08:24:07 pm sh*t man - My Grand Dad, God rest his soul, had one of these!! One of the first memories I had of being in a car!! It was black with red leather seats.......... Had a big engine like a V8 or big bore straight 4. Those of you who know there cars would be in the know. I was about 3 or may be 4 years of age......... Great picture! :)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on January 26, 2005, 04:06:11 am Hi Andy,
My mate Tony had one of those Princess R. 4 Litre inline 6 3 speed tansmission with Overdrive on 2 gears. Overdrive was activated by a switch on the throttle . Brilliant car to drive. Did my first real road trip in it 1200 miles in 24 hours. Cape Town to Etosha Pan in what was then South West Africa. Now Namibia. His Dad had a Commer camper too. Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 26, 2005, 05:42:23 pm Hi Andy, My mate Tony had one of those Princess R. 4 Litre inline 6 3 speed tansmission with Overdrive on 2 gears. Overdrive was activated by a switch on the throttle . Brilliant car to drive. Did my first real road trip in it 1200 miles in 24 hours. Cape Town to Etosha Pan in what was then South West Africa. Now Namibia. His Dad had a Commer camper too. Canada Phil Phil Your mate and his Dad were self-evidently men of fine taste and discernment. What led you to be in that part of the world? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robbo SPS on January 26, 2005, 09:48:40 pm I get the idea there is about as much hope of the commer getting a new engine as my mini going on the ferry without a tow rope ?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on January 26, 2005, 10:24:16 pm I get the idea there is about as much hope of the commer getting a new engine as my mini going on the ferry without a tow rope ? D'you know Robbo, I'm beginning to think this is a possibility too. Can't put me finger on why though.. I love that picture of the old Triumph Mayflower on the Cresta picture. My old mom God bless her, used to love Mayflowers and it must be the only "Bloodyoldcar" that my dad DIDN'T bring home at one time or another, He was a sucker for any old Arthur Daley type with a tin of filler and four wheels to sell. Bill :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Liszt on January 26, 2005, 10:57:58 pm 65 Chuffing pages! Iturn my back for 3 months and this gets to 65 pages!
Somepeople have way too much free time Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on January 27, 2005, 01:20:03 am 65 Chuffing pages! Iturn my back for 3 months and this gets to 65 pages! Hi Liszt,Somepeople have way too much free time Where the hell have you been for 3 months. you will be up all night trying to catch up ;D Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 27, 2005, 12:31:14 pm I get the idea there is about as much hope of the commer getting a new engine as my mini going on the ferry without a tow rope ? D'you know Robbo, I'm beginning to think this is a possibility too. Can't put me finger on why though.. You may well be right guys, there's actually nothing wrong with the existing engine, it's just a bit underpowered. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on January 31, 2005, 07:30:16 pm The all terrain version
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: powermite on February 04, 2005, 10:09:29 pm Bloddy 'ell Steve
I thought i had found the ultimate http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4522789390&rd=1 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on February 04, 2005, 11:17:40 pm A super looking conversion. Must have taken ages, and some moonshine to do.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 05, 2005, 06:12:59 pm Quote Bloddy 'ell Steve I thought i had found the ultimate Depends on the definition of ultimate: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4523399959&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4523399959&rd=1) Now there's a piece of BL's finest, as is this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4523881051&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4523881051&rd=1) Amazed that either of them has survived......... Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 07, 2005, 12:15:58 pm Another engine for sale
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7952638208&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:UK:1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7952638208&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:UK:1) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on February 09, 2005, 09:40:07 am Alternative Solution for propulsion system...
... atmospheric turbo !!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on February 16, 2005, 09:27:26 am Should be able to get parked someplace (pretty much anywhere you like) with this little baby...
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=9883&item=4524372731 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 25, 2005, 05:18:37 pm Given my less-than-optimistic interpretation of the latest news from the Vatican, I reckon we'll soon be seeing quite a few of these buggies on the market.
A very worthy modern replacement and I would't look out of place, all dressed up in crazy clobber, sitting in the back of a funny car nodding my head to some imagined "way-out" beat. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 26, 2005, 08:14:33 pm Got to be worth a go surely - two stroke and supercharged?
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=18307&item=4529874872&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=18307&item=4529874872&rd=1) Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 26, 2005, 08:24:05 pm Given my less-than-optimistic interpretation of the latest news from the Vatican, I reckon we'll soon be seeing quite a few of these buggies on the market. A very worthy modern replacement and I would't look out of place, all dressed up in crazy clobber, sitting in the back of a funny car nodding my head to some imagined "way-out" beat. Nah - go for the lightweight racing roadster any day ;D ;D ;D http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=36626&item=4529430675&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=36626&item=4529430675&rd=1) Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on February 27, 2005, 12:33:31 am Given my less-than-optimistic interpretation of the latest news from the Vatican, I reckon we'll soon be seeing quite a few of these buggies on the market. A very worthy modern replacement and I would't look out of place, all dressed up in crazy clobber, sitting in the back of a funny car nodding my head to some imagined "way-out" beat. Nah - go for the lightweight racing roadster any day ;D ;D ;D http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=36626&item=4529430675&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=36626&item=4529430675&rd=1) Mark What the hell were you searching for Mark??? ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 27, 2005, 06:29:39 pm Quote What the hell were you searching for Mark??? Inspired by the Popemobile, I just thought it would be interesting to see what came up closer to home on ebay motors by typing in "buggy" - aside from a couple of beach buggies, that was what came up next. That said, that sort of thing could prove useful in June.............. Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on March 03, 2005, 03:44:09 pm continental alternatives...
http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=79055&item=4530817156&rd=1 http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=79058&item=4531416304&rd=1 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on March 24, 2005, 12:16:42 am Caught this thread just before it slipped to page 5. That wouldn't do, would it?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bobblehat on March 24, 2005, 12:23:21 am WHAT page 5 :o
Your right just wont do! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on March 24, 2005, 01:34:04 am blimey......not only do i now realise that my first ever boyfriend ( and the reason for my explusion for convent school) drove a commer van...........but i actually owned one of those Marina campers with the pop up roof myself too!!! blimmin' tinkers in northern spain stripped it bare tho.............. >:(
Fran Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 29, 2005, 11:40:39 am blimey......not only do i now realise that my first ever boyfriend ( and the reason for my explusion for convent school) drove a commer van...........but i actually owned one of those Marina campers with the pop up roof myself too!!! blimmin' tinkers in northern spain stripped it bare tho.............. >:( Fran Hi Fran, I'm delighted (though not really surprised) to hear that a Commer was involved in a such a outrageous scandal. I should have thought the sight of a man in a Commer lurking around the entrance a convent school would be enough to make any Head Teacher dial 999. The fact that you were expelled by the Big Cheese Nun speaks volumes for your sense of rebellion and it'll be a pleasure to meet you at LM. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Invincible Mou on March 29, 2005, 12:35:17 pm The fact that you were expelled by the Big Cheese Nun speaks volumes for your sense of rebellion and it'll be a pleasure to meet you at LM. I used to go to school with a vicious nun like that. It's not this one by any chance is it? (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v420/bullocks/wnun2.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 29, 2005, 02:08:17 pm We had a catholic priest at school who was all fun and games on the outside, but there was a viscious bastard lurking just under the surface. I think all the beatings and punishment stuff were born out of sexual frustration. I mean, it's not natural is it? ???
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 29, 2005, 02:15:10 pm Oh, by the way everyone, I dug the Commer out of her grief pit at the weekend. After a quick tow start to free the seized up drum brakes and clutch, I'm delighted to say I soon had here flying up and down the road. The starter motor has packed up (£22 exchange for a new one) and the speedo cable snapped so i couldn't see how fast (slow?) I was going. But oither than that, everything seemed pretty much ok. Next stop, MOT station....
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on March 29, 2005, 04:38:33 pm Is this MOT a prelude to her making the pilgrimage this year? I thought you had retired her
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 29, 2005, 05:27:28 pm Is this MOT a prelude to her making the pilgrimage this year? I thought you had retired her Retired the Commer? Are you mad Bob? That's f**k*ng fighting talk round these parts.... "Are yew lookin' at my Commer?" Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on March 29, 2005, 05:35:01 pm The fact that you were expelled by the Big Cheese Nun speaks volumes for your sense of rebellion and it'll be a pleasure to meet you at LM. I used to go to school with a vicious nun like that. It's not this one by any chance is it? (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v420/bullocks/wnun2.jpg) Or maybe like this? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on March 30, 2005, 10:24:16 am Is this MOT a prelude to her making the pilgrimage this year? I thought you had retired her Retired the Commer? Are you mad Bob? That's f**cking fighting talk round these parts.... "Are yew lookin' at my Commer?" Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 30, 2005, 01:11:20 pm Is this MOT a prelude to her making the pilgrimage this year? I thought you had retired her Retired the Commer? Are you mad Bob? That's f**cking fighting talk round these parts.... "Are yew lookin' at my Commer?" I grovel in humiliation. ;) But here's another Commer making it's delivery to Maison Blanche. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on March 30, 2005, 01:16:57 pm And we weren't organising the beer festival until 2006!! ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on March 30, 2005, 03:39:46 pm Andy, can you get it to drop a few off on HA on it's way to MB
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 30, 2005, 04:19:12 pm Andy, I think you need to stump up £1.75 and buy this
http://classiccamperclub.tripod.com/regalia.htm (http://classiccamperclub.tripod.com/regalia.htm) Quote The Commer File Excellent fact file on the Commer Motor Caravan, written by Steve Loveys. It contains some useful Specification details, together with a full list of all the different converters using the Commer PA and PB as the base vehicle £1.75 (http://www.btinternet.com/~classic.camperclub/Commer_file.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 30, 2005, 04:22:45 pm ..........or this from a second hand book shop
(http://www.instruction-manuals.co.uk/category/cars/IMcars/commer.gif) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 30, 2005, 06:53:21 pm Steve, I already have the Olyslager book. It's hilarious! Mr O claims it's applicable for novice home mechanics and how they can save money. But immediately he goes on about dwell angles, static timing of the engine, adjusting crankshaft end-float and lots of other non standard info. However, it doesn't tell you, for example, what grade of oil to put in the rear shocks and misses loads of other more mundane info like tyre pressures etc. Olyslager is a hopeless South African fool! >:( :(
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on March 30, 2005, 10:03:49 pm In support of Mr Zarse, its only fair to point out that at no time in this 67 page posting thread did anyone say the Commer WAS going to be retired.......... it all started with the word "If"....
As to whether any of those pics resembled my wicked old Mother Superior... i never dared peek under the whimple so anything might have been lurking under there.........mind you.......i did try to trap her veil in the door as she billowed by...........just to try n pull it off!!! ha ha ha.... 8) Fran Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Invincible Mou on March 30, 2005, 10:51:22 pm As to whether any of those pics resembled my wicked old Mother Superior... i never dared peek under the whimple so anything might have been lurking under there.........mind you.......i did try to trap her veil in the door as she billowed by...........just to try n pull it off!!! ha ha ha.... 8) Fran You, my dear lady, have a sense of humour I appreciate ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on March 31, 2005, 10:36:14 am Only four more. I can picture you all out there, fingers poised over the post button to get the honour of being number 1000.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on March 31, 2005, 10:39:30 am Only three
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on March 31, 2005, 10:39:58 am Only two
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on March 31, 2005, 10:40:24 am Only one
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on March 31, 2005, 10:40:55 am It's me ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 31, 2005, 10:45:43 am It's me ;D ;D ;D Bob, congratulations, you may have won a major prize. (http://www.getdigital.de/images/produkte/t2/t2_tux.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 31, 2005, 01:01:28 pm Bob, that's plain cheating. >:( They are not proper posts (by proper I mean totally meaningless), so I'm deducting four from the offical count. This means the tally is actually standing at 998. :)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 31, 2005, 01:04:23 pm Fran is right. The very first word on this ridiculous thread is "If". Obviously you paid attention during Comprehension at school Fran.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 31, 2005, 01:26:34 pm Bob, that's plain cheating. >:( They are not proper posts (by proper I mean totally meaningless), so I'm deducting four from the offical count. This means the tally is actually standing at 998. :) .... and, following the 'Keeper of the Commer's' ruling, I'm removing the major prize ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on March 31, 2005, 02:09:11 pm Steve, when withdrawing said major prize, as the other four posts were of a dubious nature you may need to award that major prize to the man with the Cobra rep...
(What goes around comes around...) Bill [Bob, I would have liked to be no1,000, but that is how the cookie bounces- who said mixing mettyfers wasnt a good thing?] ??? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on March 31, 2005, 02:20:12 pm Cheers Bill, does that mean I get to keep the cuddly vitual penguin? :o
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on March 31, 2005, 10:26:52 pm Virtually.
;D Bill Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 03, 2005, 08:53:22 am Glad to hear that the old girl is on top form heading into the lead-up to the annual pilgrimage.
I missed the landmark of the 1,000 posts ::). Never mind, that's how it goes sometimes, when actual work gets in the way of surfing at work! As the originator of the thread, I can only offer humble thanks to those who have contributed to it, hope that it has brought some amusement and edification, and apologise to anyone who has been offended by it any way (and has thus missed the point of it entirely). And as if by magic, there are currently 4 of the beauties on e-bay at the moment.......London bus syndrome - you spend ages waiting for one and a load come along all at once.....mind you could give a whole new meaning to "Team Zarse".......... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=4539439965&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=4539439965&rd=1) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=4540538765&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=4540538765&rd=1) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=9903&item=7965402985&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=9903&item=7965402985&rd=1) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=4540124458&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=4540124458&rd=1) All the best, MG Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 03, 2005, 08:57:08 am Quote And as if by magic, there are currently 4 of the beauties on e-bay at the moment Sorry, make that 5 - they must be breeding rapidly at this time of year..... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4539298219&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4539298219&rd=1) MG Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 14, 2005, 06:55:12 pm Australian Commer replacement
(http://www.crh.noaa.gov/pah/storm/may2704/camper.jpg_small.JPG) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 14, 2005, 06:56:26 pm Vintage Commer replacement
(http://www.shadetreemechanic.com/images/Early%20Camper.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 14, 2005, 06:57:23 pm Oh dear!! (http://www.crackedcrab.com/images/VW%20Beetle%20Camper.JPG) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 14, 2005, 07:00:24 pm Comma replacement (http://www.archives.gov.ua/NB/Images/Comma-2003.gif) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on April 14, 2005, 07:01:14 pm Oh dear!! (http://www.crackedcrab.com/images/VW%20Beetle%20Camper.JPG) Why???????????? :-\ Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Martini...LB on April 14, 2005, 08:38:33 pm Oh dear!! (http://www.crackedcrab.com/images/VW%20Beetle%20Camper.JPG) Why???????????? :-\ Bet the arse hangs out a treat in the wet Martini..... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: DavidsDad on April 14, 2005, 11:18:08 pm Which arse do you mean, Martini?, The big wide denim one, or the big wide aluminium one?
;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: DavidsDad on April 14, 2005, 11:20:05 pm Do my eyes deceive me, or is the registration BUGRY?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Martini...LB on April 14, 2005, 11:42:43 pm Do my eyes deceive me, or is the registration BUGRY? Well bugger me ....I mean blinkin eck I think you are right! M Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on April 15, 2005, 01:07:06 am Do my eyes deceive me, or is the registration BUGRY? I think it's BUGRV !!! Very clever!! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 15, 2005, 11:37:37 am A Commer has just come up for sale on *bay. £0.99 starting price http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4543553580&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:UK:1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4543553580&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:UK:1) (http://i12.ebayimg.com/01/i/03/dc/48/ef_1_b.JPG) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 15, 2005, 12:27:05 pm I must profess to being a little perplexed, not to say vexed, that no one else on this forum has taken the plunge and invested in a Commer.
At risk of repeating myself, it truly is the ideal LM support vehicle. Buy one registered before 1974 and there is no road fund tax to pay. Insurance is £100pa including European breakdown assistance. There's room to take fridges, cookers, showers, BBQs and all sorts of other stuff you wish you could have on hand were it not for the fact that you don't have room in your poxy hatchbacks. And I sleep in a proper bed instead of grovelling around on the floor like pigs in filth, like the rest of you f**k*ng tent-dwelling peasants. There are several for sale on ebay, and I concur fully with the bloke who is selling these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4543531479&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW As he quite rightly states at the bottom of his advert - "It is my conclusion that a Commer is an ideal friend and companion. Affordable and CLASSIC that is truly practical. Couldn't put it better myself. When-oh-when will somebody else see the God-dancing light?? >:( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 15, 2005, 12:34:11 pm A Commer has just come up for sale on *bay. £0.99 starting price http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4543553580&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:UK:1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4543553580&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:UK:1) (http://i12.ebayimg.com/01/i/03/dc/48/ef_1_b.JPG) Steve, thanks, this one is a late model PA (mine is a PB). You can tell the difference because it only has single secondary lights (ie no side lights!) and a sqare shaped grill instead of the famous PB lozenge grille. But best of all, it has the drivers grab handle in the cab, which I covet so much. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 15, 2005, 05:29:22 pm ......... But best of all, it has the drivers grab handle in the cab, which I covet so much. Andy, does that serve as a straining bar for those high speed, cloth touching moments? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 15, 2005, 06:16:16 pm Precisely Steve! Apart from being aestetically pleasing, it would be very functional too.
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on April 16, 2005, 05:23:53 am Hi Andy,
I am tempted but surely a Camper Van without the camping interior is JUST a VAN. Nice Handle door sill reveals a little rust? Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on April 21, 2005, 10:03:52 pm Dunno about Modern, but it could be a Commer replacement I spose....
http://tinyurl.com/3zwlp Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ron Jeremy on April 21, 2005, 10:07:34 pm you'd get one hell of a squirt in the water pistol fight from the goddess pump
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on April 22, 2005, 04:57:21 pm One here for you Smokie.
http://www.witham-sv.com/infopage.php?ID=296&Overide=1 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on April 22, 2005, 06:24:12 pm Do I need armoured? I hope not!! (Not at that price anyway!!)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on April 25, 2005, 06:22:33 pm :-X :-X :-XTwice Round the Daffodils :-* :-* :-*
has there ever been a list of films where a commer has appeared? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ron Jeremy on April 25, 2005, 06:29:27 pm italian job ???
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on April 25, 2005, 07:05:47 pm http://tinyurl.com/d6qqp
from Dr Who - Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 AD. Might be a Commer... Also there is a commer like vehicle in a Pathe News film which shows the destruction of 10 Rillington Place...you may need to register to d/l http://www.itnarchive.com/cgi-bin/taweb.exe?x=d&o=d&q=(10%20AND%20rillington%20AND%20place)&d=BPATHE&i=84026&p=1&t=doc.tmpl&v=tabbed Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 26, 2005, 12:04:41 pm http://tinyurl.com/d6qqp from Dr Who - Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 AD. Might be a Commer... Smokie, I like your use of the word "might", it's so loaded with expectation. Unfortunately the Daleks are seen here exterminating a Morris Type J2. I don't think even someone as powerful as the evil Davros could destroy a Commer. Quote Also there is a commer like vehicle in a Pathe News film which shows the destruction of 10 Rillington Place...you may need to register to d/l http://www.itnarchive.com/cgi-bin/taweb.exe?x=d&o=d&q=(10%20AND%20rillington%20AND%20place)&d=BPATHE&i=84026&p=1&t=doc.tmpl&v=tabbed Quote It would be nice to imagine Mr Christie luring his victims back to Rillington Place by promises of a ride in a Commer. Regretably, it's not a Commer in your film clip, it's a bit hard to tell, but I think it's a good old Bedford CA. However, a quick search on the ITV site brought up this clip of the 1961 Motor Show. Link ddoesn't work directly, so you'll need to copy and paste it. http://www.itnarchive.com/cgi-bin/taweb.exe?x=d&o=d&q=(commer)&d=BPATHE&i=71725&p=1&t=doc.tmpl&v=tabbed Apart from the new E Type, I love the little model Commer wizzing round on the overhead monorail and also the dollybird making tea in the back of the Commer Camper is a treat too. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on May 05, 2005, 03:30:56 am Hi Andy,
as one who critisized your earlier avatar let me just say. I like your current piccy of the bread van ::) I was tempted to bid on the blue one but he said no overseas bids would be considered. Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on May 05, 2005, 07:44:20 am The Commer/Bread van combo really takes me back!!! ;) - I feel like a 15 year old convent girl again!!!
F (Hmm having checked this message in preview, I hope the naughty boys at the back of the class will not make the obvious jokes...... :-\ ) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 05, 2005, 08:22:25 am The Commer/Bread van combo really takes me back!!! ;) - I feel like a 15 year old convent girl again!!! F (Hmm having checked this message in preview, I hope the naughty boys at the back of the class will not make the obvious jokes...... :-\ ) Fran, you are kidding right? ;) ....I'm saying nothing 8) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on May 05, 2005, 09:48:16 am Oh, sweet Jesus, yes...
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 05, 2005, 10:01:08 am I've felt like a 15 year old convent girl for a while, but the police keep moving me on from outside the school!! ::)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 05, 2005, 10:59:36 am A-ha! Trick-trick-trickery is afoot!
My new avatar is not in fact a Commer, it's actually a forward control Austin. I was just waiting to see who wasn't paying attention during classic van class. So now you're all going to be punished severly for your indolence, starting with the naughty convent schoolgirl at the back....... Aaarrrggggghhhhh, this is going to hurt you more than it hurts me with any luck.... ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on May 05, 2005, 12:30:53 pm In my defence - the words "Bread" and "Service" clouded my judgement.
:-[ F Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Simes on May 05, 2005, 12:51:20 pm Possible conversion to camper van?
http://www.witham-sv.com/infopage.php?ID=1&Overide=1 Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on May 06, 2005, 12:17:51 am Innit amazing how modern the J-thingy back end looks, just like the amazingly modern LDV Sherpy-thingy, Piloty thingy?
I was always awake during commercial vehicles two, but classic vans was on the Wednesday afternoons when the Convent school girlies used to walk back all steamy from Monument Road Swimming baths in good old Brum. Naturellement we would all be watching out of the windows then. Fran were you one of those? Were you the tall one that used to throw her unmentionnables at our upstairs window? Do you want them back? :) Bill Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on May 06, 2005, 08:18:11 am Sorry perdu - my convent was in Sussex/Kent not Brum - as for throwing knickers.... we had to wear those big blue navy ones (plus another pair underneath for extra modesty) - you would have to have had the strength of Jeff Capes to lob them up to an upstairs window!
F Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 06, 2005, 10:33:12 am Sorry perdu - my convent was in Sussex/Kent not Brum - as for throwing knickers.... we had to wear those big blue navy ones (plus another pair underneath for extra modesty) - you would have to have had the strength of Jeff Capes to lob them up to an upstairs window! F I feel a Bridget Jones moment coming on!!!! ;D ;D ;D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on May 06, 2005, 10:20:41 pm Sorry perdu - my convent was in Sussex/Kent not Brum - as for throwing knickers.... we had to wear those big blue navy ones (plus another pair underneath for extra modesty) - you would have to have had the strength of Jeff Capes to lob them up to an upstairs window! F I feel a Bridget Jones moment coming on!!!! ;D ;D ;D Really JP? We should be so lucky!!! Those St Pauls girls were all good enough to give Capesey lessons... and the rest of us! :-X Bill Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on May 07, 2005, 01:42:32 am I bet you have "darts players wrists" eh Perdu? ;)
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on May 07, 2005, 02:06:31 am I bet you have "darts players wrists" eh Perdu? ;) Smokie, I don't have enough strength to have those. Me, I'm a worn out old git.... :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 10, 2005, 12:32:11 pm For those of you who don't fancy a full sized Commer camper - a Commer version of the Hillmann Husky!
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=4547964110&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2192&item=4547964110&rd=1) (http://i13.ebayimg.com/02/i/04/01/50/a9_12_sb.JPG) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 10, 2005, 12:35:10 pm or a "Commer Motor Caravan" :o
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4549050922&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4549050922&rd=1) (http://i11.ebayimg.com/03/i/04/09/a3/b0_1_b.JPG) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 10, 2005, 12:37:43 pm ...or if you're on a limited budget - a tenner
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=16481&item=6959567268&rd=1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=16481&item=6959567268&rd=1) (http://i16.ebayimg.com/02/i/04/05/3e/5c_1_b.JPG) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on May 10, 2005, 12:40:58 pm Wonderful car the Hilman Husky. My dad had one new in 1957. Same foorpan etc as a Sunbeam Tiger, shame about the rest of it
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 17, 2005, 12:33:34 pm It's wednesday, it's 3 o'clock and it's MOT day. Time to see if we need a modern replacement. ???
I've put the chloroform in the glove box and I'm dressed up in my best Lesley Crowther diguise just in case. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 17, 2005, 12:45:22 pm It's wednesday, it's 3 o'clock and it's MOT day. Time to see if we need a modern replacement. ??? I've put the chloroform in the glove box and I'm dressed up in my best Lesley Crowther diguise just in case. Errmm........it's Tuesday. Not premature are you Andy?? Or do you just like dressing up in the Lesley Crowther guise anyway?? ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on May 17, 2005, 12:48:30 pm Would anyone like to see my CrackerJack pencil?
I can put some tortoiseshell spectacles on it, if you prefer. H Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 17, 2005, 01:25:48 pm Would anyone like to see my CrackerJack pencil? Is there still some lead in it??? 8) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 17, 2005, 01:56:40 pm The MOT tester bloke looks suspiciously like Peter Glaze if you ask me. Sorry Mark, your right, today is tuesday not wednesday. Sometimes I think I'l forget my own.... erm, err, what was it again...?
PS Apprpos of nothing Mark, you'll be delighted to hear that Chris managed to "cure" a lesbian last night. However, Dr Laker's Patented Surgical Implant seems to have taken something of a battering (cue Felix) and now resembles beef jerky by all accounts. I doubt this will help with the MOT though. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 17, 2005, 02:28:23 pm Good Lad!! Shame about his implant tool, but I'm sure he'll caress it better.....probably the next time he is on nights! ;)
Have you had to leave the Commer there for the test and collect her later, or do you now hold a priceless document in your sweaty hand? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on May 17, 2005, 03:11:11 pm I've put the chloroform in the glove box . Do Commers have glove boxes? There is the big one in the middle, but thats where the engine hidesTitle: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 17, 2005, 04:33:02 pm BINGO! She has passed with flying colours, although apparently I need my kingpin greasing. :-X I will shortly have the priceless sweaty document within my grasp.
Truck, Commers have two glove boxes but no glove box lids. And no, I don't know why either. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 17, 2005, 05:41:35 pm BINGO! She has passed with flying colours, although apparently I need my kingpin greasing. :-X I will shortly have the priceless sweaty document within my grasp. Truck, Commers have two glove boxes but no glove box lids. And no, I don't know why either. A certain Cliff Richards song comes to mind (not Devil Woman!) (http://www.e-motional.com/images/fireworks-30.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on May 17, 2005, 06:01:33 pm Truck, Commers have two glove boxes but no glove box lids. And no, I don't know why either. Two! must be the delux version. Hillman Huskies had a parcel shelf at the front too.You'll get the new MOT sticker for the windscreen. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 17, 2005, 06:13:05 pm BINGO! She has passed with flying colours, although apparently I need my kingpin greasing. :-X I will shortly have the priceless sweaty document within my grasp. I'm sure Chris Zarse can help you with the Greasing!! :o Perhaps this could be an event on Maison Blanche on Thursday afternoon. Posters up all around the circuit advertising "Come to Maison Blanche for the ceremonial Greasing of the Kingpin" Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on May 17, 2005, 06:34:26 pm I keep seeing alot of talk about MOT.What is it some sort of tax maybe?
I still think those old Commer RV's look AWSOME!Kind of like a face only a mother could love. :o :o 8) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 17, 2005, 06:47:08 pm An MOT is an annual test for roadworthyness Randy.
Required for every car after it is three years old. I'm not certain but I guess the same applies to vans and campers. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 17, 2005, 10:14:11 pm ....and the poor old Commer always causes serious trauma and consternation when her's is due.
The old girl is all clear for a toll booth drag race again then Andy? I'll be ready ;) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on May 17, 2005, 10:31:05 pm Congrats Andy. Lara, my Midge passed the "dreaded" last week after the obligatory headlight alignment a great feeling of relief second only to... well I know you know what I mean! :o
I had a weird little blue sticker when she passed, is that what you mean about MOT sticker? Has it become a new way to tell the 'bule! that the motor has passed? ??? bill Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 23, 2005, 02:11:55 pm DISASTER!!!
Changed the oil on saturday and some pretty large lumps of metal, 3 to 5mm square, were to be found in the bottom of the sump. Oh dear, I thought, they're probably not supposed to be there and Im almost certain something has gone awry. On closer inspection these lumps tunrned out to be hard plastic. Looks like either I have dropped someting into the engine or there is an oilseal breaking up. The answer turned out to be the latter as the clutch is now slipping like a bastard and the smell of Felix's burning chip fat is a bit overpowering. So it's all hands on deck, at least it will keep me out of the pub of an evening. Why does this happen every year, just before the big off. GGRRR! Sometimes I feel like giving up. >:( :( Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on May 23, 2005, 03:41:03 pm DISASTER!!! A real Commer would have a rope oil seal, none of this modern plastic rubbish.On closer inspection these lumps tunrned out to be hard plastic. You'll get there. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on May 23, 2005, 07:44:48 pm Never give up Mr Zarse! :)
F Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: rcutler on May 23, 2005, 08:40:45 pm If you need a hand Andy I will be able to help after the rugby this weekend!
Hope you get it going can't wait to see it next to the audi coming down from the Dunlop Bridge! Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: matchlesspat on May 24, 2005, 01:11:32 am >:(well I thought I had better sort out the BMW powered CF ready for the 5am start on the 15th, am still trying to get moped boy to empty the toilet, I am sure most of the contents are his anyway, the autobox has been playing up since a toll booth drag race last year so I have decided to change it, should only take a skilled mechanic a few hours, might just get it ready in time,
Pat Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: matchlesspat on May 24, 2005, 01:13:18 am ??? don't know what happened to the picture last time, or this time if it goes wrong again,?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 24, 2005, 11:47:50 am Pat, that is the most unlikely looking Beddy CF I have ever seen!! The BMW grille is a stroke of absolute genius. If I didn't have a clutch to change I would try something similar. Now where's that flywheel puller gone?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 26, 2005, 12:41:02 am DISASTER!!! Why does this happen every year, just before the big off. GGRRR! Sometimes I feel like giving up. >:( :( Andy, Well done on the MOT, but as always, the aftermath is just the dear old thing's way of reminding you of the penalty of neglecting her at other times. I shall see what the MGA has to offer in that regard this Saturday (although having driven 1000miles plus so far this year I hope the answer isnothing) MG Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 09, 2005, 02:24:50 pm It just gets worse. :(
No sooner is the new clutch installed, then the cylinder head gasket has decided it's sick of being squashed and has opted out of the deal. Just got a replacement for a tenner. I'm cutting things very fine this year... :P Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: pretzel on June 09, 2005, 02:38:24 pm Maybe invoking the Curse of the Commer on the weather has backfired..... ???
Hope the repairs are successful.......... Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on June 09, 2005, 02:40:27 pm Stop messing about with the internet and get it fixed, it has to be there after 72 pages on this forum.
Don't forget the inlet & exhaust gaskets too, or is it side valve? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on June 09, 2005, 02:41:47 pm Remember andy if you are struggling with the commer and it gets a bit much there is a simple two step guide to get you out of trouble
STEP ONE: USE THE BIGGEST SODDING GREAT HAMMER YOU CAN FIND!!!!! (THEN ONCE YOU ARE DE-STRESSED MOVE ONTO) STEP TWO: ONE GALLON OF FINEST UNLEADED AND A MATCH SORTED WORKS LIKE A TREAT EVERY TIME Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 09, 2005, 03:25:55 pm Remember andy if you are struggling with the commer and it gets a bit much there is a simple two step guide to get you out of trouble STEP ONE: USE THE BIGGEST SODDING GREAT HAMMER YOU CAN FIND!!!!! (THEN ONCE YOU ARE DE-STRESSED MOVE ONTO) STEP TWO: ONE GALLON OF FINEST UNLEADED AND A MATCH SORTED WORKS LIKE A TREAT EVERY TIME I'm tempted oh so tempted Chris. But I have admitted defeat and taken said bastard to the garage. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 09, 2005, 08:36:28 pm I'm cutting things very fine this year... :P .........just as you did last year ::) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on June 09, 2005, 10:10:34 pm Andy is it the cast iron head version or the Ally head (holbay huntery thingy) thingy?
The cast iron one should be ready tomorrow morning OK afternoon. I am keeping my fingies crossed for you mate. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on June 09, 2005, 10:11:57 pm About that engine conversion you were thinking about. Could you do it now ;D
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 09, 2005, 10:27:17 pm Andy is it the cast iron head version or the Ally head (holbay huntery thingy) thingy? The cast iron one should be ready tomorrow morning OK afternoon. I am keeping my fingies crossed for you mate. Thanks guys. Too late for engine conversions probably Rhino. Bill, it is of course the ironhead, a bit like it's owner. Do you have a spare or summat?? Or have I mis-read your post? Anyway, the old bastard is now fixed, all I have to do is go collect it tomorrow. I couldn't stand the thought of having it to pieces over the weekend what with my failing health (had a terrible dose of flu which won't bloody go away) so I took the cowards way out and went to the professionals. Will this bloody expense never end? Don't anyone EVER contemplate buying a Commer. They are crap crap crap. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 09, 2005, 10:28:02 pm For sale. One Commer, good condition, totally reliable. Offers?
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on June 09, 2005, 10:32:23 pm Andy, no sorry. I wish I did have some spares left over from a job I did years ago for a thieving fireman on his old Hunter type Alpine. They would be yours for the years of enjoyment I have had from this thread and all the others about the old beast.
Keep on, keeping on ! :) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on June 09, 2005, 10:32:31 pm One careful owner, never raced or rallied.....
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on June 09, 2005, 10:35:46 pm That can't be true I have seen the posters
:o Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 09, 2005, 10:46:40 pm I will have to keep on keeping on seeing as there is no alternative way of us getting a fridge and genny to LM. :( If you do ever come across any spares Bill, be sure to tip me the wink. Am seriously thinking abaout an alloy headed engine though.
The rupture was between cylinders two and three apparently. It was so down on power ??? I thought the head gasket had gone cos it was pinking and backfiring but there was no oil or bubbles in the rad. However, there are no oil or water galleries where it blew so was only when we tested the compression could we diagnose the problem. BTW the clutch was nearly right through the rivets and the fly wheel is badly scored. I can't understand why it didn't start slipping years ago. ??? Oh for a new LDV Maxus. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on June 10, 2005, 03:20:44 am Yeah the Commer is back on the front page. Well done there Andy. hpe she runs well for your trip.
see you on MB. Canada Phil Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on June 14, 2005, 11:25:46 pm As the Commer wheeses it's way to Le Mans i thought it right to bring this one back to page 1!
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 20, 2005, 04:21:59 pm As the Commer wheeses it's way to Le Mans i thought it right to bring this one back to page 1! We wait with bated breath for the pre/post race report....... ;) MG Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Simes on June 20, 2005, 07:23:24 pm http://members.chello.nl/h.wesseling2/my_new/camper.html
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on June 21, 2005, 12:27:39 am I hope someone has a pic or two of the arrival of the Commer on MB...a classic moment
Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 21, 2005, 11:28:30 am As the Commer wheeses it's way to Le Mans i thought it right to bring this one back to page 1! We wait with bated breath for the pre/post race report....... ;) MG Mark Thanks Mark. For all you Commer fans, a full report and statistics will follow, but as if you needed telling, the old girl did it again. And yes, I do hope someone got a photo of the grand arrival. I'm fairly sure that one has never been done before. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 22, 2005, 06:57:50 pm Thanks to those who dropped round and showed an interest her and only sorry I didn't get to catch up with MG Mark.
Basically, changing the cylinder head gasket has transformed the beast into a rortin' snortin' machine which will sit comfortably at 55 to 60 mph all day. So here are the offical statistics from Wisden for you to digest: Average speed on run from LM to Deauville was 38mph including traffic jams, refuels, piss stops and the big breakdown (see below). Average fuel consumption for whole trip was 21mpg (compared to 14 mpg last year) Milage travelled door to door and back again was 423 miles. Estimated over a 100 fewer gearchanges each direction due to better power compared to last year. Also estimate she had run over 4000 miles with the blown head gasket. ??? Top speed reached was 70 mph on the Commer speedo but I have to say I never tried to max it this year, there was no need. Reliability: Very, very poor. Fine on the way down, the motor was singing a sweet tune in the cool night air. Return journey was a different matter. Due to a combination of heat exhaustion, hangovers and the Astons going out, we took the decision to leave the curcuit an hour before the race finished rather than risk overheating in the traffic. Within half an hour of setting off she was coughing and spluttering as the fuel kept vapourising due to the heat having nowhere to go. Just after leaving Sees there was an almighty pop as the rad cap blew out followed by the loudest hissing I had heard since a drunken trip to the Bluebell Steam Railway. The cab was instantly filled with clouds of noxious steam and smoke and we made the decision not to press on any further without having a quick look to check everything was ok. On opening the bonnet, I can honestly say things resembled Mount Etna on a bad day. Smoke was pouring off the oil covered engine block, the blackened cork gaskets were on the point of spontaneous combustion and petrol was actually boiling in the glass dome on top of the petrol pump. After leaving her to cool off for twenty minutes, I opened the rad and it was totally dry. I refilled the radiator, the quantity required being 1 and a half gallons of water, which fortunately i had kept in a jerry can in case of such problems. Suitably refreshed, I hit the starter button and she fired up first time of asking; we were on our way again without so much as a further hiccup. We also discovered what had gone wrong. What I had neglected to do before we set off was to remove the large Union Jack which had been draped over front, totally blocking off the radiator air intake. Apparently it's a bit of a necessity to have air circulating freely through the rad in the mildly warm weather we were experiencing. It's of course entirely the fault of the stupid vehicle for not reminding me the flag was there and I accept no responsibility for the problems caused. I mean, if you are going to run a vehicle with mystic powers, what is the bloody point if it doesn't use them to tell you it's in distress? What a heap of sh it! Seriously, I cannot imagine any modern engine taking a beating like that in the terrible afternoon heat without having melted the engine block or computer chip or warping the alloy head. But to start first ask on the button was absolutely amazing. We just sat there shaking our heads in utter disbelief. There is, I beleive, an undescribable inner strength and integrity to her, a determination to get you home no matter what the consequences, a sort of British Bulldog never-say-die spirit. She should be awarded a DSO (Distinquished Commer Order) for that one. It's a hell of a citation. She's is, I think you will agree without fear or favour, a beauty! :D Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Invincible Mou on June 22, 2005, 07:26:04 pm How about a DSC (Distinguished Service Commer)?
(http://www.valorremembered.org/images/RPB_DSC-Army.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 22, 2005, 09:15:15 pm Quote only sorry I didn't get to catch up with MG Mark. Andy, Indeed, me too - never mind, there will always be another year, or something like one of the BORC rounds this year (the Tunbridge Wells one?). What an epic tale of an outstanding vehicle performing in true Bulldog spirit. And you're right about the mystic qualities - I think that she should have told you rather than waited for you to find out, but then that is, of course, the old girl's prerogative to just let you find out that you had been a bit careless yourself. Nothing to match that in the MGA - just two unscheduled fuel vaporisation stops in Rouen in traffic jams that needed a 15 minute wait for everything to cool down. as to a DSO, I reall think it should rather be a CVO - Commer Victorious Order......... MG Mark Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Invincible Mou on June 22, 2005, 10:42:37 pm Well in truth, it should be the VC.
Victorius Commer ;) (http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/content/collections/cmdp/images/CanVC-l.gif) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 22, 2005, 10:50:58 pm Well in truth, it should be the VC. Victorius Commer ;) As presented by De Gaul himself ::) (http://www.medalofvalor.com/060601ruddermedal%5B1%5D.jpg) Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Matt Harper on June 22, 2005, 11:17:36 pm Very amusing synopsis of your journey Andy. Thank you.
It is always quite exciting to set off on a journey, not really knowing if you are going to make it or not. Hang on, I've got to fly up to Boston on Tuesday - disregard last sentence. Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robspot on June 23, 2005, 01:14:17 am Well in truth, it should be the VC. Victorius Commer ;) As presented by De Gaul himself ::) (http://www.medalofvalor.com/060601ruddermedal%5B1%5D.jpg) Seriously Steve, where do you find these photos????? Title: Re:Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 23, 2005, 01:26:34 am Seriously Steve, where do you find these photos????? (http://www.knockaboutgames.com/images/Top_Secret_large.gif) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on July 20, 2005, 12:19:14 am does this mean newer - as seen on ebay.
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14256&item=4563227906&rd=1&tc=photo#ebayphotohosting Dodge Spacevan (Commer PB) 2 Berth Camper 12 Months MOT (http://i15.ebayimg.com/04/i/04/85/07/2c_2.JPG) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on July 20, 2005, 02:48:20 am I can just see it painted black and gold with Team JPC decals!!!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 20, 2005, 03:46:09 pm I can just see it painted black and gold with Team JPC decals!!! Oh dear :o You'll be forming a MB Commer Appreciation Society next. (http://pekingduck.org/archives/the%20scream.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on July 20, 2005, 04:00:57 pm Jealousy will get you nowhere Steve!!! ;)
Besides, I thought you might be joining us on MB next year as all you Cobra buddies were only going to The Classic?? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 20, 2005, 04:14:38 pm Jealousy will get you nowhere Steve!!! ;) Besides, I thought you might be joining us on MB next year as all you Cobra buddies were only going to The Classic?? Hmmm, that's a possibility. It MAY be in Dick's camper as well :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on July 20, 2005, 04:24:41 pm Jealousy will get you nowhere Steve!!! ;) Besides, I thought you might be joining us on MB next year as all you Cobra buddies were only going to The Classic?? Hmmm, that's a possibility. It MAY be in Dick's camper as well :o Tell him to paint it red and it could replace the lorry that's been missing from the funfair for the last three years! ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lancs Se7en on July 20, 2005, 04:28:52 pm An alternative would be to purchase this and start from scratch ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 20, 2005, 04:57:04 pm An alternative would be to purchase this and start from scratch ;D Are you totally mad. The rot woulda gotten in everywhere and the interior looks like it's riddle with rat's scabies. The one on eBay is the same conversion as mine and would be a bargain at somwhere between £500 to £1000. Plus it has the more modern dashboard than mine so I'm well tempted. Anyone want to buy the old one? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lancs Se7en on July 20, 2005, 05:02:06 pm The curtains look ok and there would appear to be a set of ramps included ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 20, 2005, 05:02:16 pm Incidentally Commer fans, I have worked out another reason why she overheated on the way home. Before leaving MB I had rather foolishly topped up the radiator with French tap water. Clearly I now realise this was a mistake and once it had been replenished with proper English Buxton Spring Water there were no further problems. ???
BTW has anyone else noticed the water at LM is no use for making tea either? It leaves a scum on the surface. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 20, 2005, 05:04:04 pm The curtains look ok and there would appear to be a set of ramps included ;D The curtains look like something out of The Likely Lads, totally foul IYAM. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: hgb on July 20, 2005, 05:26:25 pm BTW has anyone else noticed the water at LM is no use for making tea either? It leaves a scum on the surface. It seems to be good for sealing leaks, then. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: R88lot on July 20, 2005, 05:39:46 pm And I thought I had issues.............
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on July 20, 2005, 06:42:23 pm BTW has anyone else noticed the water at LM is no use for making tea either? It leaves a scum on the surface. Tea? Tea at Le Mans?Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Black Granny on July 20, 2005, 08:53:40 pm Tea? Tea at Le Mans? Well we are British after all! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on July 21, 2005, 09:57:36 am As quoted above
"Are you totally mad. The rot woulda gotten in everywhere and the interior looks like it's riddle with rat's scabies. The one on eBay is the same conversion as mine and would be a bargain at somwhere between £500 to £1000. Plus it has the more modern dashboard than mine so I'm well tempted. Anyone want to buy the old one" Well - better dashboard ! - well its worth just changing for that! Whats better? - does it have a Mach meter? or just a bigger ashtray? ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on July 21, 2005, 10:42:14 am Plus it has the more modern dashboard than mine Does that mean one with a water temperature gauge?Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on July 27, 2005, 11:21:06 am Found this back on page 3 :o
Not really a RV but you could get alot a beer in the trailer! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BrickWC on August 07, 2005, 02:37:10 am Spotted on the camp grounds at Silverstone (Classics weekend) Not a Commer I grant you. Sweet looking with a Paisley interior.
http://tinyurl.com/bu48t Steve Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on August 07, 2005, 09:17:53 am Not sure about waking up with a hangover surrounded by paisley, but thats a nice set of pics Steve!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BrickWC on August 07, 2005, 08:12:43 pm Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on August 07, 2005, 08:17:06 pm A ceegar to the young lady, (no Mr Clinton, not one of yours!) that is a very nice set of photos Steve, thanks.
:D bill Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 08, 2005, 12:36:16 pm It's a nice model of the Austin Paralanian.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on August 27, 2005, 04:50:24 am Hi Andy,
Not much action here on teh Commer thread ;D Canada Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on August 27, 2005, 09:50:29 pm Hi Andy, Not much action here on teh Commer thread ;D Canada Phil Indeed - not much. Perhaps the Commer is sleeping building up strength for the forthcoming track day excursion. In the meantime, no Commers but loads of VWs seem to be available, along with a tasty (and in-period) Austin camper......... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AUSTIN-BEIGE-CAMPER-VAN_W0QQitemZ4569610526QQcategoryZ29753QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Simes on August 28, 2005, 12:24:18 am some more...
(http://fleetdata.co.uk/photos/commer/OWJ209A.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 30, 2005, 04:17:59 pm Hi Andy, Not much action here on teh Commer thread ;D Canada Phil Hi Phil Yeah, not much action on the thread but the Commer has been involved in plenty of other action recently, including a trip to Silverstone for the 1000kms. Then on saturday night she was in a field in deepest Sussex, where there was a dance party in a big tent til 3.00am. Later this week she is off to Canterbury with Chris Z to pick up a new double bed. (I think he's worn his old bed out due to his excessive "nocturnal activities"). She's a busy old thing at the moment. :) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 30, 2005, 04:22:59 pm Hi Andy, Not much action here on teh Commer thread ;D Canada Phil Indeed - not much. Perhaps the Commer is sleeping building up strength for the forthcoming track day excursion. In the meantime, no Commers but loads of VWs seem to be available, along with a tasty (and in-period) Austin camper......... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AUSTIN-BEIGE-CAMPER-VAN_W0QQitemZ4569610526QQcategoryZ29753QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem MG Mark Bloody hell, I learnt to drive in one of those! No power steering and no servo on the drum brakes which made life worrisome going down mountain roads with six grunting heffers in the back. And you think Ari V was worried on Pikes Peak! No syncromesh in the 'box, so it was double declutch time. Worst of all, no heater! They had a bored-out version of the Healey 3 litre engine and even on a single SU carb did less than 10 mpg. Loved the little windows in the footwell though, useful for seeing where you were going to hit the wall. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Paddy_NL on September 01, 2005, 08:28:59 pm I'm looking for a campervan too, got my eyes on this for now. What do you think?
http://cgi.benl.ebay.be/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4571803270 Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on September 01, 2005, 08:44:37 pm Very nice Paddy, where would the 1000 ltr's of beer be located ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Paddy_NL on September 01, 2005, 09:05:15 pm it has a towbar ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on September 01, 2005, 09:09:15 pm Paddy,
We've rented one of these Ford chassis / cab motorhomes in Arizona a couple of times (petrol engined version) and found them very roomy and comfortable with all the usual facilities. Good luck! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on September 02, 2005, 05:56:02 pm Hmm, here's a couple to contemplate Paddy You could spend half the money in this one, it's a bit old though, being first registered just three days before I was born:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1963-COMMER-KARRIER-MOTORHOME-AJS-TWIN-AXLE-TRAILER_W0QQitemZ4572818680QQcategoryZ14256QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem or You could spent about 1.5% of your planned budget on this. It's an absolute cracker, the nicest one I've seen on e*ay for ages: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1973-commer-highwayman-classic-camper-van_W0QQitemZ4572884863QQcategoryZ14256QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem PS have a good time at the Ring. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on September 02, 2005, 06:04:32 pm Hi Andy, Not much action here on teh Commer thread ;D Canada Phil Later this week she is off to Canterbury with Chris Z to pick up a new double bed. (I think he's worn his old bed out due to his excessive "nocturnal activities"). She's a busy old thing at the moment. :) Just in case anyone is worried, she got there ok and is shortly heading back onto the friday night M25 traffic. I'm not confident in this heat. :( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on September 02, 2005, 09:16:07 pm Quote I'm not confident in this heat Andy, Just remember to take the Union Jack off the front this time...........good luck! MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: DelBoy on September 03, 2005, 12:26:32 pm Quote I'm not confident in this heat Andy, Just remember to take the Union MG Mark Should be flag, unless the old Commer can be considered a naval vessel (please note naval with 2 'a's, not 'a' and 'e'). Del Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on September 03, 2005, 09:49:17 pm Quote Should be flag Bugger - sorry, no offecne and all that - us in light blue don't have jacks or flags, we go to toilets and not the heads, we have beds and not bunks, and when we're walking on the grass we don't get shouted at by some CPO that we're "getting our feet wet" . An ensign with a roundel seems to do us fairly well.......... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: DelBoy on September 03, 2005, 10:23:00 pm Quote Should be flag .... - sorry, no offecne and all that -....... MG Mark No offecne taken. Del Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on September 07, 2005, 10:18:48 pm OK - RV Commer replacement !
1980 DODGE CI MOTORHOME Sad really - I quite like the pics the strange bit is its sleeps 5 ! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1980-DODGE-CI-MOTORHOME_W0QQitemZ4574046868QQcategoryZ14256QQtcZphotoQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on October 17, 2005, 03:05:02 pm Having slipped down the order to page 5, and somewhat out of fashion, I'm pleased to report that Classic Car Magazine are coming on friday to take the Commer away for a week's road test.
I tell you, these vehicles will be all the rage after publication and prices are bound to soar. You heard it here first, so get yours early and grab a bargain: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Commer-PA-Dodge-camper-like-vw-campervan_W0QQitemZ4583154042QQcategoryZ100929QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on October 17, 2005, 06:06:09 pm Having slipped down the order to page 5, and somewhat out of fashion, I'm pleased to report that Classic Car Magazine are coming on friday to take the Commer away for a week's road test. I tell you, these vehicles will be all the rage after publication and prices are bound to soar. You heard it here first, so get yours early and grab a bargain: The Commer may slip down the order occasionally, but it will always bounce back! Presumably the magazine were taken with the period shots of the Commer outside the Officers Mess....... I do think it is a little unkind of the owner to call it a "funk-ass camper of doom" in the subtitle on the description and "cannot vouch for its reliability"- obviously doesn't know his Commers! MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on October 17, 2005, 06:28:44 pm The Commer may slip down the order occasionally, but it will always bounce back! Presumably the magazine were taken with the period shots of the Commer outside the Officers Mess....... I do think it is a little unkind of the owner to call it a "funk-ass camper of doom" in the subtitle on the description and "cannot vouch for its reliability"- obviously doesn't know his Commers! The magazine was indeed very impressed with it outside the Mess, I think it was the deal clincher. I am indebted to someone on here for bringing to my attention, about six months ago, the fact that one of there journos had a hankering to drive one. This sparked some correspondence, which has culminated in the road test. He's taking it to Gloucester. What's the betting the funk ass camper of doom misbehaves? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on October 17, 2005, 06:32:33 pm What's the betting the funk ass camper of doom misbehaves? That'll be the Curse of the Commer then! :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on October 17, 2005, 07:25:12 pm Quote What's the betting the funk ass camper of doom misbehaves? That'll be the Curse of the Commer then! Oh no - now you've done it - I can feel the vibes already...................mind you, you did insist on talking at Marhamn about how you were going to overhaul the brakes....... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on October 17, 2005, 11:20:51 pm Bouncy like a boat!
I like it. Have fun with the Commer's fame session, not even slightly undeserved I feel. The Commer is a ... well it is a privelege to know of it, a true icon. :) 0-1, 0-1... 8) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on October 18, 2005, 01:48:49 pm Bill, I too was delighted with the result. :D
But I'm very sorry to hear about the pandemic of deadly Bird Flu around your neck of the woods at the moment, which seems to be affecting half the population in Birmingham at the moment. :( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on October 18, 2005, 10:50:38 pm Oh gosh Andy, is there a problem then? :o
Luckily for me I don't get out much so I'll be OK then! It's fowl out there tha' knows... ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on October 19, 2005, 12:52:26 pm Oh gosh Andy, is there a problem then? :o ;) I think there is because it said in the newspaper that there were loads of Bluenoses who were as sick as a parrot. :D ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on October 19, 2005, 09:38:54 pm ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gilles on October 20, 2005, 09:10:56 am Coming back to the subject here is a good base for any of your LM projects, even if I find it too much expensive...
http://www.hy-rivaton.fr.st/ Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garystout on October 20, 2005, 09:41:39 pm Perfect for advertising on the the side :-\
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on November 20, 2005, 11:21:11 pm Just to bring this back from page 5
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/commer-camper-van-1972_W0QQitemZ4591039094QQcategoryZ2192QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 05, 2005, 12:27:09 pm There's a new rival on the block... Bit pricy though.
http://driving.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22749-1901373,00.html Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on December 05, 2005, 12:37:47 pm This is the same VW that the Stig drove with Jamie Oliver in the back 'preparing a salad'. http://www.bbc.co.uk/topgear/star_laps/jamie.shtml Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 07, 2006, 11:29:38 pm About time we had a fresh bout of Commer banter, particularly as Mr Z was enthusiastically telling us at the Marham track day about how he was going to overhaul the brakes, and generally fettle the dear old girl in plenty of time for this year's outing.....
However, the is the opportunity right now to get in on something a little more heavyweight - just the job for awhole variety of purposes at La Sarthe........... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AVELING-BARFORD-1937-STEAM-ROLLER-10-TONNES_W0QQitemZ4608966353QQcategoryZ9883QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem However, just for those lusting after a look-a-like (well this one does have a funky raising roof.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Commer-Van-with-Sofa-Bed-Kitchen-Raisable-Roof_W0QQitemZ4608691871QQcategoryZ14256QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem All the best for now, MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 08, 2006, 03:44:41 pm Hi Mark,
You're right, things in Commerland are pretty quiet just at the moment. She sleeps her winter slumbers quietly decaying on her bed of wet grass. Rather like a shrine to happier, headier days of sunshine and tomfoolery and fun, she's exactly as I left her when I stumbled out of her on my return from Santa Pod in late October. Even the paper Ritazza latte beaker, which I purchased at Hatfield services on the A1, lies forlornly in the footwell just where it was hurled. God, doesn't February make one feel so maudlin... Still, roll on June and it'll all seem better. If anyone is feeling blue for the kiss of warm sun on their cheeks, then I recommend this site for bringing a little cheer to your life: http://www.commer.org.nz/index.html Having said all that, only yesterday I picked up a new pair of front brake pipes bought off eBay for a tenner. I have now got everything I need to rebuild the arrester system. It was always a bit disconcerting wondering if there was sufficient fluid left in the master cylinder to complete a manouver once retardation was applied. I've been thinking of fitting a new one of these too: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5661900984&ssPageName=STRK:MEDW:IT Something's bound to go wrong in the run up to departure, it always does, but I'm determined to catch it early this time. AZ PS Any news on next track day dates? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 08, 2006, 04:09:26 pm Having said all that, only yesterday I picked up a new pair of front brake pipes bought off eBay for a tenner. I have now got everything I need to rebuild the arrester system. It was always a bit disconcerting wondering if there was sufficient fluid left in the master cylinder to complete a manouver once retardation was applied. Andy, sod the brake pipes, fit a couple of these - (http://www.stroudsafety.com/Images/Index-Camaro.jpg) (p.s. - glad to see this worthy topic back on page one - where it belongs :o ) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on February 08, 2006, 05:28:40 pm Hi Mark, You're right, things in Commerland are pretty quiet just at the moment. She sleeps her winter slumbers quietly decaying on her bed of wet grass. Rather like a shrine to happier, headier days of sunshine and tomfoolery and fun, she's exactly as I left her when I stumbled out of her on my return from Santa Pod in late October. Even the paper Ritazza latte beaker, which I purchased at Hatfield services on the A1, lies forlornly in the footwell just where it was hurled. God, doesn't February make one feel so maudlin... Still, roll on June and it'll all seem better. If anyone is feeling blue for the kiss of warm sun on their cheeks, then I recommend this site for bringing a little cheer to your life: http://www.commer.org.nz/index.html Having said all that, only yesterday I picked up a new pair of front brake pipes bought off eBay for a tenner. I have now got everything I need to rebuild the arrester system. It was always a bit disconcerting wondering if there was sufficient fluid left in the master cylinder to complete a manouver once retardation was applied. I've been thinking of fitting a new one of these too: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5661900984&ssPageName=STRK:MEDW:IT Something's bound to go wrong in the run up to departure, it always does, but I'm determined to catch it early this time. AZ PS Any news on next track day dates? When's the MOT due Andy?? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 08, 2006, 06:11:14 pm Erm, about five days before we set out for France...... :(
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Papa Eric on February 08, 2006, 06:50:43 pm Anyone interested in a VW? Low miles, one careful lady owner!!!
http://www.youtube.com/w/vw-van-jump?v=hSyoryN8904 Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on February 08, 2006, 07:02:26 pm Erm, about five days before we set out for France...... :( This will sound sensible and remove all the fun of a last minute panic which as we all know is part of the build up to an important trip. BUT wouldn't be sensible to have the MOT completed in April or May ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on February 08, 2006, 10:40:02 pm I'm sure he was going to mot it when he got back from Le Mans last year to save these last minute panics.
Still theres always next year ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 09, 2006, 10:02:08 am I'm sure he was going to mot it when he got back from Le Mans last year to save these last minute panics. Still theres always next year ;D I fear that you are right there dear boy. However, it all adds to the mystery, and tension that is our favourite vehicle! ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 09, 2006, 10:15:44 am Morning Gib,
Glad to see both the reappearance of this thread and your good self from hibernation. ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 09, 2006, 11:30:53 am Steve, I think Gib's been curled up asleep in his nesting box in the back of the Commer these last three months. The sudden sunshine yesterday must have awoken him. I just hope he hasn't wet the bed! ;)
Nice to hear from you Gib. Must have a planning beer soon. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 09, 2006, 11:38:28 am Steve, I think Gib's been curled up asleep in his nesting box in the back of the Commer these last three months. The sudden sunshine yesterday must have awoken him. I just hope he hasn't wet the bed! ;) Nice to hear from you Gib. Must have a planning beer soon. Cheers Andy & Steve. Life still very hectic with little time to spare. Just moved in with new lady, still in Pound Hill. When will I come to my senses?????? Planning beer sounds good Andy, and no I did not wet the bed whilst nesting in the Commer. nice of you to let me stay while though ;D ;D ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on February 09, 2006, 11:43:59 am Being another local lad, Maidenbower to be exact, can anyone come to the west sussex planning meeting where I presume, the finer points of commer motoring are discussed?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 09, 2006, 11:44:23 am Steve, I think Gib's been curled up asleep in his nesting box in the back of the Commer these last three months. The sudden sunshine yesterday must have awoken him. I just hope he hasn't wet the bed! ;) Nice to hear from you Gib. Must have a planning beer soon. Cheers Andy & Steve. Life still very hectic with little time to spare. Just moved in with new lady, still in Pound Hill. When will I come to my senses?????? Planning beer sounds good Andy, and no I did not wet the bed whilst nesting in the Commer. nice of you to let me stay while though ;D ;D ;D Sounds like I'm defo gonna have to replace the springs and shockers now! I'll give you a call mate and we can meet up soon. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 09, 2006, 11:49:26 am Being another local lad, Maidenbower to be exact, can anyone come to the west sussex planning meeting where I presume, the finer points of commer motoring are discussed? I certainly can't see why not, it would be great to see you again. I can get Chris Zarse along, he's just moved to Maidenbower too. Have you noticed any pets going missing yet? Gib, would "The Offspring" (your phrase!) do the taxi thing again? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 09, 2006, 11:53:36 am Being another local lad, Maidenbower to be exact, can anyone come to the west sussex planning meeting where I presume, the finer points of commer motoring are discussed? I certainly can't see why not, it would be great to see you again. I can get Chris Zarse along, he's just moved to Maidenbower too. Have you noticed any pets going missing yet? Gib, would "The Offspring" (your phrase!) do the taxi thing again? Andy...... Bit tricky being as we live in separate houses now. Might I suggest that as the majority are in Maidenbower/Pound Hill (where the pubs are not quite so good) you could perhaps travel? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 09, 2006, 11:58:35 am Yes, no problem, I was intending to travel, but I just thought we could maybe do a pub crawl of some of the fine country pubs in the area, eg Cowdray, a couple in Turners Hill, White Hart, Royal Oak in Ardingly, Half Moon Warninglid, etc etc etc. Just an idea?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 09, 2006, 12:36:11 pm Don't know if you've been in the Cowdray recently, but it's not what it used to be!!
That's a hell of bloody pub crawl you're suggesting. Damn thing would take all day and a multitude of taxis :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on February 09, 2006, 01:11:50 pm I used to lve in that area (Salfords) any pub crawl we went on always ended up in "The Parsons Pig" on the Balcombe Road. Not a bad place in those days and full of pissed trolly dollies out for a good time away from their gay male colleagues. Many a happy evening was spent in there.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 09, 2006, 01:22:42 pm I used to lve in that area (Salfords) any pub crawl we went on always ended up in "The Parsons Pig" on the Balcombe Road. Not a bad place in those days and full of pissed trolly dollies out for a good time away from their gay male colleagues. Many a happy evening was spent in there. Hey Bob, just up the road from me. Parsons Pig is now an annex to some sort of travell inn........... ??? No idea what the beer is like these days, but I think the trolly dollies now go to the Froghole farm on Maidenbower. But then again I could be out of date with that.............. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on February 09, 2006, 01:37:49 pm Not many trollie dollies in the frogshole farm now, its a bit of a dive, but it has just changed landlord so it may be getting better.
I met my wife in the Parsons Pig many years ago, used to be a favorite place along with the Shipley Bridge. Both are now a shadow of there former selves and best avoided Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on February 09, 2006, 01:45:15 pm I always thought "The Pig" would end up as a stay and park type of place what with all the land at the back, but what a noisy place to try and get some kip if the aircraft are taking off East to West .Sat in the garden some Sunday lunch times and you couldn't hear yourself think when they hit full power on there take off run:o
We used to use the Flight Tavern a lot too when the son was young as he loved to watch the planes taking off, I suppose that is ruined now too. That place must be on the list to be demolished if the second runway goes ahead Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 09, 2006, 02:40:50 pm I suppose we could do central Crawley? It's improved of late, if you hadn't noticed, what with trendy places like the JaJa Bar and the new tapas place. It's now possible to go out in the evening without having your head kicked inside out. No guarantees of course. :)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 09, 2006, 04:31:17 pm I suppose we could do central Crawley? It's improved of late, if you hadn't noticed, what with trendy places like the JaJa Bar and the new tapas place. It's now possible to go out in the evening without having your head kicked inside out. No guarantees of course. :) that's a distinct possibility Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on February 09, 2006, 06:39:16 pm When are you chaps thinking of? Any chance of the spare room Andy?? :)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 09, 2006, 08:09:50 pm No dates yet but keep you posted Mark. Rooms available on "first come" basis. Actually, I'll rephrase that if Chris Z is staying. ;)
Would be nice to it on the day before they all go to Sebring on 15th, but regretably I go to India on the 14th :( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 10, 2006, 09:22:59 am When are you chaps thinking of? Hi Mark I'm pretty easy really (Yes I know we all know that!!!) and it'd be good to see you again. Met any more celeb's recently? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 10, 2006, 09:02:51 pm Quote Any chance of the spare room Andy Spare room? Is the Commer full then? MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 13, 2006, 04:25:44 pm Quote Any chance of the spare room Andy Is the Commer full then? MG Mark Yes. Of mildew! I poked my nose through the door on saturday just to see how things are. There appears to have been a slight leak from somewhere (the open window is my guess) and it's let in quite a lot of water. The carpets have had it and it's blown the plywood at the bottom of the cupboards. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 13, 2006, 04:31:16 pm Why didn't I notice that whilst I was hibernating???
Thsi sounds serious Andy Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 13, 2006, 04:31:34 pm Best of luck with the de-contamination Andy ::)
(http://www.stevequayle.com/News.alert/NBC/NBC.pics/Decontam.suit.cropped.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 13, 2006, 04:33:32 pm Didn't I mention there a price to pay for the Gatwick parking! Bring some rubber gloves and a stiff brush. ;)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 13, 2006, 04:36:02 pm (http://www.art-bo.com/images/bigbrushflat2ny.jpg)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 13, 2006, 04:38:45 pm Bring some rubber gloves and a stiff brush. ;) the mind boggles :o :o :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 13, 2006, 04:46:53 pm Bring some rubber gloves and a stiff brush. ;) the mind boggles :o :o :o It's for this Gib (see other threads!) (http://www.karunaretreats.com/Images/ColonicsWhy/ColonicsWhyRun.gif) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Doris on February 13, 2006, 05:08:58 pm Didn't I mention there a price to pay for the Gatwick parking! Bring some rubber gloves and a stiff brush. ;) Andy, How do you intend to collect this fee given that you will be on a different continent? Are we just to leave them on the doorstep waiting for you to return and make good use of them cleaning the old girl out in readiness for her yearly sojourn to France? Dx Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on February 13, 2006, 10:31:27 pm Good to see Steve Brown Illustrations Inc is back on form!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 14, 2006, 05:31:00 pm It's for this Gib (see other threads!) Never tried it myself Steve. What's it like? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 14, 2006, 05:40:14 pm Sorry fran, that's a Zarse piccy! Gib you are welcome to call by the Commer anyytime to sample the restorative properties of having your rear fundament sluiced out. :D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 14, 2006, 05:47:18 pm Andy, I'll take your word for, but in her current state I wouldn't trust the Commer to host a sluicing of anything, let alone any of my bodily parts. ;)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 14, 2006, 06:36:33 pm Well I'll fit a new water pump and remove the thermostat if it helps you any.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on February 14, 2006, 06:51:20 pm Quote Well I'll fit a new water pump and remove the thermostat if it helps you any. Andy, Whilst I can hardly contain myself at the prospect of rectal and colonic cleanliness during this years campaign on MB, I'm also wondering whether or not the Comma has enough oomph to clear out some of the flotsam and jetsam that must be lurking up the bullet-holes of a few of the regulars on the camp site. Removal of the thermostat may provide a few more foot pounds per second per second, but petroleum jelly, with genuine petroleum, could be the only realistic way forward. Let's face it, if we're talking about being spic and span in the trouser area, then you should have at least a 'Plan B' up your sleeve. Quite what else may get up your sleeves doesn't bear thinking about, I suggest elasticated cuffs, or carrying out the whole procedure naked. Have you any idea yet what the cost will be per person? (I say person, because at this stage, I hesitate to use the word 'victim') H Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 14, 2006, 06:57:02 pm H, I'm seriously concerned with the problems you have concerning your digestive tract.
Might I suggest you consider have your entire pipework system Teflon lined. I recall a demonstration of a product called Slick 50 at a car show I attended a while back. This product is guaranteed to lower the coefficient of friction at the interface between two parts. Apparently, if taken at bedtime instead of your usual Horlicks, the treatment is said to last up to 12,000 miles. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 14, 2006, 07:11:14 pm I think we have a serious medical disagreement on our hands, so to speak. With due respect Steve, I think your prescription is the complete opposite of what is required here. It's a well known medical fact, or at least Chris Z tells me it is, that the glycol content of anti-freeze is an irritant to the small intestine. So Slick 50 by definition will cause the movements to be not so much stools, but more like door mats.
No, I have a better prescription altogether, namely Holt's Radweld. Taken anally, it'll tighten things up a treat and provide comfort and safety to the patient for the whole week. That or poison him to death, one or the other. (http://www.holtsauto.com/products/64.jpeg) Oh, and for some post palliative care, I'd recommend a course of Radflush when you get home. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 14, 2006, 07:17:48 pm PS Chris Z asked me to get him some of this whilst I'm in Halfords.
(http://www.holtsauto.com/products/106.jpeg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 14, 2006, 07:22:34 pm Stools?? If you use Radweld surely you'll end up with a whole dining table!
This should be better. The label says it stops frequent venting and prevents cold spots. (http://static.abcaz.com/productimages/36/2891812/plumb-world-fernox-mb-1-central-heating-protector.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on February 15, 2006, 05:19:13 am This thread is the pinnacle of CA folly ::)
I love it. Canada Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 15, 2006, 05:03:31 pm (http://www.commer.org.nz/adhallrel.jpg)
Hi Phil, just to get things back on track and away from the folly, have a look at these Commers in Canada. And Holland. And Africa.... http://www.commer.org.nz/AWHiggins/AWHColl.html Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on February 16, 2006, 06:42:40 am Hi Andy,
Interesting link. The Toronto one is interesting to me ofcourse. Lots of new trucks still have the HIAB crane fitted. Is it unique to Canada ? The address for Pilkington Glass is now in the Club District. Canada Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 16, 2006, 10:01:15 am Well I'll fit a new water pump and remove the thermostat if it helps you any. That sounds just fine Andy, but without the thermostat wouldn't the water preassure be alittle high? To which part of the cooling system do you recomment attaching the rectum? It could be a bit tricky on top of the radiator :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 16, 2006, 11:21:42 am Gib, I had of course intended to plug you into the heater matrix. Things could quickly become very like The Matrix film, you'll be sitting there plumbed in and sweating like Morpheus whilst Steve Brown and Fran are bouncing off the walls dodging bullets.
(http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/img/1-3d.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 16, 2006, 11:35:54 am Hi Andy, Phil,Interesting link. The Toronto one is interesting to me ofcourse. Lots of new trucks still have the HIAB crane fitted. Is it unique to Canada ? The address for Pilkington Glass is now in the Club District. Canada Phil HIABs are in the UK too, though I think it's also a generic term for any crane fitted to a lorry chassis. A bit like hoover is a generic term for a vacuum cleaner. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 16, 2006, 11:42:39 am If anyone is interested to know more about the brilliant TS3 enginge, this is a great article. And also a link to hear what a proper Commer sounds like at on starting up and at full chat. I think it's very similar to a 70's Ferrari V12.
http://www.commer.org.nz/TS3motor.html Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on February 16, 2006, 12:35:11 pm I heard one of these on a test bed years ago, and we couldn't believe it was a 2 stroke truck diesel, it sounds far more exotic. Will it fit the campervan?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on February 16, 2006, 12:41:30 pm If anyone is interested to know more about the brilliant TS3 enginge, this is a great article. And also a link to hear what a proper Commer sounds like at on starting up and at full chat. I think it's very similar to a 70's Ferrari V12. http://www.commer.org.nz/TS3motor.html The info about the TS4 is even more fascinating. Only 14 built and, when Chrysler bought out Rootes, they ordered all engines to be destroyed as it was at odds (but far better) than other engines they had developed in joint ventures! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 16, 2006, 01:21:54 pm Gib, I had of course intended to plug you into the heater matrix. Things could quickly become very like The Matrix film, you'll be sitting there plumbed in and sweating like Morpheus whilst Steve Brown and Fran are bouncing off the walls dodging bullets. Andy, I think I'd rather be warm, than trying to catch bullets. But does this mean we would be under attach throughout the entire irrigation process. Not very comfortable with that idea. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 16, 2006, 02:39:00 pm The TS3 design is similar to the Leyland L60 engine used in the Chieftain tank on a bigger scale - Luckily they weren’t used in anger much - they had a life expectancy of 700 to 1,000 miles (great excuse to develop its own ARV (Armoured recovery Vehicle)) and a quick change system which meant they could change an engine in the field in about and hour - either a very quick hour with a shell up your bum or a very long one - depends on the enemy I guess.
Then there was the smoke issue, being 2 stroke, when they first started up they emitted more smoke that Battersea power station - you can imagine - lets hide our tanks in this clump of woods, enemy waits for them to start up and the smoke plumes on the horizon, a fairly easy target spotter! Wasn’t very powerful either (cant remember the stats) we mated the new CV12 RR engine onto the standard TN42 gearbox in the last of the chieftains - a cheap Challenger - and the increase in power just ate the boxes as soon as they steered them. I still have an L60 piston, its iron, is about 4.5 inch in Dia and 9inch long weighs about 10lb! I tie it to the wife’s jaw when she needs some ballast. :-X Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on February 16, 2006, 10:17:21 pm I dont mind dodging bullets, but I flatly refuse to have anything plugged into my rectum.... >:(
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 17, 2006, 05:06:10 pm but I flatly refuse to have anything plugged into my rectum.... >:( very wise indeed ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 17, 2006, 06:18:24 pm Andy, I think I'd rather be warm, than trying to catch bullets. But does this mean we would be under attach throughout the entire irrigation process. Not very comfortable with that idea. We'll be under attack alright, mainly from the queue of folk wanting to watch this spectacular. Whilst we're at it Gibb, if I might be a little personal for a moment now that you're with a new lady in your life, I wondered if you've considered the benefits of a little, ahem, male grooming? To be more precise, can I suggest Sir opts for our deluxe package consisting of a facial peel, a pedicure, a full leg wax and all rounded off with a "Back, Crack and Sack" for that rather risque bikini line. We have a fully fitted salon in the Commer and I personally guarantee that our top stylist M. Gimp will attend to your every need. Of course, we use only the finest personal grooming products, like battery acid, and that hot tar-backed felt they use to seal up leaky flat roofs, to ensure you'll go home with skin like velvet. I can make Sir an appointment, oui? (http://www.cuppatea.org/cover4.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 20, 2006, 09:23:06 am can I suggest Sir opts for our deluxe package I can make Sir an appointment, oui? (http://www.cuppatea.org/cover4.jpg) Well ahead of you there old boy. You've no idea :o :o An appointment will not be necessary merci ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 20, 2006, 07:45:15 pm A Prince Albert!! It must be!! Gibberish has only gone and had his hedge grubbed out and a bloody Prince Albert fitted!! :o
Gib, you must have become one of those sex people. Sorry, but I shalln't be coming to any of your so-called "parties". :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 21, 2006, 09:27:01 am Sorry mate, you've lost me with the Prince Albert thing. I'm a shy retiring innocent sort of person, who has no idea what this thread is about, and wouldn't know anything about depilation. ;)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 21, 2006, 02:33:44 pm Sorry mate, you've lost me with the Prince Albert thing. I'm a shy retiring innocent sort of person, who has no idea what this thread is about, and wouldn't know anything about depilation. ;) Or intimate body piercing seemingly................. :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 21, 2006, 02:47:06 pm Or intimate body piercing seemingly................. :o Oh bl**dy heck NO :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 21, 2006, 06:22:15 pm Or intimate body piercing seemingly................. :o Oh bl**dy heck NO :o Gib, a quick google threw up this site; http://public.diversity.org.uk/deviant/fsprmprc.htm#Glossary It should help disabuse you of your naivety. ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Martini...LB on February 21, 2006, 08:45:14 pm Or intimate body piercing seemingly................. :o Gib, a quick google threw up this site; http://public.diversity.org.uk/deviant/fsprmprc.htm#Glossary It should help disabuse you of your naivety. ;) Jeez, I bloody clicked the link, just wiping the tears from my eyes. Martini... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on February 21, 2006, 09:50:05 pm Quote Gib, a quick google threw up this site; http://public.diversity.org.uk/deviant/fsprmprc.htm#Glossary It should help disabuse you of your naivety. ;) Quote Andy - I had nooooo idea there were so many variations.... ouch:o MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: gibberish on February 22, 2006, 09:33:12 am Gib, a quick google threw up this site; http://public.diversity.org.uk/deviant/fsprmprc.htm#Glossary It should help disabuse you of your naivety. ;) Quote Oh my god :o That is truly scary. My new lady is quite happy they way things are thank you. I don't think I'll ever be the same after seeing those pictures :-X :-X Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 05, 2006, 07:17:10 pm The car's the star...
This page is on Commer's in the movies. I can think ofa few that it's missed such as the Commer fire engine in Carry On Girls. But not a bad effort. Have a check for you fave car makes too. http://www.imcdb.org/vehicles_make-Commer.html Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on April 05, 2006, 07:34:39 pm The car's the star... This page is on Commer's in the movies. I can think ofa few that it's missed such as the Commer fire engine in Carry On Girls. But not a bad effort. Have a check for you fave car makes too. http://www.imcdb.org/vehicles_make-Commer.html Andrew, amazingly, the commer and also your double in the lady killers 8) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on April 05, 2006, 07:56:19 pm Commer in the TV series "The Champions"
Alexanda Bastedo ( I think thats how you spell it) I'd forgotten all about her, cor she was luurrrvelly, many a schoolboy fantasy there. Scuse me must try Google Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 05, 2006, 11:50:16 pm Well I'll be dipped in dog sh*t!
I didn't realise that was a Commer in Mad Max 2. (http://www.imcdb.org/images/006/895.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 06, 2006, 08:10:07 pm Well I'll be dipped in dog sh**t! I didn't realise that was a Commer in Mad Max 2. Well the Zarse mobile makes a lot more sense now......... ;D MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 19, 2006, 01:50:50 pm Spring has sprung,
The grass is ris, I wonder where that Commer is... Rather like the Good Lord Himself, it arose from the dead on Easter Sunday and whisked me, chariot-like, to the Shell garage for a paper and some semi-skimmed. No problems to report on the driving front but the dreaded tin worm seems to have taken a bit of a hold on the sills. Ave Maria. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 19, 2006, 02:30:27 pm When is the MOT due?
More last minute repairs to be arranged? (http://www.altenberg.com/peter/images/bombayAutoRepair.jpeg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on April 19, 2006, 02:33:20 pm Was it made at Ryton? They may still have body panels
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 19, 2006, 04:25:10 pm Engine was made in Ryton but the van was all screwed together in Dunstable, where co-incidentally there is nothing left after Renault shut their UK commercial vehicle factory down ten years ago. Bloody French >:(
Steve, them Indian cars is PALs, which are based on an old FIAT design, pal. ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on April 19, 2006, 08:05:15 pm Is there going to be a Commer weather prediction this year? A bit hot during the day last year so i think you should change the torrential down pour to heavy rain, that way the beer wont boil.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Black Granny on April 19, 2006, 08:32:39 pm Engine was made in Ryton but the van was all screwed together in Dunstable, where co-incidentally there is nothing left after Renault shut their UK commercial vehicle factory down ten years ago. Bloody French >:( I think thet still make LDV vans in a factory that is very close to the old Renault one in Dunstable. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on April 19, 2006, 10:00:33 pm I thought Dunstable was the 2nd Bedford plant. Till GM did a Ryton.
It all comes back to me. Was it the old Dodge commercial plant, which Chrysler must have owned before Rootes Group. I thought they sold that off. So where was Karrier? All complicated and all gone Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 24, 2006, 03:16:11 pm Is there going to be a Commer weather prediction this year? A bit hot during the day last year so i think you should change the torrential down pour to heavy rain, that way the beer wont boil. I have cast the runes and stared into the tealeaves. The Commer has spoken thus: There will be quite a lot of weather this year, mainly coming in from 045. It will be ambient on thursday with air carrying on over the following days. Temperatures will range towards steady and it will be generally undercast. On saturday there will be an occlusion of about 990, leading to visibility of 70 in most regions and some stickiness in Arnage. Then on sunday a gentle zephyr is expected early on, giving way to a mild spell continuing through to the evening. In summary: Mare's tails. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 24, 2006, 03:29:45 pm I thought Dunstable was the 2nd Bedford plant. Till GM did a Ryton. It all comes back to me. Was it the old Dodge commercial plant, which Chrysler must have owned before Rootes Group. I thought they sold that off. So where was Karrier? All complicated and all gone Confused? You will be! This might help: http://fleetdata.co.uk/commer.html and http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp.fc/qx/commer-family-crest.htm Lorry, LDV's (as I'm sure Perdu will confirm) are all made in Washwood Heath, Birmingham, in the old Leyland Sherpa factory. LDV are going bust as well, so expect an announcement soon. :( >:( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 24, 2006, 03:37:59 pm And Karrier...
Karrier Motors started life in 1904 in Hudersfield as Clayton and Company. In 1908 they started making Karrier cars and in 1920 changed their name to Karrier Motors Ltd. After a couple of takeover bids in 1934, the Rootes Group aquired Karrier and, in their standard fashion, moved production to Luton, closing the Hudersfield operation. Dodge came to the UK in 1922 and started out importing American Dodge build ups to build at a production line in Fulham; the local assembly moved to Park Royal and later to Kew. Dodges built there known as Dodge Kews. In 1965 production moved to Dunstable where Commer / Dodge and Karrier were all brought together. The Dodge badge was used more and by the mid-1970s, it was on all Commer / Karrier / Dodge vehicles. By then, Rootes Group had been acquired by Chrysler. The 50 series was the result of subsidies by the British goverment in 1975/76, giving Dodge / Karrier / Commer a boost in developing a 3.5 to 7.5 tonne range of vehicles to help keep the UK truck building business on an even keel. It came out in 1979, badged as a Dodge but with a Karrier nameplate, just in time for Peugeot's acquisition of Chrysler Europe, which included Rootes and Simca. In January 1980, all Commer / Karrier / Dodge vehicles officially became Talbot. Peugeot had no interest in truck building and sold it on to Renault in 1981; but for 1980, the 50 series was still badged as a Dodge under the Talbot name. In 1983, it switched to being sold as a Dodge under the Renault name, and in 1985 the Renault logo joined the nameplate; but the Dodge name was retained until 1987, when the trucks were replaced by the New 50 series, badged as Renaults only. Due to poor sales, the entire line was shut down in March 1993, with the line becoming the UK distribution center for French-built tractor units. The production line was taken away in 1994 by a Chinese group, and presumably Dodge medium duty trucks are now being produced in China. (For more details, see dodge50.co.uk.) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on April 24, 2006, 04:10:00 pm (For more details, see dodge50.co.uk.) Theres more? :o (or is this just a thinly veiled attempt at boosting the Commer thread?) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on April 24, 2006, 04:40:37 pm Is there going to be a Commer weather prediction this year? A bit hot during the day last year so i think you should change the torrential down pour to heavy rain, that way the beer wont boil. I have cast the runes and stared into the tealeaves. The Commer has spoken thus: Ok i'll still pack the wet weather gear then!! There will be quite a lot of weather this year, mainly coming in from 045. It will be ambient on thursday with air carrying on over the following days. Temperatures will range towards steady and it will be generally undercast. On saturday there will be an occlusion of about 990, leading to visibility of 70 in most regions and some stickiness in Arnage. Then on sunday a gentle zephyr is expected early on, giving way to a mild spell continuing through to the evening. In summary: Mare's tails. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 10, 2006, 02:52:31 pm All being well, it's MOT day tomorrow. Fingers cross but which boxes will the failure crosses go in this year? :(
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: pretzel on May 10, 2006, 05:18:34 pm All being well, it's MOT day tomorrow. Fingers cross but which boxes will the failure crosses go in this year? :( Is there a box for haunted? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 10, 2006, 05:23:34 pm Good luck Andy. I'll be down on my prayer mat, pleading with the great god Ferric Oxide to give you a flying pass.
Don't let them use this - (VOSA call it a 'Corrosion Assessment Hammer') (http://www.tool-supplies.co.uk/images/H1MOT copy.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on May 10, 2006, 06:26:22 pm Is this multiple choice? What odds are you offering?
At least its not blown a seal. MOTs are computer controlled now. Best wait for the server to go down. I can see it in the papers now "Government computers shut down by Commer Virus" Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 11, 2006, 04:31:50 pm :( Oh dear. Things go off to a very poor start when the MOT man wound the driver's window down and it came off it's runners and dropped into the bottom of the door with a terrible clatter. He seemed a bit embarrassed. Next the brake test showed a 21% imbalance between L and R rear brakes. It was later pointed out to me that oil contamination of the brake shoes is being caused by a leaking halfshaft seal. Next, the handbrake didn't work on the nearside, and as the nice man put it; "I had to apply the footbrake, otherwise it would have been a fail". So in the words of The Gimp, smack my arse and call me Bertie! She passed. As I drove off up the road overjoyed, good old Jeremy Vine started playing Something inside (so strong) by that Labia Siffrie. The Strange Attractor shows it's face again.
We're going to Le Mans!! :D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on May 11, 2006, 04:33:58 pm Good news indead ;D ;D
With all the cogratulations that are gonna come in I can see this thread heading for the 2000 mark :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Doris on May 11, 2006, 04:36:59 pm As Gerry would say ' Ausgezeichnet!'
Best I sort those plates out. ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on May 11, 2006, 04:46:05 pm ...... It was later pointed out to me that oil contamination of the brake shoes is being caused by a leaking halfshaft seal. ....... So you have been blowing seals again. Please to hear that you've got air conditioning too. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 11, 2006, 04:53:39 pm Well take my trousers down and paint my bottom blue :o
(http://www.parkers.co.uk/images/guides/certificate.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on May 11, 2006, 05:57:08 pm Yay! Yay! And thrice yay!
Coz MB/LM just would not be the same without the dear old Commer ;) Come on down!!! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 06:16:17 pm Tally Ho 8)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 11, 2006, 06:26:57 pm Andy, great news, see you for a cool one in June and some fire breathing lessons from Stu 8)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 08:14:47 pm There a fine example of a Commer Camper van on Emmerdale as we speak - or I type or...... :o
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Mr. Rick on May 11, 2006, 10:13:27 pm Hey SR, I hope the :o was to acknowledge the realisation by yourself that you were indeed watching Emmerdale!!!!
;) ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on May 11, 2006, 10:15:13 pm Hum, did I admit to that ::)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 12, 2006, 12:01:04 pm Outstanding and welcome, if rather surprising, news ;D ;D
I particularly like the lubrication of the brakes on one side - are you planning to even it up by making the other halfshaft leak too? I do just hope that the dear old girl is not lulling you into a false sense of security by passing the MOT first time.............and what are you going to do with all the spare time you now have leading up to the great race? MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 12, 2006, 04:11:58 pm Thank you gents for your good wishes.
Mark, nothing will go wrong between now and LM, mainly because, except for a short run to the council tip tomorrow, she'll not be going anywhere for fear of some random component breaking/falling off etc. With regard to the spare time, well nothing out of the ordinary, but the weather's looking good, so maybe some golf, gardening, a few evenings in the pub, and working on reducing my Tardive Dyskinesia, you know, the usual kind of thing. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Simes on May 12, 2006, 05:28:30 pm Haven't been on here for a while, found this beauty!
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/4-axle-GMC-Camper-Very-unique-NO-RESERVE_W0QQitemZ4637491082QQcategoryZ50058QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Would look good on camping bleu! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on May 13, 2006, 12:39:00 am would look good in a dustbin
It's horrible :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on May 13, 2006, 12:44:02 am Would look good on camping bleu! What did we on camping bleu do to p*** you off? I used to drive a stretch 3 axle range rover... that was bad enuff.. but 4 axles is 25% worse!!! (or is it 33.3% worse?) ??? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on May 13, 2006, 01:11:17 am Hi Andy Good o hear the Commer is legal again. I would suggest some brake cleaner to clean off that oil and adjust for maximum effect, remember last year you found all tha additional power and will need all the braks youcan get to handle it.
Canada Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 15, 2006, 12:45:34 pm The viscious evil f**k*ng bastard should be stuck on an attempted murder charge. >:(
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on May 15, 2006, 12:56:12 pm The viscious evil f**cking bastard should be stuck on an attempted murder charge. >:( Umm - is that just a random rant or errrmmm............. ??? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 15, 2006, 05:25:33 pm Tyre delamination. Wasn't going quite as fast as "Our Nige" but it's not pleasant when you find yourself heading for the nearest lamp post
Never trust rubber. (http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:CFSkXI_BZ59HVM:atlasf1.autosport.com/2000/aus/preview/gallery/1986-1.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 15, 2006, 06:29:53 pm I assume said tyre has just passed MOT?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 15, 2006, 06:40:09 pm Yes I don't know how he didn't spot it. That's the price you pay for attending an MOT station with a cavalier attitude to road safety. I'm tempted to go back and complain. :(
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on May 15, 2006, 06:46:53 pm Andy, how the carbon emissions, what did the printout report?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 15, 2006, 06:48:08 pm Andy, how the carbon emissions, what did the printout report? Don't need an emission test for that vintage Peter, just a visual smoke test: Passed. :D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on May 15, 2006, 06:56:26 pm Andy, how the carbon emissions, what did the printout report? Don't need an emission test for that vintage Peter, just a visual smoke test: Passed. :D Just thinking about this visual thing, if the tyre was missed, would the testing person have seen any smoke ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 15, 2006, 06:58:52 pm I've no idea, the test was conducted in the workshop and we were all tripping out of our heads on the magic exhaust fumes. :P
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on May 15, 2006, 07:06:49 pm Assuming the green gimp mobile is still extant next year any chance of some pic's?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 15, 2006, 07:09:03 pm It doesn't really like having it's photo taken Pete. It thinks you're trying to steal it's soul. :(
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Barry on May 16, 2006, 11:31:39 pm Haven't been on here for a while, found this beauty! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/4-axle-GMC-Camper-Very-unique-NO-RESERVE_W0QQitemZ4637491082QQcategoryZ50058QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Would look good on camping bleu! It's a bit 'gay' for Bleu, but I'm not going to get involved in the 'my campsites better than yours arguement' ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 08, 2006, 01:37:21 pm Today's sea trials (driving it to work) have gone quite well but have discovered a massive infestation of tiny spiders. It's like the end scene out of Arachnaphobia. There are literally millions of the little black and yellow f**k*rs. Any aspiring Bill Oddies out there know what I can do about it?
Other than that we seem to be about ship shape though I'm not sure about the Bristols. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on June 08, 2006, 01:38:57 pm Any aspiring Bill Oddies out there know what I can do about it? Look it up on the web ;DTitle: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on June 08, 2006, 11:19:13 pm Can you get those smoke bombs that you used to put in your greenhouse to kill all bugs? Failing that some flyspray sprayed about with windows and doors kept shut afterwards should do the trick.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 22, 2006, 04:16:29 pm For those who are interested in such matters her are the Commer stats for 2006:
429 miles travelled 22.45 mpg Oil consumed - Nil Water consumed - 1 pint Gross weight on return 2.2 tonnes. (as checked at our local Ministry of Transport weighbridge, which we have to drive right by) Gross Max Plated Weight - 2.1 tonnes (so we were 100 kg over the legal max weight!) Vmax -indicated 75mph chasing Robbo and the SPS van on the motorway into Ouistreham Usually it is at this point I go into a rant about the unreliability of the vehicle and what a heap of crap it is; eg. last year when it overheated in 40c+ cos we'd blocked off the radiator air intake with a big flag, or perhaps the interior light had packed up or other major problem. Unfortunately this year's journey was completed with absolute 100% reliability. Nothing went wrong. Nadda. As I think I may have mentioned before, SHE'S A BEAUTY! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on June 22, 2006, 04:18:06 pm How many times is that she has done it?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 22, 2006, 05:49:55 pm How many times is that she has done it? Five Le mans this year by my counting. Plus lots of other races, festivals, parties, trips to the council dump, moving furniture and assorted other local runs. In all, about 9000 miles in six years. All for £330. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Black Granny on June 22, 2006, 07:26:38 pm Andy
Spotted you at Pompey on the return journey. Like the rear spoiler!!! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: RS2 Babe on July 29, 2006, 06:17:03 pm :-* :-* :-*
I think I might rival the Commer next year with this little beastie What do you think? Of course the Liverpool Boys might ban me from their pitch for continued bad behaviour! :P ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on July 30, 2006, 01:44:15 pm How much is the commer worth?
Look at this one on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1974-COMMER-GREEN_W0QQitemZ160013320015QQihZ006QQcategoryZ14256QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem (http://i15.ebayimg.com/01/i/07/da/51/74_12.JPG) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on July 30, 2006, 05:29:01 pm How much is the commer worth? Hi Nopanic,Look at this one on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1974-COMMER-GREEN_W0QQitemZ160013320015QQihZ006QQcategoryZ14256QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem (http://i15.ebayimg.com/01/i/07/da/51/74_12.JPG) A good one can be had for 330 Pounds according to earlier posts on this forum :o Plus a few years of R & D money ;D apperently blown cylinder head gaskets are hard to spot ;D Canada Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on July 31, 2006, 01:20:43 am Good Grief - and there's another 8 days to go.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on July 31, 2006, 12:26:51 pm £3,600 :o obviously a quality machine!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: fagey on July 31, 2006, 01:37:26 pm :-* :-* :-* I think I might rival the Commer next year with this little beastie What do you think? Of course the Liverpool Boys might ban me from their pitch for continued bad behaviour! :P ;) my god!! what is that :o :o :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 31, 2006, 01:56:18 pm £3,600 :o obviously a quality machine! Quality, yes, but I'd say he's starting the bidding about £2600 too high. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on July 31, 2006, 04:06:29 pm Where are all these Commers coming from?
On ebay again, this one looks tidy and its LHD. (http://i22.ebayimg.com/06/i/07/e0/1a/e5_12.JPG) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 31, 2006, 05:15:52 pm There's a whole page of the little rascals on here:
http://tinyurl.co.uk/gfog Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 31, 2006, 06:32:00 pm There's a whole page of the little rascals on here: http://tinyurl.co.uk/gfog Is that Bedford Rascal? (http://www.bedfordrascal.com/img/motorhome_mainimg.jpg) http://www.bedfordrascal.com/motorhomes.html Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on August 07, 2006, 05:30:59 pm Now then gents - not quite 4 wheels as we know them, but British engineering nonetheless and perhaps worth a shot, given the speed with which one could get to Le Mans if operational, and their potential use in crowd/campsite control...........
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sea-Harrier-FA2-XZ494_W0QQitemZ320013748092QQihZ011QQcategoryZ32635QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Decommissioned-Navy-Sea-Harrier-Jump-Jet-Aircraft_W0QQitemZ300012997602QQihZ020QQcategoryZ32635QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Astonishing what the second of the links has reached so far, given that when we sold the last Canberra T4 in airworthy condsition a few months ago, it made around £20k...... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on August 07, 2006, 05:44:54 pm Echoes of the Vulcan that sold for a ridiclous amount on ebay, but didn't actally sell at all.
Lets hope it's not consighned to the same fate. Back on topic, Those Commers do look good but one classic in the household is all I'm allowed. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 08, 2006, 11:34:40 am Echoes of the Vulcan that sold for a ridiclous amount on ebay, but didn't actally sell at all. Lets hope it's not consigned to the same fate. Talking of Vulcans beibng consigned to the same fate, did anyone else see this. Personally I wish them all the best in raising the necessary funds. The Vulcan was an amazing aeroplane to watch (and hear!) being displayed: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/08/04/nvulcan14.xml Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on August 08, 2006, 11:47:27 am Echoes of the Vulcan that sold for a ridiculous amount on ebay, but didn't actually sell at all. Lets hope it's not consigned to the same fate. Talking of Vulcans being consigned to the same fate, did anyone else see this. Personally I wish them all the best in raising the necessary funds. The Vulcan was an amazing aeroplane to watch (and hear!) being displayed: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/08/04/nvulcan14.xml I understand that a far portion of the cost increase is caused by delays in the project and costs have increased over the original budget submission. Its a shame that it will probably never fly, there are new regulations for these warbirds coming along which would make it very difficult to keep it flying. have a look here for the uptodate picture and ominously a count down clock http://www.vulcan558club.com/ Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on August 10, 2006, 09:28:05 pm Echoes of the Vulcan that sold for a ridiculous amount on ebay, but didn't actually sell at all. Lets hope it's not consigned to the same fate. Talking of Vulcans being consigned to the same fate, did anyone else see this. Personally I wish them all the best in raising the necessary funds. The Vulcan was an amazing aeroplane to watch (and hear!) being displayed: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/08/04/nvulcan14.xml I understand that a far portion of the cost increase is caused by delays in the project and costs have increased over the original budget submission. Its a shame that it will probably never fly, there are new regulations for these warbirds coming along which would make it very difficult to keep it flying. have a look here for the uptodate picture and ominously a count down clock http://www.vulcan558club.com/ Just hope that something comes together this month - they have come a long way already and it would be a great shame if it falls at the latest (albeit expensive) hurdle. More definitive info here http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=222368&page=19 (and a lot of other stuff of interest too. MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 16, 2006, 02:25:27 pm Commer News:
Had to have the cylinder head off. A slight misfire, which I originally thought was points, plugs etc, was diagnosed as a total lack off compression in cyl 4. Turned out to be a burnt out exhaust valve. I say burnt out, in reality about a third of it's diameter was missing! Not sure if this is anything to do with using unleaded fuel, but will be using Lead Additive from now on. However, compression and the condition on the valves on 1,2 and 3 are absolutely fine. A mystery really. Bores are in fantastic nick too. Put back together again, she fired up first time of asking and is now running like a train. The absense of a properly functioning (spongy) brake pedal has not stopped Chris Zarse and his good lady from travelling up to Shropshire for a weeks' motor caravanning holiday in the splendid accommodation afforded by the Commer. They should be back on friday, allowing me the weekend to have a serious look at the brakes before the trip up to Donington and the LMS. So that'll be about 1000 miles this month, not bad for an old 'un. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on August 16, 2006, 02:31:38 pm Did they head up the M40 yeasteday, sans rear Spoiler? Cos I saw a fine example of a Commer heading north as I was going south.
Whilst in Shropshire they could vist my Mum in Shrewsbury - duno why, but she would make them a nice cup of tea. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 16, 2006, 02:32:14 pm Echoes of the Vulcan that sold for a ridiculous amount on ebay, but didn't actually sell at all. Lets hope it's not consigned to the same fate. Talking of Vulcans being consigned to the same fate, did anyone else see this. Personally I wish them all the best in raising the necessary funds. The Vulcan was an amazing aeroplane to watch (and hear!) being displayed: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/08/04/nvulcan14.xml I understand that a far portion of the cost increase is caused by delays in the project and costs have increased over the original budget submission. Its a shame that it will probably never fly, there are new regulations for these warbirds coming along which would make it very difficult to keep it flying. have a look here for the uptodate picture and ominously a count down clock http://www.vulcan558club.com/ Just hope that something comes together this month - they have come a long way already and it would be a great shame if it falls at the latest (albeit expensive) hurdle. More definitive info here http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=222368&page=19 (and a lot of other stuff of interest too. MG Mark Guys, it's not looking good. Click the link below and go to the bottom of the page to write to the Lottery heritage Fund to ask for the funding needed. It would be a shame if this falls at the last hurdle. http://www.airsceneuk.org.uk/hangar/2006/xh558/xh558.htm Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 16, 2006, 02:34:06 pm Did they head up the M40 yeasteday, sans rear Spoiler? Cos I saw a fine example of a Commer heading north as I was going south. Whilst in Shropshire they could vist my Mum in Shrewsbury - duno why, but she would make them a nice cup of tea. They did indeed! Was it a green Commer? If so it must have been them. They've already been to Shrewsbury, but only cos they got lost. They were supposed to be near the Wrekin. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on August 16, 2006, 07:59:28 pm Yes it was the lovely shade of green that graces MB. 8)
They missed the Wrekin? its a bloody great hill on the left of the M54 about 8 miles outside of Shrewsbury (It used to have a big light on top to stop aeroplanes flying into it, got into alot of trouble as a kid for drawing a nice picture of it, in marker pen , on my bed headboard) I think the navigator must have already had there beer goggles on. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: DelBoy on August 16, 2006, 10:30:09 pm ...has not stopped Chris Zarse and his good lady from travelling up to Shropshire for a weeks' motor caravanning holiday.... Nice part of the world to go to, even in a Commer. I go at least once a year to have a meet-up with mates from 'oop north' - nice little campsite right behind the Engine & Tender pub in Broome. This just a few clicks south of the Long Del Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 17, 2006, 06:48:17 pm Yes it was the lovely shade of green that graces MB. 8) They missed the Wrekin? its a bloody great hill on the left of the M54 about 8 miles outside of Shrewsbury (It used to have a big light on top to stop aeroplanes flying into it, got into alot of trouble as a kid for drawing a nice picture of it, in marker pen , on my bed headboard) I think the navigator must have already had there beer goggles on. That was them alright, British Racing Green was never an original colour. I did not know you were from God's own county Ian, so what's with all the Reading FC nonsense? Your heart belongs to Gay Meadow and you know it! PS were you a Wakeman lad? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 17, 2006, 06:51:44 pm ...has not stopped Chris Zarse and his good lady from travelling up to Shropshire for a weeks' motor caravanning holiday.... Nice part of the world to go to, even in a Commer. I go at least once a year to have a meet-up with mates from 'oop north' - nice little campsite right behind the Engine & Tender pub in Broome. This just a few clicks south of the Long Del I know it well, I grew up about 10 miles the other side of Craven Arms, which is practically just round the corner in such a remote area. I can also recommend The Bridges pub at erm, Bridges, it's just a short walk down the Minge from the Styper Stones. PS Wadda ya mean "even in a Commer???" :( >:( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: DelBoy on August 17, 2006, 07:01:17 pm PS Wadda ya mean "even in a Commer???" :( >:( For a while there, I thought you weren't going to bite :D :D :D A fine vehicle and yours is a fine example. :-* :-* Del Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 17, 2006, 07:11:28 pm I did wonder if I should bite but thought you'd be disappointed if I didn't!
It's only fine in so far as it only cost £300! If you want to see a really fine example, then drop into W H Smiths and open up this month's Practical Classics. They are driving one one a beach. They must be mad to get salt and sand into the corrosion prone joints and panels! http://www.practicalclassics.co.uk/content/view.ehtml?k=july2806septissuebeachparty&d=practical/News/News2006/News_200607 Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on August 17, 2006, 11:45:27 pm Yes it was the lovely shade of green that graces MB. 8) They missed the Wrekin? its a bloody great hill on the left of the M54 about 8 miles outside of Shrewsbury (It used to have a big light on top to stop aeroplanes flying into it, got into alot of trouble as a kid for drawing a nice picture of it, in marker pen , on my bed headboard) I think the navigator must have already had there beer goggles on. That was them alright, British Racing Green was never an original colour. I did not know you were from God's own county Ian, so what's with all the Reading FC nonsense? Your heart belongs to Gay Meadow and you know it! PS were you a Wakeman lad? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 18, 2006, 02:27:12 pm Crikey, I used to go in that era, especially the wonderful season when they were promoted to the (then) Division 2 and played the likes of Birmingham etc. Who's your cousins husband? Kenny Mulhearn? Graham Turner? Chick Bates?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on August 20, 2006, 09:10:43 pm Crikey, I used to go in that era, especially the wonderful season when they were promoted to the (then) Division 2 and played the likes of Birmingham etc. Who's your cousins husband? Kenny Mulhearn? Graham Turner? Chick Bates? Steve Cross, went onto play for Derby then Bristol Rovers where he finished up as their Player Coach. He now works with young people with disabilities and learning difficulties in the town.Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 21, 2006, 02:06:30 pm No, Dad was a Surrey lad (just off the Byfleet banking of Brooklands) OK Ian, here's a pic of a lovely Commer on the Brooklands banking. (http://us.a2.yahoofs.com/groups/g_5937242/1700/__sr_/8104.jpg?groxd6EBbv8CutpA) Sadly it was rammed up the rear end two weeks ago by a Dutch registered double unit jugernaut, the driver went to sleep on the M4. I feel an apology is due from the Dutch contingent for the unlawful killing of a Commer. Paddy, you're in the Dutch transport industry, have you anything to say on the matter? ;) PS Ian I saw Steve Cross play too, he was a cut above the usual donkeys in the league at the time. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on August 21, 2006, 10:55:52 pm Checked out Goodwood Sunday and they have two Commer vans in the car park, will you be going in yours Andy?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: DelBoy on August 21, 2006, 11:12:20 pm OK Ian, here's a pic of a lovely Commer on the Brooklands banking. (http://us.a2.yahoofs.com/groups/g_5937242/1700/__sr_/8104.jpg?groxd6EBbv8CutpA) Looks more like a little red cross to me, but I have had a pint or four. Del Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on August 21, 2006, 11:49:17 pm I rather like my little red cross, I think I'll save it for later on.
;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 22, 2006, 01:43:26 pm Well I can see it on mine but try this if you'v still got a little red cross.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 22, 2006, 01:44:18 pm Checked out Goodwood Sunday and they have two Commer vans in the car park, will you be going in yours Andy? I'm not sure yet, it probably depends on the weather. ??? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Ferrari Spider on August 22, 2006, 04:49:18 pm this is what i like to see, an owner with a sense of humour ;)
http://tinyurl.com/hv5xu Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on September 01, 2006, 02:43:46 pm By the way Nobby, this is the official Vulcan thread. You might have known it... :(
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on September 22, 2006, 06:37:10 am Three weeks since anyone posted to this thread :o
Is summer officially over now 8) More Commer pictures please Andy or a Vulcan will do in a pinch. Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on September 22, 2006, 12:46:34 pm Okay Phil, this should help while away those long cold winter's nights:
http://www.lightstraw.co.uk/ate/tec/commer2.html http://www.rememuseum.org.uk/vehicles/mwv/vehcomq4.htm http://rides.webshots.com/album/554037092ZMiFou?start=0 Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on September 22, 2006, 03:14:25 pm Mr Zarse,
For your delectation. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/resin-slot-car-body-kit-ice-cream-van-1-32-scale-ish_W0QQitemZ250031830057QQihZ015QQcategoryZ20056QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on October 18, 2006, 08:47:36 am Found this lurking back at page 5!
Anyway here is another choice motor for Andy to look at and consider when that fateful day arrives, and the commer goes to commer heaven, Southend council camping site. http://www.motorline.cc/offroad/index0.php?section=offroad&article=135420 Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on October 18, 2006, 02:35:57 pm I think it's fair to say the if Steve McQueen was alive today he'd be turning in his grave at the thought
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on October 18, 2006, 03:00:40 pm Well Pimp my Ride. 28 inch alloys and Lambo doors. I knew the Commer was missing something
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: il Cavallino on October 18, 2006, 08:05:57 pm Found this lurking back at page 5! Anyway here is another choice motor for Andy to look at and consider when that fateful day arrives, and the commer goes to commer heaven, Southend council camping site. http://www.motorline.cc/offroad/index0.php?section=offroad&article=135420 It's done pretty good. But it's still sacrilege. >:( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on October 18, 2006, 08:42:26 pm Found this lurking back at page 5! Anyway here is another choice motor for Andy to look at and consider when that fateful day arrives, and the commer goes to commer heaven, Southend council camping site. http://www.motorline.cc/offroad/index0.php?section=offroad&article=135420 It's done pretty good. But it's still sacrilege. >:( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: il Cavallino on October 19, 2006, 11:33:23 am I'm talking about technically good. I'm not saying anything good about pimping a Hummer this way or a Hummer itself. Hummers are hideous cars for people with a small dick.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on November 21, 2006, 05:43:04 am Over a month since anyone posted to the famous Commer thread. Too busy taking the piss out of the Navy and annoying His Lordship ;D
We are BACK 8) Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 21, 2006, 09:26:30 am And rightly so ;D Now then, here's a thing. And its a Commer too. A Landliner in red white and blue. A thing of beauty to the beholder anyway.......
It is also some time since Mr Z gave us an update on the venerable Commer and its foibles - things must have been happening with/to the old girl since 22 September. We must be told. MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on November 21, 2006, 09:52:40 am I saw the exact same model, but in two shades of green, on the back of a flatbed, going north up the M6(Preston area), 4 days ago.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 21, 2006, 11:29:31 am Ok guys, you're right, I've been meaning to do an update for a little while.
Following Chris Zarse's 600 mile epic round trip to the sex festival in Shropshire, the Commer has had a few local runs to various events. However, The Gimp drove her up to Santa Pod in Northants for the Flame and Thunder weekend a couple of weeks ago. Needless to say she behaved faultlessly, other than the battery became flattened. I must get round to fitting that seperate curcuit with a leisure battery I've been promising her. And check the tired old alternator too, which I think may be partially to blame. She's done about 2000 miles this year, as good as gold. She's now been put to bed for the winter in the long grass round the back of the house, and I really don't expect to go near her for the next five or so months. The official "putting to bed of the Commer" is one of the saddest parts of my year. It means summer, or any pretence of it, is finally over. It's an acknowledgement that there is a long slog of foul weather, mud and swirling leaves ahead of us. Over the depressing winter months she will sit largely forgotten and uncared for, brooding and hibernating under skies as grey and cold as Dunstable steel, thoughts of long-gone days of motoring quitely through the dappled evening sunshine of the beautiful Sarthe countryside nothing but a lingering dream of times past. Nothing to disturb her other than the tiny mice asleep warm and dry in her cupbords, until finally sometime in late March spring breaks out, the birds start singing and once more the Commers cheeks are carressed by the first weak rays of the rising spring warmth. Just you wait till she get's the sun on her back again, now that will be a day to relish. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on November 21, 2006, 12:08:15 pm So what you are poetically saying Andy is,
At the first sign of rain a nip in the air, you chuck her round the back and forget about her. Use it all year round (apart from on salty roads). My Frogeye never goes into hybernation. They work better when they're used regularly. Having said that, mine looks like Sh*t by spring. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 21, 2006, 12:24:13 pm Gary, no what I'm poetically trying to say is - what is the point of driving round in a heap of sh*t when it's not absolutely necessary? ;)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 21, 2006, 12:29:31 pm Gary, no what I'm poetically trying to say is - what is the point of driving round in a heap of sh**t when it's not absolutely necessary? ;) I can't believe that you said that :o :o :o . The Curse of the Commer has been invoked by far less.....and that, from its keeper......oh dear....... it's gong to have all winter now to ruminate on how it will choose to wreak irs revenge ::) MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on November 21, 2006, 04:22:27 pm I cant believe Gary said that!
"Having said that, mine looks like Sh*t by spring." So harsh So untrue So...sue me! I think Andy is right to allow the little mice people a little quality time to themselves over the winter. The altruistic action of a really nice bloke. ??? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 21, 2006, 04:56:21 pm Altruism is my middle name Bill. Actually it's John but you know what I mean.
Mark, I am of course safe from the curse of the Commer because I possess The Ring, just like a latter day Golum. I must have told you all about the power of The Ring, surely? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 21, 2006, 05:18:38 pm Mark, I am of course safe from the curse of the Commer because I possess The Ring, just like a latter day Golum. I must have told you all about the power of The Ring, surely? Aaahhh - it makes much more sense now, oh great one. We are not worthy...... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 21, 2006, 05:27:41 pm Mark, I am of course safe from the curse of the Commer because I possess The Ring, just like a latter day Golum. I must have told you all about the power of The Ring, surely? Aaahhh - it makes much more sense now, oh great one. We are not worthy...... MG Mark Problem is of course though that the rest of us aren't safe (unless protection extends beyond your good self), plus lord only knows what Big H will make of your references to "protection" and "rings"......... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bobblehat on December 02, 2006, 02:08:02 am In this issue of Motorsport there is pull-out-double-page-spread of the "Daddy" Commer of them all.
The Ecurie Ecosse Transporter. Oh yeah baby ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on December 02, 2006, 12:48:06 pm Bob, it's funny you should mention Le Mans in connection with this famous vehicle, which is powered by that wonderful two stroke reciprocating diesel engine, the Commer TS3. I was lucky enough to be invited aboard her at the Goodwood Revival and spent a happy hour sipping champagne and talking Le Mans and Commers with the owner and his son who'd just flown in from the States specially for the Revival.
Anyway, as if to cement Commers in the annals of Le Mans history, have a look at this website which is linked through the CommerNZ website. The MAP diesel racer should be seen as the first viable diesel endurance racer, the genetic grandaddy of the new Pug and the R10. It competed in the 1950 race, driven by Peter Veyron of Bugatti fame and also set 15 world records at Montlhery. The engine is so similar to the TS3 it's uncanny: http://www.commer.org.nz/Commer%20Connections/MAP%20diesel.html Not connected to LM but for those of you who are fans of big diesel engines like the Napier Deltic, there are some good links on this page too: http://www.commer.org.nz/Commer%20Connections/MAP%20diesel.html Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on December 02, 2006, 01:46:57 pm http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=627731108138867682&q=commer&hl=en
This pair of little beautys would be a welcome sight on a baking hot campsite in June! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on December 02, 2006, 01:54:57 pm Mr Zarse, For your delectation. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/resin-slot-car-body-kit-ice-cream-van-1-32-scale-ish_W0QQitemZ250031830057QQihZ015QQcategoryZ20056QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem See my post of a couple of months ago with a link to a slot car Commer Icecream Van. You could have this whizzing round your Scalextric trac with a little effort Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bobblehat on December 02, 2006, 05:10:47 pm Wow Andy what an increidible bit of kit that MAP racer is! Any one got any more info on it
Mind you I am struggling to get my head around 4 cylinders and 8 pistons and the TS3's 3 cylinders -6 pistons................ ??? I know that Corgi did a contempery model of the E.E. transporter, anyone know if there is a a more recent one. Mind you would not mind a model of the MAP Racer. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 12, 2007, 01:02:31 pm This global warming's a bugger isn't it? Usually at this time of year the Commer's hibernating in her cave but because this winter's much warmer than normal, she's quietly been up and about and nibbling on a few nuts. Anyway, just to let you all know that whilst her joints are getting a bit seized and she's quite crotchety, the old girl's up and about and still alive.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on January 12, 2007, 01:22:59 pm This global warming's a bugger isn't it? Usually at this time of year the Commer's hibernating in her cave but because this winter's much warmer than normal, she's quietly been up and about and nibbling on a few nuts. Anyway, just to let you all know that whilst her joints are getting a bit seized and she's quite crotchety, the old girl's up and about and still alive. Hurrah - good to hear, particularly as this thread had slipped back to about page 7. Brings it back to where it deserves to be! MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nickliv on January 12, 2007, 09:30:33 pm Just a tip for old recalcitrant vehicles. You can really piss on their chips if you take spares for the worst things that can go wrong. - they know you've got the bit, so there's no point in breaking one. They just blow headlight bulbs etc.
It worked in my old Saab, a spare head gasket in the boot was better than any warranty. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on January 12, 2007, 10:39:29 pm Andy what good news that the Old Lady is up and about.
Good news for you too Mark, maybe just a rub down with an oily rag and she'll be up for that trip to the palace. Or did you go already? Already! ;D Bill Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on January 17, 2007, 11:56:39 pm Andy
Not sure if you know this company, but they sell spares for commers and other Brit vehicles# http://www.speedyspares.co.uk/n1stpage.htm Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 24, 2007, 05:25:45 pm Thanks mate. I know them well. I spend enough money there to be on their christmas card list :(
Talking of Christams, here's a couple of early morning snaps of a seasonal Commer hibernating today. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Neal on January 24, 2007, 05:29:35 pm Andy
How could you allow such a thing to happen, the old girl deserves to rest inside at her time of life Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 24, 2007, 05:34:29 pm I agree to a point. However I don't have an "inside" big enough to fit her into. So to speak. The damp off that wet grass isn't too bad anyway, although I popped inside on monday for a look and that rats have had a proper go at the bedding cushions and they've gnorred through one of the the cupboard doors.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on January 24, 2007, 05:38:09 pm Just a tip for old recalcitrant vehicles. You can really piss on their chips if you take spares for the worst things that can go wrong. - they know you've got the bit, so there's no point in breaking one. They just blow headlight bulbs etc. It worked in my old Saab, a spare head gasket in the boot was better than any warranty. Agreed. I keep a fuel pump, water pump, points, condenser, fan belt, gasket set and other vital speares onboard at all times. Never needed any of them. But if I off-loaded them I would be inviting mechanical armageddon. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on February 25, 2007, 03:50:56 pm Andy - on ebay - could you use for spares?
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1971-Commer-Camper-DIESEL-Tax-Exempt_W0QQitemZ150095640057QQihZ005QQcategoryZ14256QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem (http://i23.ebayimg.com/02/i/000/8e/03/7c73_12.JPG) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on February 27, 2007, 12:40:21 pm The diesels were incredibly noisy......... I SAID THE DIESELS WERE INCREDIBLY NOISY.... ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on April 05, 2007, 05:39:19 am Someone mentioned Delahaye and Commer in the same post :o
Note spelling Paddy ;D More info on the MAP please. Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 05, 2007, 09:59:27 am About time that this one hit the front page again - how is the old girl now that the weather is turning warmer, keeping the rust bugs at bay and giving tired batteries a new lkease of life?
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on April 05, 2007, 10:42:50 am She's been abandoned on a drive in the frost and damp whilst her master is sunning himself at the cricket in Antigua.
Surely this is no way to treat a grand old lady. Methinks an anonymous phone call to the RSPCC ( Royal society for the prevention of cruelty to Commers) is called for. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 05, 2007, 11:11:40 am She's been abandoned on a drive in the frost and damp whilst her master is sunning himself at the cricket in Antigua. Surely this is no way to treat a grand old lady. Methinks an anonymous phone call to the RSPCC ( Royal society for the prevention of cruelty to Commers) is called for. How could he treat the Queen of the Road in such a desultory fashion, and all for watching bloody cricket too! Criminal behaviour indeed and worthy of shopping him to the authorities before the mighty lady rises up and seeks her revenge. Incarcerate him for his own safety....... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 11, 2007, 12:07:01 pm Over the depressing winter months she will sit largely forgotten and uncared for, brooding and hibernating under skies as grey and cold as Dunstable steel, thoughts of long-gone days of motoring quitely through the dappled evening sunshine of the beautiful Sarthe countryside nothing but a lingering dream of times past. Nothing to disturb her other than the tiny mice asleep warm and dry in her cupbords, until finally sometime in late March spring breaks out, the birds start singing and once more the Commers cheeks are carressed by the first weak rays of the rising spring warmth. Just you wait till she get's the sun on her back again, now that will be a day to relish. The sun has indeed shone on her back and I'm delighted to say that I started her up and moved her a few yards on monday evening so I could mow the grass around where she'd sat all winter. Obviously there's work to do to get her fully functioning but it's a good start none the less. It is, I guess, the Commer equivalent of "sitting up in bed with a nice cup of tea". I suppose it is the merest coincidence too that that she arose like Christ on Easter Monday. Oh and I did notice what looked suspiciously like nail holes in her sills, although I suppose it's possible this could just be more corrosion. Still, it makes you wonder doesn't it? Anyway, having a living breathing Commer again can only mean one thing; that summer has officially started and that Le Mans is a mere nine weeks away. So let us all give thanks for that news! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 11, 2007, 11:26:53 pm Marvellous news - so nail holes rather than tin moth holes eh? That's a good one! Mind you they probably will be dripping your blood when you start fettling the old girl preparing her for the annual pilgrimage.......
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on May 04, 2007, 04:51:59 pm I am told this is the 'Saab Mobile sauna' so it could just as well fit into the 'anyone going in a Saab?' thread.
But it looked like a VW to me, but is is without doubt a van so.. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 04, 2007, 05:35:22 pm Nordic it looks like a bloody bird table...
Anyway a whole bankholiday weekend of Commer-fettling lies ahead for me. :D That and a local Beer and Blues festival tomorrow. :D And bloody gardening and ironning. :( Oh and I think the Gimp's down on sunday all day. :o And then it's GoKarting in Kent on Monday. :D So absolutely no Commer-fettling at all by the look of it :( >:( :( Have a good weekend everyone! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 15, 2007, 08:13:04 pm You'll all be pleased to note the annual "pre-Le Mans Commer problem" reared it's ugly head at the weekend and involves a Modern Commer Brake Replacement.
I've tried to avoid applying my mind to replacing the rear brake shoes for the past five years. This is because I knew the O/S outer oil seal in the hub was perished and weeping and I'd have to withdraw the half shaft to put a new rubber on to stop it dribbling over my feet. As the years went by the weep had turned into the worst flood since 607 Squadron flew over the Ruhr Valley a while back. This job was going to involve a degree of something known as time and effort and what with me and me bad back etc I really wasn't keen to get involved. Last year the MOT man gave me an advisory note about the low Kg's registering on the rolling road; what he actually said was- "Did you know one of your rear brakes doesn't work. Nor does the handbrake and your master cylinder is leaking too". So I promised faithfully I'd get it all attended to, and trotted off merrily down the road with my pass certificate sniggering to myself that all was well for another twelve months. Unfortunately, time has flown by and in readiness for the forthcoming MOT I started thinking about getting stuck in. Actually I did nothing except put it off, until the weather turned really sh1t... :( So last weekend I set to with a rather damp sense of optimism; of course this quickly turned to woe. On removing the drum I found something resembling the product of Sapton Treacle Mine. The whole thing was compacted with a congealed and noxious mix of 38-year-old Hypoid SAE90 and asbestos powder. I never thought this was going to be a piece of cake and that a bit of humping and grunting would be required. Nevertheless, what I hadn't banked on was the contrast between what the manual said I needed to do and what was actually involved. Phrases like- "using a suitable extractor slide the bearing down the shaft" actually mean "go and get a lump hammer and cold chisel and smash the f**k*ng SKF-6307 bastard thing to a thousand pieces and then get in the car and drive to Shoreham to pay £37.98 to replace the perfectly good one you've just destroyed in order to fit a 75p rubber seal”. Another phrase open to an alternative interpretation is "replace the worn brake shoes with the new ones". Simple you might think, but no, it really means "get back in the car and drive yet again to Shoreham, (taking care to note you were there less than three hours ago) to exchange the 10 inch diameter shoes they sold you because your drums are 9 inch dia..." Anyway, this is what it looks like now; I'd better get on to it sometime before 13th June. Well I will if I can ever get my breath back, that asbestos dust is a right bugger on the lungs isn't it? :( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 15, 2007, 08:18:02 pm .
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 15, 2007, 08:26:13 pm Oh and look who's coming to help at the weekend. He came to help last sunday evening but all he did was drag me down the pub for a much needed roast dinner :D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 15, 2007, 08:29:34 pm Astonishing thing preventative maintenance y'know - creates all sorts of mayhem. I'd just forge paperwork and leave it until the wheel either seizes or falls off next time if I were you. Did you know that classic lorries are exmpt from any form of annual testing because the DVLA system can't cope with them - you wouldn't need to do any maintenance with one of those!
Good to hear that the old girl is getting a bit of fettling. Did the same last weekend with the A before going off to Snetterton in it - lovely new oils and fluids, the odd pump of grease here and there, a bit of checking and lubricating, and she rewarded me with a lovely clattering noise under very heavy braking and the overdrive developing a mind of its own.......ah the joys of classic ownership.... ;D Pubs are a useful diversion when the emotion of it gets too much though.... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on May 15, 2007, 11:36:31 pm That's a lovely clean hub though Andy, really nice.
So you got bitten by the nasty Rootes Group Spare Parts trap too did you? Goshagolly, I remember queueing for hours at the Rootes Dealership on Coventry Road for the privilege of knocking off a few hours from paid work on the following Monday to take the bits back in exchange for the proper ones. Mostly for my dad's Imp, before he Hope the old girl gets through this time without frightening "advisories" Good luck Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: powermite on May 16, 2007, 08:59:53 am Andy
I think that half shaft could do with pushing in an inch or two before you replace the wheel. PM Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on May 16, 2007, 09:56:01 am Andy I think that half shaft could do with pushing in an inch or two before you replace the wheel. PM Oh I don't know PM................wide wheel arches are all the rage on Commers these days!! ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 16, 2007, 09:40:18 pm Andy I think that half shaft could do with pushing in an inch or two before you replace the wheel. PM Oh I don't know PM................wide wheel arches are all the rage on Commers these days!! ;D Yes, agreed. A pair of these would fit a treat ! (http://www.mileagemack.com/mickeythompson/et_drag.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 17, 2007, 11:59:47 am Slicks?? How in the name of sweet Carlos Fandango am I gonna get those through an MOT?
Steve, did I not tell you I had brand new Fate high profile tyres fitted all round last year, £20 a corner they were. Far more grip than the rock hard Polish rubber that was on previously. They were awful, I think they were made out of pre-cast concrete and covered in Russian cyrilic script. Ruddy great lumps of rubber broke off them and one even split right around the tread circumference on the way back from the MOT last year. :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Neal on May 17, 2007, 12:09:24 pm Cross Ply I hope Andy 8)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 17, 2007, 12:11:41 pm Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 21, 2007, 02:20:58 pm Here's a plea for help from the mechanically minded on here regarding a modern Commer half-shaft reinstallation.
In a nut shell (case more like!) I can't get the ruddy half-shaft back into the rear axle. When I took it all to pieces it slid out easy as pie. Now it slides in a treat but stops short as soon as the end gets near the crown wheel and pinion, a good inch or two short of getting the hub bearing back into the housing on the end of the axle casing. I've looked at an engineering drawing and the splined end should just slide straight onto the drive output on the CWP; there's no circlip or anything like that. It just kinda goes in far enough to turn the prop shaft when rotated but it wont go home fully. I've file off some small burrs off the end of the shaft splines and put a good chamfer on too. I've also tried jer-jer-jiggling it a ber-ber-bit too, but it won't go home. Should I hit it with a sledge hammer? I'm completely baffled and any suggestions, sensible or otherwise, are welcomed. Thanks Andy Z Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lawnmower Man on May 21, 2007, 02:38:03 pm I've file off some small burrs off the end of the shaft splines and put a good chamfer on too. I've also tried jer-jer-jiggling it a ber-ber-bit too, but it won't go home. Should I hit it with a sledge hammer? I'm completely baffled and any suggestions, sensible or otherwise, are welcomed. I'd be hesitant with the hammer. I might try a few taps with a mallet. If the shaft is going in to a blind hole is it possible that somthing is in the hole a preventing the shaft going all the way home? I guess you won't want ot take it bits even more to find out. Does it feel like it's hiting somthing or does it just bind up? t, Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 21, 2007, 02:48:13 pm Taking them to pieces is always the easy bit. It should just slide gracefully in, assuming that you are using the same halfshaft that came out.....
Often though, it is a case of jiggling/wiggling it around gently, as it can miss the 'ole, so to speak, by just a fraction - you haven't got a lot of leverage left on the last inch or two of the remaining bit to insert and, particularly if it is the longer halfshaft a small movement at the hub end gets amplified into a much larger movement at the other end. One way that can help, if you've got a spare pair of hands and the wheels are in the air, is to get someone to turn the diff slowly as well, which will help the shaft to engage on the splines, whilst you feel delicately for whether the shaft is in the right alignment. However, tempting it may be, don't use a hammer beyond a light tap or two onto a piece of wood held against the hub when you think it is in the right place. Good luck MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 21, 2007, 03:27:19 pm Quoting a Hilman Hunter Haynes book I just happen to have lying around -
"When refitting the halfshaft, the splines at the inner end should first pick up the splines in the differential side gears. Then enter the bearing into the axle casing recess until the outer edge of the race is nearly flush with the casing ..." The diff side gears may have moved a bit in relation to the crown wheel / pinion, preventing correct alignment (especially if the crown wheel has been rotated). Try the half shaft at different clock positions (3, 6, 9, 12) if no luck. Also, bare in mind that you are trying to relocate 2 to 3 feet of half shaft in a small hole using only the end flange to lift and position the splined end, which is bound to drop a bit under it's own weight. Persevere and try not to curse too much ;) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Dickiex on May 21, 2007, 04:00:51 pm Andy, Put me down in the jiggling/wiggling section of car maintenance. MG Mark is probably correct. However try getting someone else (unless you have very long arms) to rotate the opposing wheel, while you try an insert the half shaft. If that fails go with Mark's idea and try rotating the prop shaft, maybe by putting a big screwdriver in the universal joint. Make sure it is out of gear. You could also try stopping the opposite wheel. Is the half shaft dropping in the axle tube, while you are trying to insert it? Can you try an lift it a little. I am surprised you can file hardened steel. Did you use an angle grinder? Good luck. Open a few beers, chat with a few mates, it will go in when relaxed. Dickiex Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 21, 2007, 05:03:55 pm I am surprised you can file hardened steel. Did you use an angle grinder? Dickie I was surprised to note that too, seems to be ordinary bright drawn steel, it doesn't even look case hardened and it shaped up a treat with a normal 8" file. ??? Thanks for the help and suggestions one and all, I'm really very grateful. I'll let you know when it's gone back home. I kinda reckon it's going to need a bit of fiddling and I wasn't doing anything too wrong. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on May 21, 2007, 06:52:49 pm Hi Andy,
I find most inanimate objects respond well to threats and pleading in equal measure. Lies such as promising not to thrash the sh*t out of it all the way to France are allowed ::) Offers of Oil changes and premium petrol might work too ;D Other than that all good advice so far. A little lube makes it go in easier too :o See you in MB for a Cidre Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 22, 2007, 09:51:28 am We wait with bated breath to hear news from the Commer front.....is it back on wheels, with four non-leaky, functioning brakes? Does it have one-wheel drive? Or did Andy just hit the bottle in frustration? We need to know......
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 22, 2007, 10:21:57 am Mark, all is well. I heard from Andy last night. Apparently, the half shaft, when lubricated with strong lager, slipped in a treat.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 22, 2007, 10:30:01 am Phew...that's a relief....I was getting worried there for a minute that he had been buried under a ton of Commer as the old girl exacted a terrifying price for his callous treatment of her.
Now he has just got to remember to brace himself, so as not to smash his face against the windscreen next time out, now that he has brakes that will actually work..... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lawnmower Man on May 22, 2007, 11:14:13 am Mark, all is well. I heard from Andy last night. Apparently, the half shaft, when lubricated with strong lager, slipped in a treat. Well that's good news. I trust you recieved the news before you advocated the use of a "Bigger Hammer" in the other thread! t. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 22, 2007, 05:01:48 pm Yup, I got home last night, and still wearing my suit, I couldn't resist the temptation of giving it a little wiggle. Something moved inside the diff housing and with a few light taps of the copper mallet, in she slid good as gold. Got the new brakes fitted, hydraulics bled, wheels back on and up the road for a quick test drive. Whilst the brakes seem pretty good- well good for non-servoed drums- the speedo cable instantly snapped and there's now a low grumbling/rumbling sound coming from the N/S front wheel on right hand bends.
I'm getting far too old for this getting under old cars lark I can tell you! >:( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on May 22, 2007, 06:19:39 pm Oh the joys of the classic automobile.
Todays action packed day at the workshop included a big Healey with non functioning O/D and loose rear dampers, a 60's merc with stalling issues and overheating and now the sodding Citroen DS that i have just got shut of after a whole year of misery is back in for accident repairs. Must be an easier way of making a living. Keep the faith Andy- she'll come good in time for the big one! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Dickiex on May 23, 2007, 05:34:41 pm Andy, Does the Commer's speedo cable operate off a cam in one of the front wheel hubs, like other roots classics? If yes that could explain the noise. Either that or you have an F'ed wheel bearing or binding brakes. Good Luck. Dickiex Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on May 24, 2007, 11:26:55 am Any progress?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 24, 2007, 01:29:49 pm Any progress? Not really, I've sourced a S/H speedo cable and alternator in Leeds, just waiting to hear back from the bloke re carriage costs etc. BTW Dickiex, the cable is driven off the gearbox output shaft which means it has a very tortuous 10ft route to travel to get to the speedometer. A bloody nightmare I seem to remember. Anyway, provided I have time, it's MOT day tomorrow :o ??? :( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on May 24, 2007, 01:37:06 pm We'll keep our collective fingers crossed!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Neal on May 24, 2007, 02:03:52 pm ;D The old girl may soon have a connection with Leeds ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on May 24, 2007, 04:33:37 pm I once met cheesy TV Inventor Wilf Lunn- he of spectacular moustach fame in Leeds train station, i got him to sign the Stone Roses album i'd just bought. Easily impressed me you know!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 24, 2007, 04:36:08 pm Crikey, who'd have thought it, Wilf Lunn in the Stone roses? It's a long way from VisionOn.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on May 24, 2007, 04:43:25 pm It would certainly top old Ollie Reed featuring Neds Atomic Dustbin as seen on The Word mid 90's. Gloriously shambolic performance! The wound him up before the show by getting him pissed and hiding his trousers.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on May 24, 2007, 04:45:51 pm Crikey, who'd have thought it, Wilf Lunn in the Stone roses? It's a long way from VisionOn. Wilf Lunn - A name from the pass - He did a book on his inventions once.. What about the Professor - Early stop motion filming Sorry about that, I'll get back in my box.................................... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on May 28, 2007, 09:47:56 am Any progress on the MOT front Andy?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on May 28, 2007, 11:51:58 am Is it not time we had a few Commer curses placed. How about the Audi an Pug teams to take each other out on the opening lap.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 29, 2007, 02:10:04 pm >:( No MOT yet and more than a few curses bandied about, mainly at the wretched vehicle itself. I was fitting a recon Lucas alternator and I accidentally droppped the cast iron pulley wheel on the floor (you know what's coming next don't you) and needless to say it shattered to a million pieces. :( Anyone got a spare?
Anyway, I can't really drive it without the alti as the belt drives the water pump too, which incidentally I'm fully expecting to fail anytime soon too. >:( :( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on May 29, 2007, 08:17:20 pm Every year, the same late MOT traumas .... and we keep saying MOT it in August / September to carry you though the next LM ::)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Barry on May 29, 2007, 09:50:03 pm Every year, the same late MOT traumas .... and we keep saying MOT it in August / September to carry you though the next LM ::) On the other hand, the wait for departure day would be a lot poorer without the will the Commer pass or not saga every year. Persevere Andy, you know she'll get there in all her glory. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: powermite on May 29, 2007, 10:19:37 pm andy
If you fail to get one,i could probably make one for you. Dont leave it too late though PM Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on May 30, 2007, 09:30:41 am Every year, the same late MOT traumas .... and we keep saying MOT it in August / September to carry you though the next LM ::) Yeah Yeah, whatever.....the A is heading for its annual health check and a tune up this Friday. I'll find out the verdict next Monday after we get back from racing in the Welsh hills this weekend ...... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on May 30, 2007, 10:45:17 am Andy
Is it the pully wheel on the alternater or the one attached to the water pump as I have a couple of old Lucas alt lying around and could take the pully off of one of those. What's the diameter. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on May 30, 2007, 05:09:57 pm Yes I know it wouldmake sense to get an MOT in August but it's not passing the MOT that really worries me! Anyway, it won't stop the pre-LM trials and tribulations. In fact I find it's useful to go over the vehicle with a fine tooth comb at this time, I'm always finding small but potentially awkward problems. For instance, I discovered the carb had worked slightly loose of the manifold and also a naughty little water leak on a heater pipe which would have remained unspotted if I hadn't been playing with the alternator.
Anyway Gary, the pulley wheel is 80mm outside diameter. The inside dia for the drive spindle is 15mm with a single square keyway cut into it. If you've got any pulleys lying about post up a pic on here and I can say whether it's a starter for ten. Actually, let's leve the starter out of this, I had trouble with that on the ferry a few years ago...... Thanks Andy Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robspot on May 31, 2007, 02:25:11 pm http://tinyurl.com/ysnfeh
Maybe time to trade her in for Commer II, Son of Commer Although how you could ever describe a Commer as a Trailblazer I will never know (no offence to the old girl!) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Kpy on June 01, 2007, 12:23:56 am Or another make altogether:
http://tinyurl.com/23dv89 Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: fagey on June 01, 2007, 10:02:23 am I didnt know that the cutlermeister was floggin his portable bunker ;)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: fagey on June 01, 2007, 10:19:38 am my mate has just done his merc vito van out into a camper.. must be the quickest camper out there as them vito things fly :o
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on June 01, 2007, 12:21:38 pm I'd like to see that. I have used a Vito for 4 years as a rally servicebarge and its due to be replaced with a much larger Sprinter. The Vito has been such a good tool (4 le Mans, 70+ rallies and loads of race meets) i'm planning on converting it into a camper when it gets pensioned off. My only concern is height. How does he find it?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Pam the Weather on June 01, 2007, 12:47:29 pm I'd like to see that. I have used a Vito for 4 years as a rally servicebarge and its due to be replaced with a much larger Sprinter. The Vito has been such a good tool (4 le Mans, 70+ rallies and loads of race meets) i'm planning on converting it into a camper when it gets pensioned off. My only concern is height. How does he find it? this looks like a good bye http://tinyurl.com/23dv89 Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on June 01, 2007, 01:00:08 pm The ad says "Toilet Thetford". Now I have been to Thetford a couple of times in the past and found the locals to be carrot crunchers and the favourite mode of transport is the tractor. But, I think it is unfair to call this historic East Anglian market town a toilet. Now Slough, that is a toilet.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: fagey on June 01, 2007, 01:15:27 pm I'd like to see that. I have used a Vito for 4 years as a rally servicebarge and its due to be replaced with a much larger Sprinter. The Vito has been such a good tool (4 le Mans, 70+ rallies and loads of race meets) i'm planning on converting it into a camper when it gets pensioned off. My only concern is height. How does he find it? not too bad.. he raised it fractionally (dunno know how) so its just like a VW hippy surf stylee van.. but zillions times faster and way more comfortable ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on June 01, 2007, 01:42:45 pm Its not dark red is it? There were 2 guys in a converted Vito next to us on Karting Nord at last years Classic.
Smart job, with a fibre glass roof extension. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 01, 2007, 05:48:24 pm I didnt know that the cutlermeister was floggin his portable bunker ;) It was for sale when I accompanied him in it to the 2004 PQ. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: fagey on June 01, 2007, 05:56:53 pm Its not dark red is it? There were 2 guys in a converted Vito next to us on Karting Nord at last years Classic. Smart job, with a fibre glass roof extension. nope.. its silver, but never been to LM.. its one of the hot ones with the red badges i think... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Pam the Weather on June 01, 2007, 06:27:56 pm I didnt know that the cutlermeister was floggin his portable bunker ;) It was for sale when I accompanied him in it to the 2004 PQ. the next obvious question, is why nearly three years later? ??? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 01, 2007, 07:44:52 pm The ad says "Toilet Thetford". Now I have been to Thetford a couple of times in the past and found the locals to be carrot crunchers and the favourite mode of transport is the tractor. But, I think it is unfair to call this historic East Anglian market town a toilet. Now Slough, that is a toilet. Bob, did you know Thetford is home to Izal Medicated Toilet Tissue (sic), Parazone, Jeyes Fluid and Wet Ones, in addition to the eponymous Thetford comedy camping lavvys. You have to admit it's certainly well connected to the excrement industry. Thatford is also home to the worst hotel in the whole of England, The Bell. I think it's unfair to call Slough a toilet, I like to think of it as more of a shithole. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Doris on June 03, 2007, 01:54:43 am I think it's unfair to call Slough a toilet, I like to think of it as more of a shithole. I concur. Slough is indeed a shithole!!! Having worked there for four and half years I feel qualified to comment.... Dx Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 03, 2007, 09:32:45 am I think it's unfair to call Slough a toilet, I like to think of it as more of a shithole. I concur. Slough is indeed a shithole!!! Having worked there for four and half years I feel qualified to comment.... Dx You don't need to spend that long there Just drive past on the M4 you can smell it. Oh and for those Chocaholics that like Mars bars. There are made in Slough. t. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: rcutler on June 03, 2007, 11:11:43 am The van has been for sale on and off since Pre_quals 04, I don't really want to sell it, I just don't get the time to use it anymore. Plus I think I should start looking for a real house.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Doris on June 03, 2007, 10:16:55 pm Oh and for those Chocaholics that like Mars bars. There are made in Slough. t. By the same company that make Pedigree Chum. :-X Dx Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on June 04, 2007, 12:28:54 am I'm with Doris on this one, I wouldn't eat anything made in Slough.
I see that the Horlicks factory it being turned into an indusrtial estate. RIP Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on June 05, 2007, 09:08:20 am With a week to go, do you have a MOT yet Andy? The suspense is killing us!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 07, 2007, 11:38:48 am With a week to go, do you have a MOT yet Andy? The suspense is killing us! Booked in for 3pm today. New speedo cable now fitted, kingpins pugged up with bodyfiller, fresh underseal over the terrible chassis corrosion, all ready to go. Fingers crossed! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nickliv on June 07, 2007, 11:51:17 am Andy
I hope your MOT tester hasn't got a computer! Good luck, let us know how it goes. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 07, 2007, 04:58:26 pm (http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/b/b0/Neville_Chamberlain2.jpg)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Robspot on June 07, 2007, 05:04:11 pm Congratulations. Any backhanders required?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on June 07, 2007, 05:34:07 pm You old tinker. I suggest a round of applause is now called for.
(http://blogs.smh.com.au/mashup/images/applause.gif) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Barry on June 07, 2007, 05:52:00 pm The waiting with bated breath is over. :o
Autosport may have abandoned their LM guide 10 days before the race. :( But one traditional yearly milestone remains, and has now been reached. :) The Commer is GO, so now Le Mans 2007 can start. ;D Well done Andy, when is the Grand entrance to MB this year? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 07, 2007, 05:56:43 pm Thanks guys, arrival MB estimated at about 22.00 wed night.
Well, she sailed through, ignoring the advisory on the oil leak through the pinion oil seal but two strange incidents to report. Firstly, on the way to the Test Centre I drove past a little pub called The Lamb at a small village called Lambs Green. Just as I was approaching, a long haired elderly man emerged from the pub with his friend who sported a Le Mans teeshirt. It's a very quiet pub, you never see people exitting at 15.00, so I pulled up and we had a brief chat. Le mans regulars, but I'd never met them before in my life. What are the chances eh? Reviewing this thread a few days ago, I was reminded that last year when I left the test centre, Jeremy Vine was playing Something Inside (so strong) by Labia Sifrie. Well this year, just as I was being handed the piece of paper, it came on the radio playing in the workshop. What are the chances eh? (again). Anyhow, we're all set fair to go now, and the Commer has bestowed it's munificent blessings upon all those travelling to LM by dodgy British iron. Oh and permission granted to say- "She's a f**k*n' beauty!" Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on June 07, 2007, 09:30:08 pm Thanks guys, arrival MB estimated at about 22.00 wed night. Good Luck Andy,have a fun trip.Well, she sailed through, ignoring the advisory on the oil leak through the pinion oil seal but two strange incidents to report. Firstly, on the way to the Test Centre I drove past a little pub called The Lamb at a small village called Lambs Green. Just as I was approaching, a long haired elderly man emerged from the pub with his friend who sported a Le Mans teeshirt. It's a very quiet pub, you never see people exitting at 15.00, so I pulled up and we had a brief chat. Le mans regulars, but I'd never met them before in my life. What are the chances eh? Reviewing this thread a few days ago, I was reminded that last year when I left the test centre, Jeremy Vine was playing Something Inside (so strong) by Labia Sifrie. Well this year, just as I was being handed the piece of paper, it came on the radio playing in the workshop. What are the chances eh? (again). Anyhow, we're all set fair to go now, and the Commer has bestowed it's munificent blessings upon all those travelling to LM by dodgy British iron. Oh and permission granted to say- "She's a f**k*n' beauty!" Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on June 08, 2007, 01:14:25 am Andy, what good news! Although as an oldie owner myself I have to say, not unexpected good news.
Oldies but goodies sums them up perfectly. Lara my Midget passed her MOT easily last week as well. Funny about Labi Siffre though, must add that to my Good Vibrations Compilation"... F***in great news, great! :D Bill Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 08, 2007, 10:08:07 am Well hurrah and huzzah! Jolly good to hear, and good news for the rest of us knowing that her blessings have been bestowed upon fellow classic iron. Although do remember that the old girl would never let you down in that way - it would take away all her fun in picking her time to mess you around.
The MGA is ready to go too, having been given a good fettle and she passed the annual health check last weekend ;D MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on June 08, 2007, 10:32:17 am Well, great, yeah. I'm so pleased for you.
Whatever. I normally take the jag down to a local ex Coombs Mark2 fettler for the MOT, knowing that he has Mark2 sympathy, an unplumbed knowledge of the marque, and a special big hammer. He makes sure it passes. This time round, I thought it would make me feel better about neglecting the old girl if it failed it's MOT, - I could then say, - "look pet, I know you'd love to come, and I'd love to take you, but you haven't got an MOT now have you though but? You wouldn't want us to risk a pull now would you? It's a shame, but considering the circumstances, I'm just going to have to leave you behind and cycle". I knew she'd understand. So I took it to the High St MOT place, the herbert doing the tests down there is usually less than half the age of the cars exhaust system, I knew he wouldn't let me down. The b*stard passed it. Now I daren't go in the garage, she'll have me leg off. And I feel very guilty. Where's the idiot fitter when you need one? Have a good trip down boys, and I hope the core plugs stay exactly where they're meant to... H Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 08, 2007, 08:41:16 pm H,
With you spurning her silky smooth ride in favour of the boneshaker this year, you didn't honestly think she was going to let you off that lightly did you ::) MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on June 08, 2007, 09:08:19 pm Well Andy as the old girl has passed can she curse the Audi's and Pugs. Something like they win by a hundred laps. That should have them off at the first corner. ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on June 08, 2007, 09:48:23 pm Congratulations to you and the old girl.
My young fella (50 next year) is also resplendent with his MOT but an aged seven month old one, which doesn't change the fact that new rear brakes and seals will be replaced next Tuesday (in time for my crack of dawn Friday departure) while you lot are probably setting off. Ear plugs are being dusted off as we speak. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Stu on June 08, 2007, 10:05:25 pm H, With you spurning her silky smooth ride in favour of the boneshaker this year, you didn't honestly think she was going to let you off that lightly did you ::) MG Mark Rumour has it that H's bike has no saddle and a threepenny bit for a back wheel. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nickliv on June 09, 2007, 11:21:08 am Can you not test the classics immediately on return from LM, so that you still have a valid ticket for the following year, even if the motor's gone a bit 'shonky' in the meantime?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 20, 2007, 01:53:27 pm For those who are interested in such matters her are the Commer stats for 2006: 429 miles travelled 22.45 mpg Oil consumed - Nil Water consumed - 1 pint Gross weight on return 2.2 tonnes. (as checked at our local Ministry of Transport weighbridge, which we have to drive right by) Gross Max Plated Weight - 2.1 tonnes (so we were 100 kg over the legal max weight!) Vmax -indicated 75mph chasing Robbo and the SPS van on the motorway into Ouistreham Usually it is at this point I go into a rant about the unreliability of the vehicle and what a heap of crap it is; eg. last year when it overheated in 40c+ cos we'd blocked off the radiator air intake with a big flag, or perhaps the interior light had packed up or other major problem. Unfortunately this year's journey was completed with absolute 100% reliability. Nothing went wrong. Nadda. As I think I may have mentioned before, SHE'S A BEAUTY! Just for comparative purposes with 2006, I've quoted last year's stats above. So the Commer stats for 2007 are as follows: 405 miles travelled (BTW Newhaven-Le havre is closer overall for us than Pompey-Caen) 20.5 mpg (a mystery why worse than '06, as she was a bit lighter this year) ??? Oil consumed - 1/2 pint (nil last year) ??? Water consumed - Nil (1 pint last year) ??? V-max -indicated 65mph but never really bothered pushing her as it burnt out an exhaust valve last time. Reliablity this year once again was completely faultless. Ok, she let in a little rain on the way home in the running torrents on the motorway, her rubber seals aren't as tight as they were in her youth. But which of us can honestly say we haven't sagged and perished a little over the years? I for one leak a bit these days and I noticed over the weekend that however much I shook my equipment during a big drinking session, there was always another little drop heading south to run down my leg ten seconds later. Thus I'm more than prepared to forgive her that one. And anyway, she later had a lovely time in Honfleur, sunning herself dry in the pretty old harbour and watching the fishing boats, before promenading along the beach and then onto our Golf Club at Deauville, her Union Jack fluttering proudly on her stern. So it was a proud and moving moment when Steve, Chris and myself rolled up on the crunching gravel drive of Zarse Towers late on Monday. We patted her dashboard, congratulated her on another successful "mission accomplished" and then I sent a message to the engine room to shut down the power. She gave a little sigh and closed down with just a hint of over-run, the silence punctuated only by the ticking of British steel cooling in the night air. We've kind of discovered over the last seven years that if you give her a little of yourself and look after her and be nice to her, then the Grand Old Lady of Le Mans will give it all back to you in spades; a comfy bed, decent cooking and washing facilities, load carrying capacity and a loyal companion on any journey. She finds goodwill wherever she goes, other drivers let you pull out of junctions and the amount of people who came up to us over the weekend to recall their own "Commer moment" was staggering. There's no doubt in my mind, she's the Queen of the Highway. So as Chris said- "Permission to speak Sir?" "Three cheers for the Commer!" GOD SHE'S A BEAUTY! ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on June 20, 2007, 03:19:36 pm Congratulation Andy,
I know exactly how you feel. My own 49 year old steed did his job magnificently all the way there and back, although he's drinking significantly more oil than you Comma. He too got a pat on the dash and a "Well done lad", as we pulled into the garage. Look after them and they'll make sure you get home safe and sound. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: vqdave on June 20, 2007, 03:44:04 pm Andy good to hear your rootes went down well as well. The Arrow went without fault, not one drop of oil or water consumed, just working out the MPG but all in we did just over 880 miles all in. Only mishap was not the cars fault, a high speed tyre blowout, yes i know high speed and humber do go together. Got a bit sideways but we got to the shoulder changed it and she motored on.
Didn't need the wipers, jsut as well as they are bodged together at the mo, rainex cleared the screen, just needed to keep up the speed to keep the screen clear, but that is no hardship in the humber. 880 + miles, not one ache or pain, in fact i felt fresher after a stint surrounded by velour and walnut, and an indicated top speed of 90mph. And i can mirror your experience, everyone loved the car, everyone wanted to chat, took pics, i used to have one, what is it, what engine does it have, can i sit in it...........etc etc gawd bless rootes!! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on June 20, 2007, 04:15:45 pm Funny, we all do the same thing - a pat on the dash and a few words of congratulation to the steed before shut down, followed by taking in the ticking sounds and smellls as she cools.
The MGA managed the run at 70+, with 5 litres of oil and a half pint of coolant consumed over 1100 miles, mainly because in having resolved the fuel vaporisation problem, she is now running 10 degrees hotter, at around 195F, and temperature rising further when stuck in traffic, so using more oil as a result. Normally I woulkd expect to use about a pint or two. Fuel consumption varied around the 25-30mpg mark depending upon how spirited the driving was at the time. Sticky wiper got fixed out there (just as well) and the carpets on the driver's side are still drying out. As always, the classics draw glances, looks and comment from the multitude and they reward us by getting us there and back, just with the odd niggle or two to remind us that they do need maintenance. MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on June 20, 2007, 05:06:08 pm The MGA managed the run at 70+, with 5 litres of oil and a half pint of coolant consumed over 1100 miles, This does seem a touch excessive, even for a car of that age. The oil must be going somewhere, (stem seals?) do try and stop it as you're approaching the rule of thumb, two stoke oil mix and you've a duty to keep it running.Apologies for the niggle Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on June 20, 2007, 09:31:13 pm Such wonderful words about such a wonderful vehicle! Loved the "so Sexy" outfits and cant wait to do it all again next year!
Plans are already being made for a vehicle for PIG-PEN RACING, which will have to be, in the words of my new Yank friends John & Chris (who blagged a lift in the caddy in exchange for fuel and hotel cost) "Real Shiddy". It will have to be how I like my women.... Big, wide, ugly and have alot of room in the back end. Any suggestions greatly appreciated! An early 70's Zil is my current quest, with the help of Bill and his Russian contacts. With regard to all the theiving that went on, I spoke to several people on monday who had had gear nicked, several lost passports and car keys, which really sucks. Some had caught people (English) robbing and dealt out the required justice, but we dont need that scum attending such a marvelous event. I think the security posters idea is a goodun, along with warnings of AHD for offenders caught. Anyhoo.... Merguez and Tartiflet for dinner. The Commer Rocks! Pig-Pen. (The Brethren) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on June 22, 2007, 05:49:35 pm Good to hear the old girl made it there and back. We saw her parked ready for the off at the edge of MB on sunday afternoon and nipped over to toast her a safe journey home (apart from seeing Alibongo on the outward leg-she was the only CA member we met all weekend- shame on us!). We were sheltering from the rain out back of the ACO building when she trundled past at 2pm and gave her 3 cheers (sneaking out before the bell again Zarse?). As you say -
SHE'S A BEAUTY! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 22, 2007, 05:57:41 pm Good to hear the old girl made it there and back. We saw her parked ready for the off at the edge of MB on sunday afternoon and nipped over to toast her a safe journey home (apart from seeing Alibongo on the outward leg-she was the only CA member we met all weekend- shame on us!). We were sheltering from the rain out back of the ACO building when she trundled past at 2pm and gave her 3 cheers (sneaking out before the bell again Zarse?). As you say - SHE'S A BEAUTY! We'd had more than enough of the rain and some of the boys had to be in Le havre by 19.00 so.... :( The toasting seems to have worked but you should have introduced your selves! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on June 22, 2007, 06:06:10 pm Such wonderful words about such a wonderful vehicle! Loved the "so Sexy" outfits and cant wait to do it all again next year! Plans are already being made for a vehicle for PIG-PEN RACING, which will have to be, in the words of my new Yank friends John & Chris (who blagged a lift in the caddy in exchange for fuel and hotel cost) "Real Shiddy". It will have to be how I like my women.... Big, wide, ugly and have alot of room in the back end. Any suggestions greatly appreciated! An early 70's Zil is my current quest, with the help of Bill and his Russian contacts. With regard to all the theiving that went on, I spoke to several people on monday who had had gear nicked, several lost passports and car keys, which really sucks. Some had caught people (English) robbing and dealt out the required justice, but we dont need that scum attending such a marvelous event. I think the security posters idea is a goodun, along with warnings of AHD for offenders caught. Anyhoo.... Merguez and Tartiflet for dinner. The Commer Rocks! Pig-Pen. (The Brethren) Thanks mate, can I point out you are now Maison Blanche's second self-appointed peer! You also take a mean photo too ;) With regard to the WARNING NO THIEVING poster idea, no doubt Russ could apply his arthritic, sorry I mean artistic hand to produce something demonstrative that won't need too many words? ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on June 22, 2007, 06:08:34 pm The captain was away from his vessel at the time! Ooooh-er missus Enter smutty response here.....,.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Leftie on June 22, 2007, 06:50:09 pm The captain was away from his vessel at the time! Ooooh-er missus Enter smutty response here.....,. Oooohh No Matron! Or Nudge, Nudge Wink, Wink, Say no more Say no more! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on June 26, 2007, 12:40:04 am Zarse...Sir!
Ones peerage has been appointed by The Brethren, namely Dr Tray and Mr Chop, due to the fact that Pig-Pen Towers is a late 60's twin unit mobile home in the middle of the deep deep dark woods of Ossemsley near New Milton! We should catch up for a beer sometime as I dont think you are that far away. Lady Pig-Pen is back from tasmania later this week and would be pleased to see you and especially your leather hooded chum. She liked him!! Roll on next year.... long live the Commer ( I have a set of perfect badges and name letters somewhere in my stores if required), wish for a ZIL and the golden years are still here and to come. This was my 14th 0r 15th (cant remember) and no complaints... not even about the weather! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on June 26, 2007, 04:16:05 pm The usual, congrats to Andy and the Eternal Commer. I am looking forward to meeting your new steed next time around milord and if I get down to the NewForsst soon I will be in touch. Drinkies beckon
Lara the Midge had a gruelling trip this year, two heavywieght blokes with luggage and rear springs made of wornout Post Office rubber bands I think. (New for LM three years ago too!) She were on her bump stops all the way, even when bladdering along the French Highways with lord Pigpen and Andy. She used no oil, and about a whisky glass of water for the trip, but she did have several nasty bouts of axle trampitis. New springs again for her this autumn, just before Marham I think and maybe an anti-tramp bar too. Andy, you are dead right about teating the lovely Commer well to get the best results. Long live the Commer and here's to many more Le Manses for her. :) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on June 27, 2007, 12:35:24 am With regards to camp security next year..... have found details of a supplier of hardcore paintballing kit... sounds gay but... they do all the tripwire operated flash/smoke cannisters, 4 minute heavy smoke cannisters, time delay bangers... and best of all... tripwire operated heavy pva grenades that can be filled with the contents of your choice (well it said plastic bb pellets or paintballs) but the options seem limitless! Fish imulsion is an obvious choice as the culprit would be easily identified for several days despite washing repeatedly. (unless it was french pikey girl). Will keep you posted once have more details.
THE USE OF SUCH DEVICES MUST BE TREATED WITH CAUTION AS A LONE RETURN TO CAMP WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF FRENCH POP COULD LEAD TO SEVERE SHOCK WHEN MEMORY LOSS TAKES OVER AND ONE FORGETS HE/SHE BOOBYTRAPPED ONES OWN TENT OR VEHICLE... BUT HE HE NONE OF THE DEVICES ARE SAID TO BE DANGEROUS TO HEALTH! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on June 27, 2007, 08:20:05 am Not sure if I would want stinky fish paste going all over my tent, kit, car and clothes- rather the pikeys took a few items to be honest.:-o
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on June 28, 2007, 12:28:08 am Point taken.... devices need to be placed so as not to splatter ones own belongings or those of others nearby. My ex SAS friend Ivor Brownsword has tought me well about such equipment and its placement.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on June 28, 2007, 12:52:20 am cant say I did.... please tell more? is it like the old fashioned game known as freckles???
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on June 28, 2007, 09:50:54 pm Andy, better look after the old lady, it seems to be getting more valuable.
Saw this on Ebay today http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Classic-British-Commer-Camper-Van-12-MONTHS-MOT_W0QQitemZ290133493516QQihZ019QQcategoryZ2192QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Buy at £3,000.00 (http://i8.ebayimg.com/07/i/000/a7/1f/6069_1.JPG) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on June 29, 2007, 12:16:33 am if you have your chins on a large table and there is a naked squaddie crouching, then yes ;D No... never! Dont have a clue what you are on about.... he he!It was all the others! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: smokie on June 30, 2007, 09:10:15 am Mr Piggy and Catchpole, can we please keep this discussion relatively on-topic? This thread is heading for the 100 page mark and has mostly remained on topic - it'd be great to see it surpass that without too much deviation... (and I use the word deliberately, given where your latest exchanges appear to be going!!) ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on June 30, 2007, 09:20:14 pm Sorry!! I will remove my last few posts regarding such deviation. Apologies. It was the bigger boys made me do it!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Gordonwr on June 30, 2007, 10:19:50 pm Back on topic then, I actually saw the green machine on M B this year, when I thought it was a figment of everybodys imagination !!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: LangTall on June 30, 2007, 10:45:02 pm I also saw the green machine on MB this year, but the figure on the front in a green costume somewhat burned my eyes. :-X (http://smile.smilies.nl/1912.gif)
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: clkgtrlm1 on July 11, 2007, 02:34:41 pm Out with the old - in with the new.
This is now parked in our yard Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on July 11, 2007, 04:17:12 pm Mr Moderator!!! Deviation of thread topic. nothing to do with the commer replacement, at all... nice van though, quite like to get the larger version, any ideas what it might be called? A Citroen ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on July 11, 2007, 04:17:56 pm The H van?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on July 11, 2007, 05:17:17 pm Citroen H van would be great, always like them as well. Some guy use to have one on MB site, saw it most years.
(http://farm1.static.flickr.com/192/469438925_791c06c46d.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on July 11, 2007, 05:35:06 pm You could try Centreville in Newcastle upon Tyne. They always have good D's, 2cv's, GS's etc. in for sale, they might be able to point you in the right direction. They are just down the road- if they have anything I could pop down and check it out for you to save on a wasted journey.
I'll dig out their number and web address tonight and PM you in the morning. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 11, 2007, 05:36:08 pm Ebay?
PS Peter, there's quite a large following for the H Camionette as it's known in France. There are plenty available, I dare say the military still have some locked up somewhere. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nickliv on July 11, 2007, 08:14:07 pm 'pends where in France you buy one, and how much loot you stuff it with.
55 mph might be all you get on a good day. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on July 12, 2007, 08:22:30 am Catchpole, don't buy a Transit Connect. If its a modern-ish van you want go for the series 1 Vito CDI. I've had mine 5 years and 80k and it has never missed a beat or broken anything- it gets a hard life too, towing rallycars and spares around the country and its done five 1,600mile round trips to LM. Its fast, comfortable and looks good for a van. You can get a minter for £5k
Trannies aren't what they were and depreciate like mad. New Vito has poor reliability so avoid. Si Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Martini...LB on July 12, 2007, 08:29:13 pm Trannies aren't what they were and depreciate like mad. New Vito has poor reliability so avoid. Si Depends on if they have had a full chop job, or so I am told ;) Is depreciation ... going down? >Martini... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on July 15, 2007, 08:56:43 am yep, thats the one, any ideas where they can be bought, errh the answer isn't France, BTW ;D Catchpole- the number for Centreville is 0191 276 3730 www.centrevillegarage.com Happy hunting! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on July 15, 2007, 10:28:42 pm The H van or Tubie as it is sometimes called are cool as... My local citroen specialists (brave men) have/had one as a parts hauler. Not seen it for a while but I remember them saying they had a contact in France for spares and project vans. Also some weird facts they told me... the longer the wheelbase, the better the top end and mpg. Something to do with aerodynamics or lack of... not sure if its true but 55mph in a pig arc on wheels should be enough for most people.
If youwant their number PM me and I will pass it on. PP Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on July 16, 2007, 05:16:28 am Staying on topic ;D Will this push it over to 100 pages ???
Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 16, 2007, 11:27:19 am Staying on topic ;D Will this push it over to 100 pages ??? Phil It is my firm opinion, and indeed that of the Commer, that the person who should bring the MCR thread onto Page 100 is the lunatic who started it all - I give you MG Mark! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 16, 2007, 11:57:30 am Staying on topic ;D Will this push it over to 100 pages ??? Phil It is my firm opinion, and indeed that of the Commer, that the person who should bring the MCR thread onto Page 100 is the lunatic who started it all - I give you MG Mark! Lunatic you say? Well that's ripe coming from you...... ;). Here goes..... The Commer, venerated and feared in equal measure, has generated insipration, merriment and wonder to many. Long may she continue to do so. The subject matter has strayed and wandered over topics aplenty, from sensible on-topic thoughts, through banter, to bizzare and outlandish suggestions, straying into aviation, wandering into Commer curses and across general chit-chat. But always the thread returns, like the Commer to its roots, namely, with what you might replace the Commer. A purely rhetorical qwuestion of course, as she cannot be replaced - ever - and Andy is saddled with being in thrall to her forever more, with the rest of us holding out breath as the annual saga unfolds, culminating in a collective sigh of relief as that year's unofficial ACO poster hits the streets, featuring here ladyship in some form, lifting up her skirts and showing johnny foreigner the way hime at La Sarthe. In keeping with the thread, there are plenty of here sisters, brothers and cousins out there - here is but a small selection for your delectation ;D Do we know what happens when a thread reaches 100 pages? Will the server crash? Will the page count turn to gobbledy-gook? Will the Commer rescue the dire situation? Well, I guess we shall see soon enough..... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 16, 2007, 12:17:36 pm Ok, let's see if this one does the trick from a period advert.......ostensibly a happy family situation camping from one's Commer, although the bloke seems to have lucked in with 2 birds along with him. But he does seem to have the right idea with a beer in hand, whilst they get on and do other useful stuff like walking dogs and children, and preparing the meals..... ;)
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 16, 2007, 12:23:38 pm This has got to be getting near to hitting page 100 now.....I'm doing my best here, Andy. Or will page 99 just last forever.....
Let's see with this one, espousing the Commer as the "faster more ecnomical transport of small parties". With the dozen bodies shown as having bags of space inside it, I suspect a little artictic licence here, as a dozen bodies crammed inside a Commer might just be a little more cosy, and I imagine that the foot to the floor performance was perhaps a little curtailed.......... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 16, 2007, 12:28:00 pm Well there it is :o :o :o A milestone in the annals of CA. 100 pages of the Commer, from what started as a little bit of banter when she was having a hissy fit because she hadn't been looked after over the winter. Hasn't she done well - Andy, you need to crack open the bubbly over her bonnet this evening and raise a toast to the old girl ;D Hurrah and huzzahh! And here's one to take you right back to the start with the birth of a Commer.....
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 16, 2007, 12:33:38 pm Thank you Mark for taking it to 100, a CA first. And thank you for starting the thread in the first place. May I return the complement with something for our friend and ally, the MGA.
(http://www.neubauerphotos.com/mga/MGA-MK-II-Monreal.jpg) (http://tildebang.com/mg/images/mga-adv2.jpg) High on style! High in spirit! And if I might be so bold as to suggest the owner was High on Tropicoma and Dutch lager! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 16, 2007, 12:47:45 pm Too kind - many thanks - the A lives on in the same spirit as the Commer, although I am now having to be careful over the jealousy factor, now that the missus has an MGF parked on the drive which I ended up spending all day working on yesterday, to the exclusion of the spritely old girl in the garage.
Not sure about the high on Tropicoma and Dutch lager. The latter seemed to work outstandingly well without any recourse to the former. As far as I can remember.... I do like the reference to the "one of a rainbow of brilliant new MG A colour schemes available. If memory serves me correctly, the following veritable kaleidoscope of "rainbow colours" used originally during the production of the MGA - red, a mid green and a mid blue, powder blue and then eerrmm beige, white, black and battleship grey.... :o. Oh, and one gold one which was the 100,000th of the line. That's why mine went back together in BRG! MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 16, 2007, 01:34:09 pm Ok, let's see if this one does the trick from a period advert.......ostensibly a happy family situation camping from one's Commer, although the bloke seems to have lucked in with 2 birds along with him. But he does seem to have the right idea with a beer in hand, whilst they get on and do other useful stuff like walking dogs and children, and preparing the meals..... ;) MG Mark Having stood up in the dear old Zarse wagon, the woman in that photo must be a midget! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 16, 2007, 01:50:17 pm Whilst we all know that the Commer will never be replaced, as we have reached the milestone of 100 pages it is perhaps time to meander back to the thread title - Modern Commer Replacement - if only briefly. I seem to remember that some fairly garish Japanese custom vans were suggested on the first pages of the thread.....a bit like this one.......
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on July 16, 2007, 02:06:58 pm Congratulations to Mark for providing us with this epic thread.
Here's to the next 100 pages and to the wonder of MB, the green goddess herself- the one and only Commer, gawd bless her and all who sail in her! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 16, 2007, 02:18:35 pm Congratulations to Mark for providing us with this epic thread. Here's to the next 100 pages and to the wonder of MB, the green goddess herself- the one and only Commer, gawd bless her and all who sail in her! Now then Andy, talking of the green goddess, it's been quite a while since we have had the pleasure of a contemporary picture of the old girl herself posted on these pages - words have been typed recently of brakes and hubs, and of negligible oil, water and fuel consumption but, frankly, there has been little in the way of pictures. We need reassurance that, having fulfilled her duties admirably this year, she is not now lying forlorn and mouldering at the bottom of your garden like this poor specimen......... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on July 16, 2007, 02:26:31 pm Here's a picture of the old girl that I took at RAF Marham 18 months or more ago - with the man himself at the wheel
(http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1317/827412993_eec8f3b70d.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 16, 2007, 02:41:37 pm Here's a picture of the old girl that I took at RAF Marham 18 months or more ago - with the man himself at the wheel (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1317/827412993_eec8f3b70d.jpg) Ah - a marvellous weekend to remember indeed! Basking in the sunshine of early Sunday morning after a night on the pop at Mess prices, before thrashing cars around Marham's airfield..... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on July 16, 2007, 06:44:18 pm Congratulation to one and all
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 17, 2007, 07:19:00 pm The Commer sends it's best wishes for a successful 100 posts on CA and continued it's success. However, I think she's a bit worried all the media brouhaha regarding the Beckhams will detract from future viewings, thus a curse has been laid....
In response to recent photos, I was going to post the Marham pics, as she was looking fine there, but instead here's a couple of her in full Le Mans action:- Firstly doing what she does best, and that's providing quality accommodation at a refreshingly affordable price. Note no awning this year. Secondly, here's one taken from the cockpit whilst conquering the Pont De Normandie. Note the speedo is without kilometres per hour. As you might guess, the Commer doesn't hold with such foreign measurements and only travels in Imperial. It was taken on a sunny monday morning on our way to a fourball at the Deauville Golf Club. Of course she was widely admired by the affluent Parisien club members as we drew up straight into the Club President's reserved parking bay. The security man was very enthusiastic, he ran over to us like lightning and quickly a small crowd gathered. I just wish we could have understood what they were all saying. As you know I don't really understand the French what with all that arm waving and shouting stuff, but they were very animated about it. Presently a scuffle broke out with the Gimp when the security man tried to snatch the keys which was not very pleasing to see and it was slightly embarrassing to hear the Gimp was blackballed; those steel toe cap golf shoes are very heavy aren't they. I don't think we'll have any problems next year, the relevant curses were laid by you know who..... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: rcutler on July 17, 2007, 10:22:18 pm Here's a picture of the old girl that I took at RAF Marham 18 months or more ago - with the man himself at the wheel (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1317/827412993_eec8f3b70d.jpg) Ah - a marvellous weekend to remember indeed! Basking in the sunshine of early Sunday morning after a night on the pop at Mess prices, before thrashing cars around Marham's airfield..... MG Mark I can't remember that evening? :-X Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 18, 2007, 10:02:13 am Andy,
Nice pictures of the old girl in action and still looking mighty fine. A grand way to travel, and I note that you are not pressing her unduly, cruising at a shade under 50 when, according to the speedometer, she would be capable of 80+.... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 23, 2007, 05:32:01 pm I want a roof like this on my Commer. How Dan dare is that. From an article drawn to my attention in the Daily Mail last week regarding TV lLicence Detector vans, here's the link, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=468466&in_page_id=1770
but I quote (cos it's fantastic!):- By 1955, fleets of new Hillman vans with twirling antennae were on the roads – stepping up the game of cat and mouse with viewers who refused to pay up. The Commer van, Britain's longest-serving TV detector vehicle, went into service in 1968 and heralded the age of putting downright fear into the public. A classic public information film in 1970 summed up the approach. A bespectacled man in a tweed suit twiddles controls in his van as it crawls along a suburban street. Suddenly, he exclaims triumphantly: 'Yes, there's a TV set on at No 5. It's in the front room – and they are watching Columbo.' The excitement is palpable. The Commer survived until 1983. Excuses officers report hearing on doorsteps have included: 'I don't watch it. It's on for my dog. He watches it, but I'm not paying for him', and, 'That's not a TV you can hear in the background. It's a tape of adverts I play to entertain the children.' Pathetic excuses like that aren't going to cut much ice with a Commer I can tell you. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on July 23, 2007, 05:41:52 pm "The Commer van, ................. went into service in 1968 and heralded the age of putting downright fear into the public. "
Says it all really Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 23, 2007, 05:47:03 pm That is simply outstanding :o You must have one! Even if it means crafting one out of loo roll centres, papier mache, coat hangers and poster paints a la Blue Peter.
Dan Dare meets fire truck, ski racks, roof box, death rays etc etc. That would certainly bring a contemporary look to the old girl - much more Top Shop than M&S! Awesome. Do you think it could be tuned to detect pikeys and automaticallly blast them with the zillion volt invisible Commer curse? ;D MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 23, 2007, 05:53:31 pm Do you think it could be tuned to detect pikeys and automaticallly blast them with the zillion volt invisible Commer curse? ;D Which of course could be backed up by a suitably "in-period" law enforcement pursuit vehicle to nab the rotters....... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 23, 2007, 06:19:34 pm Do you think it could be tuned to detect pikeys and automaticallly blast them with the zillion volt invisible Commer curse? ;D Which of course could be backed up by a suitably "in-period" law enforcement pursuit vehicle to nab the rotters....... MG Mark Terrific teamwork! I'm assuming PC Puddingbasin keeps his extra-long night stick in the boot of the MGA? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 23, 2007, 06:30:51 pm i use to be one of the technicians that worked in those vans, very technical it was too, all oscilloscopes, wave generators and lots of tea, very dark and strong. ;D BTW, never worn a tweed suit in my life, tweed jacket and leather patches, yes, but never, the full suit, good brogues on the feet. 8) It's not very different today. We use a SatNav based on a moving cloth map out of the old HS Trident. The engine management system has numerous oscilliscopes and gives off unknown levels of radiation. The onboard computer is an old gas powered model known as a Rev StJohn Grylls Mk IV. The pilot light keeps going out. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 23, 2007, 06:51:38 pm Do you think it could be tuned to detect pikeys and automaticallly blast them with the zillion volt invisible Commer curse? ;D Which of course could be backed up by a suitably "in-period" law enforcement pursuit vehicle to nab the rotters....... MG Mark Terrific teamwork! I'm assuming PC Puddingbasin keeps his extra-long night stick in the boot of the MGA? Actually, he has two, cunningly disguised as the boot and bonnet stays, so as not to give the game away to unsuspecting villains, which are easily removeable and made of good, solid english steel....none of that modern deformable plastic rubbish. MG Mark MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 24, 2007, 09:57:21 am Do you think it could be tuned to detect pikeys and automaticallly blast them with the zillion volt invisible Commer curse? ;D Which of course could be backed up by a suitably "in-period" law enforcement pursuit vehicle to nab the rotters....... MG Mark Terrific teamwork! I'm assuming PC Puddingbasin keeps his extra-long night stick in the boot of the MGA? Please excuse this un authorised, eversoslightly thread creep, in the Big Apple with a constable chum of mine and he's 'arranged' a drive out in a black and white, at one of the numerous coffee and dough nut breaks we were shown the arsenal the officers had to deal with miscreants that they occasional came across, the view of the 'night stick' was " we don't use this, it just makes 'em cross" ;D Ahh, now there's a thought - a good ole black n' white, cruising the leafy streets of suburbia............... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on July 24, 2007, 10:00:08 am It's 104 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sun glasses.
HIT IT! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on July 24, 2007, 10:14:28 am Our blessed lady.......
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on July 27, 2007, 01:59:31 pm This one was dug up by someone in the Commer Club. The Kent Surfing Club are still going.
Eleven people to Portugal?! It's bad enough with three or four to Le mans. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Leftie on July 30, 2007, 02:28:55 am Do you think it could be tuned to detect pikeys and automaticallly blast them with the zillion volt invisible Commer curse? ;D Steve, As soon as I read that I knew the 'Brother's would come out. However, why not. If a 'new' replacement is necessary, an additional 'accessory' is mandatory. Afterall, at lady goes out and buys another outfit (new or charity shop). She has to have 'HER' accessory! Don't ask me why, thats women! (Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!) please misses I beg forgivenes. Honestly. So how about a classic B&W, could generate a few bob for the charities. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Fran on August 05, 2007, 12:15:32 pm Commer Spotted! "Tiger Bay" - (film 1959) - Commer pickup first off the transporter bridge during opening title sequence.
;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Rhino on August 05, 2007, 11:24:36 pm And on Carry on behind.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: vqdave on August 08, 2007, 11:19:22 am Was flicking through an old Classic and Spartscar last night and came ocross these beauties:
(http://katsclass.com/10760/wk12artdeco/commertruck33.jpg) Isn't she a peach, sure its been on here before but there is awlways time for such beauty. None of them survive apparently due to them being cut up for the war effort as we needed the aluminium. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: vqdave on August 08, 2007, 11:20:58 am Then i was doing a google for a picture of teh below and came across this:
(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Colani_Truck.jpg/180px-Colani_Truck.jpg) Isn't it terrible how such commer wannabes pop up on a search for something lovely. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on August 08, 2007, 11:39:55 am imagin that coming toward you, you'd cr*p yourself.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 08, 2007, 11:49:29 am Was flicking through an old Classic and Spartscar last night and came ocross these beauties: (http://katsclass.com/10760/wk12artdeco/commertruck33.jpg) Isn't she a peach, sure its been on here before but there is awlways time for such beauty. None of them survive apparently due to them being cut up for the war effort as we needed the aluminium. Funnily enough Dave I came across that pic last week too. It's an absolute beauty. All these new Kassbohrers are all well and good, but where's the style gone? Here's an unusual ex-RAF 1+1/2 decker Commer currently to be seen at the Yorkshire Air Museum. (http://www.yorkshireairmuseum.co.uk/collections/vehicles/vehicle_images/crewbus.jpg) After the Second World War, the RAF and the then British Overseas Airways Corporation were in need of vehicles to transport passengers between airports and city centre terminals. A design specification was drawn up by the Ministry of Supply for a vehicle to accommodate 20 passengers carrying their maximum 60lbs of luggage. This led to the 1½ deck observation coach design with 180 cu ft luggage space. A total of 375 (later modified to 315) vehicles was ordered from the Park Royal Coachworks based on the well established Commer Q4 Commando chassis. The Museum’s vehicle, XAT 368, was delivered to the RAF in April 1947 and served at various Yorkshire airfields until 1957, when it was bought by Hull Cricket Club who found it slow, causing the team to frequently arrive late for matches! From 1959 it was used first as a staff bus, then as a commercial coach by two operators until, in June 1962, it was bought by The British Automobile Motor Club and converted for use as a race control vehicle. In this role, it appeared at the Harewood Hill Climb, Castle Howard, Scarborough, RAF Church Fenton and Silverstone until 1972. In 1978, a new owner, David Hardcastle, planned to restore the vehicle but eventually donated it to the RAF Benevolent Fund in 1993, in recognition of the help received by his mother from the Fund when her first husband was killed in a flying accident in 1937. The bus was then moved to RAF Cottesmore where restoration finally began. Thanks to the volunteers at RAF Cottesmore and the most recent owners, the Panton brothers at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre at East Kirkby, the Museum’s Crew Bus, believed to be one of only 5/6 still to survive, is fully serviceable with just some interior work outstanding. I can't help wondering if MG Mark isn't behind all this somehow! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on August 08, 2007, 11:59:32 am Again, apologies if this has been posted before
(http://www.brasiliapress.com/images/arc-002.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on August 08, 2007, 02:57:18 pm imagin that coming toward you, you'd cr*p yourself. LOL ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on August 08, 2007, 02:59:08 pm Again, apologies if this has been posted before Is that the coolest? 8)(http://www.brasiliapress.com/images/arc-002.jpg) Check out those lines,that grill. :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: vqdave on August 09, 2007, 10:36:52 am That model was also in the C&SC they do a couple of liveries, do look good. The article mentioned someone was thinking of making a replica, don't know if it ever got done, the mag is 2 or 3 years old now...........dunno if you have heard anything through the commer club Mr Z?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on August 09, 2007, 10:48:53 am Could you imagine one in full munfacturers racing livery being used to take a classic race car to le mans.
Stunning Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on August 09, 2007, 12:10:15 pm I always get laughed at during the old 'if I won the lotto' conversation when I say that I would love to build a nice period 50's race transporter cum motorhome but on a modern bus chassis- air con, power steering and brakes that work etc. I have even sketched it out and priced the chassis.... We can all dream eh?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 09, 2007, 12:43:23 pm I always get laughed at during the old 'if I won the lotto' conversation when I say that I would love to build a nice period 50's race transporter cum motorhome but on a modern bus chassis- air con, power steering and brakes that work etc. I have even sketched it out and priced the chassis.... We can all dream eh? Great minds think alike. I was thinking about this very thing at about 06.30 this morning - on what chassis to coachbuild a replica of that Commer streamliner? I decided a Leyland Daf LF55 with a Cummins 6.7 engine would do the trick. The body could easily be modded to allow for some suitably whacky side windows. The car would go on the roof. Here's a pic (again!) of the famous Commer Ecurrie Ecosse transporter with it's C and D Type cargo at LM in 2003. I got chatting to the owner at the Goodwood Revival last year. He was entirely charming, as you'd expect of a Commer owner, and showed us round inside. He explained the secrets of the fantastic 2-stroke diesel TS3 engine, and then cracked open a bottle of shampoo! We spent a very enjoyable hour in his company and hopefully we'll meet up again this year. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on August 09, 2007, 12:43:43 pm There is a website somewhere that has a losd of Race transporters on it. I'll try to find it.
If you win the lottery I'd love to have a look at your race transporter. I'll keep my fingers crossed as it would be one of my fantasy must haves too. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 09, 2007, 01:02:15 pm Again, apologies if this has been posted before Is that the coolest? 8)(http://www.brasiliapress.com/images/arc-002.jpg) Check out those lines,that grill. :o Randy, you are a gentleman of exquisite taste and refinement! That classic design is straight out of a 1930's cartoon such as Hoppity Goes to Town. You know the sort, where you see traffic roaring around in NYC and a Postal Service telegram delivery dog on an Indian motorcycle with full wheel spats. There's also some great scenes with cigar smoking bugs going up and down on girders on the construction hoist outside the equally wonderful Chrysler building. (http://www.michaelspornanimation.com/splog/wp-content/b/_Hoppitys.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Catchpole on August 09, 2007, 01:23:24 pm thinking of the 'Indian' motorcycles, last weekend there was an AutoJumble at Sammy Millers, saw two, yes 2 Indians going to the event. One was in US Army colours, including the leather sheath for the rifle? maybe Thompson, and the second in a most beautiful deep blood red colour.
Just wonderful, they looked too, Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nordic on August 09, 2007, 01:30:30 pm http://www.old-dodge-trucks.co.uk/dodge_vk.htm
Here is one story http://img207.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p10304765kr.jpg http://www.wilms-garage.de/Restauration/restauration.htm http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/main.jhtml?xml=/motoring/2006/04/29/mftrans29.xml There is a very interesting thread on the Atlas fourm about old transporters. Alot more than you would expect are still around or are being restored. http://forums.autosport.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63980&perpage=40&display=&pagenumber=1 Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on August 09, 2007, 02:48:02 pm If you win the lottery I'd love to have a look at your race transporter. I'll keep my fingers crossed as it would be one of my fantasy must haves too. To put flesh on the bones it would have a steamlined body with an early 60's FIAT T8 series or Pegaso cab with an air cooled V12 Magirus-Deutz motor, take 2 cars and have Ice cold beer on tap. Surely there is someone with £200k to spare to let me build it for them?Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on August 09, 2007, 02:50:43 pm I'll check down the back of my sofa
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on August 10, 2007, 10:31:02 am I'll check down the back of my sofa Tried that, found just over 3 quid, several Drachma, a small toy pig and a mouldy Toffet. And loads of fluff- must get on tor of the cleaning. Any luck your end?Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: vqdave on August 10, 2007, 10:37:25 am Slight digression (but still tenuously linked) but on the way back for LM this year, there we were 2 gentleman smoking pipes in a golden humber (theres the rootes connection) in the traffic jam for the peage before the rouen traffic jam and next to us was an artic (theres the truck connection) which a rooded up sports exhaust and it sounded great. Didn't know they did such things as tubi's for trucks. Anyone else see or hear this? I think your race transporter should have one of these, i'll bet it sounded bloody loud if you were next to it in a caterham rather than the limo comfort of a mid 70's Humber.
And it was good to see the full cab was covered in an airbrush mural, its good to see truck art is still alive and well. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on August 10, 2007, 10:39:18 am Not much really, just a mint humbug sum fluff, Oh and an old rolled up parchment some instructions and a map on it. I haven't had time to read it yet but I'll report back later.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on August 10, 2007, 10:49:07 am X marks the spot eh Gary?
On the subject of airBrushed trucks, has anyone seen the DAF that runs up and down the A1 thats covered in The League Of Gentlemen stuff? Its fantastic! Just to keep this post on topic there used to be an awfull VW camper in Barnsley that had been done with those Ninja Turtle things on it- and badly too. Come to think of it, I knew I'd seen Honda's F1 livery somewhere before. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: SteveB on August 10, 2007, 03:54:31 pm If you can stetch your budget to a little more , maybe you could contemplate a GM Futurliner......
(http://www.gm.com/company/gmability/edu_k-12/images/futurliner_test_drive.jpg) (http://www.6066gmcguy.org/V6pwr/GM-Futurliner11-c.jpg) (http://s9.album.sina.com.cn/pic/483cf88302000f7k) Only 12 were ever built in 1939/40 , and i believe one was sold last year for just over $4million. ... so keep digging down the back of the sofa Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on August 10, 2007, 04:02:21 pm Futurliner, Schmuterliner. I think the Commer looks way better
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on August 10, 2007, 07:13:57 pm My LM co-pilot (or pilot when the cobras having a rest), Dick, very nearly bought an old 60's red double decker bus complete with Gardiner diesel engine earlier this year, with the express desire to convert it to a 'Cliff Richard Summer Holiday' stylie double deck LM camper / party bus / viewing platform.
Unfortunately, the purchase was vetoed by his better half. :'( I did insist, however, that it would have to be themed like The Who's Magis Bus - sod Cliff Richard! (http://www.thewho.info/images/MagicBus-LP-USA2.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on August 10, 2007, 07:28:37 pm My office 1948 RT. (used to a green country bus)
(http://www.camdenbus.co.uk/images/bus_outside.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on August 10, 2007, 10:41:16 pm he aint joking either
That's going to work for Gary Where the rest (some) of us used to go to work by bus Gary goes to work at a bus... ??? confused? you will be Gary have you had time to look at that parchment? I lost one somewhere in that London a few years ago, is that the one? X marks a spot near the Tower Of Lunnon? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on August 13, 2007, 11:29:29 pm This may make a guest appearance next year as my Zil quest is drawing a blank...
She was dragged out of the barn last week to make way for my pops unreasonable ammount of hay! A squirt of petty in the carb and a tractor battery WILL get her running! Had it since I was 17...... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on August 14, 2007, 12:07:03 am or one of these two.... but as Nissan UK have discontinued all 300c parts (twats) I doubt it very much. Awesome cars.... HAS ANYONE ELSE EVER DRIVEN ONE?
I rate the saloon (all auto) better than the estate (all manual) but 3.0L V6 in either form is fun... the only cars to benefit from air filter removal (2 pairs of lady pig pens tights over air intake) as the induction noise is sooooooooo good. anyone want to buy one????? he he Now to be really boring.... there were 1037 300c's saloon and estate sold between '84 & '86 with a few in early 87...and that was it... hardly a surprise as they were more money than than the same level merc... which looked a little more modern for the era. What are your views?? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 14, 2007, 05:03:44 pm VW? You got a VW! And you ask what to go to LM in??? Put her back on the road NOW!
Nissan 300s? :o WTF, they were hopelessly outclassed by premium Europeans in their day. Very reliable, as I recall, but you had to be some sort of oddball and into shiny plastic stalks and lumpy seats to buy one new and think it was any good. One for disgruntled Alfa Romeo Alfa6 drivers maybe? (were there ever any Alfa6 driver's who weren't disgruntled?) (http://www.careos.com/pics/BiblioPHO/net/alfa6_1981.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on August 14, 2007, 05:54:43 pm We had one of these six cylinder 2600cc Red with wolfrace wheels. I wanted my dad to get the rear end jacked up but he wouldn't let me ::)
Rear side window on the back was electric for putting your shopping in. I thought that was very cool. (http://mclellansautomotive.com/photos/B21722.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on August 14, 2007, 11:30:54 pm VW? You got a VW! And you ask what to go to LM in??? Put her back on the road NOW! She was going to Bug Jam about 4 years ago but failed the dreaded MOT on rusty brake lines, which were duly replaced but my spanner man couldnt get her in for re test in time so she has sat in the dry barn since full of kitchen units for my place.Nissan 300s? :o WTF, they were hopelessly outclassed by premium Europeans in their day. Very reliable, as I recall, but you had to be some sort of oddball and into shiny plastic stalks and lumpy seats to buy one new and think it was any good. One for disgruntled Alfa Romeo Alfa6 drivers maybe? (were there ever any Alfa6 driver's who weren't disgruntled?) (http://www.careos.com/pics/BiblioPHO/net/alfa6_1981.jpg) On your instruction... NOW... I will get her back and running and she will make a guest appearance next year. On the boring side.... she is a 72 changeover model, nice bumpers with high and big lights and indicators. motor is a 1700 type 4 (remember how ugly they were) which was an option for that year. Camper conversion is Danbury (Crap) but she seats7, makes up into a kingsize love grotto bed and has enough headroom with roof up to allow any deviance one should require when camping. Shame it lost all the big stereo years back as it would bounce a full can of stella off the roof in seconds.... but.... next year she will be there. Can we do a lap of honour with the Commer?? I may even start a new thread about the bus... if anyone is interested? My body and paint mate is up for sorting it all so.... watch this post.. oh and It has a Rex plate... bought for my 21st by parents.... REX21K... Hmmmm (i like it!) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on August 15, 2007, 12:32:39 am OK Rex
You'm forgiven as it is in such a good cause Give you an extry year to find the Big ZEE anyway same time? same ferry? ::) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on August 15, 2007, 12:59:14 am Perdu
Yes mate.... same ferry. same day. another shitty VW, but stay close as this one may need a tow at some point on the journey... No she will be fully sorted and the "black jap crap" (nice good car) sold to fund the new bits (panels) and my paint and body man is ready for the weld and smooth. I will post a pic of his paint quality tomorrow as he can paint black that looks wet when dry as if you could dip your finger in it! Anyone want bits painting in aircraft grade paint to THE HIGHEST quality... let PP know! Sprayer is based in New Milton, Hants. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on August 15, 2007, 03:40:58 pm Good news Lord PP, you know it makes sense, esp if it pisses down with rain again. The Commer will be delighted to have a new travelling companion.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on August 15, 2007, 09:06:30 pm found tis pic on the web, as they say in Italy - Prit-ey Van
(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/Romeo2.jpg/775px-Romeo2.jpg) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on August 19, 2007, 10:09:38 pm Good news Lord PP, you know it makes sense, esp if it pisses down with rain again. The Commer will be delighted to have a new travelling companion. For info... new battery will be with me tomorrow and have ordered a pair of complete front arches so the front bumper can go back on and a new set of window rubbers to go in once the top half has been resprayed.Once she is mot'd the engine and box will come out so the tinware can be sprayed by my mate and the annoying jumping out of first gear (bent selector fork) problem sorted. Will also have a taller 4th cog fitted to give better cruising. Further updates to follow! Just dug out some old pics and scanned em..... This one is from '91when she took me and my at the time girlfriend to the south of France. More to follow once I work out how to make em smaller Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: LangTall on August 20, 2007, 06:15:42 pm FFS PP, could you crop that one a little? So all the white around it is gone?
Sumpin' like this : Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: DelBoy on August 20, 2007, 06:35:02 pm .........just leaving the rust ;) ;) ;) Del Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: jpchenet on August 20, 2007, 09:48:35 pm Out with the old - in with the new. This is now parked in our yard Blimey, I saw that only the other night driving home!! I didn't realise any other CA'ers worked in this area, let alone in the same road! I'm down at Unit 2! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on August 20, 2007, 11:07:16 pm FFS PP, could you crop that one a little? So all the white around it is gone? Cheers dude... still gettin used to my new lap top and scanner... all very hard to work out at the times I use em!! Has the pony tail got better yet??Sumpin' like this : Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on August 20, 2007, 11:16:09 pm .........just leaving the rust ;) ;) ;) Del Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on September 12, 2007, 11:23:30 am No picture I'm afraid, but when we were racing in Wales last weekend, we had the dubious pleasure of staying in a hotel in Llandindrod Wells, which now rates as one of those places that, having been to once, I have no desire to re-visit.
However, if you happen to be passing through, in the centre of town, is what was originally a lovely car showroom building, now in need of a little TLC. Near the railway station and probably built in the 1950s, it is now used as a bric-a-brac shop, but it started life as a car showroom with acres of curved glass on the frontage, and blue and white pillars and boards above the glass, which still retain the original signs/lettering of the manufacturers' products sold when it was a car dealership - Humber, Hillman, Sunbeam and, most importantly COMMER shine out proudly in letters of blue from the frontage....aahh. MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on September 12, 2007, 11:28:56 am Google normally comes up trumps - here's a picture of part of that frontage.
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on September 12, 2007, 04:31:14 pm A fantastic find Mark! One only wonders though how long it's all liable to last once one of the go-ahead Llandindrod Wells proprty speculators gets his grubby hands on it. It ought to be listed. It's great spotting these relics of a faded age. Some years ago in Penang I found a Vauxhall Motors sign opposite the E&O Hotel and also a famous TRIUMPH motorcycle logo set in mozaic in the doorway to a now-grotty shop doorway. I bet they once looked splendid!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: vqdave on September 12, 2007, 05:41:20 pm on my family trips from the hustle of the south east we go to our favoured spot in the roseland in cornwall and one of the closest large(ish) settlements is that of St Mawes who still have a Leyland sign on the garage as you come into town.
Always raises a smile. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on September 14, 2007, 06:18:25 pm Forgot to post this one up after our return from holiday a couple of weeks ago - a bit like nopanic's picture (btw what make is that one?) - a small, German registered, Tata coach in Paris - not as preetty, but still jolly nice and a worthy contender
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on September 14, 2007, 08:34:36 pm Looking at the shield on the grille I'd guess at an Alfa Romeo F series which I believe was a badge engineered Saviem built in Italy from a kit of parts. Both very nice little buses though Mark.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on September 14, 2007, 08:59:06 pm Looking at the shield on the grille I'd guess at an Alfa Romeo F series which I believe was a badge engineered Saviem built in Italy from a kit of parts. Both very nice little buses though Mark. Spot on that man! A little search reveals an Alfa romeo Romeo2 - http://www.prewarcar.com/pre1966/show_postwar_car.asp?car_id=5094 (http://www.prewarcar.com/pre1966/show_postwar_car.asp?car_id=5094) Mind you if only 3 were produced, it's going to be a bit difficult finding one...... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on September 14, 2007, 11:36:02 pm I really do need to get out more often! ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on September 16, 2007, 10:36:34 pm Thats a beauty!.... I must sneak into the old timber yard in Bashley and get some snaps of old Mr Rivers collection of rusting relics. There are a couple of similar british built and very rusty old girls decaying in the brambles. Not seen em since I was was a nipper but they are still there, as are all the old army vehicles and the big shed full of Austin 7 type thingys.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on October 19, 2007, 04:05:11 pm There's been a shocking developement. No doubt there have been infidels and unbelievers in the "mystical Commer" business. But what happens next was a little surprising even by our own standards.
There was a recent post on the Classic Camper Club forum. I look in occasionally, it's useful for tips etc. I saw there was a post from a chap in Japan..... Hi, I am from Japan. I am an enthusiast of Mini, have Rover Mini > Cooper > > S5, Mayfair and Riley Elf. > > I now want classic camper, I am interested in VW Type2 or BMC JU. I > > like BMC JU better because it's British!! > > However, it is impossible to find JU in Japan, loads of VW though. > > > > Anyway, if you have any info on these vehicle, I am very happy to > hear. > > pre '68 BMC JU with pop up roof sounds good to me!! > > > --------------------------------- So I sent a short reply explaining the Commer's Japanese connection...... > Hi Yamana San! > > I've got a Commer PB Wanderer camper, there are pictures of it in the > Photos gallery on this website under Le Mans Commer or something. > > Anyway, the reason I mention this is because I bought it off a guy who > had himself bought it some years previously off a Japanese man in > Croydon UK! I understand it is the only Commer van ever to have been > owned by a Japanese man in Croydon! He loved it by all accounts and > only sold it as his GB visa had expired and he needed the money to fly > back to Narita. > > Good Luck, > > Andy He replied thus...... Andy-san, Thank you very much for your reply, this story actually becomes quite interesting. My friend and me were in UK, we were there for 9-10 years. During our stay in UK, we became British car nuts. I like BMC cars, he likes Roots. Now, I have asked my friend about you and your commer, he can confirm it was him who sold the van to you!! He is driving Mini Cabriolet and Berkley (3 wheeler) at the moment. He said he is going to join this group later. Well, wow! An ex-owner traced the Commer from Japan. I know the internets a wonderful thing but I can't help thinking there's a pinch of karma in here somewhere. PS A Barkley and a Mini? He sounds suspiciously like a cross between Robbo SPS nd MGMark to me :o Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on October 19, 2007, 04:20:26 pm That's just doubled the value then.
A great story. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on October 19, 2007, 05:05:40 pm Blimey,
A Berkeley, he must be clean off his Japanese rocker to be driving one of those around. It was after a drive in a Berkeley that I vowed to rely on public transport for the rest of the forseeable future. My proud mate had described it to me as being a bit like a Lotus Elan Sprint, but much more reliable. And a wheel short. I think some pikeys had given it to him... Hats off to him though, bonkers or not (and I'm giving him the benefit of an ever so slight doubt) he's what I'd call an enthusiast alright. H Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on October 19, 2007, 05:40:10 pm Cool Story
The bloke I bought my VW camper off of appeared on the front page of my local paper a few weeks after I got her..... for kidnapping his children from his extranged wife! If he had still had the VW he would not have managed to get so far in such a short time!! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on October 19, 2007, 08:07:10 pm What a marvellous coincidence! And it brings home the increased chances of hooking odd connections together through the internet. My Berkeley was sold via an intermediary to a Japanese chap, and it went to Japan a couple of years ago - I know it's not the one you refer to though, as mine was a four-wheeler. But I wouldn't mind betting that that your man over there knows of that red, 4-wheeler Berkeley, chassis number 340, in Japan....and Big H is right in his view - how anyone could ever describe one, even a 4-wheeler as "a bit like a Lotus Elan Sprint" is beyond me - he must have been over indulging in the medication. No, it's much more like an AC Cobra - really!
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on October 21, 2007, 11:33:47 pm Like this?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on October 22, 2007, 09:38:06 am Like this? No, no, heavens no, not the ones with those good awful hardtops....more like this one.... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: wishy on November 28, 2007, 08:13:41 pm Well here's one for Andy.
I was at my mates workshop and he had a Commer all the way from Gondor,for a bit of welding ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on November 28, 2007, 08:21:26 pm Could you make the pic a little bigger Andy? I can't make out some of the detail ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: wishy on November 28, 2007, 10:40:23 pm Hi Bob
Well I thought that as my phone is small,then the picture would also be ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 29, 2007, 09:42:49 am Hi Bob Well I thought that as my phone is small,then the picture would also be ;D Seemingly not...... ;D MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 29, 2007, 12:17:55 pm It's true, well done Wishy, or should maybe we should call you Frodo? I've always wondered about that moustache and those furry feet of your.
List ye! The Legend of the Giant Commer of Gondor. In the name of my holely precious ring, it exists! Gondor was a Dúnedain kingdom founded by Isildur and Anárion, the sons of Elendil, after the Downfall of Númenor. Gondor was located to the west of Mordor, on the Bay of Belfalas, just off the M1 near Dunstable, Beds. Its name means "Land of Rust", from Sindarin gond (rust) + (n)dor (land), most likely given to it because of the Ered Nimrais the Welder and the many Rootes Group Motors dealerships located there. Gondor's early history was characterised by huge building projects, of cities, ships, armies and light commercial vehicles designed mainly for town work on account of their unsuitable engine and narrow front suspension subframe. After Hyarmendacil's reign, decadence spread under the kings of Gondor, started by Hyarmendacil's own son, Atanatar, and a long, slow period of decline began (although Gondor experienced several revivals). Three great calamities struck Gondor during the second millennium of the Third Age, which are held to be the chief reasons for its decline: the Kin-strife, the Great Plague, and the decision to turn the Commer PB into the Dodge Spacevan with the cheap and nasty black plastic grille and square rear lights and that. And so the Giant Commer of Gondor passed into Tolkeinian folklaw. Until now. Behold, the Fourth Age is upon us! Or alternatively just resize the pic using a freeshare j.peg program like Infranview... :( (http://home.tiscali.nl/solarfallsartwork/enter_pic_cloud.jpg) (Wishy and Sam Gamgee yesterday on their to the Hotpoint dealers for some more pump spares) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 29, 2007, 12:34:56 pm Yea verily, Gandalf has spoken. And thus it was prophesied, many moons past by Tolkein:
"This is the Master-Commer, the One Commer to rule them all. This is the One Commer lost many years ago, to the great weakening of its maker's power". MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 29, 2007, 12:37:56 pm Yea verily, Gandalf has spoken. And thus it was prophesied, many moons past by Tolkein: This is the One Commer lost many years ago,"This is the Master-Commer, the One Commer to rule them all. This is the One Commer lost many years ago, to the great weakening of its maker's power". MG Mark to the great weakening of its maker's power". Weakening power? Bloody Lucas distributor and rotor arm again I expect! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 29, 2007, 12:40:51 pm Don't forget the clapped out condenser and split plug leads.....
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 29, 2007, 12:43:50 pm I've replaced the bloody lot and still no good. Check the jet in the old Solex carb? Worn valve seats? Oh well, get the head off again...
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 29, 2007, 01:03:25 pm Remember that she is a grand old lady, who will put out just as much power as she decides to put out. And not a horsie power more. Particularly on shite modern petrol. But do try and narrow it down to ignition, fuel or air leak first. My dear chap, do please carry out a compression test, with and without oil, before you go and get all bothered and flustered pulling lots of important engine components apart in inclement weather. Anyway, Lucas were jolly good....it says so here....
MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on November 29, 2007, 01:35:46 pm ........ Anyway, Lucas were jolly good....it says so here.... The trouble is that they're still making the same stuff, but it usually sparks. If it does, then its crap in the carb, or emulsion in your emulsion tubeTitle: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on November 30, 2007, 02:54:38 am Mr Zarse.
Am i still being forced to take my elderly VW to LM next year? Drove her up the lane the other day and all was sweet. All she needed was a squirt of petrol in the carb and a decent battery and she fired up like a redhead on heat! Obviously the coil lead was left off to let the oil pressure get up but when started there was no smoke and she ticked over fine. If she is required she will be sorted........ otherwise a hearse is needed.... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on November 30, 2007, 03:27:52 pm Mr Zarse. Am i still being forced to take my elderly VW to LM next year? Drove her up the lane the other day and all was sweet. All she needed was a squirt of petrol in the carb and a decent battery and she fired up like a redhead on heat! Obviously the coil lead was left off to let the oil pressure get up but when started there was no smoke and she ticked over fine. If she is required she will be sorted........ otherwise a hearse is needed.... Yes you are still being forced. It'll be fine. Trust me... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on November 30, 2007, 03:38:19 pm Right. Best I get on with getting her sorted... she wont need much as she was ready for MOT retest when I parked her up.
I might even splash out and get the gearbox problem fixed. She jumps out of first.. which makes pulling away interesting! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on November 30, 2007, 08:51:42 pm I might even splash out and get the gearbox problem fixed. She jumps out of first.. which makes pulling away interesting! What gearbox problem? Surely just hold it in first to stop it jumping out? Standard practice old chap...... mind you if it's not british and has reached that stage, it's probably completely phuq'd.... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on November 30, 2007, 09:55:48 pm I might even splash out and get the gearbox problem fixed. She jumps out of first.. which makes pulling away interesting! What gearbox problem? Surely just hold it in first to stop it jumping out? Standard practice old chap...... mind you if it's not british and has reached that stage, it's probably completely phuq'd....It kicks it out so hard that you cant hold it in.... likely to be missing teeth I think! Cogbox do an exchange unit with longer legged 4th for about £500 so thats the way forward I think. Its a 1700 type 4 engine version which will make things interesting as they were an option only unit and all type 4's gave in to the tin worm years ago.... wish me luck!!! MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on November 30, 2007, 10:19:47 pm Nice to see the Commer made it to the calender. Good work chaps.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on December 01, 2007, 04:14:34 am What gearbox problem? Surely just hold it in first to stop it jumping out? Standard practice old chap...... mind you if it's not british and has reached that stage, it's probably completely phuq'd....It kicks it out so hard that you cant hold it in.... likely to be missing teeth I think! M'Lord, these missing teeth... the driver or the box ??? ::) ;D Could it be as simple as adusting/renewing the linkage which may have some worn bushings? Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on December 01, 2007, 11:26:22 pm All the linkage bushes have been replaced and some VW specialists have pointed to bent selector forks or the cog being totally fcuked. It kicks out so hard it makes a bang... and if you try and hold it in it hurts! Not so bad as the 1700 type 4 lump has alot more grunt than the wheezy 1600 so second picks up ok.
It makes hill starts interesting as the handbrake is directly above the gearlever so an interesting finger thumb combo is needed to do a smooth one!! I will talk to Peter Engelzos at Cog Box and see whats best.... think the exchange long leg 4th replacement is the way forward.... then I will be able to keep up with all the other nutters on the way down to LM..... Have you ever driven a fully loaded VW on nice roads.... once they get rolling they are ok! Its the stopping thats scary!!! Pic below is her on release from the haybarn after years... bit scabby round the edges but she is a month and a day older than me so entitled to be rough! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on December 01, 2007, 11:35:45 pm And this is on a banger racing site.... and someone raced a James Young bodied '54 Bentley at arena Essex Firecracker in November... It was a Dutch driver... thats all I know but it did very well and won the demolition derby and drove out.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Nobby Diesel on March 07, 2008, 11:28:44 am Maybe not a Commer, or indeed modern, but a great replacement.
saw this on another site. 13,000cc, flat 6, petrol engine...... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1940s-American-Greyhound-Inter-city-bus_W0QQitemZ190203447710QQihZ009QQcategoryZ9883QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 07, 2008, 11:48:02 am yep, worthy of a mention on this thread.
Meanwhile, other Commer news; At the weekend I opened the Commer up to get some gear out to take to NZ. Being as I'd got the keys on me I popped them in the ignition to see what would happen. She hadn't been started since october so I'd no real expectations. She fired up first go, once the lift pump had done it's stuff with the fuel. Cool eh? The clutch plate is rusted to the fly wheel, easily sorted, and the handbrake has locked on again (Doh! Every year I forget to leave it off!). But I'll be digging her out at easter and this officially marks the start of summer! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Bob U on March 07, 2008, 12:22:27 pm It's good to hear that she woke from her Winter slumbers without too many age related problems Andy. I look forward to welcoming the grand old lady onto the Summer pastures of Houx Annexe.
Here's one that is still hibernating Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on March 07, 2008, 01:51:32 pm Lurvely big windowses on that one Bob
Andy congrats on kickstarting summer a few days early what a smashing morning it has been yippee! :) soon be June me dears Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lazy B'stard on March 07, 2008, 05:50:48 pm Always marks the start of summer the green goddess awakening from her winter slumber- a little earlier this year Andy?, you've beaten the swallows return!
Will this deprive us of the tales of seized bearings, wheel cyls and will it, won't it pass? in the run up to the big pilgrimage? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on March 07, 2008, 09:36:15 pm Always marks the start of summer the green goddess awakening from her winter slumber- a little earlier this year Andy?, you've beaten the swallows return! Will this deprive us of the tales of seized bearings, wheel cyls and will it, won't it pass? in the run up to the big pilgrimage? No, I shouldn't think so - it'll just mean he has longer not to so anything about stuff, soi we should still get the annual guessing game.....bless her! MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on March 08, 2008, 04:53:36 am yep, worthy of a mention on this thread. I trust you will post pics of the annual event. Nothing better than seeing an old girl covered in dust emerging from enforced hibernation. ;D My VW is blocked in the barn by loads of round bales of hay, Hay Baler, turners, cutters, dung spreader and my dads tractor and caravan... in that order :(Meanwhile, other Commer news; At the weekend I opened the Commer up to get some gear out to take to NZ. Being as I'd got the keys on me I popped them in the ignition to see what would happen. She hadn't been started since october so I'd no real expectations. She fired up first go, once the lift pump had done it's stuff with the fuel. Cool eh? The clutch plate is rusted to the fly wheel, easily sorted, and the handbrake has locked on again (Doh! Every year I forget to leave it off!). But I'll be digging her out at easter and this officially marks the start of summer! She wont be coming out this year as getting all that moved... and having to involve my dad..... just not worth it, I cant put him ... or me, through that ordeal! ;) Long Live The COMMER. (I still have a very shiny set of COMMER nose letters somewhere in my stores) PP Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on March 08, 2008, 09:03:09 am How about this beauty, could well suit Robs Sex van asperations....
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1973-COMMER-MOTOR-CARAVAN-MOTORHOME-CAMPERVAN-TAX-MOT_W0QQitemZ230229405439QQihZ013QQcategoryZ14256QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on March 08, 2008, 07:19:40 pm Its not rusty enough... or horrid looking enough for his purposes!
Is that current on ebay? Would make a useful addition to my fleet of crap. I imagine crossing the Pont de Normandie on a very windy day would be intersting with all that side area to catch the wind ;D PP Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Snoring Rhino on March 08, 2008, 10:43:20 pm Its not rusty enough... or horrid looking enough for his purposes! Yes as of this morning, i think a hair dryer would pose a danger, never mind the Pont De Normandie on a mild day. Is that current on ebay? Would make a useful addition to my fleet of crap. I imagine crossing the Pont de Normandie on a very windy day would be intersting with all that side area to catch the wind ;D PP Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 25, 2008, 03:00:46 pm yep, worthy of a mention on this thread. I trust you will post pics of the annual event. Nothing better than seeing an old girl covered in dust emerging from enforced hibernation. ;D My VW is blocked in the barn by loads of round bales of hay, Hay Baler, turners, cutters, dung spreader and my dads tractor and caravan... in that order :(Meanwhile, other Commer news; At the weekend I opened the Commer up to get some gear out to take to NZ. Being as I'd got the keys on me I popped them in the ignition to see what would happen. She hadn't been started since october so I'd no real expectations. She fired up first go, once the lift pump had done it's stuff with the fuel. Cool eh? The clutch plate is rusted to the fly wheel, easily sorted, and the handbrake has locked on again (Doh! Every year I forget to leave it off!). But I'll be digging her out at easter and this officially marks the start of summer! She wont be coming out this year as getting all that moved... and having to involve my dad..... just not worth it, I cant put him ... or me, through that ordeal! ;) Long Live The COMMER. (I still have a very shiny set of COMMER nose letters somewhere in my stores) PP Sorry Rex, snow stopped play, Commer not interested, I got growled at by the grumpy hibernating van. If the wx warms up this weekend I'll have a go at waking her up. Keep you posted. I still think you should bring your van, just fire the tractor up and get that sh-it shifted! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on March 25, 2008, 08:54:47 pm I will see about the VW... the aggro of getting her out with my Dad involved really does not seem to make it worth it >:(
The Silver 300C saloon was saying that she is bored after her black estate friend went so you never know.... especially as a mate will be a full up MOT tester by may ;).. its just the thought of driving something down to LM that has NO spares availability anywhere, an ECU and is auto and has been stood for 3 years.. It was fine last time I fired it up... drove fine and did 30 miles with no probs. Its just a big risk to take as I am (Hopefully) going to be there early on Monday. Worth the risk as I will be carrying all our camp passes ??? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on March 26, 2008, 09:45:36 pm Fair enough, I know it's jap so will like as not get you there, but it's always an adventure travelling in a slightly unknown quantity.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on March 26, 2008, 10:00:36 pm Fair enough, I know it's jap so will like as not get you there, but it's always an adventure travelling in a slightly unknown quantity. Keep us posted on the Commer... I think the big silver thing can be left slumbering in the nettles. Chavalier it will be... with a striking paint job and all ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 11, 2008, 05:17:33 pm I want a roof like this on my Commer. How Dan dare is that. From an article drawn to my attention in the Daily Mail last week regarding TV lLicence Detector vans, here's the link, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=468466&in_page_id=1770 but I quote (cos it's fantastic!):- By 1955, fleets of new Hillman vans with twirling antennae were on the roads – stepping up the game of cat and mouse with viewers who refused to pay up. The Commer van, Britain's longest-serving TV detector vehicle, went into service in 1968 and heralded the age of putting downright fear into the public. A classic public information film in 1970 summed up the approach. A bespectacled man in a tweed suit twiddles controls in his van as it crawls along a suburban street. Suddenly, he exclaims triumphantly: 'Yes, there's a TV set on at No 5. It's in the front room – and they are watching Columbo.' The excitement is palpable. The Commer survived until 1983. Excuses officers report hearing on doorsteps have included: 'I don't watch it. It's on for my dog. He watches it, but I'm not paying for him', and, 'That's not a TV you can hear in the background. It's a tape of adverts I play to entertain the children.' Pathetic excuses like that aren't going to cut much ice with a Commer I can tell you. That is simply outstanding :o You must have one! Even if it means crafting one out of loo roll centres, papier mache, coat hangers and poster paints a la Blue Peter. Dan Dare meets fire truck, ski racks, roof box, death rays etc etc. That would certainly bring a contemporary look to the old girl - much more Top Shop than M&S! Awesome. Do you think it could be tuned to detect pikeys and automaticallly blast them with the zillion volt invisible Commer curse? ;D (http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/07_02/tvdetectMS1407_468x328.jpg) MG Mark The other day I found a great new Commer Van Fan forum It's held me in raptures for days. Mark you'll be glad to know there's a bloke restorung a TV detector van. Have a look at what he got to start with, now that's dedication! (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l26/martinmaltas_2006/IMG_0524.jpg) More on it here: Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on April 12, 2008, 02:57:06 am Sat rotting in a garden.... nice paint ;D
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on April 12, 2008, 03:17:41 am And a few doors up was this... the owner of a Droop Snoot .... rocking horse shiit.
OMG....thats a real one ;DQuestions???????? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 14, 2008, 04:16:00 pm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCWLlPBGFho Worth watching all the way to the end. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 14, 2008, 06:32:49 pm Sat rotting in a garden.... nice paint ;D Rex, where is this van mate? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 15, 2008, 10:09:30 am All this talk of other vans and chavmobiles. Some weeks have passed since the first report of firing the mighty Commer's engine up, with stuck clutch and handbrake, followed by a tentative post 3 weeks ago about getting the old girl circulating once snow stopped stopping play.
The world is on tenterhooks, and since her successful blast last weekend around the tarmac and concrete of RAF Marham (now with no overheating issues with a re-cored rad and racing water pump) the MGA keeps asking me forlornly whether the mighty Commer has taken to the road yet. A progress report is called for please Mr Z, particularly as judging by a post elsewhere today ( from someone appearing to be suspiciously like yourself, it seems that, as in the words of the song, "there may be trouble ahead....." MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on April 15, 2008, 02:29:01 pm Sat rotting in a garden.... nice paint ;D Rex, where is this van mate? Terrace of council houses on left as heading east out of Twyford. Beware of the owners and neighbours if you go to have a look.... Nasty!!! >:( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on April 20, 2008, 10:00:56 pm Another sleeping beauty around Wokingham... and it had moved about 2 feet since I last saw it!
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on April 20, 2008, 10:42:39 pm Now is there any need for silly comments like that... they are best saved for pics like this one ;D
It lives down the lane from me and was greeted by a tree in the storms of 86.. was a runner at the time. Renault 12 spares anyone? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on April 21, 2008, 10:22:47 am I've every confidence in the Zarsemobile, and wouldn't be surprised if it's being gunned down an autobahn right now. Or dissolving slave cylinder seals on a drive near Crawley.
I had a go at firing the jag up at the weekend, - what with work abroad and my two wheeled shenanigans last year it's barely troubled the odometer. Surprisingly the old girl spluttered into life on the button, and I took her for a very easy tootle around some local roads, - ones with plenty of laybys. She wasn't happy with me though, and I believe she's bearing a grudge. Every time I turned a corner the horn would sound off a few rapid honks. There's some deeply unattractive men and women, mostly vagrants, walking around these parts this morning with a whiff of Old Spice and a spring in their step. I hope to God they don't know where I live. I suspect a fault in the AE35 unit, and I must get round to scheduling some EVA. And then of course there's the question of stickers, - not one to be ignored but it's a difficult call. The Highways Agency seem to have set the bar very high though with a set of fantastic examples that have sprung up by the roadside recently. On a recent haul up the M40 I was advised to 'Check your fuel level' no less than four times! Normally I have a guage (and a collection, admittedly small, of nerve endings under my hat and loosely between my ears) for this sort of work, but it seems it can't be trusted so I suppose we just have to pull over and shove a dry stick down the filler tube just to be sure. I have a friend who wouldn't need a dry stick, and even though it would make for a fantastic scene on the hard shoulder, I don't think I should go down that route.And then there's 'Possibility of Spray!'....................holy sh*t, no kidding, this is England, not Death Valley, of course there's the possibility of spray, along with the possibility of the sun rising in the east and seagulls crapping on my head when I'm eating a nice cornet with a splash of monkeys blood in Brighton. Maybe some some signs on the front wing letting people know that the car is fitted with shock absorbers would do the trick. Anyway, a terrible urge has come over me to nip into the garage and check the fuel level again.... H Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 21, 2008, 01:59:21 pm And then of course there's the question of stickers, - not one to be ignored but it's a difficult call. The Highways Agency seem to have set the bar very high though with a set of fantastic examples that have sprung up by the roadside recently. On a recent haul up the M40 I was advised to 'Check your fuel level' no less than four times! Normally I have a guage (and a collection, admittedly small, of nerve endings under my hat and loosely between my ears) for this sort of work, but it seems it can't be trusted so I suppose we just have to pull over and shove a dry stick down the filler tube just to be sure. I have a friend who wouldn't need a dry stick, and even though it would make for a fantastic scene on the hard shoulder, I don't think I should go down that route.And then there's 'Possibility of Spray!'....................holy sh*t, no kidding, this is England, not Death Valley, of course there's the possibility of spray, along with the possibility of the sun rising in the east and seagulls crapping on my head when I'm eating a nice cornet with a splash of monkeys blood in Brighton. Maybe some some signs on the front wing letting people know that the car is fitted with shock absorbers would do the trick. Anyway, a terrible urge has come over me to nip into the garage and check the fuel level again.... H The Zarsemobile is current indisposed to move. Drive cannot be engaged. However, a towrope for a drag to the scrapyard is being arranged. The voices in the kettle made me do it. Who was that bloke in the bible as God told to kill his son and burn his body on the bonfire? Zebedabahdiah or someone he was. So anyway, he done him in and then God just pointed at him and gone off laughing. Well that's me that is. I'm having a crisis of confidence, it's all so wearisome. I'm tired of the inevitable lumbago inducing contortionism on wet grass, the skinned knuckles, the grime under my nails, and shovelling rat sh*t out of the cupboard. But mainly it's that pair of blue overalls shrunk by a boil wash which always rides up my arse crack and plays merry hell with my prolapse. Enough! Talking of road signs, years ago there was a great one in Birmingham on the ringroad. It was an experimental model of those dotmatrix things they've now got on the M25 which implore you, with spelling errors, not to Drink and Dive or suggest you Take a Beak. Well the Brummy one was terrific, as it only had the letter G. One day it would say GGG G GGGGG G G GGGGGGGGGGGGGG GG G. The next it might be more succinct; GG GGGG G or maybe GGGGGGGG. It was like that for months, until they took it away after a motorcyclist crashed into it and killed himself. I always felt quite sorry for the poor sod; death by GGGGGG. It's no way go in my book. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on April 21, 2008, 02:59:27 pm The Zarsemobile is current indisposed to move. Drive cannot be engaged. However, a towrope for a drag to the scrapyard is being arranged. The voices in the kettle made me do it. Say it is not so! It is a true LeMans tradition. LeMans will not be the same without it. I say you take one last time. Then BURN IT! I remember a song we sang around one of Sebring,s after the race bon-fires many years ago. It goes something like this. In my best Tom Jones[Welsh as I] LITTLE PIECE OF sh*t TRUCK AND THROW IT IN THE FIRE ! LITTLE PIECE OF sh*t TRUCK AND THROW IT IN THE FIRE ! LITTLE PIECE OF sh*t TRUCK AND THROW IT IN THE FIRE ! Etc.etc. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lorry on April 21, 2008, 04:17:33 pm Sounds like the pushrod from the slave cylinder to the operating lever has tried to escape and jammed. Should be easy to fix by removing the slave cylinder.
Stuck clutches are far more fun. Warm up the engine. Stop it. Put it in first and restart the engine so that it it all starts to move. With left foot, depress left pedal and then with right foot stamp on the other two alternately. It will either free up or you run out of road. Classic like this need to be driven regularly, and not to the scrapper Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nopanic - neil on April 21, 2008, 10:04:33 pm 3 more for you Andy, all on sleazybay.
1965 Commer civil defence ambulance Camper motorhome (http://i22.ebayimg.com/03/i/000/eb/56/d791_12.JPG) and commer camper motorhome, (http://i14.ebayimg.com/08/i/000/e8/c9/72cf_1.JPG) and classic commer camper 1970 tax free great festival van (http://i9.ebayimg.com/06/i/000/e9/d9/36d8_1.JPG) Funny these things must be like buses, you wait to see one for ages and then 3 come along at the same time. ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: nickliv on April 21, 2008, 11:03:10 pm Dads Mog had a stuck clutch. To unstick it we took the hapless implement out of the garage, jacked up the back wheels, started it, revved it, and dropped it off the jack repeatedly until the poor thing cried enough and agreed to play again.
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on April 21, 2008, 11:51:30 pm The lads that bought the Rickman Ranger I aquired with a 2.8 V6 with a horribly stuck clutch had it running for an hour, turned it off, jacked it up on the diff, started it in second, left it running again for half an hour with the wheels trundling round.... 2 got in... got it revving and dropped the jack.
Huge wheelspin, big crack and all was free. They got to drive it home... I had only been towed in it :( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 22, 2008, 12:40:24 am You had a Rickman Ranger :o
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on April 22, 2008, 01:54:50 am I was given it by a mate to use around the private lanes... but could never get the clutch free.
Now comes the boring bit.... it was built by a Rickman employee with double thickness 'glass all round, galv chassis, RS struts with fancy koni shocks, koni at the back, RS2000 prop, mexico bits... and the motor was "built" with a kent cam, some fancy manifold and a big fat carb. Sold it as bits on ebay with buyer to remove but some lads got together and bought the lot as a whole. Last report I had was that it was one of the most evil things anyone had ever driven... The folder of receipts that went with it totalled around 15k so someone loved it... But they are horrid and I WAS given it ;D Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Canada Phil on April 22, 2008, 02:13:48 am Sounds like the pushrod from the slave cylinder to the operating lever has tried to escape and jammed. Should be easy to fix by removing the slave cylinder. FREE the SLAVE :angel: Nobody knows the trouble i've seen...... Canada Phil Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 22, 2008, 10:15:06 am The Zarsemobile is current indisposed to move. Drive cannot be engaged. However, a towrope for a drag to the scrapyard is being arranged. The voices in the kettle made me do it. I'm having a crisis of confidence, it's all so wearisome. I'm tired of the inevitable lumbago inducing contortionism on wet grass, the skinned knuckles, the grime under my nails, and shovelling rat sh*t out of the cupboard. But mainly it's that pair of blue overalls shrunk by a boil wash which always rides up my arse crack and plays merry hell with my prolapse. Enough! My dear friend, Please stop this lily-livered, pansy, snivelling, pathetic, snot-dribbling whining and tell the kettle to f*** off. Shoot it if necessary. Then either buy yourself a new pair of blue overalls, or wear the current ones in "mechanic style" i.e. oil/grease-spattered CA T-shirt with the overalls worn as trousers with the arms tied round your waist. Put some stirring music on the domestic PA system full blast (some stirring Russian anthems from Red Square parade days should do the trick) light up a full strength Marlboro and get spannering. In short, show her who is boss, before I decide to pay a visit with a few of the boys and convene a summary field courts martial for LMF. Or I'll get a Soviet tank commander to show you how field repairs are done, before incarcerating you summarily without recourse to appeal in the Gulags for treason. Certainly, the MGA will not be happy if the Commer doesn't come out to play and I'm damned if she's going to sling some sympathetic wobbly on me going out to La Sarthe because of some trifling problem like the Commer's malfunctioning clutch. Anyway, why do you need a clutch? Start her in gear, crash the gears, and I'd warrant that she'd still get you there and back ;D. MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: garyfrogeye on April 22, 2008, 10:50:02 am All that Mark just said plus a slapped thigh with a wet birch branch.
At worst, buy a 4 x 4 and tow the thing protesting to France. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on April 22, 2008, 02:42:58 pm Quote Well the Brummy one was terrific, as it only had the letter G. One day it would say GGG G GGGGG G G GGGGGGGGGGGGGG GG G. The next it might be more succinct; GG GGGG G or maybe GGGGGGGG. It was like that for months, until they took it away after a motorcyclist crashed into it and killed himself. I always felt quite sorry for the poor sod; death by GGGGGG. It's no way go in my book. It's a tragic story Andy, and such a dismal choice of consonant, - a terrible epitaph but easy work for the stonemason I suppose. Wasn't there a sign for East Grimstead for a while on the M23?Anyway, before you start peeling your gulags as Mark has suggested, or sacrificing dear relatives to Zippydedoodah have you checked out the local scout troop and the timing of the next Bob-A-Job week? It's very good value and a week of hard scrubbing, fixing and polishing will do them the world of good. Get them to sign something first. Bollox to Land of Hope and Glory, the Amazing1 campfire song should be our next National Anthem!! H PS - Jeez, it's hard work posting these days, is the server solar powered? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 22, 2008, 06:00:50 pm Okay, you lot win. Against my better judgement I relent, and I'll not go with Randy's Viking Funeral idea, which I must admit has it's attractions. So I'll give it an afternoon, don my Village People overalls, put Mahler's 18th symphony (The Unendurable) on the 8Track and if I can get the clutch to close it's jaws and bite again, I'll approach the MOT man with his annual bottle of scotch and 200 Embassy Regal. I just want Lorry to know that making flippant suggestions about classics needing to be driven is cheap and easy; but it's not Lorry who has to risk life and limb driving the wretched things.
H, it will always be East Grimstead to me, and many local folk need no signage to know where Whorley is located. One day I'm certain that that sign in Birmingham actually worked, it said "GGGG GGGG GG Granville Street Closed Ahead ", and similar to the Commer, it's as if the thing had suffered a stroke. Talking of which mate, last time I saw you it was as we were departing MB after the race last year; you'd just got up. You too appeared to have suffered some sort of terrible cerebral incident or trauma. You'd seemingly been struck dumb, capable only of making a basic grunting/snorting noise through your adenoids, your sense of balance had been compromised, and looking into your eyes one could clearly see the confusion going on within. Without being rude, you appeared to be rehearsing method acting for a role in the remake of The Night of the Living Dead, or perhaps the lead role as the idiot-savant in Rainman. As we drove off towards the exit by that concrete lavatory block where the firemen all hang around, I glanced in the wingmirror and saw you tumble over your tent's guy rope. This is exactly what you looked like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZK_70HgNx0 And as this is the Commer thread; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95v5rDhqEGs&feature=related Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on April 22, 2008, 06:24:33 pm Thanks Andy.
You're quite right, I spent most of my time at LM last year shot to pieces. In a sort of crazy Commer parallel it took a long time to get me started, and when I did I just sort of weaved around with virtually no brakes or steering to talk of. Two drinks, at any time of the day, left me legless and talking to inanimate objects. And of course explosive incontinence was never very far away. Mostly it's a blur. It didn't help my disorientation that we had to pitch up in a 'strange' spot, I needed our familiar ground badly. This year's going to be different, but with luck I'll still be staggering around like George A Romero on a Picolax overdose, so the difference will be very subtle. That's a brave decision on the Mahler Overalls, a little bit of a Viennese walzing should finish the days work nicely. Have you considered working nude? H Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on April 22, 2008, 06:28:04 pm Sat rotting in a garden.... nice paint ;D Rex, where is this van mate? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 22, 2008, 07:28:07 pm Thanks Andy. This year's going to be different, but with luck I'll still be staggering around like George A Romero on a Picolax overdose, so the difference will be very subtle. That's a brave decision on the Mahler Overalls, a little bit of a Viennese walzing should finish the days work nicely. Have you considered working nude? H It's a free country and if you chose to stagger around like an Alf A Romeo on Citramag or whatever, then that's a personal desision for you, but I think on balance I'm glad we're on Houx Annexe this year. Free-basing on Class A osmotic laxatives is a one-way street and it's not a good one; have you not seen the state of Amy Winehouse these days? It's not filthy scag she's shooting up her veins you know, so hey kids, Just Say No to phosphate enemas (unless of course you actually want an arcing jet of banana yellow... anyway I'm sure you all get the picture). Whilst it's been amusing enough getting my teeth into the CA Good Toilet Guide, I can tell you Team Zarse is gloomily awaiting the stinging reality of the rectal hell that is contemporary Le Mans. :( Naked mechanics? Why not, naked housework is such fun isn't it! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 23, 2008, 12:04:34 pm Andy,
Aaaahhh. Back to talk about booze, incapacitation, and lower tract problems, with the odd side swipe at the Commer's recalcitrance. Now that's much better than all that LMF, defeatist, white feather carrying clap-trap! I await the progress report on the Commer eagerly, and imagine that the essence of it, with musical accompaniment from the 8-track, could well go something along the lines of: 1) Trying the clutch again after talking nicely to it didn't work (Dvorak -New World Symphony) 2) Freeing off stuck bits gently didn't work (Holst - Planets) 3) Hitting stuck bits with large hammer didn't work (Tchaikovsky - 1812 - Cannon section) 4) Swearing copiously and throwing things at it didn't work (Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries) 5) Pause for drinking bottle of Scotch - (Berg - Wozzeck) 6) Assessing the problem, dismantling the offending parts, and refurbishing/replacing them did work (Elgar - Nimrod, then Land of Hope and Glory when the Commers moves under her own steam) Only I know that you will describe that process with such greater eloquence and humour, and that is what I look forward to the most..... Good luck, MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 23, 2008, 12:47:08 pm I'll give it a go. Have you considered a new career as a Radio 3 presenter, they've got a vacancy now Andy Kershaw been banged up in the nick, and that other woman's gone AWOL. Your suggested musical accompaniment is inspired, but I can't help feeling the finale is always destined to be Chopin's Marche Funèbre in C minor... :(
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 23, 2008, 01:51:32 pm I'll give it a go. Have you considered a new career as a Radio 3 presenter, they've got a vacancy now Andy Kershaw been banged up in the nick, and that other woman's gone AWOL. Your suggested musical accompaniment is inspired, but I can't help feeling the finale is always destined to be Chopin's Marche Funèbre in C minor... :( Good Man! Chopin might be a possible alternative, but you're getting all "glass half empty" again.... and I'm not sure that Ravel's Pavane would fit, in that I cannot really grasp the concept of the Commer as a dead child. More a seriously and dangerously wounded Giant perhaps. Which puts me in mind of the various movements of Greig's Peer Gynt Suites, offering some interesting insights and possibilities for an epic tale of Wagnerian stature: Morning Mood - a glorious sunrise. Andy wakes. The Death of Åse - a tender lament, as Andy draws back the curtains and the sight of the Commer reminds him of day's task. Anitra’s Dance - A swirling melody as Andy steels himself to face the tribulations of the day. In the Hall of the Mountain King - Now Andy really has started work, the dance with the Commer begins with tentative steps, but as he becomes more confident the music builds to a crescendo as the mighty Commer continues to stubbornly resist attempts to resolve the non-functioning clutch. Cymbals crash and drum rolls sound as Andy reaches apoplexy and starts using the heavy hammers. The Abduction of the Bride Strings and crashing cymbals herald Andy ripping open the Scotch bottle, followed by a slow lament. Solo violins rise, as he slumps against the wheel arch of the Commer in depressed exhuastion, and the remainder of the orchestra swells, as the CA community collectively offers further encouragement. Arabian Dance - A kettledrum beats, as Andy recovers and purposefully returns to the task. Moments of calm, thoughtful periods emerge, along with the inspiration to return the Commer to her rightful place as Queen of the Road. Solveig’s Song - A soulful melody with joyous dance sections, as Andy alternately counts the mental cost of repairing the Commer and rejoices in the prospect (after bribing the MOT man) of bowling along the open road to France in mid-June. I think that should do the trick ;D ;D ;D MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Perdu on April 23, 2008, 01:57:22 pm "How unlike the home life of our own dear Queen"
Blarryell Mark talk about waxin' soddin' lyrical what did you have on the stereo dashing round Marham t'other day? Andy another incentive for you Have the Commer on the boat with us and I'll buy the first pint at the bar howzatt!? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 23, 2008, 02:15:49 pm Blarryell Mark talk about waxin' soddin' lyrical what did you have on the stereo dashing round Marham t'other day? howzatt!? Bill, 'Twas the glorious sound of a BMC 4-pot of 1622cc capacity through twin SUs and a tubular exhaust, accompanied by the mechanical thrashing of valvegear. Anything else is just drowned out by the kettle drum nature of the coupe bodyshell. But I might have been mentally humming Mars from the Holst's Planets suite, or Wagner's ride of the Valkyries.... And today has a touch of ennui de travail about it, hence the waxing lyrical.... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: BigH on April 23, 2008, 02:34:01 pm Well, I think you're all a bunch of pseuds!
What's wrong with the Ace of Spades and Tiger Feet? H Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 23, 2008, 02:39:38 pm Peter, there is nothingchildlike about the Commer, she is too serious for that. In fact she detests children.
Mark, can you suggest a movement for that bit between the Death of Arse and Anita's Harris's Dance or whatever, you know, the bit where you take the Daily Express off to the smallest room in the house? I guess it would depend what you'd had to eat the day before. Too many Liquorice Allsorts might lead to the Sourcerer's Apprentice, pickled eggs surely gives rise to something with a nice canntralto, whilst drunkenly eating a Troy's large donner with extra chilli would inevitably take us back to our old friend Tchaikovski and the full-on 1812 extraveganza. Heaven forbid I should ever require the services of the Warsaw Concerto! Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 23, 2008, 03:10:06 pm Not that I'd want to appear to be the harbinger of doom, but how about Antonio Salieri's Requiem in C minor
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 23, 2008, 03:11:20 pm Peter, there is nothingchildlike about the Commer, she is too serious for that. In fact she detests children. Mark, can you suggest a movement for that bit between the Death of Arse and Anita's Harris's Dance or whatever, you know, the bit where you take the Daily Express off to the smallest room in the house? I guess it would depend what you'd had to eat the day before. Too many Liquorice Allsorts might lead to the Sourcerer's Apprentice, pickled eggs surely gives rise to something with a nice canntralto, whilst drunkenly eating a Troy's large donner with extra chilli would inevitably take us back to our old friend Tchaikovski and the full-on 1812 extraveganza. Heaven forbid I should ever require the services of the Warsaw Concerto! Andy, In moments of such intestinal stress requiring a delicate and balanced approach, I caution that careful eating the day before would be prudent. You really must save Mr T and the cannons with fireworks for those large sledgehammer modification moments. Smallest room moments should be reserved for the likes of Beethoven's "Morning" for those really contemplative times, or if you really can't manage without something more challenging to the digestive tract, then might I suggest Handel's Zadok the Priest or Offenbach's Orpheus in the Underworld as being approproate depending upon mood, consistency, effort required to exhaust etc? Well, I think you're all a bunch of pseuds! What's wrong with the Ace of Spades and Tiger Feet? H H, Nothing at all mate. A few others to sprinkle liberally into the equation could be The Final Countdown, Paranoid, Highway Child and Stairway to Heaven. Oh and a bit more AC/DC and some ZZ Top and Guns n' Roses probably wouldn't go amiss either ;D. MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on April 23, 2008, 03:15:04 pm LITTLE PIECE OF sh*t TRUCK AND THROW IT THE FIRE ! :angel:
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 23, 2008, 03:18:21 pm LITTLE PIECE OF sh*t TRUCK AND THROW IT THE FIRE ! :angel: You'll only go and upset him again ::) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 23, 2008, 03:28:47 pm LITTLE PIECE OF sh*t TRUCK AND THROW IT THE FIRE ! :angel: You'll only go and upset him again ::) It's not Andy that he should be worried about upsetting, it's incurring the wrath of the mighty Commer that is likely to produce the problem, spanning continents in a single leap before wreaking terrible vengeance upon the infidel unbeliever........... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 23, 2008, 03:41:47 pm Very true Mark.
Ezekiel 25:17. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you. Pulp Fiction stylie - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DumE3vs82bk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DumE3vs82bk) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 23, 2008, 04:10:17 pm LITTLE PIECE OF sh*t TRUCK AND THROW IT THE FIRE ! :angel: Mr Pruett, You should be made aware that when the Commer starts up from cold she recites your name. The starter motor goes; RRRrrRRRrrRRRRrrrRRRANDYRANDYRANDYRANDYRANDYRANDY Then she clatters into life in a terrifying cloud of smoke, I'm sure it smells of brimstone. It's not a good sign to be honest, you better hope for the best on Judgement Day, when the Commer rises again... Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on April 23, 2008, 04:11:41 pm There is actually a method to my madness.Andy,that Commer has been a part of your life.So you plan on towing salvage yard.There it will sit with all kinds of assholes googling at her ,fondling her fenders,maybe even checking her springs[you know what I mean]not to mention actually taking bits off of her.Its like sending your girlfriend who you truelly love to Lemans to camp with DFH by HER SELF. :o
My point is she deserves better. :'( I in no way shape or form would ever do or say anything that would anger or hurt the feelings of my life long friend Andy Zarse. ;D Maybe you could auction off the priveledge of throwing the match,at the charity auction. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on April 23, 2008, 04:18:44 pm LITTLE PIECE OF sh*t TRUCK AND THROW IT THE FIRE ! :angel: Mr Pruett, Its Mr Prewett remember I'm Welsh.{and damn proud} lol Then she clatters into life in a terrifying cloud of smoke, I'm sure it smells of brimstone. I love the smell of fire and brimstone in the morning. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Doris on April 23, 2008, 04:43:11 pm ... Its like sending your girlfriend who you truelly love to Lemans to camp with DFH by HER SELF. :o But nowhere near as bad as sending her to LM to camp with The Brethren by herself. ::) ;) Dx Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: LangTall on April 23, 2008, 05:13:23 pm Its like sending your girlfriend who you truelly love to Lemans to camp with DFH by HER SELF. :o Was it that bad camping with us? :-\My point is she deserves better. :'( Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on April 23, 2008, 06:39:46 pm Camping with you guys was FANTASTIC ! ;D
When I wrote she deserves better,I was refering to the van deserves better than the junk yard. As far as the girlfriend goes,come on you guys are a bunch good looking,smooth talking Dutchies. 8) Pieter would start talking dirty in Dutch,and the next things you know the pants are hitting the floor.LOL Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on April 23, 2008, 06:44:04 pm ... Its like sending your girlfriend who you truelly love to Lemans to camp with DFH by HER SELF. :o But nowhere near as bad as sending her to LM to camp with The Brethren by herself. ::) ;) Dx Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 23, 2008, 07:06:44 pm Glad that there's no confusion in the camp about the fickle nature of the Commer when her supreme sovereignty is challenged. Despite their consummate, innate skill with fireworks (including the unofficial ones, thinking of a certain 40-gallon oil drum on Karting Nord a few years back) I think that even the awesome Brethren would be a little circumspect with regard to the Commer.
Fire and brimstone are the least of the Commer's party tricks, which also include simulrtaneous pestilence, war, famine and death, to the extent that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have booked in for retraining. Chuck in some concurrent floods and earthquakes for good measure, and Armageddon would be a desirable family holiday destination, and the Book of Revelations a child's tale, by comparison with pi**ing the Commer off...... MG Mark Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on April 23, 2008, 07:45:10 pm Too damn funny! ;D
You guys are killing me. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 23, 2008, 08:03:45 pm Fire and brimstone are the least of the Commer's party tricks, which also include simulrtaneous pestilence, war, famine and death, to the extent that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have booked in for retraining. Chuck in some concurrent floods and earthquakes for good measure, and Armageddon would be a desirable family holiday destination, and the Book of Revelations a child's tale, by comparison with pi**ing the Commer off...... MG Mark Hell yes. George Dubya's shock and awe is a walk in the park compared to the 'Curse of the Commer'. Randy, isn't Pestilence a little gold rush mining village east of Sacremento? Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: amazing 1 on April 28, 2008, 09:41:18 pm Andy,how did the repairs to the Commer go this weekend?
Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Andy Zarse on April 28, 2008, 10:47:00 pm Andy,how did the repairs to the Commer go this weekend? I'm afraid Randy that sunshine, a game of golf, the demon drink and women all intervened and prevented any Commerly activities this weekend. But I'm hoping to make a start really soon, honestly I am. Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: Steve Pyro on April 29, 2008, 09:32:53 am Andy,how did the repairs to the Commer go this weekend? I'm afraid Randy that sunshine, a game of golf, the demon drink and women all intervened and prevented any Commerly activities this weekend. But I'm hoping to make a start really soon, honestly I am. Lightweight ::) Title: Re: Modern Commer Replacement Post by: mgmark on April 29, 2008, 09:46:44 am Andy,how did the repairs to the Commer go this weekend? I'm afraid Randy that sunshine, a game of golf, the demon drink and women all intervened and prevented any Commerly activities this weekend. But I'm hoping to make a start really soon, honestly I am. Glad to hear it that you will be making a start soon - distraction therapy always works....for a while....but lightweight you should not be - she will not take kindly to being left idle for too long, as the temperatures climb, warming her rust flakes and heightening the internal aromas, and a Routemaster driven by Cliff Richard passes by, with the strains of "we're all going on a summer holiday" wafting on the breeze. And do, do please beware the effects of the demon drink >:D old chap. A bewitching and infectious vice, afflicting a degenerate labour force drowning the realities of a society in the twilight of its transition from mighty industrial production (e.g. the Commer) to service industry and consumer culture. Next step will be the workhouse or, worse still, the asylum if you're not careful my lad, so gird up the loins and make her mighty again ;D. Good luck.... MG Mark |