Title: Offered: 2 adjacent Bleu Nord Camping Pitches Post by: wynkins on April 27, 2017, 04:17:52 pm The ACO in their wisdom split my 6 requested Bleu Nord pitches into 2 blocks, one block of four pitches and another of two pitches. As our party is slightly down on numbers this year, we are all going to squeeze onto the four pitches.
So that leaves two up for grabs. Range D place 10, and Range E place 10. Hopefully I've successfully attached the pitch map the ACO sent me when I queried my allocation. As an ACO member two of my pitches were discounted at €57.80, the other four were €68. The two that I am selling on were the ones that the discount was applied to, so are marked on their face at €57.80. I don't think it is unreasonable for me to keep the benefit of the discount to pass on to my group, so would like €68 for each pitch, and ideally want to sell them together. I have the tickets in hand. Title: Re: Offered: 2 adjacent Bleu Nord Camping Pitches Post by: wynkins on May 02, 2017, 01:22:53 pm Now one pitch left. E10. £60 plus postage.