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1  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Weather. on: September 19, 2020, 04:30:37 am
Strange not to see the weather guesses for the weekend.another part of the weirdness I suppose.flip flops or wellies’?

More likely Bedroom Slippers and dressing gown Smiley this year.
I am not even sure what coverage i will be able to get in Canada.



ACO website says TV coverage on Velocity and Discovery for Canada.

Web streaming will doubtless happen on various media, e.g. YouTube

All the best,


Hi Mark,
            Velocity was the motorsport division of Discovery which has morphed into MotorTrend . All of them are subscription based for web stream. Or included in some Cable / Satellite services. Pay pay and pay again Smiley

I'll be out on Lake Ontario racing sail boats so definitely miss the start.Might be able to find something in the late evening which will be about 1/2 way so be interesting to see who is still running.

It will be better next year when we can once again get together and share a few beers and some laughs.

2  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Weather. on: September 17, 2020, 06:07:37 pm
Strange not to see the weather guesses for the weekend.another part of the weirdness I suppose.flip flops or wellies’?

More likely Bedroom Slippers and dressing gown Smiley this year.
I am not even sure what coverage i will be able to get in Canada.

3  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Behind Closed Doors on: August 10, 2020, 05:59:09 pm
I wonder if there will be a free live stream available to the world? At least my part of the world anyway.

4  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Virtual Le Mans - 13/14 June on: June 14, 2020, 08:51:40 pm
well, I didn't have the social engagement that I started this thread thinking about.. but the virtual 24H race was very enjoyable - not as good as the real thing, but I thought it was highly impressive. The coverage was great, the racing was really good too.

I could imagine this kind of thing could carry on - imagine if you had a physical Le Mans in June and a virtual Le Mans in February or something - could be a good way of sharpening up some of the teams and drivers.

The virtual experience would be better if there was some kind of actual pitstop (rather than cars just sitting still for some period of time), and if the damage done by crashing was visible - so if you pile into a tyre wall, you'd expect bodywork to be flailing about as you limp back to the pits...

Now the Virtual 24h has been done, I fully expect the ACO to announce that the real one will have no spectators... if it happens at all...

         the computer boffins say what you are asking for , while possible, would take massive amounts of computing power. Only 50 cars for the same reason. Although we did not "see" damage the drivers apparently felt it.  The cars did at least go up on the jacks in pit lane.  IMSA has done some too but limited to fewer cars and only about an hour with  no pit stops or damage. I wonder if this was the longest duration simulation ever?
5  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Another little quiz, F1 though on: June 06, 2020, 11:23:59 pm
Polesitters in the 2000s

Good spelling is quite important!

Smokie  WTF would I know about F1. This an Endurance Racing Forum.
It`s like Premature Ejaculation you were there but no one is satisfied with the result.

6  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: The Concours of Elegance Quiz, presented by Car & Classic on: May 22, 2020, 06:21:09 pm
Scraped through on 11.

Just not as lucky on some of the questions as the rest of us  Grin

7  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: The Concours of Elegance Quiz, presented by Car & Classic on: May 22, 2020, 07:30:43 am
13 for me with some guesses  Smiley
8  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Club Arnage charity activity and funds on: April 25, 2020, 01:52:10 pm
Thanks DJet
                  This site brings a lot of pleasure to a lot of people.
9  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: New bridge on: April 07, 2020, 06:41:36 am
It would seem this idea originated with Dr Don Panoz a number of years ago. He even offered to pay for it.

Like Barry I suspect it will be chaos. As there are always a few diots that can not follow the one side going other coming back of the pedestrian walkways I doubt they will be willing to climb the stairs to use the bridge.


Hi Phil, it's been a while, hope all is okay. Going through my photo library yesterday, as we are locked down, and came across some Sebring pictures, sad to see Pidge - but great memories, especially when we had that freak rainstorm/tornado he was a really great guy. You take care.

Hi Martini,
              It has indeed been too long. good to hear you are doing fine. I too am locked down as we try and get though this virus thing.

10  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Flu on: March 27, 2020, 04:57:39 pm
I remember back some years we used to have a Sunday night Club Arnage meeting on chat or something. Before we'd all met in real life, I think.

Hi Smokie,
               I remember those Sunday gatherings. Some form of message board with 5 or 6 of us posting. Soon had about 3 conversations going at once with a time lag for replies to questions.
Fun times. Thanks for the memory.

11  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: New bridge on: January 21, 2020, 04:09:14 am
It would seem this idea originated with Dr Don Panoz a number of years ago. He even offered to pay for it.

Like Barry I suspect it will be chaos. As there are always a few diots that can not follow the one side going other coming back of the pedestrian walkways I doubt they will be willing to climb the stairs to use the bridge.

12  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Spa WED 2020 - Camping locations? on: November 25, 2019, 12:56:51 am
Hi Mark,
            I finally made it to Spa this year.  Just a regular sports car race so not able to tell what restrictions WEC will put on access. Probably not let you in the Paddock. There is certainly some camping right at the circuit. There is a path around most of ,if not all ,the track. Good walking shoes as path is very steep in places but smooth surface. I hope the sun shines for you like it did for us as very picturesque setting.

13  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Bugger, the Frogeye has sprung an oil leak on: October 30, 2019, 12:22:45 am
Hey Gary,
              an interesting little article about Donald Healey.

14  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Celebrating 25 Years of Club Arnage on: September 06, 2019, 07:27:08 am
Yup, definitely worthy of some tasteful apparel.  Polo shirt with suitable logo?

I Like Steve's idea.

15  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Sad News from the Liverpool boys on: November 20, 2018, 06:24:04 pm
So Sad.RIP Mike. He was very kind to me on many occasions in Le Mans.
Will be missed.

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