Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: termietermite on June 13, 2010, 07:40:38 pm

Title: Back home again
Post by: termietermite on June 13, 2010, 07:40:38 pm
Home again, home again.   :( Vintage race - shame it ended the way it did but boy does it whet the appetite for next year.

Wonderful to see the Saleen take such a great bow for the GT1 Swansong.  And glad it was Larbre who finally did it.   

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 14, 2010, 03:08:05 am
Yes who would have thought it.

Just arrived Home slightly earlier than expected.  Ferry arrived in Poole early.  :-)


Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: pedersenkorsager on June 14, 2010, 12:59:21 pm
Arrived back in Denmark at 08.00 this morning. Nice to be back early, leaving a lot of time to plan for next year :D

I did not get to the CA midnight mass this year, bud would be ready for next time.

see you

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: knetter on June 14, 2010, 08:45:05 pm
Back at 17:00, great trip, yet again.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on June 14, 2010, 09:51:04 pm
back in, time for a cool-down beer :)

Neil is here as well, safe and sound

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: F-Troop Mom on June 14, 2010, 10:04:09 pm
back in, time for a cool-down beer :)

Neil is here as well, safe and sound took Neil home with you?!  Don't get in more trouble now, the race is over!

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Jon King on June 14, 2010, 10:12:24 pm
 Back home with skin looking like a lobster and shoulders aching to f**k after walking with my big bag from bleu nord to the tram station.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Kristof on June 14, 2010, 11:30:14 pm
Back home since late afternoon, and counting down ... 51 weeks 'till the next Le Mans ...

Now the hard work begins, selecting pictures and create the gallery's ... help !

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: mgmark on June 14, 2010, 11:39:16 pm
Arrived back safe and soundat 0345 this morning having returned Calais - Dover, and in at work at 0800 for long meeting that couldn't be changed.....early to bed tonight!

MG Mark 

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: nickliv on June 14, 2010, 11:50:34 pm
You're back? It feels like I was never away.

probably because I was never away. Boo

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Snoring Rhino on June 15, 2010, 12:30:47 am
Back home safe and well after being Royaly looked after by  Mr Underwood and a fine days riding with Andy.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: garyfrogeye on June 15, 2010, 01:08:22 am
I'm back home too it was another good one. The Frog performed well but has developed a grumbling universal joint which needs to be sorted before we do it all again next month ;D

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Jules G on June 15, 2010, 09:42:54 am
Great time had by my group, start planning for next year now!

back in, time for a cool-down beer :)

Neil is here as well, safe and sound

Make sure he does not lose his car keys, as I have his spare set with me!

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Bob U on June 15, 2010, 10:10:14 am
Got home about 7 last night thanks to Paul (Robbo) and crew. Many many thanks mate I really do appreciate the help you gave me. Big thanks also to The Brethren and Rick for getting my stuff back for me. Thanks to everyone else who offered me clothes and cash. It never fails to amaze me how the Club Arnage community pulls together when a member is in trouble. The hire van is still, or maybe not, on a field in France thanks to some thieving pikey bastard nicking the keys. All that remains now is to find out how liable I am for the recovery costs of the van (if it is still there) as Eurovans brakedown cover does not include lost or stolen keys.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 15, 2010, 10:34:08 am
Got back late last night and now sat at my desk not really knowing where to start on my work, it all just looks like so many bits of paper...

Glad you made it back Bob, that whole episode was bloody disgraceful. But like you say, CAers always see you through when the chips are down.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Lord Steve on June 15, 2010, 11:29:43 am
Back in one piece and, like Andy, trying to make sense of work and to remember what I was doing before I left last week.
Fantastic trip again this year. "Beyond the call of duty" thanks must go to Bas and all the guys from DMVLM who's hospitality is boundless, to Christopher (kpy) - good to see you again mate and to Ade (ajw) and his mum & dad for good company.

Hello to everyone I met at DfH on Friday night - Delboy and his mates (who burned the rice??), Rick Cutler, Amazing, Matt & Todd, Termie and Paul, Werner, Andy (thanks for the beer and chat buddy), DfH - thanks for the beers guys (who was the totally inebriated woman in the pink wig?), Peter the crazy Danish caravanner, Oliver Gavin for his time and last but not least, to Vavina Ickx for taking pity on me and letting me share her motorhome on Friday night when I was soaked to the skin.

If I've missed anyone out I'm sorry but my brain is still frazzled.

Right - Microsoft Outlook, click calender, select June 2011. Sorted.
Cheers Folks.


Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Nobby Diesel on June 15, 2010, 01:24:41 pm
Got home about 7 last night thanks to Paul (Robbo) and crew. Many many thanks mate I really do appreciate the help you gave me. Big thanks also to The Brethren and Rick for getting my stuff back for me. Thanks to everyone else who offered me clothes and cash. It never fails to amaze me how the Club Arnage community pulls together when a member is in trouble. The hire van is still, or maybe not, on a field in France thanks to some thieving pikey bastard nicking the keys. All that remains now is to find out how liable I am for the recovery costs of the van (if it is still there) as Eurovans brakedown cover does not include lost or stolen keys.

Blimey Bob,

what happened?

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: pretzel on June 15, 2010, 01:53:46 pm
Back home early hours of this morning. Thankfully have another day off so can relax for a few more hours before getting the work head back on again!

Nice to catch up with Tom again and to pass on the good news about Wishy's continued recovery to others. (Spoke to Wishy this morning and he sounds pretty chipper).

There was even good weather at the weekend and a race with plenty of interest right until (almost) the bitter end. Only slightly less than a year 'till the next one.

I'm off now to take a look at the Drayson website.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Rhino on June 15, 2010, 02:15:55 pm
Got home yesterday, taken a good nights sleep to get brain working.
Another great year.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Andy on June 15, 2010, 06:35:02 pm
Another safe trip home albeit tired knackered lack of sleep. (and being riden hard by a snoring rhino for 160 miles) lovely trip back. Nice one Ian good day.
usual copious amounts of alcohol, good company and organisation from Barry, thanks again.
Thanks to all for the memorable memories for this year (you know the ones... the sober moments). Fran thanks , a relaxing brilliant day out at chartre de la loir.
Evenings spent at Camp Liverpool boy, stu and nick thanks(the deep sleep friday).Mr U for a most welcome curry on a cold saturday evening, tasty. Great to see Lord Steve spent time to chat. Good to see our freinds from across the pond and catch up with Randy and a brucy bonus to meet his brother Mike (LM Virginity broken) and as usual great to see me old good friend the Moose, I hope you all had a great year at LM and a safe journey home   
What a nice last evening spent with Nick and Mike, I cant remember the last year it was so quiet......

Great to see Bob was supported so well by the CAer's around us - what a bummer
Thanks to all, Here's a single malt scotch raised to you all. So many of you all you know who you are - CHEERS

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Gordonwr on June 15, 2010, 08:47:35 pm
Just managing to get back to normal is taking time, but what a week !! Fantastic for so many reasons,
1. The quattro made it both ways within only a turbo pipe coming off on the way down just outside Rouen hampering progress for a while, until we fixed it with a few jubilee clips.

2. I managed to fulfill my duties as a course marshall all week despite the cancer that's trying to eat my spine . I've already applied for next years race so it isn't going to find things too easy !!
3.The next two pictures of a dead Peugeot and a driver with a face liked a smacked arse says it all as when this happened Audi were 1-2. It could only get better !!

By null ( at 2010-06-15

Not looking too happy on this one !!
By null ( at 2010-06-15

As Audi were showing their A1 I thought I'd show them what a real A1 Audi looked like !!

By null ( at 2010-06-15

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Lazy B'stard on June 15, 2010, 09:10:31 pm
......and last but not least, to Vanina Ickx for taking pity on me and letting me share her motorhome on Friday night when I was soaked to the skin.


You had better be joking sunshine!! You're a marked man, a marked man I tell you >:(

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on June 15, 2010, 09:11:59 pm
Stinky Bill and I got back at midnight yesterday after a less eventful drive home than outbound.
Cracking week and not without incident ;)
Still in recovery but my amazing nurse is taking care of me, and thats not Nurse Zarse who accompanied me on my visit to the medical centre!!

Now what was the name of the drink that Robspot invented.... and where are the pics of apocaliptic spot?


Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Lord Steve on June 15, 2010, 09:31:35 pm
......and last but not least, to Vanina Ickx for taking pity on me and letting me share her motorhome on Friday night when I was soaked to the skin.

You had better be joking sunshine!! You're a marked man, a marked man I tell you >:

I'm serious mate, I was staggering back from DfH Friday night early hours in t shirt, shorts and flip flops and was bloody soaked. I was round the back of the paddock and I saw her standing talking to some people. She'd signed a poster for me earlier in the day and I thought "bollocks, what the hell" so I called her over to the fence and she asked me if I wanted to dry off. She's very very sweet but I didn't stay, obviously, Just had a coffee and walked back to Houx.
Got a peck on the cheek though........

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 15, 2010, 09:32:16 pm
(who was the totally inebriated woman in the pink wig?),

Could be one of 3 I think - But I suspect you are talking about Rowena (or Weena as she's known on here)....her wig was purple, and I'm not overly sure I saw her come out of her inebriated state at all over the weekend :)

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: chop456 on June 15, 2010, 09:33:21 pm
I'll make this brief as I couldn't possibly thank everyone for the amazing hospitality shown to myself and the rest of our group.  JPC - the best.  Robbo and gang - ditto.  Thanks for putting up with us.  Cheers to everyone I met for the first time and to those I already know.  A great experience - again.

Sorry to hear of your misfortune, Bob.  Hope everything turns out as well as it can.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Lord Steve on June 15, 2010, 09:41:04 pm
(who was the totally inebriated woman in the pink wig?),

Could be one of 3 I think - But I suspect you are talking about Rowena (or Weena as she's known on here)....her wig was purple, and I'm not overly sure I saw her come out of her inebriated state at all over the weekend :)
Thanks Brad for the explanation - I thought as much. Deplorable behaviour. Disgusted of Lincolnshire!
BTW Rowena - Way to go girl!!!!

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: NorwayNick on June 15, 2010, 09:48:57 pm
Evenings spent at Camp Liverpool boy, stu and nick thanks(the deep sleep friday).
What a nice last evening spent with Nick and Mike, I cant remember the last year it was so quiet......

Always a pleasure Andy it was a great way to finish a top Weekend

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Hardpoint on June 15, 2010, 09:57:47 pm
I'll make this brief as I couldn't possibly thank everyone for the amazing hospitality shown to myself and the rest of our group.  JPC - the best.  Robbo and gang - ditto.  Thanks for putting up with us.  Cheers to everyone I met for the first time and to those I already know.  A great experience - again.

Sorry to hear of your misfortune, Bob.  Hope everything turns out as well as it can.

I'll echo Rob's feelings as well. JPC and crew - can't thank you guys enough for the hospitality. You are the best.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Lord Steve on June 15, 2010, 11:13:06 pm
Listen guys, I didn't forget, Canada Phil, Mark (JPC), and Fran - sorry I missed you.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Ade on June 16, 2010, 10:03:11 am
Arrived home yesterday afternoon.

I would like to thank (in no particular order) Lord Steve, MikeC, Norway Nick, Stu, Team YFDS, Team JPC & DfH for making this a brilliant weekend as usual. I would like to apologize to those who got my camera & flashgun shoved in their faces on Friday night (pics are here (

I'm serious mate, I was staggering back from DfH Friday night early hours in t shirt, shorts and flip flops and was bloody soaked. I was round the back of the paddock and I saw her standing talking to some people. She'd signed a poster for me earlier in the day and I thought "bollocks, what the hell" so I called her over to the fence and she asked me if I wanted to dry off. She's very very sweet but I didn't stay, obviously, Just had a coffee and walked back to Houx.
Got a peck on the cheek though........

A signed poster & a peck on the cheek, all I got was the poster ::). Anyway glad to see you were a true gentleman.


Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Evil Genius Zarse on June 16, 2010, 10:35:39 am
Stinky Bill and I got back at midnight yesterday after a less eventful drive home than outbound.
Cracking week and not without incident ;)
Still in recovery but my amazing nurse is taking care of me, and thats not Nurse Zarse who accompanied me on my visit to the medical centre!!

Now what was the name of the drink that Robspot invented.... and where are the pics of apocaliptic spot?



I put pics of apocaliptic spot on FB last night. Feel free to copy and dump in here.

Hows the leg?

Evil Genius Zarse!

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: landman on June 16, 2010, 11:20:49 am
Got home Monday lunchtime.  Caught the ferry back from Cherbourg to Poole.  Can't remember which of The Brethren were on the same boat - big Merc Sprinter van with plenty of chrome on it.  Hi again guys.

Bob U - Hope you got sorted, sorry if we woke you up when we left on Monday morning.  Thanks also for the booze & constant offers of food. 

Same for Snoring Rhino & Tom, hope we didn't wake you. 

Tom, hope your clutch is ok after your major doughnut session!

Andy & Barry for being good neighbours & your endless knowledge & advice.

Fran - Good to meet & thanks for your help in fixing the zip on the tent!

Good to meet new faces - Randy & his brother, AJW whilst buying beers at the back of Tribune 21.

To everyone else thanks for making 2010 a very memorable year.

Thanks also to my travelling companions LuxExpat & Zozzer, plus Robin who is not yet reg'd on CA.

So planning for 2011 has started.  We're looking at a mobile home for next year, €115/day from Luxembourg.  Tempting!

Final words: -

Anthony Davidson - That was a sh*t move you made on the 'vette.  You need to be a man & apologise.  You drove like a dick & were lucky that you didn't kill yourself or anyone else.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: LuxExpat on June 16, 2010, 12:12:55 pm
I arrived back home in Lux on Monday lunchtime having camped on joint pitches with Landman

Really hope Bob got sorted

And as Landman said, already looking at large campervan for next year's jaunt  8)

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Bentley boy on June 16, 2010, 01:16:48 pm
Got home yesterday via a day in Paris which finished the weekend off nicely.   

Big thanks to Bob & the crew (sorry in the post le Mans haze I can't remember names  ::)  :-[ )
Bob hope the van gets sorted without too much hassle.

Anji another Le Mans virgin really enjoyed the weekend & the great people we met. now she knows why I talk about it sooo much. 

Here's to 2011 

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: JB on June 16, 2010, 01:48:46 pm
I'll make this brief as I couldn't possibly thank everyone for the amazing hospitality shown to myself and the rest of our group.  JPC - the best.  Robbo and gang - ditto.  Thanks for putting up with us.  Cheers to everyone I met for the first time and to those I already know.  A great experience - again.

Sorry to hear of your misfortune, Bob.  Hope everything turns out as well as it can.

Rob, an absolute pleasure mate. Great to meet you guys from the States. All in all a great Le Mans yet again. Maybe catch up at Sebring at some point in the future!!

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Bas on June 16, 2010, 04:15:40 pm
Arrived back in Holland Monday evening, another great edition of the 24h.

Great camping on Houx, good company of Lord Steve, Kpy and Danish Peter and fun throughout the week.
I was planning to go visit camp Carnage on Friday but the torrential rain changed my plans, the sight of Steve (or what was left of him) arriving on our camp proved that decision right.  ;D

can't wait to get back for the Classic.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Nordic on June 16, 2010, 06:33:05 pm
Another enjoyable weekend, good company, good food, and good wine, even wandered over to the Clubarnarge encampment with my brother to see the vehicle formerly known as the pope mobile. Very good job guys.

Saw Bob U and Hardpoint but didnt hang around too long before the longer than expected walk back to the Annexe and meet up with the rest of the group who had ventured to town.

Sorry to hear that the pickys claimed another victim, but it sounds like by pulling together the agro was reduced slighty.

Felt sorry for the Pugs, but not Davidson, what a knob. real shame the Oreca one did not hang together, it would have been a real grandstand finish. Well done to Audi, and Straka who did a fantastic job plus all the other teams who made the weekend so memorable.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Jules G on June 17, 2010, 10:58:17 am

2. I managed to fulfill my duties as a course marshall all week despite the cancer that's trying to eat my spine . I've already applied for next years race so it isn't going to find things too easy !!

Gordon, sorry to hear the news, stay strong and hope the treatment works out ok for you.  It was great to see you and have a chat through the car window at the toll both on Sunday evening, the Quattro is a real head turner. I did pop down on Friday afternoon to your marshals post but you had just popped off to the pit lane.


Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Fran on June 18, 2010, 11:41:16 am
Well I finally got home again after a few scenic detours!!

It was lovely to see loads of CA/DFH'ers this year but reading through this thread I realise there are still lots that I missed again!  Where on earth do the days go - time seems to just fly by

Special mentions to Barry/Andy for feeding me on Wednesday, Andy for a nice day out and getting to tick the box for my "something new every year" - (not least part of which was the mystery cake!), BobU for curry night, Peejay and his gang for the grandstand ticket, JPC for sundry random drunken hugs in various locations....

Lord Steve - one of these days we shall get to share a cold beer - well not share exactly, one each would be better!

What can I say about the Saleen.... after years of devotion I get to see the old gal win a race - and its the big one! I couldnt have been happier!! :)


Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Mike on June 19, 2010, 06:16:29 pm
Back home late Monday with no real problems.

Huge thanks to DFH for their usual hospitality Friday night and great to meet some fantastic guys and girls  -although can't remember any names due to several hours / days of beer and vin rouge!

Chased off a couple of frenchies from MB on Saturday night - they had 'lost' their tent and thought that it might be hidden in one of ours! Must take more zip ties for the tent zips next year!!

Sounds like everyone got out and back safely so looking forward to next year!

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Canada Phil on June 22, 2010, 04:53:04 am
The Moose has finally found his way home. Another great year. Thanks to all who made it possible and fun for me to attend.
Hope not to leave anyone out. Chris 24 for delivering me from Portsmouth and returning to Reading. Stu MikeC & Norway Nick plus Wayne for campsite comaraderie and food fest. The Bretheren for their continuous party and Werner for being first to hand me a cold beer in a glass ;D DFH for their continuous party.Chris Phil and Dave for a great day out on Friday to St Saturnin and the  drivers parade.
Tom for flagpole delivery and return.
Devon was sunny and Dad is doing as well as can be expected.
Canada Phil   

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: NorwayNick on June 22, 2010, 06:41:00 am
Good to see you are back home safe Phil, it was a pleasure to enjoy your company for the weekend from the Pub in Portsmouth to the end of the weekend, you are welcome to join us anytime. I will have to send you Learning Geordie on tape so you can understand the words coming out of Stu and Wayne when they have had a few ;D
P.S Glad you Dad is doing ok.

Hope i can make Sebring next year

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 22, 2010, 08:58:42 am
The Moose has finally found his way home. Another great year.

I guess your the last to make it to you own bed so to speak.  I know you don't believe anything I say.   But I don't think they will believe that you went to all that trouble just to get a cold beer.  :-)  (and see your Dad.)

See you next year.


Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Stu on June 22, 2010, 09:33:54 am
The Moose has finally found his way home. Another great year. Thanks to all who made it possible and fun for me to attend.
Hope not to leave anyone out. Chris 24 for delivering me from Portsmouth and returning to Reading. Stu MikeC & Norway Nick plus Wayne for campsite comaraderie and food fest. The Bretheren for their continuous party and Werner for being first to hand me a cold beer in a glass ;D DFH for their continuous party.Chris Phil and Dave for a great day out on Friday to St Saturnin and the  drivers parade.
Tom for flagpole delivery and return.
Devon was sunny and Dad is doing as well as can be expected.
Canada Phil   

Glad you got home safely Phil and your Dad's well. It was a pleasure to have our own personal 'Human Kangaroo TV' on site for race position updates, plus if you think I'm hard to understand, wait till the Haggis Munchers turn up next year.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on June 22, 2010, 10:35:18 am
The Moose has finally found his way home. Another great year. Thanks to all who made it possible and fun for me to attend.
Hope not to leave anyone out. Chris 24 for delivering me from Portsmouth and returning to Reading. Stu MikeC & Norway Nick plus Wayne for campsite comaraderie and food fest. The Bretheren for their continuous party and Werner for being first to hand me a cold beer in a glass ;D DFH for their continuous party.Chris Phil and Dave for a great day out on Friday to St Saturnin and the  drivers parade.
Tom for flagpole delivery and return.
Devon was sunny and Dad is doing as well as can be expected.
Canada Phil   

plus if you think I'm hard to understand, wait till the Haggis Munchers turn up next year.

Excuse me Stu, I resemble that remark  ;D

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on June 22, 2010, 10:58:20 am
It doesn't seem like a week since we arrived back from a great LM. I would like to say thanks firstly to Nick for the use of has caravan and putting up with my snoring (Stu was louder and he was outside). To Stu thanks for being camp cook. It was a great weekend and the company of Phil a Wayne(Stu's Bitch) was great. Just wait till next year when hopfully the Liverpool Boys are back in strength,with the Scottish branch.
Thanks to Andy on the last night for a nice drop of Cognac, it went well with the cheese.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: NorwayNick on June 22, 2010, 11:24:36 am
hmmmm Haggis munchers, that gives me an idea, we have had a Norwegian themed dinner night, maybe next year it the Scots turn to cook ;)

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Stu on June 22, 2010, 11:48:29 am
hmmmm Haggis munchers, that gives me an idea, we have had a Norwegian themed dinner night, maybe next year it the Scots turn to cook ;)

Could be in for a treat then. (

and another (

and another (

and finally (

No wonder Gordon Ramsey moved down south.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Cissie on June 22, 2010, 12:09:12 pm
Well we had a great time again and I think our four virgins did too. It was great to meet up with old friends and to make some new ones, can't wait for next year!
Can someone explain something to me... why is there never anything in the English press about Le Mans?

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Stu on June 22, 2010, 12:13:44 pm
Well we had a great time again and I think our four virgins did too. It was great to meet up with old friends and to make some new ones, can't wait for next year!
Can someone explain something to me... why is there never anything in the English press about Le Mans?

The dismal England football performance against the USA would have probably overshadowed this years event.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on June 22, 2010, 12:14:17 pm
hmmmm Haggis munchers, that gives me an idea, we have had a Norwegian themed dinner night, maybe next year it the Scots turn to cook ;)

If my holidays allow and I make it next year I will supply Haggis,neeps and tatties no problem and maybe some Plum Duff (which does not contain even a hint of plums)for afters  ;)

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: JB on June 22, 2010, 01:29:21 pm
Well we had a great time again and I think our four virgins did too. It was great to meet up with old friends and to make some new ones, can't wait for next year!
Can someone explain something to me... why is there never anything in the English press about Le Mans?

There was an article in the Saturday Daily Telegraph Motoring section (26/06) - admittedly it wasn't a lot but at least it was something!! You would think it would deserve a great deal more attention.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: chop456 on June 22, 2010, 01:46:00 pm
Why is it that I can't ever concentrate on anything Stu posts?

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Stu on June 22, 2010, 01:52:57 pm
Why is it that I can't ever concentrate on anything Stu posts?

JPC's are better.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Lord Steve on June 22, 2010, 02:49:39 pm
Well we had a great time again and I think our four virgins did too. It was great to meet up with old friends and to make some new ones, can't wait for next year!
Can someone explain something to me... why is there never anything in the English press about Le Mans?

I often wonder about this and feel like writing to the sports editors to tell them to get their fingers out but then I think to myself why? It's OUR event and a lot of what makes Le Mans great is the interaction and camerarderie between like minded sportscar fans from all over the world. Frankly, and I know this is a bit selfish, but I'd rather it stayed like it is with new people joining in because they've heard about it from US, not the massed ranks of the press. It's getting corporate enough as it is and I'm sure none of us want it turning into the mess that has become F1.
Lets all keep quiet eh?

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Kev_mk3 on June 22, 2010, 04:14:57 pm
Just managing to get back to normal is taking time, but what a week !! Fantastic for so many reasons,
1. The quattro made it both ways within only a turbo pipe coming off on the way down just outside Rouen hampering progress for a while, until we fixed it with a few jubilee clips.

2. I managed to fulfill my duties as a course marshall all week despite the cancer that's trying to eat my spine . I've already applied for next years race so it isn't going to find things too easy !!
3.The next two pictures of a dead Peugeot and a driver with a face liked a smacked arse says it all as when this happened Audi were 1-2. It could only get better !!

By null ( at 2010-06-15

Not looking too happy on this one !!
By null ( at 2010-06-15

As Audi were showing their A1 I thought I'd show them what a real A1 Audi looked like !!

By null ( at 2010-06-15

hope all is better soon Gordon! Shame to see the little Frenches dipping there fingers where they are not wanted

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Gordonwr on June 22, 2010, 11:36:22 pm
Cheers Kev,  you missed a good one mate, are you doing Cholmondely? I'll be there on the quattro stand on Sat and Sun so would be good to meet up!
Or we could get a night out organised, you're good at that sort of thing !!

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Chris24 on June 23, 2010, 12:37:04 am
Good pictures there Gordon, I like them. I did try calling your number on the Thursday but wasn't too sure on the last digit, so i tried both options i had, one wasn't recognised and the other went through to some French answer message, so i decided it was pointless walking down to Terte Rouge if i was unable to contact you.

Thanks for the offer anyway.


Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Kev_mk3 on June 23, 2010, 01:50:18 am
Cheers Kev,  you missed a good one mate, are you doing Cholmondely? I'll be there on the quattro stand on Sat and Sun so would be good to meet up!
Or we could get a night out organised, you're good at that sort of thing !!
well get a night sorted as dont know if ill be able to do Cholmondely i do want to try as ive never been!

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Jules G on June 23, 2010, 10:46:43 am
Cheers Kev,  you missed a good one mate, are you doing Cholmondely? I'll be there on the quattro stand on Sat and Sun so would be good to meet up!
Or we could get a night out organised, you're good at that sort of thing !!
well get a night sorted as dont know if ill be able to do Cholmondely i do want to try as ive never been!

OK, will start a new thread for a night out, I will check with No Panic this evening as well, back to the Cheshie Cat ???

Gordon, will see you at Cholmondely all been well, not sure on which day thou. All subject to cricket matches etc.

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: Kev_mk3 on June 23, 2010, 01:10:47 pm
think the CC is going to be the place again - lets hope its better this time

Title: Re: Back home again
Post by: jpchenet on June 23, 2010, 01:55:15 pm
Why is it that I can't ever concentrate on anything Stu posts?

JPC's are better.

I hope you mean my avatar and not mine personally!!!  ;D