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1  Club Arnage / 2017-18-19 / Re: For sale entry ticket and my tetre rouge camping ticket on: June 03, 2017, 10:36:50 am
2  Club Arnage / 2017-18-19 / Re: Wanted: Tertre Rouge Camping on: May 11, 2017, 05:14:42 pm
Not any more!
Thanks for letting me know about the ebay listing, I looked the other day but couldn't find any.
They were a bit toppy but the chap was only covering his costs from a ticket agent, anyway his tickets are now mine!!!!!!
3  Club Arnage / 2017-18-19 / Re: Wanted: Tertre Rouge Camping on: May 10, 2017, 06:58:41 pm
We have friends on TR, if it gets to the week before I may start to be less choosy...
4  Club Arnage / 2017-18-19 / Re: Wanted: Tertre Rouge Camping on: May 10, 2017, 02:46:49 pm
Strange isn't it?
It's good in a way because it's horrible to drop out at the last minute or have someone drop out and be stuck with tickets you can't use, thats the risk I take leaving things until the last minute.
Still I remain hopeful something will turn up, alternatively I have a place to stay not far away and could always just go for the race, or the local Porsche garage is doing a through the night screening, not quite the same atmosphere though.....
5  Club Arnage / 2017-18-19 / Re: Wanted: Tertre Rouge Camping on: May 10, 2017, 10:59:13 am
Just an update, I'm still very much in the market for a TR camping pass.
I've been attending since 2003, I'm a very motivated buyer guaranteeing a straightforward purchase, quick payment and naked pictures of my mother-in-law thrown in for the right price.
6  Club Arnage / 2017-18-19 / Re: Wanted: Tertre Rouge Camping on: April 12, 2017, 02:47:45 pm
Now now! Be nice or you'll scare him away.....
Daveb are the tickets still for sale?
7  Club Arnage / 2017-18-19 / Re: Wanted: Tertre Rouge Camping on: April 09, 2017, 08:00:41 pm
Ive sent you an email.
8  Club Arnage / 2017-18-19 / Re: Wanted: Tertre Rouge Camping on: April 07, 2017, 01:32:41 pm
I'd be very happy to take the ticket off your hands.
I'd also be even happier to pay face value or cover your purchase costs plus postage.
9  Club Arnage / 2017-18-19 / Nothing to see here.... on: March 17, 2017, 04:19:51 am
Tickets acquired, see you there folks!
10  Club Arnage / It Happened To Me / Billy-no-Mates on: May 23, 2016, 07:20:57 pm
Since our first visit in 2003, our little tribe's numbers have dwindled, kids came along, priorities changed and interest waned so last year there were only a handful of us due to make the trip down.

I managed to wangle a coveted Tertre Rouge ticket at the last minute, then everyone dropped out at the 11th hour, however I had an ace up my sleeve, I flogged the camping pass and bought a parking ticket and persuaded my buddy who lives about an hour North of the circuit that this was the year I was going to drag him to the race.

My plan was thus:
1. Splat down on my own on Friday evening, sharing the roads with a myriad of stickered up exotica
2. Arrive at my pal's house and drink all his wine
c. Drag him and his lad ( 8 ) down the next day to watch the start, take them round some of the better viewing points, then retire back to his country pile, watch the race on his superfast broadband and drink all his Calvados
4. Get up in the morning and splat down to watch the finish.
5. Profit

What actually happened was:
1. Drove down on Friday evening and didn't see another British car after Calais, everyone who was going was already there. The autoroute was dull as ditch water and the only interesting bit was getting lost & discovering some great driving roads on the way to the bridge at Yvetot.

2. Shortly before my arrival, the road outside my friend's house had been dressed in loose gravel chippings, at around the same time, one of the locals had a very liquid lunch, jumped in their Clio & drove home.
2. Arrived at my destination to find a clio on it's roof outside having just demolished a long line of telegraph poles, wires spread across the loose gravel, and all the broadband had leaked out and gone down the drain.
2. Spent a pleasant evening drinking wine, unfettered by modern communication.

2. Drove to the circuit next morning and spent three hours queuing outside the circuit.
2. Got in just in time for the start.

This made me happy

2. Watched a bit of racing, then after a few hours the lad was getting tired & a bit bored so we headed back to the land of beef ribs and more wine and no internet

3. Next morning I decided to cut my losses and headed home rather than sitting in another traffic jam, stopping every so often to watch a bit of the race whenever I found some free wifi

4. Arrived home having driven there and back to watch about an hour of racing, mostly on my own.
I don't know if that's a heroic effort or just plain sad?

11  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Tertre Rouge in 2015, ACO, what are the chances? on: November 09, 2014, 10:50:29 pm
Merci beaucoup!
Message received!
12  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Tertre Rouge in 2015, ACO, what are the chances? on: November 09, 2014, 04:51:41 pm
Hi gents,
It's looking like I may actually get to go next year and I notice the ACO has gone all 'modern' with online booking.

Do you actually get what you're after or is it just like the old days?

I'd like to join the rest of the gang in Tertre Rouge but I don't want to waste the ACO joining fee just to be allocated tickets I don't want and therefore have to sell.

Also, ACO membership, is it worth it?
13  Club Arnage / 2011 / For Sale: TERTRE ROUGE Camping + 2 GE Tickets. on: June 06, 2011, 09:51:34 am
A Vendre......

One camping ticket for Tertre Rouge + two General Entry tickets.

Bought through a reputable UK ticket agent, they're yours for: £100

Obviously a quick transaction is preferable, I'm in Colchester if you want to pick them up.
Or I can send them overnight by Royal mail and you can pay via Paypal.
First person to email me at: will secure the tickets.

14  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Found: One camera bag, does anyone recognise these chaps? on: June 15, 2010, 03:55:12 pm
I tripped over a camera bag late Saturday night near the Porsche Curves, if you are one of these chaps can you direct the owner's attention to this thread?

Pop me an email describing the contents of the bag and I'll re-unite you with it.
15  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Drinking for Holland - cheers Jos on: June 19, 2008, 05:27:38 pm
And another one:
Saw the same chap get his nips signed by Amanda Stretton, yet if it was the other way around there'd be a public outcry, funny old world innit?
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